Read Patty's Butterfly Days Page 2



  That night, when Patty was alone in her own room, she threw herselfinto a rocking chair, and rocked violently, as was her habit, when shehad anything to bother her. She looked about at the pretty room,furnished with all her dear and cherished belongings.

  "To go away from all this," she thought, "and be mewed up in a littlebare room, with a few sticks of horrid old furniture, and nowhere toput things away decently!"

  She glanced at her room wardrobes and numerous chiffoniers anddressing-tables.

  "Live in a trunk, I s'pose," she went on to herself; "all my bestfrocks in a mess of wrinkles, all my best hats smashed to windmills! Nobroad ocean to look at! Nothing but mountains with trees all over theirsides! Nothing to do but walk up rocky, steep paths to a spring, take adrink of water, and come stumbling down again! In the evenings, dressup, and promenade eighty thousand feet of veranda, AS ADVERTISED!"

  Roused to a frenzy by her own self-pity and indignation, Patty got upand stalked about the room. She flung off her pretty summer frock, andslipped on a blue silk kimono. Then she sat down in front of herdressing-table to brush her hair for the night.

  She drew out the pins, and great curly masses came tumbling down aroundher shoulders. Patty's hair was truly golden, and did not turn darkeras she grew older.

  She brushed away slowly, and looked at herself in the mirror. What shesaw must have surprised her, for she dropped her brush in astonishment.

  "Well, Patricia Fairfield!" she exclaimed to her own reflection. "Youought to be ashamed of yourself! YOU, who are supposed to be of amiabledisposition, YOU whom people call 'Sunshine,' because of your goodnature, YOU who have every joy and every blessing that heart can wish,you look like a sour-faced, cross-grained, disgruntled old maid! Sothere now! And, Miss, do you want to know what _I_ think of you?" Shepicked up her hair brush, and shook it at the flushed, angry face inthe mirror. "Well, _I_ think you're a monster of selfishness! You're adragon of ingratitude! And a griffin of cross-patchedness! Now, Miss,WILL you drop this attitude of injured innocence, and act like acivilised human being?"

  Patty was a little over hard on herself. She hadn't at all exhibitedsuch traits as she charged herself with, but she was not a girl to dothings by halves. She sat, calmly looking at her own face, until thelines smoothed themselves out of her forehead, the dimples came back toher cheeks, and the laughter to her blue eyes.

  "That's better!" she said, wagging her head at the pretty, smilingface. "Now, never again, Patty Fairfield, let me see you looking mopyor peevish about anything! Mind, not about anything at all! You haveenough blessings and pleasures to make up for any disappointments thatmay come to you. So, now that you've braced up, just STAY braced up!See?"

  The scolding, though self-inflicted, did Patty good, and humming alively tune, she busied herself with arranging some fans and frills inboxes to take away with her.

  If stray thoughts of the Pageant or the Fancy Dance crept into hermind, she determinedly thrust them out, and forced her anticipations tothe unknown fun and gaiety she would enjoy at the big Mountain Houses.

  And when at last, ready for bed, she stood in front of her long chevalglass, the folds of her blue dressing gown trailing away from herpretty, lace-frilled nightgown, she shook her forefinger warningly atthe smiling reflection.

  "Now, mind you, Patricia, not a whimper out of you to-morrow! Not ashadow of a shade of disappointment on your fair young brow? Only happysmiles and pleasant words, and just MAKE yourself enjoy the prospect ofthose poky, gloomy, horrid old mountains!"

  It will be easily seen that Patty was amenable to discipline, for nextmorning she went dancing downstairs, looking like amiabilitypersonified. Even Nan came to the conclusion that Patty was reconciledto the mountain trip, and had begun to see the pleasanter side of it.

  Mr. Fairfield regarded his daughter approvingly. Though Patty had notbeen cross or glum the day before, she had been silent, and now shetreated her hearers to a flood of gay and merry chatter.

  Only a fleeting shadow across her face, or a sudden, pained look in hereyes when Spring Beach matters were mentioned, revealed to her watchfulfather the fact that Patty's gaiety was the result of brave and honestwill-power. But such shadows passed as quickly as they came, and thegirl's pleasant and sweet demeanour was not unappreciated by her elders.

  She joined heartily in the plans for the mountain trip; discusseditineraries with her father, and costumes with Nan.

  As the three sat on the veranda, thus engaged, a flying figure camethrough the gate like a whirlwind, and Mona Galbraith precipitatedherself into the family group.

