Read Passion Unleashed Page 35

  Soulshredder—Both feared and respected throughout Sheoul, Soulshredders are vicious even by demon standards. They feed off pain, misery, and terror. They rarely kill outright, instead spending years, even decades, haunting and torturing their victims. They resemble skinned gargoyles, with membrane-thin wings, serrated talons on red, scaly paws, and barbed penises. Ufelskala Score: 5

  Spiny Hellrat—Similar in size to muskrats, these scaven-gers populate Sheoul by the millions. Supposedly tasty, they are considered by many demons to be food only “poor demon trash” would eat. Their spines, about as long and thick as a hedgehog’s, are venomous, as is their bite. Ufelskala Score: 1

  Trillah—A sleek, catlike species. Tall, toned, and graceful, they have bronze skin in the summer and a velvety coat of golden fur in the winter. One of the few non-ter’taceo species visible at all times to humans, they were forced into Sheoul when the human population grew too large for Trillahs to remain out in the open. Though Trillahs are not evil, they resent mankind for their banishment to Sheoul. Ufelskala Score: 1

  Umber—Humanoid bodies with gray skin, charcoal hair, and gunmetal eyes. Very gentle, cave-dwelling species. They are good judges of character, having a natural ability to sense evil and good inside someone, and depending on their level of skill, Umbers can lessen or even remove the darkness/guilt that weighs an individual down. Ufelskala Score: 1

  Vampire—It is believe that vampires were created from fallen angels. Any vampire may turn a human into a vampire, but after a population explosion in the Dark Ages, followed by a vampire civil war, the Vampire Council was formed, and rules were created to regulate not only turnings, but behavior in general. Many of the popular vampire legends are true, but vampires do not believe that their souls are doomed. They live with the belief that if they willingly walk into the morning sun, their souls will be carried to Heaven for judgment before God. However, any vampire killed in any other manner is doomed to suffer eternal torment in Sheoul-gra. Ufelskala Score: Varies

  Viper Ghoul—Ill-tempered, nasty, man-sized reptile that resembles a cobra that has been dead for a month. Viper ghouls are easily controlled by sorcery and are often summoned by humans who play with black magic without fully grasping its power. The results can be deadly. Ufelskala Score: 2

  Were-Beasts—Weres are humans who shift only during the three nights of the full moon. They turn into large, two-legged, furry beasts with both human and animal features. Only a few species of were-creatures exist. Werewolves (who call themselves wargs) werebears, and wereleopards, though werewolves are the most common. There are two classes of were-beasts: those who are born weres, and those who are turned after being bitten. Born weres, especially wolves, tend to live in packs, while turned wolves usually lead solitary existences. There are rumors of a rare breed of werewolves called dark weres, who change during the new moon instead of the full moon. Ufelskala Score: Varies

  The Hospital

  Underworld General Hospital (yes, that would be UGH) is a medical center that sits beneath the streets of New York City. Built by demons, it is part of the human realm. The decision to erect it under human noses instead of in Sheoul was one Eidolon, Shade, and Wraith argued about for months. Ultimately, the decision to build outside Sheoul came about because many of the spells needed to protect the hospital function only in the human realm, and because Eidolon knew he’d need to employ humans, and humans couldn’t use Harrowgates to travel to the hospital if it were located in Sheoul.

  Underworld General uses the same modern equipment, supplies, and techniques known to human medicine. Eidolon stays as current as he can, and he actively recruits ter’taceo to attend human medical schools to ensure he always has enough staff. Educated, trained staff members are responsible for training those who can’t pass as humans in medical schools. Because most demons can’t attend medical school—and because some demons are natural or mystical healers—he doesn’t require his staff to have medical degrees to work at UG, but he does require that they be adequately trained and skilled.

  Demon medicine provides a challenge unlike any other. Every demon species’ physiology is unique, and every doctor’s talents and skills are just as unique. For the most part, Eidolon and his staff are learning as they go.

