Read Patty in Paris Page 1

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  Patty in Paris



  Author of "Patty Fairfield," "Patty's Summer Days," etc.


  NEW YORK September, 1907





  "A long blue veil tied her trim little hat in place"

  "'There never was such a dear, lovely, beautiful stepmother on the faceof the earth!'"

  "The next morning the girls spent in packing and getting ready to goashore"

  "They also read books of history outside of school hours quite fromchoice"

  "They were all perched on Patty's big bed--alone at last"

  "'I just remember! I left my purse on the seat!'"



  The Fairfields were holding a family conclave. As the Fairfield familyconsisted of only three members, the meeting was not large but it washighly enthusiastic. The discussion was about Patty; and as aconsequence, Patty herself was taking a lively part in it.

  "But you promised me, last year, papa," she said, "that if I graduatedfrom the Oliphant School with honours, I needn't go to school thisyear."

  "But I meant in the city," explained her father; "it's absurd, Patty,for you to consider your education finished, and you not yet eighteen."

  "But I'll soon be eighteen, papa, and so suppose we postpone thisconversation until then."

  "Don't be frivolous, my child. This is a serious matter, and requirescareful consideration and wise judgement."

  "That's so," said Nan, "and as I have already considered it carefully,I will give you the benefit of my wise judgment."

  Though Nan's face had assumed the expression of an owl named Solomon,there was a smile in her eyes, and Patty well knew that herstepmother's views agreed with her own, rather than with those of herfather.

  It was the last week in September, and the Fairfields were again intheir pleasant city home after their summer in the country.

  Patty and Nan were both fond of city life, and were looking forward toa delightful winter. Of course Patty was too young to be in society,but there were many simple pleasures which she was privileged to enjoy,and she and Nan had planned a series of delightful affairs, quite apartfrom the more elaborate functions which Nan would attend with herhusband.

  But Mr. Fairfield had suddenly interfered with their plans byannouncing his decision that Patty should go to college.

  This had raised such a storm of dissension from both Nan and Patty thatMr. Fairfield so far amended his resolution as to propose aboarding-school instead.

  But Patty was equally dismayed at the thought of either, and rebelledat the suggestion of going away from home. And as Nan quite coincidedwith Patty in her opinions on this matter, she was fighting bravely fortheir victory against Mr. Fairfield's very determined opposition.

  All her life Patty had deferred to her father's advice, not onlywillingly, but gladly; but in the matter of school she had very strongprejudices. She had never enjoyed school life, and during her last yearat Miss Oliphant's she had worked so hard that she had almost succumbedto an attack of nervous prostration. But she had persevered in her hardwork because of the understanding that it was to be her last year atschool; and now to have college or even a boarding-school thrown at herhead was enough to rouse even her gentle spirit.

  For Patty was of gentle spirit, although upon occasion, especially whenshe felt that an injustice was being done, she could rouse herself todefinite and impetuous action.

  And as she now frankly told her father, she considered it unjust aftershe had thought that commencement marked the end of her school life, tohave a college course sprung upon her unaware.

  But Mr. Fairfield only laughed and told her that she was incapable ofjudging what was best for little girls, and that she would do wisely toobey orders without question.

  But Patty had questioned, and her questions were reinforced by those ofNan, until Mr. Fairfield began to realise that it was doubtful if hecould gain his point against their combined forces. And indeed a kindand indulgent father and husband is at a disadvantage when his opinionis opposed to that of his pretty, impulsive daughter and his charming,impulsive wife.

  So, at this by no means the first serious discussion of the matter, Mr.Fairfield found himself weakening, and had already acknowledged tohimself that he might as well prepare to yield gracefully.

  "Go on, Nan," cried Patty, "give us the benefit of your wise judgment"

  "Why, I think," said Nan, looking at her husband with an adorablesmile, which seemed to assume that he would agree with her, "that acollege education is advisable, even necessary, for a girl who expectsto teach, or indeed, to follow any profession. But I'm quite sure wedon't look forward to that for Patty."

