Read Passion of an Angel Page 3

around those two, his black hair blew free in the wind and his body shone in its unearthly light.

  “Who are you? How beautiful you are!” The woman exclaimed, her eyes ran over him from head to toe.

  “Beautiful?” the angel said. For him she was the most wonderful creature in the whole of space.

  Without saying anything, he approached the woman and held out his hand. She gulped absentmindedly. The desire to touch her was very strong, the hand stretching to her was agonizingly slow. The woman stood rooted, stared at him, her eyes immobilized, unable to move a single muscle.

  Finally his hand reached her cheek. Her warmth and the softness of her skin passed to him. A new feeling was created between them, a new invisible bond. He felt a passionate desire to taste her, every single place, from head to toe. Words had lost their power, the time lengthened, almost stopped.

  The angel hugged and pressed her against his chest and her warmth filled his body and heart. The woman put her hands around his neck, not willing to suppress her own desire.

  His lips twitched, he bent forward and kissed the women’s soft skin. He couldn’t satisfy himself, he wanted her more and more. The woman’s scent pierced the air, drifting into his nostrils and making him crazy. He took her buttocks in his hands and lifted her. She encircled him with her long legs, her confused eyes gazed at him. Her breath fast, her heart raced against his chest and he wondered what she was thinking about, what she was expecting him to do. She bent her head forward to smell him better, traced her finger over his cheek. The angel’s lips approached hers involuntarily. They didn’t understand what was happening, they kept kissing each other eagerly and hungrily.

  The angel knelt down, placed her onto the grass gently and lowered himself on top of her. With wide eyes, the woman stared at the angel and longed for the kiss. She knew it was coming. He took her face in his hand; she kissed his fingers, and then faced him, her expression begging him a kiss. He tilted his head. Their lips met. She moaned loudly in his mouth and closed her eyes.

  The kiss was a drug, pulling both them into its claw. She propped her legs behind his back and crossed them, put both arms around his neck to pull him closer. Then she felt something crawling inside her from between her legs. Her eyes flew open perplexed; she felt a pain. Screwing up her eyes, she groaned tossing back her head. She wanted to push him aside, but a second later the pain left her. The angel looked down at her affectionately. She felt him still inside, and now didn’t want him to leave. The angel approached her lips, kissed them. His tongue found its way over her neck and reached her breasts. He took her nipple completely in his mouth and started to suck, devouring it, making her moan loudly. Her quivering voice, rapid breath and groans filled the forest with. Now she wanted him inside her more than anything else in the world. The end was near. The pleasure was inexplicable; almost together, each of them moaned loudly and fell to the ground powerless over their bodies.

  After a little while, the woman crawled close to him and put her head on his chest, her eyes closed. In the rhythm of his heart, she fell asleep without exchanging a word. He remained awake, admiring her sleep, caressing her cheek and tucking her hair behind her ear.

  The vivid rays struggled through dense leaves and fell on the angel’s eyes. He looked up agitated, expecting to see one of his brothers in the sky, but the blueness above was clear.

  His sharp ears caught the voice of an approaching motion.

  The angel removed the woman’s head gingerly, putting it on the ground. He stood on his knees noiselessly. She was wonderful even being asleep, he couldn’t tear his eyes from her, but the man was getting closer and closer. He had to leave.

  The angel bent forward and pecked a little kiss on her cheek. She rubbed it in displeasure.

  The angel rose, glanced at her once more time, then wheeled around and hurriedly left. Far enough and not feeling the woman’s presence, he started to run. Within second his speed increased. His enormous heavenly force made a strong wind. It flung the ground, the water, and trees up into the air remorselessly, creating chaos in the balance of the world. He couldn’t understand what had happened to him and to the woman. Angry, he picked up everything he passed. He ran toward the end of the garden, to the life end and to the start of inanimate space.

  Earth was beneath, a soulless planet covered with the sandy desert and stormy winds. The angel aimed for it.

