Read Passions Out of Time Page 5

  Although the idea hurt like a knife in the back, she felt compelled to interrogate further. “Does she enjoy her new position in your manor?”

  “I believe she does.”

  Good, good, good. Actually, fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did she keep asking questions that crushed her heart? Would the process erase the past four years? With an ache growing in her belly, she watched his impassive face. Surely they had much more important things to discuss than his wife.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Garrett, but you and I are strangers now. We used to know each other, but that time is long gone and I’d rather talk about the future. So just tell me what’s happening.”

  A furtive light flashed in his dark gaze when she ended her speech. If her guts could be trusted, she was positive he wanted nothing else but to review their past. What for? Yet she didn’t have the courage to relive the bitter moments, not with the dreams plaguing her almost every night.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down right before he darted his tongue across his lips in a decisive manner. “As you wish.”

  Her heart skipped a beat upon hearing the familiar sentence. She’d withstand the attraction of love as long as he didn’t call her ‘my lady’. If that happened, she’d definitely dissolve into a non-thinking human.

  Stiffening, Garrett nodded. “Khrull, our old enemy, greatly desires an undetermined element.”

  “Okay. What’s that got to do with me?”

  “This unspecified entity appears to be in your possession.”

  She didn’t take anything from Garrett’s world, not even the engagement ring he offered her before . . . oh, yeah . . . before her dad drugged her and carried her back to Sausalito like a sack of potatoes. Whatever Khrull was after, he wrongly believed she stole from him.

  “What does it look like?” she asked.

  Garrett shook his head and raised his shoulders. If a shrug was the extent of the intel he’d gathered, he might as well have stayed in his universe, sprawled on his couch in front of his huge fireplace.

  “You don’t know squat?” she said, derision vibrating in her tone.

  “I fear so.”

  Right. Excellent. What a lot of good that would do her. In all likelihood, the immortal had used the telepod in her father’s basement to cross over here. No doubt Khrull was skillful enough to enter premises without being noticed, and use time travel machinery. A piece of cake for immortals whose hearts couldn’t be affected by the telepod’s security system. Shit, but that meant he’d been in the house at some point today before he stalked her from the gallery.

  She was supposed to be downstairs, attending the gala. That clearly wouldn’t happen now. Where the heck was her dad tonight? Heart beating faster, she scratched the side of her finger. “I’ve got to find my father.”

  “William is fine. Khrull is the problem. He seems to be solely focused on you.”

  “I’ve already told that bastard to fuck off. What do you think he’ll do next to change my mind?”

  Whatever he wanted, the enemy would blackmail her, using her father as bait. Or possibly Johnny. Fear pierced her stomach, a stab so fierce that she pressed both palms on her navel. As long as she breathed, nobody would lay a hand on either of them. Horror strangled her throat yet she whirled round and went for the door.

  Garrett grabbed her arm as she reached for the handle. How did he cross the room so quickly? She struggled to free herself, but he held fast, his front right against her back, his body heat seeping through her.

  “Let me go, Garrett. They’re in danger.”

  “I must urge you to remain calm.”

  Really, he must? Except that he abandoned his claim on her long ago and she’d act as she saw fit. “No, Lord Burnes. You don’t get to urge me anything.”

  Her furious tone didn’t escape his attention because his grip slackened instantly. With angry streaks bursting forth in her mind, Tracy yanked her forearm out of his grasp and turned to face him.

  “You lost that right four years ago,” she said, “and your desertion devastated me. So don’t waltz in here now as if nothing’s changed between us to tell me what I must or mustn’t do.”

  Her own shrill voice cut her short. Why wasn’t he responding to her accusations? And damn, what was she thinking revealing to him her deepest emotions? She always fought hard to keep them concealed yet with a simple touch, he twisted her inside out. More than anything, she stood inches from him and forgotten warmth slithered up her thighs.

  He sighed. “Your friend Raphael ensures William’s safety and endangering yourself is senseless. I shan’t allow you to leave this room.”

  “Oh, yeah? Except that you’re a gentleman, Garrett, and you don’t bully girls. So what are you gonna do to stop me?”

  Her whole body taut, she defied him to use his masculine strength to restrain her. She knew she’d already won the argument because high and mighty lords from the previous century didn’t coerce women or children.

  How many times had she been pissed at his institutional rigidity, at the way his parents brought him up? Way too many to remember, but for once, his severe education played in her favor.

  Yet she shivered when an alarming gleam shimmered in his eyes and he suddenly seized her shoulders. “You shall not set foot outside.”

  He squashed her against his chest and her heart galloped. She didn’t want to be in his arms, never again, but he crushed her harder. Her legs trembled and buckled. That wasn’t fair. Not fair at all. He had no right to use her feelings and by the way, when did he become even more virile and gorgeous?

  “Garrett, let me go.”

  Why did she whisper? For fear he’d hear her command and obey, or because his full mouth tantalized her?

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  Her belly squirmed when he pronounced the two words she couldn’t take. Pulse thumping in her ears, she gasped and unraveled. The distance between them lessened as he brought his face down, his intense gaze rooted on her, his hands holding her shoulders.

