Read Patty's Fortune Page 13



  “Here’s a note,” said Patty to her parents. “It was in the baby’sshoe! I haven’t read it. Open it, Dad.”

  Mr. Fairfield took the paper Patty handed him, and read aloud:

  _To Miss Fairfield_:—Will you not adopt my little girl? I am a woman of your own class in society. I married my father’s chauffeur, and my family disowned me. Now, I am in most unfortunate circumstances, but I have tried to keep my baby well-nurtured and well-dressed. I can do it no longer, and though it breaks my heart to give her up, I want her to have a home of refinement and comfort. You are rich, and you are devoted to charitable work. Will you not keep her for your own? Or, if you are unwilling to do this, will you not find a good kind friend who will take her? Her name is Millicent, but I call her Milly. She is a year and ten months old, and she has a lovely disposition. Do not attempt to seek me out. I will never try to see the child nor will I make trouble in any way about the adoption. Please keep her yourself.


  P. S.—She loves custards and hates oatmeal.

  “Well,” said Patty, “here’s a state of things! Mrs. Milly must think I’manxious to start an orphan asylum? The kiddy is a dear,—but I’m notsure _I_ care to adopt her.”

  “I should say _not_!” and Nan looked indignant. “I never heard of suchnerve!”

  “Now, now,” broke in Mr. Fairfield, “the poor mother is not so much tobe blamed. I feel very sorry for her. Think of the circumstances. Shemarried the chauffeur,—ran away with him, likely,—and now he hasdoubtless deserted her, or worse, remained with her and treats hercruelly. Poor girl, it’s only natural that she should want her baby togrow up in a home having the advantages she herself enjoyed. If I wereyou, Patty-girl, I’d try to find a good home for the little waif; thatis, unless you wish to keep her here.”

  “No,” replied Patty, thoughtfully, “I don’t believe I do. You can’t takea baby as you would a lapdog. There is a responsibility and a care thatyou would have to assume, and I’m sure I don’t want to devote the betterpart of my existence to bringing up a child that doesn’t belong to me.”

  “Of course you don’t,” agreed Nan. “The idea is absurd. But the questionis, who would take her?”

  “I can’t think of anybody,” declared Patty, wrinkling her brows. “Couldwe advertise?”

  “No,” said Mr. Fairfield, “that wouldn’t do at all. You’ll have to keepthe baby for a little while, and ask your friends if they know of apossible home for her. When it is noised around, I’m sure some one willcome forward to want her.”

  “And meantime, Daddy, you can look after her! I’m planning a busywinter, and I’ve no time for stray lambs.”

  “Can’t you get a nurse?” suggested Mr. Fairfield.

  “Oh, yes,” and Nan sighed. “But we’ve as many servants as the house willeasily accommodate now; and a nurse and a nursery and the nurse’s roomwill necessitate rearranging everything. It’s no joke to introduce ababy member into a household, I can tell you!”

  “You can keep my dressing-room for a nursery,” offered Patty; “I can getalong without it for a time.”

  “It isn’t really big enough,” objected Nan. “The child must have lots offresh air, and—oh, I never _did_ have any patience with those idiotpeople who say, ‘Why do women waste their affection on dogs? Why notadopt a dear little baby?’ It’s a very different proposition, I can tellyou! Of course, we’ll have to have a nurse, if the child stays here atall, but where we’ll put her _I_ don’t know.”

  “Well,” said Patty, hopefully, “perhaps we can find a home for herquickly. And, too, I’d like to have her here a few weeks. I think she’sa darling plaything, but I don’t want to keep her all her life. I wonderwho the mother is. Do you suppose she knows me?”

  “Of course she knows of you,” said her father; “your name is often inthe papers in connection with various charities as well as in the socialnotes. She chose you, probably, as being too kind-hearted to shift theresponsibility of the affair.”

  “And I am! I’ll accept the responsibility of finding Milly a home, butit can’t be here, of that I’m certain.”

  “How shall you go about it?” asked Nan, looking helpless and ratherhopeless.

  “With energy and promptness,” returned Patty. “And the promptness beginsright now.”

  She seated herself at the telephone table and called up a wealthy andchildless woman of her acquaintance.

  “Oh, Mrs. Porter,” she began, “I’ve the most wonderful opportunity foryou! Don’t you want to adopt a baby girl, a real Wonder-Child, all big,dark eyes and curly hair and the sweetest little hands and feet?”

  “Oh, thank you, no,” replied the amused voice at the other end of theline; “it is, indeed, a chance of a thousand, I am sure; but we’re goingSouth for the winter, and we shall be bobbing about, with no settledabode for a baby. Where did you get the paragon?”