  "Why, Mona, you look a little,--er,--hasty!" exclaimed Patty as, out ofbreath, their visitor plumped herself into a swing and twirled itstasselled ropes, while she regained her breath.

  "Yes,--yes,--and well I may!" she panted. "What DO you think, Patty?Oh, Mr. Fairfield, DO say yes! Coax him to, won't you, Mrs. Fairfield!Oh, I can't tell you,--I daren't! I just KNOW you won't do it! Oh,Patty, do,--DO!"

  Impetuous Mona had swayed out of the swing in her eagerness, and wasnow kneeling by Patty's side, stroking her hand, and gazing into herface with imploring eyes.

  "Mona Galbraith," said Patty, laughing, "are you rehearsing formelodrama, or what? For, if so, you don't know your lines, and you're'way off on your gestures, and--and, as a whole, your act is notconvincing."

  "Oh, don't say that, Patty!" exclaimed Mona, laughing herself."ANYTHING but that! It must be convincing,--it must,--it MUST!"

  "Is it meant for a roaring farce?" asked Mr. Fairfield, politely, "ormerely high comedy?"

  "I think it's a problem play," said Nan, laughing anew at the excitedvisitor, who had returned to the swing, and was vigorously pushingherself back and forth with her slippered toe.

  "Let me help you, Mona," said Mr. Fairfield, kindly. "Is it somethingyou have to tell us,--or ask us?"

  "Yes, sir, yes! That's it!"

  "Well, tell us, then. But take your time and tell us quietly. Then youwon't get incoherent."

  The quiet friendliness of his tones seemed to reassure the girl, andletting the swing stand still, Mona began:

  "You see, Mr. Fairfield,--and Mrs. Fairfield, my father is going toEurope next week. It's on a business trip, and he only just found outthat he had to go. He will take me with him if I want to go, but Idon't! So I proposed a plan to him instead of that, which he thinks isfine. And,--and, I want to know what you think about it."

  "We will probably approve of it, if your father does," said Nan,helpfully.

  "Well--it's just this. For me to stay at home, and keep our house open,and have Patty stay there with me, instead of her going to themountains with you."

  "You and Patty stay there alone!" exclaimed Mr. Fairfield.

  "No, sir; not alone. Father would ask his sister, my Aunt Adelaide, tostay with us, as chaperon. She's a lovely lady, and she'd be glad tocome."

  "Well, I don't know,--I don't know," said Mr. Fairfield. "I'm not sureI could go off and leave Patty with strangers."

  "But I'm not a stranger," said Mona, "and Aunt Adelaide won't be, assoon as you know her. I haven't seen her myself for some years, butshe's a lovely, sweet character,--everybody says so. And then, you see,we wouldn't have to close up our house, and Patty wouldn't have toleave Spring Beach,--and, oh, we could have lovely times!"

  "How long will your father be gone?"

  "Two months. August and September. He would rather take me with him,but he said if you all agreed to my plan, he would do so, too."

  "Well, it's a surprise," said Mr. Fairfield, "and we'll have to thinkit over, and talk it over. How does it strike you, Patty?"

  Patty considered. It was her habit to decide quickly, but this was acase with several sides to be looked at. Yet, of course, it must bedecided at once, for Mr. Galbraith must have time to make hispreparations.

  Patty's heart jumped with joy at the thought of staying at Spring Beachinstead of going to the mountains. But--the joy w
as a little dampenedat the idea of staying with Mona, and not at "The Pebbles."

  "Why can't we both stay here?" she said at last. "Let Mona visit mehere, and let her aunt chaperon us just the same."

  "Oh, no," Mona said. "I know father wouldn't consent to that. You see,it's a great undertaking to close up our big place, and find homes forthe servants, and look after the horses and gardens and all that, justfor two months. Father was relieved at the thought of just walking offand leaving it all in charge of Aunt Adelaide. And then, we could haveso much more room there, you know--" Mona paused, blushing. She did notwant to imply that "Red Chimneys" was a grandly appointed mansion,while "The Pebbles" was only a pretty cottage, but that was what shemeant.

  "Yes, I know," said Nan, kindly helping her out. "You have such immensegrounds, and luxuries of all sorts. Why, your place is a Pleasure Parkof itself, with the pond and tennis court, and fountains and grottoesand all such things."

  "Yes, it is a lovely summer place," said Mona, earnestly, "and I shoulddo everything I could to make Patty happy there. I know how much shewants to stay at Spring Beach, and it seemed such a satisfactory planall round."