  “Garrett, no.”

  But she was already on tiptoe, her body straining to melt into his, her soul burning to latch onto the love he’d killed.

  “My beautiful lady.”

  She forgot to breathe, all her senses riveted to the dark eyes alight with passion, to the sensual lips descending on her. He’d slain her heart, yet he shuddered with life and vibrancy. She’d die for good if he kissed her. This time, there would be no pieces to pick up when he left her again.

  He glided one of his hands toward the nape of her neck and she stifled a moan as he gripped her hair to tilt her head back. Throat exposed, moisture leaking out of her like a cascading river in spring, she stared at his cherished features, at the man who made her life a misery.

  A beat pounded inside her, low and strong, rapid and painful. His arm across her shoulders, he kept her body from crumpling down while she watched him dominate her. Subdue her. Not with brutal strength or dire threats, but with the only weapon able to break her defenses: him.

  With his aroused features filling her range of vision, she ached to be kissed. Maybe she’d imagined the past four years and the ceaseless suffering she endured? Could it be that she’d soon wake up from the sticky nightmare to find herself married to Lord Garrett Burnes and oh, so happy?

  Definitely not, because a rush of blood streamed along her veins, her limbs throbbed from the violence of the desire raking her and she might be on the verge of losing her mind. Would being insane give her peace of mind?

  Fingers clenched behind her head, he pulled on her hair to raise her face and her past tumbled down into oblivion.

  When his lips touched hers, a long moan stroked her throat. The firmness of his flesh ignited much more than lust and she let the memories flood back. Vivid feelings crowded her as he cru
shed her mouth, recollections blending with actual emotions. She strove to breathe, she strove not to.

  He cupped the back of her head while he kissed the life out of her. Ablaze with the force of his passion, she closed her eyes to welcome his heat, his blatant desire, and the power of his embrace.

  She reveled in the way he held her, his strong chest flattening her breasts, his pelvis ground against her lower belly. His tongue caressed hers as if there was no yesterday and his strokes abolished time.

  The need of him overwhelmed her as the safe walls she’d erected crumbled and collapsed. Her lips sealed to his, Tracy felt her barriers falling apart one by one. He was too strong for her. No matter the tears of blood she shed for him, his mere presence overruled her body and mind.

  She raised her arms to pass them around his neck, and he groaned in her mouth. Goose bumps breaking out all over her skin, she matched his every sweep, their tongues entangled in the love they danced so well.

  This perfect moment would never stop. She was finally home, cradled against his powerful body, kissed by the lips she’d missed for so long, relishing the stiffness of his desire and basking in the pleasure of his domination.

  No, this perfect moment would never stop.

  On the other side of the room, the window rattled. She ignored the noise and clutched him harder, her erect nipples rubbing against her gown and sending blissful shards between her thighs. The outside world didn’t exist and he had to make love to her right now. But the window tapped again.

  She moaned with frustration when he broke the kiss to glance sideways. The rigid lump on her hip vanished as he took a step back and their bodies separated. Shit, shit, shit. What now? Would he find a flimsy excuse to remove himself from a situation about to get out of control?

  Before she could hold him back, he extricated his fingers from the mass of her hair. She stood alone. Apart from him, cold, tottering on her legs until she rested her back against the door behind her.

  She watched him stride toward the source of the noise while her heart experienced a series of bitter lurches. Why did he leave her when she needed him the most? Given that this room was on the seventh floor of the hotel, the window must simply be defective.

  Unless . . .

  He flicked a catch and slid open the glass panel. Raphael glided inside while a gust of wind ruffled her hair. As black as the night outside, his long coat flowing around him, the vampire walked up to her.

  “Khrull is hurt,” he said, “I tracked him down to the telepod in your father’s house and made sure he went back to where he belongs.”

  “He’s gone? Are you sure?”


  “What about Dad? Where is he?”

  “Don’t worry, he wasn’t home.”

  An invisible burden seemed to lift off her shoulders at his words and a relieved sigh passed through her lips when Garrett closed the window, shutting out the familiar, reassuring sounds of the city. His features strained, he stroked the corners of his lips.

  “Is Miss Richardson safe?” Garrett asked with a metallic ring in his voice before he approached Raphael.

  “For the moment, yes. The immortal will need some time to heal, and then I think he’ll be after her again. I wish I knew why.”

  “How long?”

  “A day, two at the most.”

  So little time. Damn, what could she do in twenty-four hours that would ensure the security of the men she loved? As though reading her mind, her guardian vampire placed a hand on her forearm.

  “Tracy, if you’re willing to fight this battle, I’d advise you to follow Khrull. I’ll do my best to assist you, but as long as you stay in this world, your people are in danger. And I can’t protect them all.”

  Back to 1904? Did she honestly want that? Even if she didn’t, her dad and Johnny were more important than her qualms about being around the man who just kissed her, his house, his family, his wife.

