Read Patty Fairfield Page 11



  One evening as they all sat in the pleasant library, Cousin Elizabethannounced her intention of giving a party for Patty.

  "I am afraid," she said, kindly, "that you find it dull with us. We are allso busy with our club work and study, that we have really neglected yourentertainment. I am sorry for this, and I mean to give you more youthfulpleasures during the remainder of your stay with us."

  Patty was delighted, for life at the Flemings _was_ a little bit humdrumfor her, though her aunt and cousins were very kind whenever they had timeto remember her existence.

  They all fell in with Elizabeth's plan, and began to discuss what kind of aparty it should be.

  Patty was secretly much amused at the contrast between plans for a party atVilla Rosa, and in Boston. Nothing was said about decorations, and thesupper was not mentioned, except when Cousin Elizabeth said she would ordersome cake and ice cream from a confectioner; and as to dresses, well,_they_ seemed never to be even thought of by the Fleming ladies. Patty worethe plainest of the clothes her Aunt Isabel had bought for her, but eventhose were far finer than Ruth's.

  Apparently the difference was not noticed, for no one paid the slightestattention to what any one wore.

  The Fleming ladies were always dressed neatly and inconspicuously, butPatty concluded they must pick their dresses off of trees, for nothing wasever said about dressmakers or purchase of materials.

  So when the party was talked about, all discussion was concerning theentertainment of the minds of the young guests.

  Intellectual games were proposed, and even Ruth grew almost excited overthe scheme of a "Quotation Salad."

  But Cousin Elizabeth said, "Games are not enough. I want something morelike a character party. Ah, I have it. Let us ask each guest to representsome children's book, or some favorite character in juvenile literature."

  "Just the thing," exclaimed Barbara; "Eddie can be 'Little LordFauntleroy.'"

  Eddie was a neighbor's child, who had long flaxen curls and who would makea perfect counterpart of the pictures of Fauntleroy. The Flemings allentered into the plan of the party with their usual enthusiasm, and foundtime between their numerous engagements to prepare quite a programme ofentertainment.

  A platform was put up in the library, with curtains to draw in front of it,and as this was done very easily and quickly, Patty rightly judged it hadoften been done before.

  At last the time came, and everything was in readiness. The party was tobegin at seven, and promptly at that hour the boys and girls began toarrive. Though seemingly so indifferent to every-day costumes, CousinElizabeth had taken much interest in dressing Patty and Ruth for thisoccasion, and Patty looked very sweet and pretty arrayed as Little Bo-Peep.Cousin Tom had chosen this character for her, and had helped to design thedress. It was, of course, the garb of a dainty little shepherdess, and ithad blue panniers over a quilted white satin petticoat, and a black velvetbodice laced over a white chemisette.

  Then Patty wore a broad brimmed hat trimmed with roses and flutteringribbons. High-heeled slippers with bright buckles and a crook tied withblue ribbons added to the quaint effect, and the whole costume was verybecoming to pretty Patty.

  Ruth looked equally well, though in a very different way.

  She represented the Puritan Maiden, Priscilla; who, though not a juvenilecharacter was one of Ruth's favorite heroines, and the dress suited her sowell, that Cousin Elizabeth said she should wear it.

  A straight, scant gown of Quaker gray silk, a soft white mull kerchieffolded across her breast, and a white muslin cap, transformed Ruth into ademure little Puritan maid.

  Her small, pale face and quiet eyes suited the character, and the modestgarb was very becoming.

  Among the guests were represented, Red Ridinghood, Cinderella, Little BoyBlue, Simple Simon, and many other well-known personages from Fairy Talesor Mother Goose's Melodies.

  Then there were characters from more recent books, such as Little Women,Alice in Wonderland, Master Skylark and even Arabella and Araminta, whowere dressed exactly alike.

  Historical characters were there too; the Princess in the Tower chattedamiably with Joan of Arc, while Lady Jane Grey compared notes withPocahontas.

  Some of the children wore such nondescript costumes that it was difficultto guess whom they intended to represent.

  After all had arrived the programme of entertainment was begun.

  The motley crowd was seated in the library and soon the curtains in frontof the platform were drawn apart revealing a table on which was a largegramophone.

  Cousin Tom manipulated the instrument and the children heard orchestralmusic, plantation songs, comic speeches, and finally the exhibition-dayexercises of a district school, which made them all laugh. After this,several of the guests were called on to recite or to sing, and as they hadbeen notified beforehand, they were prepared for the occasion, and exertedtheir best elocutionary and vocal efforts.

  As her contribution to the entertainment, Patty sang several of RobertLouis Stevenson's child-songs, which are set to such beautiful music, andRuth recited a portion of "The Courtship of Miles Standish."

  Then the curtains were drawn, and soon after the lights in the room wereall turned out. Then the curtains flew open again disclosing a white sheetbrightly illuminated from behind.

  Somebody read aloud the poem by Richard Barham about "The Knight and theLady," while a shadow pantomime representing the action of the ballad wasshown on the sheet.

  It was very funny.