  "No," said Mr. Fairfield; "I can't seem to see Patty teaching adistrict school how to shoot; neither does my imagination picture heras a woman doctor or a lady lawyer. But to my mind there are occasionsin the life of a private citizeness when a knowledge of classic lore isnot only beneficial but decidedly ornamental."

  "Now, papa," began Patty, "I'm not going to spend my life as abutterfly of fashion or a grasshopper of giddiness, and you know it;but all the same, I can't think of a single occasion where I should beembarrassed at my ignorance of Sanscrit, or distressed at the fact thatI was unacquainted personally with the statutes of limitation."

  "You're talking nonsense, Patty, and you know it. The straight truthis, that you don't like school life and school restraint. Now somegirls enjoy the fun and pleasures of college life, and think that theymore than compensate for the drudgery of actual study."

  "'An exile from home, pleasure dazzles in vain,'" sang Patty, whosespirits had risen, for she felt intuitively that her father was aboutto give up his cherished plans.

  "I think," went on Nan, "after you have asked for my valuable advice,you might let me give it without so many interruptions. I will proceedto remark that I am still of the opinion that there are only tworeasons why a girl should go to college: Because she wants to, orbecause she needs the diploma in her future career."

  "Since you put it so convincingly, I have no choice but to agree withyou," said her husband, smiling. "However, if I eliminate the collegesuggestion, there still remains the boarding-school. I think that asuperior young ladies' finishing school would add greatly to theadvantages of our Patty."

  "It would finish me entirely, papa; your college scheme is bad enough,but a 'finishing school,' as you call it, presents to my fancy allsorts of unknown horrors."

  "Of course it does," cried Nan. "I will now give you some more of mywise advice. A finishing school would be of no advantage at all to ourPatty. I believe their principal end and aim is to teach young ladieshow to enter a room properly. Now I have never seen Patty enter a roomexcept in the most correct, decorous, and highly approved fashion. Itdoes seem foolish then to send the poor child away for a year topractise an art in which she is already proficient."

  "You two are one too many for me," said Mr. Fairfield, laughing. "If Ihad either of you alone, I could soon reduce you to a state of meekobedience; but your combined forces are too much for me, and I may aswell surrender at once and completely."

  "No; but seriously, Fred, you
must see that it is really so. Now whatPatty needs in the way of education, is the best possible instructionin music, which she can have better here in New York than in anycollege; then she ought to go on with her French, in which she isalready remarkably proficient. Then perhaps an hour a day of readingwell-selected literature with a competent teacher, and I'll guaranteethat a year at home will do more for Patty than any school full ofmasters."

  Mr. Fairfield looked at his young wife in admiration. "Why, Nan, Ibelieve you're right," he said, "though I don't believe it because ofany change in my own opinions, but because you put it so convincinglythat I haven't an argument left."

  Nan only smiled, and went on.

  "You said yourself, Fred, that Patty disliked the routine and restraintof school life, and so I think it would be cruel to force her into itwhen she can be so much happier at home. Here she will have ample timefor all the study I have mentioned, and still have leisure for thepleasures that she needs and deserves. I shall look after her singinglessons myself, and make sure that she practises properly. Then I shalltake her to the opera and to concerts, which, though really a part ofher musical education, may also afford her some slight pleasure."

  Patty flew over to Nan and threw her arms about her neck. "You dear oldduck," she cried; "there never was such a dear, lovely, beautifulstepmother on the face of the earth! And now it's all settled, isn'tit, papa?"

  "It seems to be," said Mr. Fairfield, smiling. "But on your own headsbe the consequences. I put Patty into your hands now, so far as herfuture education is concerned, and you can fix it up between you. Totell the truth, I'm delighted myself at the thought of having Pattystay home with us, but my sense of duty made me feel that I must atleast put the matter before her."

  "And you did," cried Patty gleefully, "and now I've put it behind me,and that's all there is about that. And I'll promise, papa, to studyawfully hard on my French and music; and as for reading, that will beno hardship, for I'd rather read than eat any day."