  To aid in the learning process, every new species or breed that is admitted into the hospital is given a thorough examination, X-rays, blood and genetic tests… basically, Eidolon insists that every demon be catalogued and studied. All demons are also asked to donate blood for the bank.

  Running an operation such as Underworld General is expensive, as one would guess. Though Eidolon was able to raise funds for the initial costs through his family connections, coming up with additional funding required creativity… and Wraith.

  Wraith’s suggestion to “squeeze the patients” was immediately met with resistance, but Shade had quickly come around. Though most demons can’t pay with money, they can pay with favors specific to their breed or their occupation. The barter system works, but it brings in only a small percentage of the income needed to run the hospital.

  A large percentage of funding comes from a by-product of Wraith’s job, which is to gather ancient artifacts and magical items for hospital use. Extras and anything that can’t be used to cure patients is sold on the legitimate and black markets.

  Wraith’s other suggestion, to “squeeze wealthy fucks,” was one Eidolon agreed to right away. The human world is crawling with ter’taceo who use their underworld connections to gain wealth and power, and after a little of Eidolon’s convincing and Wraith’s “squeezing,” they’ve been more than happy to donate to a worthy cause like Underworld General.

  The Key Players in the Demonica World

  Eidolon (EYE-duh-lawn)—Head of Underworld General Hospital, a medical center he built with brothers Shade and Wraith. Born to the Judicia, demons who serve as judge, jury, and executioner for all demon races. He was bestowed with judicial powers and served with the Judicia as a Justice Dealer for decades, until he made a choice that changed his life forever: he attended human medical school and became a doctor in order to make the most of his healing gift.

  Hair: Short, dark brown/black

  Eyes: Dark brown

  Height: 6' 4"

  Profession: Physician

  Species: Incubus

  Breed: Seminus demon

  Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder

  Personal Seminus symbol: Set of scales on throat

  Gemella Endri—Raised by Sensor demon parents, Gemella was expected to follow in their footsteps and destroy infants born to human-demon unions. Instead, she followed her own path and became a doctor, working in a human hospital in order to root out medical issues with supernatural/demon origins.

  Hair: Length and color changes frequently. Usually shoulder-length and black with streaks of blue, red, or pink.

  Eyes: Green

  Profession: Physician

  Species: Half human, half Soulshredder

  Identifying marks: Pierced tongue, eyebrow, ears, navel. Long-stemmed rose tattoo running the length of her left leg. Dragon tattoo on her abdomen. Tattooed Celtic bands around ankles, wrists, and neck.

  Kynan Morgan—Former Aegis leader of the New York City cell. Joined The Aegis after being injured by a demon while on a mission as a United States Army medic in Afghanistan.

  Hair: Short, spiky, dark brown

  Eyes: Navy blue

  Height: 6' 2"

  Profession: Aegis Guardian

  Species: Human

  Identifying features: Gravelly voice from vocal-cord damage. Scarred throat.

  Lore—Born in 1880 to a human mother who believed he was the son of Satan and raised by his maternal grandparents, Lore never seemed to fit in. Fitting in became more of a problem when, at the age of twenty, he went through a strange transformation. By the time it was over, he’d gained a tattoo on his right arm and had killed several people with nothing more than a touch.
Unable to control his cursed ability to kill, he hid away in the mountains of North Carolina, where he existed as a hermit until the day he was forced into the life of an enslaved assassin.

  Hair: Short, black

  Eyes: Dark brown

  Height: 6' 6"

  Species: Half human, half Seminus demon

  Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder

  Personal Seminus symbol: None

  Luc (Lewk)—Born in 1896, American-born son of French immigrants, he joined the army when his father left his mother and fled to France with a mistress. Luc requested assignment in Europe and was granted the assignment to fight in France during World War I. Before he could locate his father, he was bitten by a werewolf. He has spent the time since trying to hold onto his humanity.

