Read Patty's Friends Page 1

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  "Patty was a comfort-loving creature" (p. 33)]




  Author of "Patty Fairfield," "Patty in Paris," etc.



  Copyright, 1908By Dodd, Mead and Company

  Published, September, 1908



  CHAPTER PAGE I An Afternoon Tea 9 II Riddles and Games 23 III The White Lady 36 IV A Floral Offering 51 V Miss Yankee Doodle 65 VI Herenden Hall 79 VII For One Night Only 93 VIII The Earl of Ruthven 107 IX An Important Document 121 X A Momentous Interview 134 XI The Birthday Party 149 XII Summer Plans 162 XIII Cromarty Manor 175 XIV Uncle Marmaduke 190 XV Puzzling Rhymes 204 XVI The Croquet Party 218 XVII The Griffin and the Rose 231 XVIII The Old Chimney-Piece 245 XIX The Discovery 258 XX Good-Byes 272



  "Patty was a comfort-loving creature" Frontispiece

  "Marie pinned it and sewed it" 95

  "'How _much_ pleasanter this is than squabbling'" 145

  "Often she would spend a morning lying in a hammockbeneath the old trees" 175





  "I wish I had a twin sister," said Patty; "no, that wouldn't do, either.I wish I were twins, and could be both of them myself."

  "What a sensible wish!" commented Nan. "But why do you want to doubleyourself up in that way?"

  "So I could go to two places at once. Here I have two lovely invitationsfor this afternoon, and I don't know which I want to accept most. One isa musicale at Mrs. Hastings', and the other is a picture exhibition atthe New Gallery."

  "They sound delightful. Can't you manage to go to both?"

  "No, they're too far apart; and they're both at four o'clock, anyway. Ithink I'll choose the musicale, for I'll surely get another chance to seethe pictures."

  "Yes, of course you will," agreed Nan, a little absently, for she wasreading some newly arrived letters.

  The Fairfields were in London, and were comfortably established in theSavoy Hotel. It was April, and though they intended to travel later inthe summer, their plans were as yet indefinite, and they were enjoyingthe many and varied delights of the London season.

  To be sure, Nan and Mr. Fairfield were invited to many dinners andelaborate entertainments which Patty was too young to attend, but hertime was pleasantly filled with afternoon garden parties or teas, whilemornings were often devoted to sight-seeing.

  Patty was almost eighteen, and though not allowed quite the untrammelledfreedom she would have had in America, she was not kept so utterlysecluded as English girls of her age. Sometimes she would go all alone toWestminster Abbey or to the National Gallery, and enjoy hugely a solitaryhour or two. At other times, Nan or her father, or some girl friend,would go with her.

  The Fairfields had begun their stay in London with only a few friends,but these had introduced others, until now their circle of acquaintanceswas large, and the immediate result of this was a sheaf of invitations inevery mail. For, during the season, Londoners are hospitable folk, andgive entertainments morning, noon, and night. At first, the Fairfieldshad thought they would take a house, and so have a home of their own. ButMr. Fairfield concluded that if Nan had the duties of a housekeeper, hertrip would not be a holiday, so he declared they would live at a largehotel, and thus have a chance to observe the gay life of London.

  And so cosy and comfortable were their apartments at the Savoy, that theysoon began to feel quite at home there. And Patty, as we all know, wasone who could adapt herself to any mode of living.

  Of a naturally happy and contented disposition, she accepted everythingas it came, and enjoyed everything with the enthusiasm so often seen inAmerican girls.

  It greatly amused her to note the differences between herself and theEnglish girls.

  To her mind, they seemed to have no enthusiasm, no enterprise, and littlecapacity for enjoyment, while Patty enjoyed every experience that came toher, whether a visit to Windsor Castle, a day at Stratford, or a simpleafternoon tea in their own rooms.

  "I seem to have been set back two or three years," she said to Nan, oneday. "In New York I was almost a full-fledged young lady, but over here,I'm treated as a little girl."

  "It doesn't matter," said Nan, sensibly. "You are what you are, and ifthe different countries choose to treat you differently, it doesn'tmatter, does it?"

  "Not a bit. I'm Patty Fairfield, and I'm almost eighteen, whether I'm inCalifornia or the Fiji Islands. But it does amuse me, the way theLondoners think we live at home. They really believe American ladies goto market in the morning, loaded down with diamonds. You don't often seethat in New York, do you, Nan?"

  "No, I don't think I ever saw a New York matron wearing elaborate jewelryto market. But then I never go to market myself, and I don't know manypeople who do. I think that bediamonded marketer story is an oldtradition, which is really pretty well worn out."

