Read Patty's Butterfly Days Page 7



  During the afternoon, an ocean breeze had the politeness to arrive onthe scene, and it was pleasantly cool when the girls started for thegarden party.

  "Let's walk," said Patty, when Mona proposed the motor-car. "It's notfar, and its lovely and cool now."

  So the two girls strolled along the boardwalk, and then turned inlandtoward the Sayres' place.

  Patty wore a white, lacy, frilly frock, with touches of pale yellowribbon here and there. Her hat was of the broad-leafed, flappingvariety, circled with a wreath of yellow flowers. Patty could wear anycolour, and the dainty, cool-looking costume was very becoming.

  Mona looked very well in light green chiffon, but she hadn't Patty'sliking for simplicity of detail, and her heavy satin sash and profusionof jingling ornaments detracted from the airiness of her light gown.Her hat was of triangular shape, with a green cockade, and perchedjauntily on her befrizzed hair, gave her a somewhat stunning effect.

  "You'd look a lot better, Mona," said Patty, straightforwardly, "if youdidn't curl your hair so tightly."

  "That's all very well for you to say," returned Mona, a littlepettishly, "for your hair is naturally curly, and you don't have to usehot tongs."

  "Some day I'll show you how to wave it more loosely; it'll be prettierthan those kinky frizzes."

  "Well, these won't last long. The curl comes out of my hair as soon asit's in. And it leaves straight wisps sticking out all over."

  "That's just it. To-morrow I'll show you a wiser and a better plan ofcurling it."

  "I wish you would, Patty. There are lots of things I want you to adviseme about, if you will."

  This showed an unusually docile spirit in Mona, and Patty began tothink that she might help the girl in many ways during their staytogether.

  They turned in at the Sayres' beautiful home, and found the groundsgaily decked for the garden party. Bunting and banners of variousnations were streaming here and there. Huge Japanese umbrellas shadedrustic settees, and gay little tents dotted the lawn.

  The girls went to the veranda, where Mrs. Sayre and her two daughterswere receiving their guests. There they were introduced to severalout-of-town visitors who were staying with the Sayres.

  Captain Sayre, in a most impressive looking white uniform, asked Pattyto walk round the grounds with him.

  "For," said he, as they strolled away, "there's nothing to do at agarden party BUT walk round the grounds, is there?"

  "Indeed there is!" cried Patty. "There's lots to do. There's tennis andcroquet and quoits and other games I see already."

  "Too hot for such things," declared the captain.

  "Then, these tents all about, have interesting inhabitants. There's afortune teller in one, I know."

  "Fortune tellers are never interesting. They just make up a lot ofstuff with no sense to it."

  "But lots of things with no sense to them are interesting," laughedPatty. "I begin to think, Captain Sayre, that you're blase. I never metany one before who was really blase. Do tell me how it feels."

  "Nonsense, child, you're poking fun at me. I'm not blase at all."

  Captain Sayre was not more than five or six years older than Patty, buthe had the air of a man of the world, while Patty's greatest charm washer simple, unsophisticated manner.

  "I wish you were," she said, a little regretfully; "all the boys I knoware nice, enthusiastic young people, like myself, and I'd like some oneto be different, just for a change."

  "Well, I can't. I assure you, I'm both nice and enthusiastic, if not soawfully young."

  Patty smiled up at him. "Prove it," she said, gaily.

  "All right, I'll prove it by poking an inquisitive nose into every tenton the place. Come on."

  They went the rounds of the gay little festival, and so vivacious andentertaining did the captain prove, that Patty confessed frankly thatshe had misjudged him.

  "You're NOT blase," she declared. "I never saw any one less so. If youfight with as much energy as you enjoy yourself you must be a finesoldier indeed!"

  "Oh, I am!" returned the captain, laughing. "I'm one of Uncle Sam'snoblest heroes! He hasn't realised it yet, because I've not had a realgood chance to prove it, but I shall, some day."

  "Perhaps you could show other people, without waiting for Uncle Sam'sturn."

  A slight earnestness in Patty's tone made Captain Sayre look at herquickly.

  "I'll show you now," he said. "Give me chance for a brave, heroic deed,and watch me hit it off!"

  "I will!" said Patty, with twinkling eyes. "But it's Secret Service. Imean Sealed Orders. I'll lead you to it, but you may 'hit it off'without realising it."

  "Lead on, fair lady! From now, you are my superior officer."

  But Patty turned the subject then, and the pair went gaily on, stoppingoften to chat with groups of young people, or to admire somedecorations.

  At last, Patty adroitly managed that they should pause near Mona, whostood talking with Lora Sayre and Jack Pennington. Patty's quick eyessaw that Mona was ill at ease, and that the others were including herin their conversation merely through a perfunctory politeness.