  Hair: Shaggy, black

  Eyes: Hazel

  Height: 6' 6"

  Profession: Paramedic

  Species: Werewolf

  Reaver—A fallen angel who has never entered Sheoul to complete the fall, Reaver is stuck between two worlds, caught between a rock and a hard place. Without the power of Heaven or Sheoul to draw on, he’s weakened, physically and mentally, and he’s in a constant battle with his baser desires.

  Hair: Long, to the middle of his back, pale blond

  Eyes: Blue

  Height: 6' 6"

  Profession: Physician

  Species: Fallen angel

  Roag (Rogue)—Roag, the oldest surviving brother of Eidolon, Shade, and Wraith, grew up in true hell—in the Neethul slave pits. Born to a Neethul mother who kept him with the intention of selling him later as a slave, he learned early to fight dirty. He made his first kill at the age of four, when he slit the throat of a sleeping slave in order to steal his food. Roag’s mother, proud of the son she’d intended to sell off, decided to keep him close, and it wasn’t long before he was running his own slave pit. After his first maturation cycle at the age of twenty, he escaped Sheoul to live in the human world, where fragile humans were easier to trick, brutalize, and kill. He never expected to like any other being, but against all odds, he developed a fondness for Eidolon, who was the only person who has ever been able to influence Roag at all.

  Hair: Shaved, dark brown/black

  Eyes: Dark brown

  Height: 6' 3"

  Species: Incubus

  Breed: Seminus demon

  Identifying features: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder. Irish accent.

  Personal Seminus symbol: Snake swallowing its tail

  Runa Wagner (RUE-nuh)—Grew up with her older brother, Arik, in a volatile household with an abusive, alcoholic father. When Runa was a teenager, her father left and her mother committed suicide, leaving Arik to raise Runa. She dated Shade during a hard time in her life. His betrayal led to even harder times.

  Hair: Shoulder-length, caramel brown

  Eyes: Pale champagne

  Species: Werewolf

  Serena Kelley—Serena loves life, adventure, and danger. She possesses an uncanny ability to locate anything she’s looking for, and someday she’d really like to take a stab at finding the Holy Grail.

  Hair: Long, blond

  Eyes: Brown

  Profession: Treasure hunter

  Species: Human

  Identifying feature: Necklace she never removes

  Shade—Born to an Umber demon mother, and raised in a cave in Central America. Thanks to a curse placed on him at the age of twenty, he avoided attachments, especially with females, for years. Has a fondness for leather, Harleys, and, until he met Runa, one-night stands.

  Hair: Shoulder-length, dark brown/black

  Eyes: Dark brown/black

  Height: 6' 3½"

  Profession: Paramedic

  Species: Incubus

  Breed: Seminus demon

  Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder. Pierced left ear.

  Personal Seminus symbol: Unseeing eye on throat

  Tayla Mancuso—Tayla spent her entire childhood and most of her teenage years in foster care thanks to a drug-addicted mother who was unable to care for Tayla. Eventually, Tayla’s mother gained custody of her, but the happy reunion was cut short when Tayla witnessed her mother’s torture and death at the hands of a demon. After that, Tayla dedicated every waking moment to killing demons, and until she met Eidolon, she believed that the only good demon is a demon with a stang buried in its brain.

  Hair: Red

  Eyes: Green

  Profession: Aegis Guardian

  Species: Half human, half Soulshredder

  Wraith—As a demon born to a vampire, Wraith is an anomaly. A childhood of torture at the hands of vampires gave him an intense hatred of the entire race, and he spent his entire adult life killing them for sport. His horrific younger years left him with a strange quirk: he won’t feed from or have sex with human women. All other females, however, are fair game—a game he plays several times a day. Unlike most Seminus demons, Wraith was born with the red-eyed glare other Sems gain around the time of s’genesis.

  Hair: Kept between chin- and shoulder-length, bleached blond

  Eyes: Blue

  Height: 6' 5"

  Profession: In charge of acquisitions for UG

  Species: Incubus

  Breed:: Seminus demon

  Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder

  Personal Seminus symbol: Hourglass on throat

  The Reckoning

  Reckoning (noun)—An unpleasant or disastrous destiny

  Chicago. 1928.

