Read Patty's Fortune Page 4



  In a blaze of September glory, the sun shone across the lake. Theleaves had not yet begun to turn, and the summer trees were as green asthe stalwart evergreens, but of varying shades. From deep, almost black,shadowy forests, the range ran to brilliant, light green foliage, in agamut of colour. Some of the younger and more daring trees crept down tothe water’s edge, but much of the lake shore was rocky and more or lesssteep. Here and there a picturesque inlet had a bit of sandy coast, butthe main effect was rugged and wild.

  But even the intrusive sun could only peep into Patty’s boudoir througha chink or two between the drawn shades and the window frames. And sohis light was not enough to wake the sleeper, still cuddled among thecouch pillows.

  But she was awakened by a bombardment of raps on the door.

  “Patty!” called Daisy’s impatient voice; “whatever _are_ you doing? Openthis door!”

  The blue eyes flew open. But Patty was the sort of person who neverwakes all at once. Nan always said Patty woke on the instalment plan.Slowly, and rubbing her eyes, she rose and unlocked the door.

  “Why, Patty Fairfield!” Daisy exclaimed, “your lights are still burning!You—why, _look_ at you! You didn’t undress at all! You have on yourevening petticoat and slippers! and the very same boudoir robe I leftyou in last night. And”—Daisy looked in at the bedroom door,—“your bedhasn’t been slept in! What _is_ the matter?”

  Daisy rattled on so, that Patty, still half asleep, was bewildered. “Idon’t know——” she began, “Philip called——”

  “Philip called! Patty, are you crazy? Wake up!” Daisy shook her a littleand under this compulsion Patty finished waking up.

  “Good gracious!” she exclaimed, laughing, “did I sleep there all night?No wonder I feel like a boiled owl.”

  “But why,—_why_ did you do it?”

  “Fiddlesticks, I don’t know. It’s no crime, I suppose. I lay down therefor a few minutes, after you hoodlums cleared out, and I suppose I fellasleep and forgot to wake up. That’s all. Lemme alone, and a bath and acup of hot chocolate will restore my senses.”

  “You dear little goose! I’ll run your tub for you. Though I supposethere are a string of maids waiting outside your door. Want ’em?”

  “No, rather have you. But send half a dozen of them for some choclit,please.”

  Still yawning, Patty began to take off her slippers and stockings.“Thank you, Daisykins,” she said, as Daisy returned from the bathroom.“Now, you light out, and I’ll make a respectable toilette. My, how I didsleep. I was worn out. But I feel fine now. Good-bye, Daisy.”

  But Daisy was slow to take the hint.

  “I say, Patsy, what did you mean by saying Philip called?”

  Patty hesitated for the fraction of a second, and then decided it werewiser to keep her own counsel regarding that matter.

  “Dreaming, I s’pose. Certainly, there was no Philip here in reality.”

  “But you said distinctly that Philip called,” Daisy persisted.

  “Well, s’pose I did? What could it have been but a dream? Do you imagineI had a real, live caller?”

  “No; but it must have been a vivid dream!”

  “It was,” said Patty. “Now scoot!”

  Daisy scooted, and Patty locked her door again.

  “Well, you’re a pretty one!” she said to herself; “the idea of sleepingall night without going to bed. Adele will be terribly exercised overit. But I have other things to worry about. I wonder if Philip willreally come up here, and if he does, what Bill will do. Would I bettertell Bill about it? Or, just let the situation develop itself? Oh, whattroubles some poor little Pattys do have! Come in!”

  This last in response to a gentle tap at the hall door.

  A trim maid entered with a tray.

  “Oh, joy!” cried Patty; “I’m simply starving,——Mary, is it?”

  “Sarah, ma’am,” returned the girl, gazing admiringly at pretty Patty,who was now in a kimono of light blue silk, edged with swans-down.

  “Well, Sarah, stay a few moments, and you can help me dress. Sit downthere.”

  Sarah obediently took the small chair Patty designated, and folded herhands on her immaculate frilled apron.

  “Tell me about the hotel, Sarah,” said Patty, as she crunched the crisptoast between her white teeth, and smiled at the maid.