  Mr. Fairfield had really acquiesced to the wishes of the others out ofhis sheer kind-heartedness. For he did not think that the lessons athome would be as definite and regular as at a school, and he still heldhis original opinions in the matter. But having waived his theories fortheirs, he raised no further objection and seemed to consider thequestion settled.

  After a moment, however, he said thoughtfully: "What you really oughtto have, Patty, is a year abroad. That would do more for you in the wayof general information and liberal education than anything else."

  "Now THAT would be right down splendid," said Patty. "Come on, papa,let's all go."

  "I would in a minute, dear, but I can't leave my business just now. Ithas increased alarmingly of late and it needs my constant attention tokeep up with it. Indeed it is becoming so ridiculously successful thatunless I can check it we shall soon be absurdly rich people."

  "Then you can retire," said Nan, "and we can all go abroad for Patty'sbenefit."

  "Yes," said Mr. Fairfield seriously, "after a year or two we can dothat. I sha'n't exactly retire, but I shall get the business into suchshape that I can take a long vacation, and then we'll all go out andsee the world. But that doesn't seem to have anything to do withPatty's immediate future. I have thought over this a great deal, and ifyou don't go to college, Patty, I should like very much to have you goabroad sooner than I can take you. But I can't see any way for you togo. I can't spare Nan to go with you, and I'm not sure you would careto go with one of those parties of personally conducted young ladies."

  "No, indeed!" cried Patty. "I'm crazy to go to Europe, but I don't wantto go with six other girls and a chaperon, and go flying along from onecountry to the next, with a Baedeker in one hand and a suit case in theother. I'd much rather wait and go with you and Nan, later on."

  "Well, I haven't finished thinking it out yet," said Mr. Fairfield,who, in spite of his apparent pliability, had a strong will of his own."I may send you across in charge of a reliable guardian, and put youinto a French convent."

  [Illustration with caption: "'There never was such a dear, lovely,beautiful stepmother on the face of the earth!'"]

  Patty only laughed at this, but still she had a vague feeling that herfather was not yet quite done with the subject, and that almostanything might happen.

  But as Kenneth Harper came in to see them just then, the question waslaid before him.

  "There is no sense in Patty's going to college," he declared. "I'm anauthority on the subject, because I know college and I know Patty, andthey have absolutely nothing in common with each other. Why, Pattydoesn't want the things that colleges teach. You see, she is of anartistic temperament--"

  "Oh, Kenneth," cried Patty reproachfully, "that's the most fearfullyunkind thing I ever had said to me! Why, I would rather be accused of Idon't know WHAT than an artistic temperament! How COULD you say it?Why, I'm as practical and common sensible and straightforward as I canbe. People who have artistic temperaments are flighty and weak-mindedand not at all capable."

  "Why, Patty," cried Nan, laughing, "how can you make such sweepingassertions? Mr. Hepworth is an artist, and he isn't all those dreadfulthings."

  "That's different," declared Patty. "Mr. Hepworth is a real artist, andso you can't tell what his temperament is."

  "But that's just what I mean," insisted Kenneth; "Hepworth is a realartist, and so he didn't have and didn't need a college education. Hespecialised and devoted all his study to his art. Then he went to Parisand stayed there for years, still studying and working. I tell you,it's specialisation that counts. Now I don't know that Patty wants tospecialise, but she certainly doesn't need the general work of college.I should think that you would prefer to have her devote herself to hermusic, especially her singing; for we all know that Patty's is a voiceof rare promise. I don't know myself exactly what 'rare promise' means,but it's a phrase that's always applied to voices like Patty's."

  "You're just right, Kenneth," said Nan, "and I'm glad you're on ourside. Patty and I entirely agree with you, and though Mr. Fairfield isstill wavering a little, I am sure that by day after to-morrow, or nextweek at the latest, he will be quite ready to cast in his lot withours."

  Mr. Fairfield only smiled, for though he had no intention of makingPatty do anything against her will, yet he had not entirely made up hismind in the matter.

  "Anyway, my child," he said, "whatever you do or don't do, will be thething that we are entirely agreed upon, even if I have to convince youthat my opinions are right."

  And Patty smiled back at her father happily, for there was greatcomradeship and sympathy between them.