  They were coming.

  Wraith lurched across the floor of the abandoned brewery, one leg dragging. He’d yanked the dagger out of his thigh, but the damage had been done, because his leg wouldn’t work right. Hell, it wouldn’t work at all.

  Dusty equipment and trash littered the huge warehouse, slowing him down even more. He ducked behind a giant vat, but if he believed he was hiding, he was fooling himself. Even if he wasn’t leaving a blood trail a blind man could follow, the bastards on his tail were vamps. They’d track him by scent.

  Pain radiated up from his leg, competing with the burning in his lungs for attention. Wincing, he put pressure on the puncture wound, which did nothing to stanch the blood.

  He was in trouble.

  Two years of running had gotten him nowhere. His mother’s clan had finally caught up with him. They’d chased him from California to Texas, and from there to Canada. Then Alaska. Now he was in Chicago, thinking he should have forced someone to teach him about the Harrowgates instead of traveling on foot, following the odd, ever-present feeling deep in his chest that told him he had family out there.

  Then again, he hadn’t been overly enthused about finding those mysterious relatives. Not when the only family he’d ever known had tortured and abused him, and who were even now entering the building to finish what they’d started the day he was born.

  In the moon’s silver light streaming through the broken windows, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in one of the vat’s metal panels. His dark hair hung in ropes around his shoulders and his face was caked with dirt and blood. Only his eyes looked the way they’d always been—the color of mud and just as murky. A vagrant had once told Wraith his eyes were dead.

  Wraith had eaten the guy for that, but the homeless man had spoken the truth. Inside, Wraith was an empty shell, and he had no idea why he kept fighting.

  “We know you’re in here, boy,” Dick, Wraith’s uncle, called out. “So why don’t you come out from hiding like the rat you are and face your justice.”

  Justice. Funny. Wraith had been in a kill-or-be-killed situation with his own mother, but that was of no consequence to people who had kept him in a cage his entire life. Wraith’s mother had been a full-fledged vampire, while Wraith was nothing more than a demon. Didn’t matter that he had to drink blood to survive—he wasn’t a true vamp
ire, so his life had been deemed worth less than an insect’s, and her clan intended to squash him.

  He glanced around wildly for a way out, but three vampires he didn’t know blocked the exits. Looked like good old Uncle Dickhead had found some locals who were eager for a little bloodsport.

  Wraith dug into his pocket for his knife. This was the end of the line, and he knew it.

  Maybe the afterlife would be better than this one, because it sure as hell couldn’t be worse.

  “Hell’s bells.” Shade clutched his leg, nearly falling on his ass in the middle of the living room of the Queens row house he shared with Eidolon. Little bursts of pain rode his nerves from his leg to his skull. “I’m starting to not like this brother of ours.”

  Eidolon lit another oil lamp, but the ugly brown wallpaper seemed to absorb the soft glow. They’d just moved in, and the damned lighting didn’t work. Worse, the stench of the latern smoke made Shade gag.

  “You’ve said the same thing about Roag,” Eidolon said. “I’m beginning to think you wish you were an only child.”

  “Not true. I like my sister.”

  One corner of Eidolon’s mouth quirked in a smile. “The real mystery is why Skulk likes you.”

  “Glad you find this so amusing,” Shade said, as he hobbled across the room. “Because I sure as hell don’t.”

  Eidolon swiped a bottle of twenty-five-year-old Scotch off an end table. “So, do you think we should head west? See if we can find him?”

  Shade sank down on a chair, rubbing his thigh. They’d sensed this unknown brother all their lives, but over the last couple of weeks they’d felt him growing closer, slowly, which meant he wasn’t using the Harrowgates. Still, there was a sense of panic about the movement, and Shade got the feeling the guy was moving east for a reason.