  “What about it, ma’am?”

  “Well, let me see; how did you maids feel when you found the guests wereleaving?”

  “At first we feared we’d lose our money, miss; then we were told thatour contracts held till the end of this month, and if we would stay aslong as we were asked to, we’d get paid in full.”

  “Wasn’t that nice?”

  “Fine, ma’am. I’m using mine for my little sister’s schooling, and I’dsore miss it.”

  “So all the servants were willing to stay?”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am. You see, none could get good places up here. The hotelsall have their own, and many of them will close the first of October.”

  “I see. Isn’t it funny to have a dozen guests, and the rest of this bigplace empty?”

  “It is, indeed, miss. Shall I get you some hotter chocolate?”

  “No, I’ve finished, thank you. Now, you call somebody else to take thetray, and you stay to help me. I’ve taken a fancy to you, Sarah, and Iwant you for my personal maid while I’m here. Is that all right?”

  “Yes, indeed, miss. I’m proud to do for you. But I’m not a trainedlady’s maid.”

  “Never mind, I’ll train you.”

  Patty had a nice way with servants. She was always kind, and treatedthem as human beings, yet never was she so familiar that they presumedon her kindness. She soon discovered that Sarah, though untrained, wasdeft and quick to learn, and she instructed the maid in the dutiesrequired.

  And so, when Adele came tapping at the door, she found Patty seatedbefore the mirror, while Sarah was coiling the golden hair according todirections.

  “Well, girlie, what’s this I hear about your sleeping on a couch, when aperfectly good bed was all turned down for you?”

  “Oh, just one of my whimsies,” returned Patty, airily. “Don’t botherabout it, Adele.”

  And Adele was wise and kind enough not to bother.

  Soon, arrayed in a most becoming white serge, with emerald green velvetcollar and cuffs and a pale green silk blouse, Patty descended the greatstaircase to find most of the party grouped there, about to start for aramble round the lake.

  “’Course I’ll go,” she said in answer to eager inquiries. “My hat andgloves, Sarah, please.”

  “Yes, Miss Patty,” and the maid, who had been following her, returnedupstairs.

  “I’ve adopted Sarah as my personal bodyguard,” Patty said. “You don’tmind, Bill, do you?”

  “Not a bit!” he replied heartily. “The house is yours and the fulnessthereof. I hope all of you ladies who want maids, or keepers of anysort, will call on the service force for them.”

  Sarah came down then, bringing Patty’s hat, a soft felt, green, andturned up on one side with a Robin Hood feather. It was most becoming,as Patty tilted it sideways on her head, adjusting it before a largemantel mirror.

  “Now we’re off,” she said, gaily; “but we ought to have Alpenstocks, orswagger-sticks.”

  “Here are some,” said Bill, opening a cupboard door, and disclosing alot of long sticks. Everybody selected one, and they set forth.

  “Such a wonder-place!” exclaimed Marie, as at every fresh turn theyfound some new bit of scenery or different view. “I could stay hereforever!”

  “Me too!” agreed Mona. “What’s the name of the lake?”

  “Something like Skoodoowabskooskis,” said Bill, laughing; “but forshort, everybody calls it Blue Rock Lake.”

  “Because the rocks on the other side look so blue, I suppose,” suggestedDaisy.

??I believe you’re right!” cried Chick, in mock amazement at her quickperception. Whereupon Daisy made a face at him.

  “Don’t mind him, Daisy,” said Patty; adding, teasingly, “it’s perfectlytrue, the distant rocks do look blue, hence the term, Blue RockLake,—blue rocks and the lake, see?”

  “Oh, you smarty!” and Daisy lost her temper a little, for she hated tobe made fun of; “if you tease me, I’ll tease you. What about a girl whowakes up, babbling of some ‘Philip’ or other!”

  “Babbling nothing!” cried Patty. “And anyway, I’m always babbling,asleep or awake. Oh, see that bird! What a beauty!” As a matter of factthere was no bird in sight, but canny Patty knew it would divertattention from Daisy’s remark, and it did. After vainly looking for thebeautiful bird, other distractions arose, and Patty breathed more freelythat nobody had noticed Daisy’s fling.

