Read Patty's Butterfly Days Page 11



  Patty's gay words added the final spur to Farnsworth's enthusiasm, andwith a whoop of glee, he darted ahead faster than ever. Though hismanner and appearance gave the effect of recklessness, Big Bill knewquite well what he was doing. He was a magnificent driver, and howeverseemingly careless he might be, his whole mind was alert and intent onhis work. The road, hard and white, glistened in the moonlight.Straight and clear, it seemed truly to lead directly into the greatyellow disk, now dropped almost low enough to touch it.

  "Whoopee!" shouted Bill. "This is some going! Sit tight, Daisy, andhold on for all you're worth! Are you people in the back hall allright?"

  "Right we are!" returned Jack. "Are you going straight THROUGH themoon?"

  "Yep! If we catch her in time! Hallo, she's touched the earth!"

  It was a great game. The road was so level and so free of obstructionthat they kept the centre, and seemed to be shooting, at whistlingspeed, into that enormous yellow circle.

  But, already, the horizon was swallowing up their goal. The laughingquartette saw the circle of gold become a semi-circle, then a mere arc,and soon only a glimpse of yellow remained, which immediately vanished,and save for a faint reminiscent glow, the western sky was dark.

  "Where are your stars?" queried Farnsworth, gazing upward. "Nicecountry, this! No stars, no moon, no nothin'!"

  "The lamps give enough light," cried Daisy. "Don't slow down, Bill! Goon, this flying is grand!"

  "Come on in,--the flying's fine!" laughed Bill, and again they went athighest speed.

  But with the setting of the moon, Patty's spirit of adventure calmeddown.

  "Oh, do let's turn back," she begged. "He doesn't hear me,--make himhear, Jack."

  "I say, Farnsworth," and Jack tapped the burly shoulder in front ofhim, "we've gone far enough. Back to the old home, eh?"

  "Back it is!" and the driver slowed down, and picking a wide, clearspace, deftly turned the machine around. But at sight of the easternsky, every one exclaimed in dismay.

  Though the moon had set clearly, and the west was a dull grey, theeastern sky was black. Turbulent masses of clouds climbed, rolling, tothe zenith; faint lights appeared now and then, and a dim rumble ofdistant thunder was heard at intervals.

  "Shower coming up," said Farnsworth, blithely; "better streak for home.Wish I'd turned sooner. But we'll beat the storm. Wish the girls hadsome wraps. Here, Daisy, take my coat and put it on while you've achance. It'll look pretty silly on you, but it will keep your furbelowsfrom getting spoiled."

  "Yes, I will take it, Billy. I'm awfully chilly."

  As Daisy already had a laprobe, Patty looked at her in astonishment, asshe let Farnsworth take off his coat and put it on her. An ordinaryevening coat, it was not a great protection, but Daisy turned up thecollar and made herself as comfortable as she could. Then she tuckedthe laprobe carefully over her skirts, though as yet no drop of rainhad descended.

  "No, indeed!" said Patty, as Jack offered her his coat. "I have thelaprobe, you know, and I'll put it round my shoulders. Never mind if myskirts are spoilt. Turn up your collar, Jack, it will pour in a minutenow."

  And pour it did! Suddenly, without a preliminary sprinkle, the floodsdropped straight from the heavens. A drenching, pouring rain thatsoaked the occupants of the open car before they could realise what hadhappened. Gusts of wind added to their discomfort, and then the thunderand lightning, drawn nearer, gave the greatest exhibition of anelectrical storm that had been seen all summer.

  Patty, who was confessedly afraid of thunder storms, shivered, on theverge of nervous hysterics. Finally, at a specially ear-splitting boltand blinding flash, which were almost simultaneous, she gave a littleshriek and pulled the wet laprobe over her head. She crumpled down intoa little heap, and, frightened lest she should faint, Pennington puthis arm round her and held her in a reassuring clasp.

  Daisy Dow was more angry than frightened. She hadn't Patty's fear ofthe elements, but she greatly objected to the uncomfortable situationin which she found herself.

  "Do get home, Bill!" she cried, crossly. "Can't you go any faster?"

  The big fellow, in his white shirtsleeves, bent to his wheel. He hadworn no hat, and the rain fairly rebounded as it dashed on his thickmat of soaking wet hair.

  "Speed her, Bill," went on Daisy, petulantly; "you could go fast enoughin the moonlight,--why do you slow down now, when we all want to gethome?"

  No answer from Farnsworth, who was intently looking and listening.

  "Why DO you, Bill?" reiterated the irritating voice, and Farnsworth'snever very patient temper gave way.

  "Shut up, Daisy!" he cried. "I'm doing the best I can,--but that's allthe good it does. We've got to stop. The gasolene is out!"

  All of them, accustomed to motors, knew what this meant. Like a flash,each mind flew back to think who was to blame for this. And eachrealised that it was not the fault of the chauffeur at "Red Chimneys"who had let them take out the car. For, had they not said they weregoing only for a short spin? And the car had been amply stocked forabout two hours. Yes, it must be about two hours since they started,for in their merry mood they had had no thought of time, and had gonefar, far inland.