  "And the London ladies needn't talk, anyway. If we did wear jewels tomarket, it wouldn't be a bit more absurd than the way they dress to goshopping in the morning. Long, trailing, frilly gowns of pink and bluechiffon, with swishing lace-ruffled petticoats, that just drag throughthe dirt of the streets."

  "Now aren't you criticising them as unfairly as they describe us?"

  "No, for what I say is true. I've seen them fluttering about. And,anyway, I don't mean to be mean. I like them lots. I just love the Londonladies, they're so kind to me, and invite me to such lovely things. Ofcourse I don't care if they choose to wear garden-party clothes alongBond Street. We all have some ridiculous ways."

  Pretty Patty was fond of pretty clothes, and the shops of Bond Streetheld great attractions for her, though she herself wore a realtailor-made costume when shopping. At first, Nan had exercised asupervision over her purchases, but Patty had shown such good taste, andsuch quick and unerring judgment as to fabrics and colors, that it hadcome about that Patty more often advised Nan in her choosing, than theother way.

  And so, many a pleasant morning was spent in the beautiful London shops,buying things they wanted, looking at things they did not want, or notingwith interest the ways and means peculiar to English shopkeepers.

  Thus the days went happily by, and they had already been more than afortnight in London, while as yet their plans for future travel wereunmade. Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield wanted to go to Germany, Switzerland, andother countries, but Patty didn't care so much for that as for Englishcountry, or small nearby towns. So the matter was left unsettled, thoughshort and desu
ltory discussions were held now and then.

  But oftener their minds were taken up with the doings of the moment, andthey complacently left the future to itself.

  "Well, then I think I'll go to the musicale," said Patty. "What would youwear?"

  "That new light blue chiffon of yours, with the lace bolero, is just thething."

  "Yes, and my new broad-leafed chip hat, with the roses piled all overit."

  Patty ran away to her own room, and after a time returned in the prettysummer costume.

  "How do I look?" she asked, smilingly, of Nan.

  Nan smiled back at the lovely vision, for Patty's vanity was of a mildand innocent sort, and was rather a childish delight in dainty colors andfabrics, than any conceit over her own beauty.

  For beautiful Patty certainly was, in a sweet, wholesome, girlish way,and not the least of her charms was her naturalness of manner and herentire lack of self-consciousness.

  She looked especially winning in the light, filmy dress, and the big hat,weighed down with roses.

  "You look all right, Patty," answered Nan. "That's a duck of a frock, andsuits you perfectly. Are you going alone?"

  "Yes; father says I may go alone in our own carriage to any afternoonthing. The Hartleys will bring me home, so sha'n't I send the carriageback for you?"

  "Yes, I wish you would. I'm going to a tea or two, and then we're diningout. You're to dine with the Hartleys, aren't you?"

  "Yes, if it is dinner. It's more likely to be schoolroom tea. MabelHartley is sixteen, but I doubt if she's allowed at dinner yet."

  "Nonsense, of course she is. Well, then, if they're sending you home,Louise needn't go after you?"

  "No; they'll send somebody. Good-bye, Nan."

  "Good-bye, Patty. Have a lovely time."

  "Oh, yes; I always do."

  Away went Patty and her frills, and when she reached Chesterton Mansions,she was soon established under the wing of her hostess, Mrs. Hastings.

  That lady was very glad to have the pretty American girl as her guest,and she introduced Patty to so many people that it was almostbewildering. But after a time, the music began, and Patty was glad to sitstill and listen.

  It was very fine music, for that is the sort that Londoners usually offerat their teas, and Patty thoroughly enjoyed the singing and theviolin-playing. She was a little afraid that Mrs. Hastings would ask herto sing, but as it was a programme of professionals this did not happen.

  When the Hartleys came, Mabel at once made her way to Patty's side andsat down by her.

  "I'm so glad to see you again," she said, "and it's so lovely that you'regoing home with us."

  "I'm glad, too," returned Patty, "it was lovely of you to ask me."

  Mabel Hartley was an English girl, and was about as different from Pattyas could well be imagined, and perhaps for this reason the two were verygood friends. Although they had met only a few times, they liked eachother from the beginning, and both were ready to continue the friendship.

  Mabel was large and stout, with the solidity which characterises theBritish young girls. She was large-boned and not very graceful, but shecarried herself with a patrician air that told of past generations ofgood-breeding. Her complexion was of that pure pink and white seen onlyon English faces, but her pale, sandy hair and light blue eyes failed toadd the deeper color that was needed. Her frock was an uninterestingshade of tan, and did not hang evenly, while her hat was one of thosetubby affairs little short of ridiculous.

