Read Patty's Fortune Page 10



  The days sped all too quickly at Freedom Castle. And on one golden,shining September afternoon, Patty realised that the next day they wereall to go home.

  “I don’t want to go, Billy boy,” she said, wistfully.

  She was sitting in a swing that she had herself contrived, and Chick hadachieved for her. It was a tangle of wistaria vine, pulled down from thegreat oak tree that it had climbed, and fashioned into a loop. This theyhad decorated with more sprays of the parent vine itself, and oftenPatty, or the others, added autumn leaves or trailing creepers orbunches of goldenrod or sumach till the swing was usually a ratherdressy affair. One couldn’t swing far in it, but then one didn’t wantto, and it was a charming place to sit.

  Today, Patty, in a chic little suit of tan cloth, with a white silkblouse and a crimson tie, sat in the swing, disconsolately poking intothe earth with her patent leather shoe tip.

  “I’m sorry, Patty girl,” and Big Bill looked regretfully at her. “Butyou see, the contract with the servants expires tomorrow, and they areall anxious to get away. You know, I’ve staid longer than I intended,now——”

  “Yes, ’cause I begged you to,” and Patty smiled at him. “Now if I begyou some more, will you stay some more?”

  “In a min-nit! if I possibly could. But it’s _un_-possible. You know Ijust came up for a few days to ratify the papers of transference and seeto some business matters, and I’ve all sorts of important dutiesbeckoning to me with both hands.”

  “But if I beckon to you with both hands——”

  Patty held out her pretty hands, and slowly beckoned with each slenderforefinger.

  “Don’t tempt me, you little witch. You know I’d do anything in thisworld for you, that didn’t conflict with duty——”

  “Wouldn’t you conflict your duty—for me,—Little Billee?”

  Patty’s voice was wheedlesome, and her face was very sweet.

  “_My_ duty, yes, Patty.” Bill looked stern. “But my duty toothers,—no.”

  “Oh, Billee-ee-_ee_——”

  “I’m sorry, dear, but I must disappoint you. My employers expect me inBoston tomorrow night, and I must not fail them.”

  “Well, can’t we stay here, even if you go away? Jim and Adele couldmanage things, and we don’t want servants. We could sort of camp out.I’m a good cook, and we’d have a lovely time.”

  Farnsworth considered. He looked far off and his fine brows knit as hethought over Patty’s request. She looked at him and noted the cloud thatcame over his blue eyes as he turned to her, and said: “No, AppleBlossom, it can’t be done. This place is a trust to me, in a way, andI’m responsible. I may not leave it to others. And I cannot remainmyself. So there’s no help for it, I must refuse you.”

  There was an air of finality about Bill’s tones that told Patty therewas no use in further coaxing.

  “What’s the matter, Patty?” he went on. “It isn’t like you to tease so.I wish with all my heart I could give you what you ask, it hurts meworse than you know to refuse you anything. But I wouldn’t be worthy ofthe trust reposed in me, if I failed in my duty.”

  “I hate duty,” said Patty, petulantly; “it’s a regular nuisance!”

  “Gently, little girl, gently. What has happened to stir you up so? It’smore than this ungratified whim of not staying here longer.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “I don’t think, I know it. Why, Patty dear, I know every expression ofyour flower face, every look in your blue eyes, every droop of yoursensitive mouth. And now it’s drooping like a—like a, well, more like aperverse baby than anything else.”

  Farnsworth laughed gently as Patty’s mouth suddenly curved upward in aninvoluntary smile, then, as it drooped again, she said; “I believe I’lltell you.”

  “Just as you think best. I wonder if you remember a promise you made meonce.”

  “Oh, Little Billee, how did you know it referred to that?”

  “Something seemed to hint it to me. Well, out with it. Are you stillstage-struck?”

  “No, but that manager, Mr. Stengel, won’t give up the idea of putting meon in light opera. He says——”

  “He says? Has he written to you?”

  “No, Maude wrote me what he said. Any way, he thinks I have remarkabletalent, and——”

  “You haven’t, Patty. Not remarkable talent. You have a pretty,light-weight voice, and a—h’m—shall we say an attractive appearance;but more than that is required for an opera success, even light opera.Forgive me, Apple Blossom, I know I am hurting your feelings, but it’sbetter you should know the truth.”

  “Then why does Mr. Stengel want to put me into his plays?”

  “He thinks you would look graceful and pretty and would be a drawingcard for a time. Then, when your freshness wore off, as it would soon,he would throw you over like a worn-out toy.”

  “Well, _your_ freshness hasn’t worn off, Bill Farnsworth,” and Pattystood up, her eyes dark with anger at his words. “And I don’t care forany more of your opinions on a subject you know nothing about.”