  Patty, with her captain in tow, went up to the trio, and all joined inmerry chatter. Then soon, with a gay, challenging glance at him, Pattysaid:

  "Now Captain Sayre, you have the opportunity you wanted, to ask MissGalbraith to go with you to the fortune teller's tent."

  For a brief instant the young man looked dumfounded, but immediatelyrecovering himself, he turned to Mona and said, gracefully:

  "Miss Fairfield has told you of the secret hope I cherish; will yougrant it, Miss Galbraith?"

  Mona, flattered, and a little flustered at this attention, consented,and the two walked away together.

  Jack Pennington gave Patty an understanding glance, but Lora Sayresaid, "How funny for Edgar to do that!" Then realising the impoliteimplication, she added, "He's so infatuated with you, Patty. I'msurprised to see him leave you."

  "Soldier men are very fickle," said Patty, assuming a mock woe-begoneexpression; "but your cousin is a most interesting man, Lora."

  "Yes, indeed; Edgar is splendid. He has lived in the Philippines andother queer places, and he tells such funny stories. He is mostentertaining. But I see mother beckoning to me; I must go and see whatshe wants."

  Lora ran away, and Jack Pennington remained with Patty.

  "You're a brick!" he exclaimed; "to dispose of that marvellous militarymodel, just so you could play with me!"

  "That wasn't my only motive," said Patty, gazing after the captain andMona--as they stood at the door of the fortune teller's tent. "He issuch a charming man, I wanted to share him with my friend."

  "H'm--you say that to tease me, I suppose. But I remember, before hearrived on the scene, you thought ME such a charming man that youwanted to share ME with your friend."

  "Oh, yes," agreed Patty, lightly, "and you promised that you'd BEshared. So don't forget it!"

  "As if I'd EVER forget anything YOU say to me! By the way, Mona saysshe's going to have a house party. What do you s'pose it'll be like?"

  "I s'pose it'll be lovely. She hasn't talked to me about it yet, for wereally haven't had time. The new chaperon came to-day."

  "Is she a veritable Dragon? Won't she let you girls do anything?"

  Patty laughed. "I don't think DRAGON exactly describes her. And shehasn't denied us anything as yet. But then, she only came this morning."

  "I shall call soon, and make friends with her. I'm always liked bychaperons."

  "Yes, Mrs. Hastings, for example," said Patty, laughing at therecollection of the night before.

  "Oh, all chaperons look alike to me," said Jack. "Now, let's go overand hear the band play."

  Across the garden, a fine orchestra was making music, and Patty hummedin tune, as they strolled over the lawns. As they neared a group ofyoung people who were eagerly chatting, Guy Martin called out, "Comeon, you two, you're just the ones we want."

sp; "WHAT for?" queried Jack.

  "To help plan the Pageant. You'll be in it, won't you, Patty? It's forcharity, you know."

  "I can't promise until I know more about it. What would I have to do?"

  "Oh, you have to be part of a float. Stand on a high, wabbly pedestal,you know, and wave your arms about like a classic marble figure."

  "But I never saw a classic marble figure wave her arms about," objectedPatty; "indeed, the most classic ones don't have arms to wave. Look atthe Milo Venus."

  "I can't look at her, she isn't here. But I look at you, and I seeyou're just the one for 'The Spirit of the Sea.' Isn't she, Lora?"

  But Lora Sayre had set her heart on that part for herself, so she said,in a half-absent way, "Yes, I think so."

  "You THINK so!" put in Jack Pennington. "I KNOW so! Patty would make aperfect 'Spirit of the Sea.' I vote for her!"

  "I'm not a candidate," said Patty, who had divined Lora's wish. "Iwon't agree to take any special part until I know more about the wholething."

  "Well, you'll soon know all about it," went on Guy. "We're going tohave a meeting soon to arrange for the parts, and plan everything."

  "Have that meeting at our house, won't you?" asked Patty, suddenly. "Imean at 'Red Chimneys.' Won't you all meet there?"

  "Why, yes," said Guy. "We'll be very glad to. I tell you, there's lotsto be done."

  Patty had made her suggestion because she knew that if the committeemet at "Red Chimneys," they couldn't help giving Mona a good part inthe Pageant, and if not, she couldn't feel sure what might happen.

  But Lora didn't look satisfied. "I thought you'd meet here," she said,"because mother is chairman of the Float Committee."

  "I know," returned Guy, "but, for that very reason, she'll have to havea lot of other meetings here. And as I'm supposed to look after the SeaFloat, I thought it a kindness to your mother to have our meetingselsewhere."

  "Oh, I don't care," said Lora, "have them where you like."

  Lora turned to speak to some people passing, and then walked away withthem.