  Patty fairly ached to re-clothe her, in some pretty clear color, and abecoming hat.

  The girls were politely silent while the music was going on, but in theintervals between the numbers they chattered glibly.

  "That's Grace Meredith and her brother Tom just coming in," said Mabel."I hope they'll come over here; you'll like them, I know."

  The Merediths did come over, and were promptly introduced to Patty.

  "Do you know," said Tom Meredith, as he shook hands in cordial, boyishfashion, "you're the first American girl I've ever met."

  "Am I, really?" laughed Patty. "Now don't ask me if we always wear ourdiamonds to market, for truly the American women who go to market rarelyhave any diamonds."

  "I never believed that diamond story, anyway," responded Tom, gravely,"but I'm glad to have you tell me it isn't true. I'm perfectlyunprejudiced about America, though. I'm ready to believe it's the bestcountry in the world, outside of our own little island."

  "Good for you!" cried Patty. "Then I'm ready to acknowledge that I likeEngland next best to America."

  "Have you been here long?" asked Grace.

  "No, only about two weeks, but I love London better every day, and I knowI shall love the English country. Just the glimpse I caught coming in thetrain from Dover was delightful."

  "You should see the Hartleys' country place," declared Tom, withenthusiasm. "It's a ripping old house, two hundred years old, and allthat. And such parks and orchards! Well!"

  "I hope you will come to see it, Patty," said Mabel, a little wistfully,and Patty wondered why the girl's tone had in it a note of sadness.

  But just then, as the music was over, Mrs. Hastings asked them to go tothe tea-room, and the group of young people followed in her wake.

  "You girls sit here," said Tom, selecting a jolly-looking alcove, withwindow-seats and red cushions, "while I stalk some food."

  He was back in a few moments, followed by a waiter, who brought a tray ofteacups and plates of sweet cakes.

  Tom, himself, bore triumphantly a covered silver dish.

  "Muffins!" he announced, in a jubilant voice. "Hot, buttered muffins!Crickets, what luck!"

  The hot muffins, buttered and quartered, were indeed delicious, andEngland and America seemed at one in showing an appreciative appetite forthem.

  "We don't have these in America," said Patty, surveying her bit of muffinwith admiration. "We have good sandwiches, though."

  "We almost never have sandwiches," said Grace.

  "You don't need to," said Patty, quickly. "Your wonderful bread andbutter is too good to be spoiled with a sandwich filling of any sort."

  "'Most all things are good eating at an afternoon tea," observed Tom."Somehow, at five o'clock I'm always so hungry I could eat a brickbat ifit were toasted and buttered."

  "Afternoon tea is really an acquired taste with us," said Patty. "Youseem to have it naturally, even when you're alone, but we only have itwhen we have guests."

  "Really?" said Mabel, in astonishment. "Why, we'd as soon think ofomitting breakfast or dinner as tea."

  "It's a lovely meal," said Patty, giving a little sigh of satisfaction,as her last crumb of muffin disappeared. "Such good things to eat, andthen it's so cosy and informal to sit around in easy chairs, instead ofat a big table."

  "But the ideal place for tea is on the lawn," said Tom. "The open air andthe trees and birds and flowers are even a better setting for it, than aninterior like this."

  "I hope I shall have that kind this summer," said Patty. "I'm invited toseveral country houses, and I know I shall enjoy it immensely."

  "Indeed you will," said Mabel, and again Patty thought she detected ashade of sadness in her friend's eyes.

  But if Mabel was not exactly gay, Grace Meredith made up for it. She wasfull of fun and laughter, and both she and Tom made comical speechesuntil Patty feared she would disgrace herself laughing.

  "What's the joke?" asked Mrs. Hartley, coming to collect her young peopleand take them home.

  "Tom is making verses about the people here," explained Grace. "Tell Mrs.Hartley the one about the violinist, Tom."

  "Don't think it's rude, Mrs. Hartley," said young Meredith; "truly, itisn't meant to be. But for that classic-browed genius, with hischrysanthemum of tawny-colored hair, isn't this a pleasant token ofregard and esteem?

  "This is our latest social lion, So, to look modest, he's tryin' and tryin'."

  "It's very beautiful," said Mrs. Hartley, smiling, "and I daresayProfessor
Prendergast would enjoy it himself, were he to hear it."

  "He might," said Tom, doubtfully, "but musicians rarely have a sense ofhumour, at least, about themselves."

  "That's true," agreed Mrs. Hartley, "and now, Mabel and Miss Fairfield,we must be going on."

  Good-byes were soon said, and in the Hartleys' carriage Patty was takenaway to her first visit in an English home.