  “I have it on trial, and I want to dispose of it advantageously. Don’tyou know of any one who might take her?”

  “Let me see. I believe Mrs. Bishop did say something about some friendof hers who knew of somebody who was about to take a child from anorphan asylum; but I remember now, she especially wanted a blonde.”

  “Oh, but brunettes are _ever_ so much nicer! I’m a blonde myself, andit’s awfully monotonous! Do tell me the name of the friend’s friend,—orwhoever it was.”

  “I don’t know, really. It was about a month ago I heard of it. But Mrs.Bishop can tell you,—Mrs. Warrington Bishop.”

  “I don’t know her,” said Patty, “may I use your name as anintroduction?”

  “Certainly. And if I can think up anybody else I’ll let you know.”

  * * * * *

  That was but the first of a hundred similar conversations that Pattyheld. She used the telephone, as it meant far less time wasted thanpersonal visits would consume, and she hoped each call would bringindirect results, if not immediate success. But everybody was tooengrossed in society or philanthropy or some hobby or travelling about,to consider for a moment the acquisition of a new charge.

  Two or three times there was a glimmer of a hope of success and Pattywould go flying off to call on a possible client. But always it proved avain chimera. One lady wanted a baby to adopt, but would only take aboy. Another was most desirous of an infant, but it must be not morethan six weeks old. Another had intended adopting a child, but hadsuddenly turned to settlement work instead.

  The days went by, and Patty became almost disheartened. Nan and herfather tried to help her, but they, too, met with no success. Mr.Fairfield spoke to several business friends of his, but they eitherlaughed at him or politely expressed their lack of interest in thematter.

  A nurse had been engaged, a skilled and capable trained nurse; for Pattyargued that if they wanted to find a good home for Milly they must keepher in the pink of condition.

  But though the nurse was most efficient, she was dictatorial andhigh-tempered, and her superior air offended the other servants, andcaused Housekeeper Nan no end of trouble. They thought of changing thenurse, but Miss Swift took such good care of her charge that theycontinued to keep her.

  The small cause of all the excitement went on her sunny-facedmerry-hearted way, unknowing what turmoil she had stirred up.

  “Middy lub Patty,” she would say, toddling to Patty’s side as she sat ather everlasting telephone conversations. “Middy fink Patty booful!”

  “Yes, and Patty finks Middy is booful,” catching the baby up in herarms, “but you are a terrible responsibility!”

  “Fot is tebble spombilty?”

  “Well, it’s what you are. I don’t know what to do with you!”

  “Lub me,” suggested Milly, twining her chubby arms around Patty’s necktill she nearl
y choked her. “Tell me I’s your pressus baby-kins.”

  “Yes, you’re all of that; and, as a matter of fact, I’m getting too fondof you, you little fat rascal!”

  “I must beg of you, Miss Fairfield, not to caress the child so much,”said the cold voice of Nurse Swift. “It is conceded by all authoritiesthat kissing is most harmful——”

  “Fudge!” said Patty; “I’m only kissing the back of her neck. Microbesdon’t hurt back there. Do they, Doodlums?” and she cuddled the babyagain, while Miss Swift looked on in high dudgeon.

  “Of course,” she said, primly, “if my advice, based on experience andknowledge, is not to be considered at all, it might be well if youemployed some other——”

  “There, there, Nurse,” interrupted Patty, “we’re not going to employanybody else. Take the kiddy-wid, and put her in a glass case. Then shewon’t get kissed and cuddled by bad, naughty, ignorant Pattys. By-by,Curly-head!”

  “No, no! Middy ’tay wiv Patty. Middy not go wiv bad Nursie!”

  “Listen, Dearie Girl. Go away with Nursie now, and get nice bread andmilk, and come back to see Patty some ’nother time.”

  This reasoning worked well and the baby went off smiling and throwingkisses back to Patty.

  “Oh, me, oh, my,” sighed Patty, “what can I do, what _can_ I do?”

  That evening Chick Channing called. To him Patty narrated herdifficulties.

  “Don’t you know of anybody who wants a perfectly angel child?” she said.“Truly there never was such a little ray of sunshine, such a sweetdisposition and intelligent mind.”

  But Channing didn’t know of a single applicant for such a treasure.

  “But I’ll tell you what,” he said; “let’s peddle her. Tomorrow I’ll comefor you in my runabout, and you have the kiddy all dolled up fine, andwe’ll take her round from house to house and offer her to the highestbidder.”

  “There won’t be any bidders,” said Patty, disconsolately.