  But after they had walked all round the lake, and were nearing the hotelagain, Bill stepped to Patty’s side and falling in step with her, puthis strong, firm hand under her elbow, saying: “Want some help, littlegirl, over the hard places?”

  Channing, who had been at her other side, took the hint and fell behindwith some of the others.

  “What’s this about your waking up with Philip’s name on your lips?” hesaid; “do you want to see him so badly? If so, I’ll ask him up here?”

  Patty hesitated; here was her chance to get the invitation that Phil socoveted, and yet, she knew Bill Farnsworth didn’t want him. Nor was shesure that she wanted him, herself, if he and Little Billee weren’t goingto be friendly. A nice time she would have, if the two men were cool orcurt to each other.

  So she said, “No, I don’t want him, especially. I daresay I was dreamingof him. I dream a lot anyway, of everything and everybody.”

  A moment Patty thought. Then she said, “No thank you,Billie, I don’t.”]

  “Dreaming?” said Farnsworth, in a curious voice; “is that all, Patty?”

  “All? What do you mean?”

  “Is that all the communication you had with Van Reypen last night? Indreams?”

  Patty looked up, startled. Did Bill know of the telephone message? Wouldhe care? Patty felt a certain sense of guilt, though, as she toldherself, she had done nothing wrong. Moreover, the only reason she hadfor not telling Farnsworth frankly of Phil’s message, was merely tospare him annoyance. She knew he would be annoyed to learn that Phil hadcalled her at midnight on the long distance, and if he didn’t alreadyknow it, she would rather he shouldn’t. But did he, or not?

  “Pray, how else could I talk to him?” she said, laughingly. “Do yousuppose I am a medium and had spirit rappings?”

  “I suppose nothing. And I know only what you choose to tell me.”

  “Which is nothing, also. Why, Little Billee, you’re in a mood thismorning, aren’t you?”

  She glanced up into the face of the man who strode beside her. It was afine face. Strong, well-cut features made it interesting rather thanhandsome. It was also a determined face, and full of earnestness ofpurpose. But in the blue eyes usually lurked a glint of humour. For themoment, however, this was not noticeable, and Farnsworth’s lips wereclosed rather tightly,—a sure sign with him, of seriousness.

  “Since you choose to tell me nothing, I accept your decision. But oncemore I ask you, for the last time, do you wish me to invite Van Reypenup here?”

  A moment Patty thought. Then she said, “No, thank you, Billee, I don’t.”

  Farnsworth’s brow cleared, and with a sunny smile down at her, he said:“Then the incident is closed. Forget it.”

  “All right,” and Patty smiled back, well pleased that she had decided asshe did.

  “You little goose!” said he, “I know perfectly well that you called upVan Reypen on the telephone last night.”

  “I did not!” declared Patty, indignantly.

  “Now, Apple Blossom, don’t tell naughty stories. I say, I _know_ youdid.”

  “All right, Mr. Farnsworth, if you doubt my word, there’s nothing moreto be said.”

  Patty was thoroughly angry, and when she was angry she looked about asfierce as a wrathy kitten. But, also, when Patty was angry, a fewfoolish tears _would_ crowd themselves into her eyes, and this onlyserved to make her madder yet. She turned from him, wanting to leave himand join some of the others, but she couldn’t, with those silly dropstrembling on her eyelashes.

  “Look up, Apple Blossom,” said a gentle voice in her ear. Farnsworth’svoice was one of his chief charms, and when he modulated it to acaressing tone, it would cajole the birds off the trees.

  Patty looked up, and something in her blue eyes glistened through thetears, that somehow made her look incapable of “telling a naughtystory.”

  “Forgive me, Posy-Face,” Farnsworth murmured, “I _will_ believe you,whatever you tell me. I will believe you, whether I think you’re tellingthe truth or not!”

  At this rather ambiguous statement, Patty looked a little blank. Butbefore she could ask further explanation, they had reached the hotel andthey all went in.