  Big Bill Farnsworth smiled. “Well, was it a little ruffled kitten! Didit hate to be misjudged and misunderstood and all those horrid things!Well, then, Patty, see here. I’ll let you off from your promise to tell_me_ when you think of going on the stage, but you must tell yourfather. Though I can’t think you would ever take such a step, withoutconsulting him.”

  Patty’s sudden blush and a guilty look in her eyes made Bill stare ather sharply, and then he said: “Oh, you _were_ thinking of justthat,—were you, Patty Fairfield? I can hardly believe it. You poorlittle thing, you _must_ be infatuated! Is it all that Maude Kent’sdoing? Or, have you—Patty, you haven’t _seen_ Stengel, have you?”

  “No,” and Patty looked astounded at Bill’s vehemence. “Why?”

  “Thank heaven! I thought for the fraction of a second your infatuationmight be for him. All right. You go home and talk to your father andyour very sensible stepmother, and I’ll warrant you’ll forget this beein your bonnet in pretty short order. And I hope you’ll never see MaudeKent again. She has a certain charm and I don’t wonder it appealed to apoor little innocent like you. Promise, Patty, you’ll lay the casebefore your parents, before you take a further step.”

  “Of course I shan’t go against their wishes,” Patty spoke with greatdignity, “but I know I can get them to see it as I do.”

  “Indeed? And just how do you see it?”

  “Why, I see a fine and worthy career opening before me,” Patty scowledas the grin on Bill’s face grew broader, “a more valuable career thanyou are able to appreciate, a more—more——”

  “Patty! Oh, you angel goose, you! _Do_ stop, you’ll finish me!” AndFarnsworth threw back his head and roared with laughter. “And doesthis—er—valuable career shape itself to your clearer vision as beingin the front row of the chorus, or farther back——”

  Bill paused, stopped by the look of horror on Patty’s face.

  “Chorus!” she cried. “Why, you must be crazy! I shall be a prima donna,one of the reserved, exclusive ones, that nobody ever knows much about.I’m not going to have my picture all over the signboards, I can tell youthat?”

  “Nor the ash barrels? Well, for _this_ relief, much thanks. Patty, Icould laugh at you till I cried, but I feel more like crying first. I’mso sorry you’ve got this whimsey, for I know you’ll hang on to it, likea puppy to a root; and I shan’t be here to look after you. But yourfather will do that.”

  “Why, where are you going?”

  “West again. I don’t know just when, but very soon. Now, it may bebetter for you to have this violently and get over it quicker, likemental measles. But unless you promise me faithfully to tell itall,—every word,—to your father and mother, I’ll write them myself,all about it. Do you want me to do that?”

  “Chick thinks it would be great fun for m
e to have a try at the stage.”

  “Did Channing say that?” Bill’s face grew dark. “Did he, really, Patty?”

  “Yes, he did. He said I’d make a screaming hit.”

  “Chick’s only joking; don’t let him fool you.”

  “No, he wasn’t joking, and you know it. He thinks, as I do, that such anexperience would broaden me——”

  “Patty, stop! Do you want to be ‘broadened’ at the expense of all yourrefinement, your loveliness, your dainty girlhood, your fresh sweetyouth,—oh, Patty, my little Patty, listen to me! If you never speak tome again, if you scorn me utterly, at least take my word for this, youmust not, you _shall_ not, think of this thing! Patty, come to me,instead. Come to me, dear, let me take care of you, and find pleasuresfor you that will make you forget this foolishness——”

  “It is not foolishness, but your talk is. I don’t care to hear anymore.”

  “Wait, dear, wait a moment. You know I love you, Patty, more than lifeitself; marry me, and let me teach you to forget this whim of yours——”

  “It isn’t a whim. And I don’t _want_ to marry you. This idea of mine isnot a whim,—but a career, a splendid opportunity that calls to me—thatpromises wonderful things,—that——”

  “Patty,” and Farnsworth’s face was white, “is that true,—what you saidjust now, that you—you don’t _want_ to marry me?”

  “Yes, it’s true,” and Patty’s angry blue eyes met his own sad ones.

  “Then, that’s all, Apple Blossom. You may go now. I’ve no fear that youwill do anything further in this other matter, without your father’sknowledge and no fear that he will allow it. So that’s all right.Good-bye—Sweetheart!”

  “Good-bye,” and Patty flounced off. Yes, flounced is the word, for angryand chagrined, she let go of the swing she was holding, with a quickpush, and whirling about, walked quickly toward the house.

  * * * * *

  The next morning the whole party left for New York.