  A shiver rode up her spine at the thought of spending the next day in the other world, and she nevertheless caught Garrett’s frown along with his eyes fixed on her forearm. Did he have it in mind to play it jealous when Miss Perfect had baked wonderful pies and waited for him to come home?

  Yeah, he wished.

  Sarcasm helped as her senses still hung onto the heady taste of his tongue inside her mouth. She’d have let him do whatever he wished to her if they hadn’t been interrupted, and Johnny never entered her mind. Was it a good idea to tell him about Garrett? Could he understand?

  He’d want to go with her to the other universe, and he’d get killed because of her. Her stomach muscles clenched just thinking of his eventual fate. No way. Whatever she decided, Johnny had to stay out of it.

  She blew out a breath, watching both men in turn. “Guys, give me two hours to get ready, and let’s go.”

  Her guardian vampire released her arm, his attentive gaze heavy on her, his pale face reflecting a sudden admiration. Not so impressed, Garrett moved forward to stand between her and Raphael.

  “You ought to ponder the matter.”

  “Why? This is insane. It’s been four years since I set foot in your world, yet it looks like I don’t have much of a choice. Even if the immortal deluded himself into thinking I stole from him, he will find me. So I’d rather be far away from the people I love.”

  A vein twitched on the side of his neck when she said the word ‘love’. Or maybe ‘people’. As impossible as it seemed, Garrett appeared more and more jealous by the second. How could he resent her feelings toward someone he’d never heard of?

  She cast a glance at his left hand. How did he dare judge her when the gold ring on his finger attested to the marriage vows he took three years ago?

  Whether Garrett saw her look or not, he clenched his jaw. “I’m forced to disagree.”

  “Well, you can disagree all you want, but I’m going.”

  “Tracy, I—”

  “No. Save your breath because my mind is made up, and I won’t let anything happen to Dad or . . .”

  Johnny’s name got stuck down her throat as Garrett puckered his brow. Either he knew or he strongly suspected there was a new love in her life. How? Did her father have too much to drink one evening and give away the info?

  Raphael backed up toward the window without a sound, probably unwilling to witness their private drama. “Two hours, Tracy. I’ll be back at midnight.”


  Her cry resonated throughout the room. She didn’t mean to shout, but the vampire moved too quickly to maintain a regular conversation. “Not here, Raphael,” she said. “I need to pick up a few things first, so meet me in the basement of my father’s house.”

  He nodded, leaped onto the sill, gave her a last look, and faded into the night. A second later, his disappearance made Garrett’s presence all the more real. He’d want answers she wasn’t prepared to give, and they’d spend the next two hours bickering and hurting each other.

  What a fine evening.

  “Who is he?” Garrett asked.

  Straight to the point, as usual. He didn’t waste time beating around the bush but went right for the sensitive topic: Johnny. How was she supposed to dodge the question? Would she satisfy Garrett with a lie? Obviously not, but she could play dumb.

  “His name is Raphael. He’s a vampire.”

  Ouch, wrong time to make fun of a Lord from a different century. He seized her shoulders to crush her against his chest. His abrupt move made her gasp and weakened her knees, her pulse flying all over the place as she noticed the anger clouding his eyes and freezing his features.

  Even though they’d fought alongside each other, faced dangerous situations together, and sometimes argued like enemies, she’d never seen such an outraged air on him. Should she start feeling scared?

rett, what—”

  “Do you love him?”

  Did she love Johnny? God, she’d better not answer the question because Garrett’s raw expression made her flinch. She swallowed, her heart racing, lurching, knocking above her ribs. Lying wouldn’t do the trick, not with this frightening light burning in his gaze or his fingers mashing the top of her arms.

  Her trapped thoughts disbanded within the borders of her mind. She’d been kidding and the stupid act had turned her into his prisoner. But the outcome only ignited a torrid sensation in the pit of her belly.


  Just a word, yet the truth, distorted his features, transformed him into an even more gorgeous, savage being. Her pussy flared with excitement. She winced from the rush of desire assaulting her, her guts begging for the male to take her and pound her until she cried with rapture.

  “Have you no recollection of us?” His heated voice whipped her. “It appears not whilst I regard your time in my company as a thing of great momentum. For heavens’ sake, am I to believe that man draws blissful wails out of you? Tell me, Tracy, for I may not sustain the dreary anticipation. Does he pleasure you? Does he?”

  Garrett didn’t even allow her to answer. With a powerful yank, he ripped apart the top half of her dress.

  Chapter 6


  Her surprised cry didn’t slow him down for one second. He pulled down the short sleeves, revealing the blue bra she’d picked to match the color of the gown. Her nipples hardened, straining for freedom. He stared at her bare cleavage, the fever in his gaze arousing all her senses.

  The fury possessing him a minute ago slightly shifted. With less harsh moves, he tugged on the ruined fabric and the dress fell at her feet. When she heard his sharp intake of breath at the sight of her lace panties, she knew he was too far gone to back down now.

  “Garrett, what are you doing?”

  The sound of her voice intensified his emotion because he jerked out of his jacket and vest. Would he really strip and have it off? Just like that, without a word of explanation?