  Leaving the surface the angel pushed under the ground losing his way in the darkness. For him it was a salvation, because he had a lot of questions tormenting his mind. He needed the space to concentrate. He was angry. He picked up a solid stone which collapsed from his force and dropped like lava. Gathering all his anger in his palm, the angel punched on the ground with full force and the darkness withdrew momentarily.

  “LIGHT,” The angel exclaimed, his eyes became wide.

  This was the first thing that he had ever been created by him. He sat down on the ground amazed as he watched the fire.

  The time he spent underground passed like a second. Finally he understood the mystery of the creation, hidden behind feelings. Starting from the moment he learned to feel, he learned to create. His black eyes twinkled in the fire’s light; the angel felt himself equal with God. He opened his arms wide inviting his creation into his embrace. The fire stretched to him like a child to its parents. There was rumbled voice of happiness all over.

  Time passed and day by day, his heart longed more and more for the woman. The feeling strong that he just couldn’t resist it. He had to get out from his small world.

  The angel decided to leave the lifeless Earth. Leaving his creation underground, he got out and flew up toward the garden. As he left Earth atmosphere, the garden shone under the sunlight in the dark space. With light speed he reached it in a second.

  The angel Azazel was at the border. He looked at the upcoming angel severely.

  “Azazel!” He greeted.

  “My Angel,” Azazel bowed to him. The fierce expression in his eyes didn’t change.

  “Still keeping the garden?” He asked sarcastically and set off toward the waterfall.


  “I wonder from whom?”

  “From the life itself,” Azazel explained shortly.

  “Who told you that?”


  The angel exhaled but kept his mouth shut. He couldn’t argue his Father. Leaving Azazel, the angel continued his way in hope to meet the woman.

  She was swimming in the river alone, hiding her exquisite body under the blue liquid. The woman got out from the river when she saw the attractive stranger near the tree. Water droplets on her naked body shone in the sunlight like thousands of little diamonds. The life in the garden, the fire in Earth underground, faded as soon as her scent spread around him and floated into his nose. He hugged the woman without saying anything. Her body was warm, even warmer than the fire he had created using the feeling he had for her. Nothing in the world smelt as pleasant as she did.

  He was the first angel, whose cold eyes had melted, showing some feelings. She noticed it in his black circles, felt his heart beating faster and couldn’t help kissing his lips. He put one hand behind her back, with the other taking her buttock. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down. The angel could feel her heart race as her firm breasts pushed against his chest.

  After the passionate kiss, his lips parted from hers and looked down affectionately.

  “What did you say to Adam?” He asked mildly.

  “Nothing,” She answered quietly, looking up at him with smiling eyes.

  He smiled too, released her from his embrace and knelt down. She watched him pick up a flower. Standing on his feet, he stretched it out toward the woman.

  “Take it,” He murmured.

  Her eyes fell down on the white flower. There were a lot like it, but that one was special, it was a gift from the white angel. She held out her hand to take the present, but the flower got burned magically and the breeze took its ashes away
. The angel stared surprised, uncomprehending.

  “Don’t worry,” The woman said, noting the sadness in his black eyes.

  He closed his hand. When he opened it again, a new white flower appeared there. The feeling that he felt for the woman, at that very moment supported him to create that beautiful thing. A smile wore on the woman’s face; she raised her hand happily and took the new creation.

  “Ow!” She shouted loudly and dropped it.

  “What happened?” He asked as he reached for her hand in concern.

  “The flower pricked me!” She said and looked at it in horror.

  He bent down and picked up his creation. It was covered by thorns, except the white head. The anger seized him momentarily, twisting him, and the blackness in his eyes waved like a fabulous ocean. The angel lifted the flower high above his head and tried to throw it into the river, but the woman stopped him.

  “Don’t do that. Even if it’s covered by thorns this flower is created for me. I will take it.”

  The angel’s eyes looked down at her. She caressed his face; her finger traced down over his chest and reached the flower. Suppressing the pain, she took it and pressed it into her palm. Red broke out of her fist, flooding her hand and painting the white head of the flower in the color of her blood.

  From that point on, the angel visited her every day. Their passion continued to grow. Without a doubt, these were the happiest days of his existence and