  Patty was still thinking. But, by this time, she was wondering if shewere really a selfish, disagreeable snob or not. For, the truth was,Patty did not entirely like Mona, though she had grown to like her muchbetter than at first. Nor did she like Mona's home, with itsostentatiously expensive appointments, both indoors and out. And yet,it was exceedingly comfortable and luxurious, and Patty knew she coulddo exactly as she chose in every respect.

  But, again, Patty was a favourite in Spring Beach society, and Mona wasnot. This might cause complications in the matter of invitations toentertainments. But Patty knew this would mostly redound to Mona'sbenefit. She would be asked on Patty's account to places whereotherwise she would not have been invited. And Patty well knew SHEwould be left out of nothing just because she was visiting Mona.

  And yet, to accept her hospitality for two months meant to acknowledgeher as an intimate friend,--a chosen companion. Was it quite honest todo this when, privately, Patty disapproved of many of Mona's ways andtastes? Then, it occurred to Patty that Mr. Hepworth had urged her todo what she could to help Mona,--to improve her manners, her dress, hertastes. Patty jumped at this idea, and then as suddenly paused toscrutinise her own motives, and make sure she was not pretending toherself that she did for Mona's sake what she was really doing for herown. But being quick at decisions, she saw at once that it was aboutevenly divided. She was willing, if she could, to help Mona in any way,and she felt that this justified her in accepting the offeredhospitality of one whom she couldn't emulate.

  Mr. Fairfield watched Patty's face closely, and knew pretty well whatsort of a mental controversy she was holding with herself. He was notsurprised when she said at last:

  "Well, so far as I have a voice in this matter, I'd like to go. I thinkit's very kind of Mona to ask me, and I'd try not to be a troublesomevisitor. You know, Father Fairfield, how much I would rather stay inSpring Beach than go to the mountains. And I suppose I could take mymotor-car to Mona's with me."

  "Yes, of course," Mona said. "And father says if I don't go to Europe,he'll buy me a runabout just like yours, and we can have lovely timesgoing out together."

  "Would your aunt come at once?" asked Nan, who wanted to know moreabout the chaperon who would have Patty in charge.

  "Yes, father will send for her as soon as we decide. But you know, Mrs.Fairfield, I should keep house, as I always do, and Aunt Adelaide wouldonly be with us in the cause of propriety."

  Nan smiled at the thought of Mona's housekeeping, for "Red Chimneys"was so liberally provided with servants that Mona's duties consistedmainly in mentioning her favourite dishes to the cook.

  "Are you sure you could behave yourself, Patty?" asked her father,teasingly, "without either Nan or myself to keep you in order?"

  "Oh, yes," said Patty, drawing down the corners of her mouth demurely."In fact, as I should be on my own responsibility, I'd have to be evenmore careful of my manners than I am at home."

  Mr. Fairfield sighed a little. "Well, Puss," he said, "I really wantedyou with us on our trip, but as you'd rather stay here, and as this wayseems providentially opened for you, I can only say you may acceptMona's invitation if you choose."

  "Then I DO choose, you dear old Daddy!" cried Patty, making a rush forher father, and, seating herself on the arm of his chair, she pattedhis head, while she told him how glad she was of his consent. "For,"she said, "I made up my mind not to coax. If you didn't agree readily,I was going to abide by your wishes, without a murmur."

  "Oh, what a goody-girl!" said Mr. Fairfield, laughing. "Now, you see,Virtue is its own reward."

  "And I'm SO glad!" Mona declared, fervently. "Oh, Patty, we'll haveperfectly elegant times! I was so afraid you wouldn't WANT to come tostay with me."

  "Oh, yes, I do," said Patty, "but I warn you I'm a self-willed youngperson, and if I insist on having my own way, what are you going to do?"

  "Let you have it," said Mona, promptly. "Your way is always better thanmine."

  "But suppose you two quarrel," said Mr. Fairfield, "what can you dothen? Patty will have nowhere to go."

  "Oh, we won't quarrel," said Mona, confidently. "Patty's toosweet-tempered,--"

  "And you're too amiable," supplemented Nan, who was fond of Mona insome ways, though not in others. But she, too, thought that Patty wouldhave a good influence over the motherless girl, and she was honestlyglad that Patty could stay at her beloved seashore for the rest of thesummer.

  So it was settled, and Mona went flying home to carry the glad news toher father, and to begin at once to arrange Patty's rooms.