  "Now SHE'S mad!" commented Jack. "That's the beautiful part of gettingup a show; all the girls get mad, one after another."

  "_I_'M going to get mad!" announced Patty, deliberately.

  "You are!" exclaimed Lena Lockwood, in amazement. "I didn't know youCOULD get mad!"

  "Patty gets about as mad as a small Angora kitten," said Jack.

  "Yes," agreed Patty, "and I can tell you, kittens, like cats, get awfulmad, if they want to. Now I'm going to get mad, if you people don'ttell me all about this show, NOW! I don't want to wait for meetings andthings."

  "I'll tell you now," said Guy, speaking very fast. "It's to be aPageant, a great and glittering Pageant, made up of floats withtableaux on 'em, and bands of music playing, and banners streaming, andcoloured fire firing, all over Spring Beach."

  "That tells some, but not all," said Patty. "You tell me more, Lena."

  "Well, the Floats will represent the Sea and different rivers and allsorts of things like that. And they are all under different committees,and every chairman has to look after her own people."

  "And whose people are we?" demanded Patty.

  "Mrs. Sayre has the general committee of floats under her charge."

  "But the Sea Float is my especial care, Patty," broke in Guy Martin,"and I want you to promise to be Spirit of the Sea. Won't you?"

  "Not to-day, thank you. I have to think these matters over slowly. Whatdo you want Mona Galbraith to be?"

  A silence was the response to this question, and then Guy said:

  "I hadn't put her name down yet, but I daresay she'll be asked to takesome part."

  "I daresay she WILL," returned Patty, "and a GOOD part, too! Why can'tshe be Spirit of the Sea?"

  "Nonsense, that part requires a sylph-like girl, such as--such as youor Lora. Mona Galbraith is too heavy for any self-respecting spirit."

  "Well, never mind," said Patty, "there must be plenty of other goodparts that require more substantial specimens of humanity. Arrange yourmeetings at our house, Guy, and we'll fix it all up then."

  They changed the subject then, for Mona and Captain Sayre came walkingtoward them.

  "Get good fortunes?" asked Jack.

  "Very much so," returned the captain. "Miss Galbraith is to become aDuchess later on, and I am to achieve the rank of a Rear-Admiral. Whatmore could we ask?"

  "Nothing!" exclaimed Patty. "You'll make a gorgeous Duchess, Mona. Ican see you now, prancing around with a jewelled coronet on your noblebrow."

  "Can't you see me," said Captain Sayre, "prancing around in Admiral'sregalia?"

  "But I've never seen you prance at all. I supposed you were toodignified."

  "You did! Well, you never were more mistaken in your life. Watch me,now." The orchestra was playing in lively time, and Captain Sayre beganto do a lively dance, which was something between a Sailor's Hornpipeand a Double Shuffle.

  He danced wonderfully well, and as Patty looked at him the spirit ofthe music inspired her, and throwing off her hat, she prettily caughtup the sides of her frilled skirt, and danced, facing him. He smiled ather, changed his step to a more graceful fancy dance, and they dancedan impromptu duet.

  Others gathered about to watch the pretty sight, and Patty soondiscovered that, though she was an accomplished dancer, the captain wasfar more familiar with the latest styles and steps. But he suited hismood to hers, and they advanced, retreated, and bowed, almost as ifthey had practised together for the purpose. Loud applause greeted themas the band ceased playing, and they were urged to repeat the dance.

  "No," said Captain Sayre, laughing; "you forget it is a summer's day,and that sort of prancing is better suited to a winter evening. I'mgoing to take Miss Fairfield away to the lemonade tent, before shefaints from utter exhaustion."

  "I'm not tired," protested Patty, but her cheeks were pink from theexercise, and she went gladly for the refreshing lemonade.

  "You're a wonderful dancer," said Captain Sayre. "Who taught you?"

  Patty mentioned the name of the teacher she had had in New York. "But,"she said, "I haven't had any lessons of late, and I don't know the newfancy dances."

  "Some of them are beautiful; you really ought to know them. Mayn't Icall on you, and teach you a few new steps?"

  "I'd love to have you do so. I'm staying with Miss Galbraith, you know.But you're not here for long, are you?"

  "I'll be here about a week, and I may return later for a short time. Atany rate we can have a few dances. I never saw any one so quick tocatch the spirit of the music. You love dancing, don't you?"

  "Yes, I do. But I love it more in cooler weather."

  "Oh, this hot spell won't last long. And it's so cool mornings. SupposeI run over to see you to-morrow morning. May I?"

  "Do," said Patty, cordially. "Mona and I will be glad to have you."

  "But I'm coming to see YOU" said the captain, a little pointedly.

  "You're coming to see us both," said Patty, very decidedly.