Read Patty's Social Season Page 17



  Before her mirror, Patty was putting the last touches to her Bo-Peepcostume, and it must be confessed she was viewing the effect withadmiration.

  The gilt-framed glass gave back a lovely picture. The costume was oneof the prettiest Patty had ever worn, and was exceedingly becoming.There was a short, quilted skirt of white satin and a pannieredoverdress of gay, flowered silk, caught up with blue bows. A littlelaced bodice and white chemisette completed the dress. Then there wasa broad-leafed shepherdess hat, trimmed with flowers, and under thisPatty's gold curls were bunched up on either side and tied with blueribbons. She wore high-heeled, buckled slippers, and carried a long,white crook, trimmed with blossoms and fluttering ribbons.

  She pranced and turned in front of the mirror, decidedly satisfiedwith the whole effect. Then she caught up her basket of flowers, whichshe carried because it added a pretty touch, and went downstairs.

  It was a gay-looking party that waited for her in the hall. The twoMisses Crosby had been there to dinner, and also Mr. Hoyt and Mr.Collins, and these, with the house party, were now all arrayed intheir fancy dress. As they had agreed on Christmas Day, they were allin pairs, and as of course there could be no secrecy among them, theyhad not yet put on their masks.

  Mona and Roger were very magnificent as Queen Elizabeth and Sir WalterRaleigh. Though Mona was not at all the type of the red-haired queen,she looked very handsome in the regal robes and great, flaring collar,while Roger was a veritable courtier in his picturesque garb.

  Daisy and Mr. Collins were Pierrette and Pierrot. Their costumes wereblack and white, Frenchy-looking affairs, with tossing pompons andpeaked caps.

  The elder Miss Crosby and Jim Kenerley were Indians; and the warlikebrave and the young Indian maiden looked as if they might have steppedout of the earliest pages of our country's history.

  The other Miss Crosby and Hal Ferris were Italian peasants in nationalcostume.

  Adele and Mr. Hoyt were the most simply dressed of all, but in theirplain Puritan garb they were effective and distinguished looking.

  Perhaps, however, it was Philip Van Reypen whose costume received thegreatest applause. He had copied a picture of Bobby Shafto that hadbeen painted by a frivolous-minded artist, and his embroidered andbelaced coat of light blue silk was remindful of the period of thegayest Louis. He wore white satin knee-breeches, white silk stockings,and black slippers with enormous buckles. In accordance with the song,there were large silver buckles at his knees; and his tri-corne hatwas a very marvel of gold lace and feathers. Full lace ruffles flappedat his throat and wrists, and altogether he was an absolute dandy.

  "You look like a valentine," said Patty, "or a birthday cake."

  "You do look good enough to eat," declared Adele, as she took in thegorgeous costume.

  "Yes, I flatter myself it's the very last touch of Shaftoism," saidPhilip, strutting about with an affected gait. "I say, Patty, you'reall kinds of a peach yourself."

  "Yes, this frock is all right," said Patty, "but you simply take mybreath away, Phil. I didn't know anybody could look so beautiful! Iwish men dressed that way nowadays."

  And then everybody admired everybody else until it was time to start.Then each put on a little mask, which they were to wear at the balluntil supper-time. Patty's was of light blue silk with a short fall oflace, and Philip's was of black satin.

  "I can't wear this thing all the way there," declared Patty, takinghers off again.

  "Well, put it on just before you get there," enjoined Adele. "I'vetaken great care that no one should know a word about our costumes,and now if we are well masked they won't be able to guess who we are.Even though they know we all came from our house, there are so many ofus, they can't tell us apart."

  The Country Club was a handsome, spacious building, well away from theoutskirts of the town. But the motors took them there swiftly, andsoon they joined the large party of maskers in the Club ballroom.There were perhaps a hundred people there, and Patty felt there waslittle risk of being recognised. She did not know many of the FernFalls people, anyway, and they would scarcely know her in herdisguise.

  "Of course the first dance is mine," said Philip, as the music began.

  But after that dance was over, Patty was besieged by would-bepartners. Historical characters, foreigners, clowns, monks, andknights in armour begged for dances with Little Bo-Peep. Patty was soengrossed in looking at these wonderful personages, that she scarcelynoticed who put their names on her card. And in truth it made littledifference, as none of the men put their real names, and she hadn'tthe slightest idea who they were.

  "Help yourselves," she said, laughing, "to the dances before supper;but don't touch the other side of the card. After the masks are off, Ishall have some say, myself, as to my partners!"

  So the first half of the dances were variously signed for by Columbusand Aladdin and Brother Sebastian and Jack Pudding and other suchnames.

  During each dance Patty would try to discover the identity of herpartner, but as she only succeeded in one or two cases, she gave itup.

  "For it doesn't make the slightest difference who you are," she said,as she danced with Brother Sebastian, who was garbed as a Friar ofOrders Grey.

  "No," he returned, in a hollow, sepulchral voice, which he seemed tothink suited to his monk's attire.