  “Oh, I don’t know. We can exploit her, and her appearance will be all tothe good. Anyway, we can try it, and it’ll give the poor little scrap anouting, if nothing more. And give her overworked nurse a chance for anhour off.”

  So Patty agreed, and the next afternoon Chick came for them. The babylooked a dream, in her white coat and hat, her clustering curls showinga glimpse of pink hair-ribbon.

  “Where first?” asked Chick, as they started off in gay spirits.

  “Mercy, _I_ don’t know!” returned Patty. “I thought you were runningthis scheme, and that you had places in view.”

  “Not I. But if you haven’t either, I suggest we just stop, hit or miss,at any house that looks hospitable.”

  “Nonsense, we can’t do that.”

  “Well, then let’s take her to an orphan asylum or children’s home andjust leave her there.”

  “No, indeed!” and Patty clasped Milly close. “She shan’t go to any suchplace! Why, they mightn’t be kind to her!”

  “Probably not. But what, then?”

  “Oh, dear, I don’t know. What good are you, Chick, if you can’t suggestsomething? I’m worn out pondering on the subject.”

  “Well, if it’s as bad as that, I _must_ invent something. Let me see.Oh, by the way, are you going to the Meredith tea this afternoon?”

  “I meant to go, till you trumped up this plan, which, if you’ll excuseme, is the biggest wild-goose chase I ever saw!”

  “Not unless you’re the wild goose. I assure you I’m not. And to proveit, here’s a plan. Let’s go to the tea, and take this little exhibit.There will be hundreds of people there, and you can auction her offeasily enough.”

  “Chick! What a crazy idea! It would never do!”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, first, Mrs. Meredith would be highly indignant at such aperformance.”

  “Not she! You know very well, Patty, she’s a climber; and she’s mostanxious to know you better, and count you as her friend. Oh, I know allthis inside information, I do! So, if you do something a bit eccentric,perhaps, but pretty and effective it will give her tea a certainprestige, a unique interest that will tickle her to death.”

  Patty considered. “It might work,” she said, thinking hard; “but I’llhave to go back and dress.”

  “So shall I. But the Belle of the Ball, here, is all right, isn’t she?”

  “Yes; or,—no,—I’ll put on her very bestest frock, all lace and frills.Well, turn back home, then and come for us again at five. It’s Milly’sbed-time at six, but no matter, if we provide her a home and a career.”

  * * * * *

  At five, then, Chick returned, and found a resplendent pair awaitinghim. Patty wore one of her prettiest afternoon frocks, of Dolly Vardensilk, and Milly was in gossamer linen and laces, hidden beneath herwhite cloth coat.

  She was in effervescent spirits and babbled continuously in her merrylittle way.

  At the house, the maid in the cloak-room stared hard at the baby, butsaid no word as she drew off the little coat sleeves.

  Patty looked Milly over, critically, perked up her enormous pinkhair-bow, and shook out her frills, then they went to the drawing-room,meeting Chick at the door.

  “I feel a mad desire to giggle,” he said, as he caught sight of Patty,and Milly toddling beside her.

  “I feel a mad desire to run away,” she returned. “Stand by me, Chick.”

  “_A la mort!_” he replied, and they entered the reception.

  “How do you do, Mrs. Meredith?” said Patty, in her most dulcet tones. “Itook the liberty of bringing a little friend of mine. Though she wasn’tinvited, I feel sure you can spare her a little bit of your welcome andhospitality.”

  Mrs. Meredith, a young woman of great dignity, looked at Milly inastonishment. As Patty had carefully taught her, the midget dropped adainty courtesy, and smiled up in her hostess’ face.

  Remembering the great desirability of Patty’s friendship, Mrs. Meredithretained her composure, and laughed. “You dear girl, how original youare! Who else would have thought of bringing a baby to my reception? Isshe a relative of yours?”

  “Not that,” said Patty, smiling, “but a very dear friend.”

  And then Channing stepped up to greet Mrs. Meredith, and others quicklyfollowed, so that our trio could drift away into the crowd of chatting,laughing people.

  “What shall we do with Middy?” said Patty, anxiously. “The little thingwill be smothered down there, among all those full skirts and floatingsashes!”

  For already the tiny mite was entangling her little fingers in thefringed ends of a lady’s scarf.

  “I’ll take her,” and Chick leaned down, and picking up Middy, seated heron his broad shoulder.

  It made a bit of a sensation, for Channing’s towering height made himalways a conspicuous figure, and the laughing baby attracted every one’sattention.

  “Now’s your chance!” he whispered suddenly. “Everybody is looking at us.Step up on this chair and auction her off! I _dare_ you to!”