  "We can't stop," shrieked Daisy, "in this storm! No house or shelternear! Bill Farnsworth, I'll NEVER forgive you for bringing me into thispickle!"

  Farnsworth gave a short, sharp laugh.

  "I can get along without your forgiveness, Daisy, if I can only get youpeople home safely. Great Cats, how it rains! I say, Pennington, whatdo you think we'd better do? Where's Miss Fairfield?"

  Looking around suddenly, Bill saw no sign of Patty in the nondescriptheap by Jack's side. But at his startled question, a wet face and amass of tangled curls and apple blossoms, equally wet, emerged from thesoaking laprobe.

  "Here I am!" said a plaintive little voice that tried hard to be brave.But a sharp flare of lightning sent the golden head suddenly back toits hiding-place.

  "Miss Fairfield is awfully afraid of electrical storms," explainedJack, patting the wet heap anywhere, in a well-meant attempt atreassurance.

  "Pooh!" exclaimed Daisy. "What a 'fraid-cat! I'm not frightened,--butI'm terribly wet. I'm soaked! I'm drowned!"

  "So are we all, Daisy," said Bill, shivering as the wind flapped hisdripping shirtsleeves; "but what CAN we do? The car won't move."

  "Well, WE can move! Let's get out and walk."

  "Why, Daisy, what's the use? Where could we walk to?"

  "Well, I think you two men are horrid! You just sit there and let Pattyand me catch our death of cold. Though Patty is wrapped up snug andwarm in that robe. If SHE'S protected you don't care about ME!"

  "Daisy! what nonsense---" began Bill, but Patty's head popped out again.

  "If you think I'm snug and warm, Daisy Dow, you're greatly mistaken! INEVER was so uncomfortable in all my life! And I'm scared besides!That's more than you are!"

  Jack Pennington laughed. "While the girls are comparing notes ofdiscomfort," he said, "how about us, Bill? Do youfeel,-er--well-groomed and all that?"

  Farnsworth looked critically at his soaked apparel. "I've been DRIER,"he replied, "but you know, Pennington, I'm one of those chaps who lookwell in any costume!"

  The absurdity of this speech brought Patty's head out again, and shefelt a shock of surprise to note that the jesting words were true. BillFarnsworth, coatless, dripping wet, and exceedingly uncomfortable, satupright, tossing back his clustered wet hair, and positively laughingat the situation.

  "Pardon my hilarity," he said, as he caught a glimpse of Patty's face,"but you're all so lugubrious, somebody MUST laugh."

  "All right, I'll laugh with you!" and Patty sat upright, the darklaprobe held hoodwise, so that she looked like a mischievous nun. "Ifyou'll please turn off the thunder and lightning, I won't mind the raina bit. In fact, I'm getting used to it. I know I was meant for a duck,anyway."

  "Well, Duck, the thunder and lightning are getting
farther away," saidBill, truly, "but I do believe it rains harder than ever! What CAN wedo?"

  "Can't we get under the car?" suggested Daisy.

  "Not very well; and it wouldn't help much. It's rather wet, even underthere," and Bill looked at the soaked road.

  "We passed a house about a mile back," said Patty, "couldn't we walkback to that?"

  "I thought of that," said Bill, "but I didn't suppose you girls couldwalk it,--with those foolish step-ladder heels you're wearing. Andwhite satin slippers aren't real good style for mud-wading. I couldcarry you, Miss Fairfield,--you're only a will-o'-the-wisp; but Daisyhere is a heavyweight."

  "Oh, no matter about me," said Daisy, spitefully; "just see that MissFairfield is looked after!"

  Big Bill Farnsworth looked at the speaker. "Daisy Dow," he said,quietly, "don't you get me any more riled than I am! If you do, I won'tbe pleasant!"

  "But I can walk," put in Patty, anxious to prevent a quarrel. "Ihaven't on walking boots exactly, but I can flounder along somehow. Andwe MUST get to shelter! Help me along, Jack, and I'll try not to mindthe thunder and lightning."

  "Plucky little girl!" said Farnsworth, and Daisy scowled in thedarkness.

  "What time is it?" asked Patty, who was now thoroughly ready to facethe situation.

  "Just twelve o'clock," replied Jack, after several futile attempts tolight a match and see his watch.

  "Then we MUST try to get to that house," declared Patty. "I had no ideait was so late. Come, people, no matter what the result, we must TRY toreach shelter and civilisation."

  "Right!" said Pennington. "It's the only thing to do. I remember thehouse. There was no light in it, though."

  "No; it's so late. But we can ring up the family, and they'll surelytake us in for the night."

  "Not if they see us first!" exclaimed Bill. "Oh, Miss Fairfield, youlook like Ophelia with those flowers tumbling all over your face!"