  Cousin Elizabeth was the Lady Jane, who was "tall and slim," while the partof Sir Thomas was wonderfully well acted by Cousin Tom, and when thatportly old gentleman, who it seems was a naturalist, went around"unearthing his worms and his grubs," he looked very funny indeed.

  And then when "Close by the side Of the bank he espied An uncommon fine tadpole, remarkably fat; He stooped, and he thought her his own, he had caught her, Got hold of her tail, and to land almost brought her, When, he plumped head and heels into fifteen feet water,"and the shadow Sir Thomas ducked suddenly into the pond, and a very realsplashing was heard, the delighted audience fairly shouted with laughter.

  And then when the funny old gardener appeared, bringing to the august LadyJane the news of Sir Thomas' fate, and when the jocund Captain McBridetried to console the weeping lady,--but, no, I can't tell it all to you; tosee how funny it all was you will have to read the ballad in the "IngoldsbyLegends" for yourself.

  When that was over, sandwiches, ices and cakes were served and they seemedto be as thoroughly enjoyed by the young people as were Aunt Isabel'selaborate feasts, though by contrast it seemed to Patty a very slightrepast.

  Next came the "Quotation Salad" which was Ruth's pride and delight.

  Cousin Elizabeth passed around a great bowl, which seemed to be full ofleaves of crisp, green lettuce.

  They were, however, made of tissue paper, and each leaf had attached to ita strip of writing paper on which was written a quotation.

  These were from well-known poems or historic speeches, or even from MotherGoose's Melodies and other juvenile classics.

  Each child drew out three leaves, and endeavored to remember or guess thesource of the quotations written thereon.

  Then the roll was called, and all who could give their three answerscorrectly were marked one hundred.

  After this, the unguessed ones were read aloud, and whoever could answerthem received ten more on his or her score for each perfect answer.

  To the child attaining the highest score, a prize of a Dictionary ofQuotations was to be awarded.

  Patty's three questions were easy enough. One was "His cause is marchingon."

  Another was "Twinkle, twinkle little bat," and the third was "Don't give upthe ship."

  She could place all three, but when the more difficult ones were announced,she found that she knew very little about general literature.

  Ruth, however, could te
ll the author of nearly every one, and no one wassurprised when her score was declared the highest.

  However, as she was the hostess, she declined to accept the prize, and itwas given to the guest whose score stood the next highest.

  Other intellectual or literary games were played, and at eleven o'clock thechildren were sent home, and Aunt Hester bade Ruth and Patty go to bed atonce, lest they should not feel like getting up at the usual hour the nextmorning.

  Patty heartily thanked Cousin Elizabeth for taking so much pains to makethe party a pleasant one, and ran away to bed, wondering if many littlegirls had such clever relatives.

  The spring flew by, and Patty could scarcely realize that she had been inBoston nearly three months, when a letter came from Mrs. Barlow hermother's sister, at whose house she was to visit next.

  "My dear Patty," her Aunt Grace wrote, "we are going to our country home onLong Island about the first of June, and we want you to come to us as soonas we get settled there. No,--not settled, we're never that, but as soon aswe get enough things straightened out to live with. Our country-place iscalled 'The Hurly-Burly,' so you may prepare yourself to see a family thatlives up to that name. But there is plenty of amusement, if you are fond ofboating and bathing, and we will all welcome you with open arms and gladhearts; and the sooner you come, the better we shall like it. Your cousins,Bob and Bumble are very anxious to see you, and are making wonderful plansfor your entertainment. So come as soon as you can, and if you will let usknow at what hour to expect you, Uncle Theodore will meet you at the GrandCentral Station in New York, and bring you over to us at Long Island.

  "Your loving Aunt,


  "But I don't want you to go," said Ruth, when she heard the letter read;"I'd like to have you stay here always."

  Patty was surprised at this, for Ruth had always seemed so cold andunresponsive, that it didn't seem as if she had any affection in hernature.

  The other members of the Fleming family echoed Ruth's sentiments, andthough Patty felt sure their expressions were honestly meant, yet shethought, too, that as soon as she had gone, she would be forgotten in therush of their busy life.

  One morning in early June as they sat at the breakfast-table, Pattyreceived a telegram, which said:

  "Come at once before all are drowned. Grand Central five.


  Although Patty didn't know it, Helen was the real name of her cousin whowas always called Bumble, and Patty, horror-stricken at the import of thismessage, read it aloud, asking what it could mean.

  The Fleming family were entirely unacquainted with the Barlows, and couldgive no clue, but one and all were filled with consternation at theperemptory summons.

  Cousin Tom took the yellow paper and perused it carefully, then said:

  "One thing is clear, at any rate, Patty, they expect you to be at the GrandCentral Station in New York to-day at five o'clock, and you shall be there,for I'll take you myself."

  So they all helped with the packing, and succeeded in getting one trunkready for Patty to take with her, promising to send her other belongingsafter her a few days later.

  With hurried good-byes and a promise of another visit to Boston at somefuture time, Patty went away with Cousin Tom, and they took the train forNew York.