  “It’s been perfectly lovely,” Adele said to Farnsworth; “and if it werenot for my baby girlie, I’d like to stay another week. But I hear hercalling me!”

  At Boston they were to stay over night. The party really broke up there,for several of the men were going in different directions.

  But Adele gathered her brood of girls under her wing and carried themoff to a hotel. And in the hotel lobby good-byes were said.

  “I’ve had my long-feared telegram,” said Farnsworth, “and I have to goto Arizona at once. Wasn’t it lucky it didn’t come before we left ourhappy hunting grounds?”

  “Yes, indeed,” said Adele, “it’s been a beautiful party, Bill, and wejust love you for giving it to us. Don’t we, girls?”

  “Yes!” they chorused, and laughingly interrupting their thanks,Farnsworth shook hands with everybody in hasty farewell.

  Somehow, Patty was the last, and as he held out his hand to her, a gayvoice was heard calling out, “Oh, here you are, people! How do you alldo?”

  They looked up to see Philip Van Reypen’s smiling face, as he cordiallygreeted one after another.

  “The most perfect time,” Mona was saying, when Daisy caught her up; “Oh,yes, the _most perfect_ time! What do you think, Phil, we had anengagement up there! A real live engagement! Guess the guilty parties!”

  “Guess us!” exclaimed Roger, taking Mona’s hand and looking mocksentimental.

  “There’s no use,” said Daisy, “you can’t get a rise out of them! Theyforestall you every time!”

  “Congratulations, all the same,” said Van Reypen, cordially. “Patty, howare you? Sunburned? Not very much.” His manner was so cheery and hischatter so gay, nobody could be very serious, and the farewells becameshort and perfunctory.

  Roger and Elise were taking Mona with them to Newport, where Mrs.Farrington was, and Bob Peyton was going directly home.

  “Well,” said Van Reypen, “it’s lucky I came along, Mrs. Kenerley, tohelp you care for your charges. Cameron, you and I must look afterthings.”

  “I’m on the job, too,” said Channing. “You can’t shake me till the lastbell rings. Your train time, Farnsworth! So long, old man. See you whenyou return. You’re always turning and returning. And all thanks for abully time!”

  “Good-bye, everybody,” cried Bill, in his most genial way. “Glad youenjoyed it, and hope we can try it again some time. Good-bye, Patty,”and with a swift hand clasp, and a quick look in her eyes, Bill swungoff and was lost to sight in the crowd.

  Something seemed to snap in Patty’s heart. A cloud swam before her eyes,and she swayed a little where she stood.

  “All right, girl,” said a strong, calm voice in her ear, and Van Reypengrasped her elbow and steadied her. Immediately, she was ashamed of herpassing emotion, and laughed gaily, as she met his eyes.

  “I’m here,” he said simply; “you’ll be taken care of.”

  “Wherever _did_ you drop from?” and Patty suddenly realised thequeerness of his presence.

  “Oh, I’m the little busybody who finds out things. I found out whattrain you people came down on, and I met it. Or rather, I tried to, butI reached it just as you left the station for this hostelry, soperforce, I followed you up. Now, may I attach myself to your cortège,Mrs. Kenerley? I can make myself useful, I assure you. Are you stayinghere over night?”

  “Some of us are,” replied Adele, who liked Phil, and was glad to seehim.

  “Then be my guests for the evening. We’ll have dinner in great shape,and do a show, and just round up Boston generally.”

  The Kenerleys agreed, and soon the festivities began by the partysitting down for afternoon tea in the hotel tea room.

  Daisy told Phil of Patty’s escapade enacting the singer, M’lle Farini.

  “What a lark!” said Van Reypen. “But I daresay you gave the audience agreater treat than if the lady herself had been there.”

  “Sure she did!” declared Channing. “I tell you, we’ll see Patty on thestage yet. And a charming prima donna she would make, too. I believe itwould be a great success. Farnsworth says——”

  But then some interruption occurred and the sentence was never finished.

  In the evening, they all went to see a new light opera that wasexceedingly popular. It was a dainty, pretty piece of foolery, full ofDresden china-looking ladies, and knights in theatrical armour, and theprincipal singer was a slight fairy-like person, much like Pattyherself.

  “You could give that Diva cards and spades,” declared Chick, as theydiscussed her at an after theatre supper. “Why, Patty, you’re more of anactress than she is, this minute.”

  “And a thousand times better-looking,” said Philip.

  “Bill Farnsworth says I’m good-looking enough,” began Patty, slowly, andthen she stopped short and changed the subject. She wanted to think itout for herself, before there was any more talk about it. So, if any onerecurred to the matter, she quickly spoke of something else, and theevening passed merrily away.