  Patty laughed, and removing the apple-blossom wreath from her head, wasabout to throw it away. But she felt it gently taken from her hand inthe darkness, and she somehow divined that Farnsworth had put it in hispocket.

  The combination of this sentimental act with the drenched condition ofthe flower wreath--and, presumably, the pocket, was too much for Patty,and she giggled outright.

  "What ARE you laughing at?" snapped Daisy. "_I_ don't see anythingfunny in this whole performance."

  "Oh, DO think it's funny, Daisy," implored Patty, still laughing. "Oh,DO! for it ISN'T funny at all, unless we MAKE it so by thinking it ISso!"

  "Stop talking nonsense," Daisy flung back. "Oh, I've sprained my ankle.I can't walk at all! Oh, oh!"

  Farnsworth looked at her. "Daisy," he said, sternly, "if you've reallysprained your ankle, we'll have to get back into the car--for I can'tcarry you. But if you CAN walk, I advise you to do so."

  Daisy looked a little frightened at his severe tone.

  "Oh, I suppose I CAN walk," she said, "though it hurts me dreadfully.Hold me up, Bill."

  "I'll hold you," he replied, cheerily. "Now we'll take this lantern,and we'll walk ahead. Pennington, you follow with Miss Fairfield. Don'ttalk much, you'll need all your strength to walk through the storm.It's abating a little, but it's raining cats and dogs yet."

  Unconsciously, Bill had assumed command of the expedition, andinvoluntarily, the others obeyed him. That mile was a dreadful walk! Atfirst, it seemed fairly easy, for the road was a good one, though wetand slippery. But soon the satin slippers were soaked; stones and bitsof gravel made their way inside, and at last Patty found it almostimpossible to keep hers on at all. Jack tried to help, by tying thelittle slippers on with his own and Patty's handkerchiefs, but thesesoon gave way. The rain fell steadily now; not in dashes and sheets,but a moderate downpour that seemed as if it meant to go on forever.

  Jack could do little to help, save to grasp Patty's arm tightly and"boost" her along. Daisy stood it better, for she was of far strongerbuild than fragile Patty, and Big Bill almost carried her along withhis own long, sturdy strides.

  After what seemed an interminable walk, they reached the house inquestion. It was a large, fine-looking structure, but as no lights werevisible, the family had evidently retired.

  "I should think they'd leave a night light in the hall," grumbledDaisy, as the quartette climbed the veranda steps and stood, dripping,at the front door.

  "Whew!" exclaimed Jack. "It's good to get where that rain doesn't drivestraight into your eyes, anyway! Ring the bell, Farnsworth."

  "Can't find it. Ah, here it is!" and Bill pushed the electric button,and held it, ringing a continuous peal.

  But no one came to the door, and the shivering four grew impatient, tothink that shelter was so near, yet unavailable.

  "You keep punching this bell, Pennington," suggested Bill, "and I'llreconnoitre round to the other entrances. There must be side doors andthings."

  Jack kept the bell going, but no one responded, and no lights showed inthe house. At last Bill returned from his tour of exploration.

  "I've been all the way round," he said; "there are three or fourentrances to this mansion, and all have bells, but nobody answered myvarious and insistent ringings. WHAT shall us do now, poor things?"

  "I suppose they're afraid we're burglars," observed Patty; "and they'reafraid to let us in."

  "If they don't come pretty soon, I WILL be a burglar," declared Bill,"and I'll get in in burglar fashion. It isn't fair for people to have awarm, dry house, and keep forlorn wet people out of it. We've GOT toget in! Let's bang on the doors."

  But no amount of banging and pounding, no shaking of door knobs, nowhistling or shouting served to bring response.

  "Throw pebbles at the window," Patty suggested, and immediately a younghailstorm bombarded the second-story panes.

  "No good!" commented Bill. "So here goes!" and without further warninghis large and well-aimed foot crashed through a long front window whichreached down to the floor.

  "Oh, my gracious!" exclaimed Patty. "WHAT a thing to do!"

  "The only way is the best way," returned Bill, gaily. "Now, wait aminute, you girls, I'll let you in."

  Carefully looking out for the broken glass, Big Bill inserted his hand,sprung back the catch, and opened the window.

  "Don't come in this way," he cautioned, "I'll open the front door."

  Farnsworth found himself in a large, pleasant room, evidently adrawing-room. But without pausing to look around, he made for the hall,and tried to open the great front doors.

  "Can't do it," he called to those outside. "I'll open another window."

  In a moment, he had thrown up the sash of another long, low window, ina room the other side of the hall, and invited his friends in.

  "Couldn't let you girls walk in on that broken glass," he explained."Come in this way, and make yourselves at home."

  "We're too wet,--we'll spoil things," said Patty, hesitating at thelong lace curtains and fine floors and rugs.

  "Nonsense! Come on! Where DO you suppose the electric light key is?Whoo! here we have it!"

  A flood of light filled the room, and the girls saw they were in acomfortable, pleasant library or sitting-room, evidently the home ofcultured, refined people.