  "And you needn't try to disguise your voice so desperately," saidPatty, laughing gaily, "for probably I don't know you, anyhow. And youdon't know me, do you?"

  "I don't know your name," said the monk, still in hollow tones, "but Iknow you're a dancer from the professional stage, and not just a youngwoman in private life."

  "Good gracious!" cried Patty, horrified. "I'm nothing of the sort! I'ma simple-minded little country girl, and I dance because I can't helpit. I love to dance, but I must say that a monk's robe on one'spartner is a little troublesome. I think all the time I'm going totrip on it."

  "Oh, all right; I'll fix that," said the monk, and he held up theskirts of his long robe until they cleared the floor.

  "That's better," said Patty, "but it does spoil the picturesqueness ofyour costume. Let's promenade for a while, and then you can let yourrobes drag in proper monkian fashion."

  "Much obliged to you for not saying monkey fashion! I certainly dofeel foolish, dressed up in this rig."

  "Why, you ought not to, in that plain gown. Just look at the thingssome of the men have on!"

  "I know it. Look at that court jester; he must feel a fool!"

  "But that's his part," laughed Patty; "rather clever, I think, todress as a fool, and then if you feel like a fool, you're right inyour part."

  "I say, Miss Bo-Peep, you're clever, aren't you?"

  "Not so very; but when talking to a learned monk, I try to be as wiseas I can. Oh, look at that stunning big man,--who is he?"

  "Looks like one of the patriarchs; but I guess he's meant for KingLear. See the wreath of flowers on his white hair."

  "Did Lear wear flowers? I thought he wore a crown."

  "Tut! tut! Little Bo-Peep, you must brush up your Shakespeare. Don'tyou know King Lear became a little troubled in his head, and adornedhimself with a garland?"

  "Well, he's awfully picturesque," said Patty, quite undisturbed by herignorance of the play, and looking admiringly at Lear's magnificentcourt robes of velvet and ermine, and his long, flowing white hair andbeard, and the garland of flowers that lay loosely on the glisteningwhite wig and trailed down behind.

  As they neared the picturesque figure, King Lear bowed low beforePatty, and held out his hand for her dance card.

  It was the rule of the ball not to speak, but to indicate invitationsby gestures.

  However, Patty had no reason to keep silent, as they were nearly allstrangers, so she laughed, and spoke right out: "I'd gladly give you adance, King Lear, but I haven't one left."

  With another courtly bow, King Lear still seemed to insist on hiswish, and he took up her card, which she ha
d tied to her crook by anarrow ribbon. With surprise he saw the whole second page blank, andpointed to it with an accusing gesture.

  "Ah, yes," returned Patty, smiling, "but those are for my friendsafter I know them. We unmask at supper-time, and then I shall use somediscrimination in bestowing my dances. If you want one of those youmust ask me for it after supper."

  King Lear bowed submissively to Patty's decree, and was about to moveaway, when a sudden thought struck him. He picked up Patty's cardagain, and indicated a space between the last dance and the supper.

  "Oh, I know what you mean," cried Patty. "You mean an 'extra.' But Idon't think they'll have any. And, anyway, I never engage for extras.If they do have one, and you happen to be around, I'll give it toyou;--that's all I can say." And then Patty's next partner came, andshe danced away with him, leaving King Lear making his sweeping,impressive bows.

  "Who is he?" asked Patty, of Roger, who chanced to be her partner thistime.

  "Don't know, I'm sure; but I know scarcely any of the people up here.They seem to be a fine crowd, though. Have you noticed the Zenobia,Queen of Palmyra? There she is now. Isn't she stunning?"

  Patty looked round, to see a tall, majestic woman, dressed as Zenobia.Her tiny mask hid only her eyes, and her beautiful, classic face wellaccorded with the character she had chosen.

  "She's beautiful!" declared Patty, with heartfelt admiration. "I wishI was big and stunning, Roger, instead of a little scrap of humanity."

  "What a silly you are, Patty Pink! Now, I've no doubt that tall,majestic-looking creature wishes she could be a little fairy, likeyou."

  "But a big woman is so much more graceful and dignified."

  "Patty, I do believe you're fishing! And I _know_ you're talkingnonsense! Dignified isn't just the term I should apply to you,--but ifthere's anybody more graceful than you are, I've yet to see her."

  "Oh, Roger, that's dear of you. You know very well, I hate flattery orcompliments, but when a real friend says a nice thing it does me good.And, truly, it's the regret of my life, that I'm not about six inchestaller. There, look at Zenobia now. She's walking with that King Lear.Aren't they a stunning couple?"

  "Yes, they are. But if I were you, I wouldn't be envious of otherwomen's attractions. You have quite enough of your own."

  "Never mind about me," said Patty, suddenly realising that she wastalking foolishly. "Let's talk about Mona. She's looking beautifulto-night, Roger."

  "She always does," and Roger had a strange thrill in his voice, thatstruck a sympathetic chord in Patty's heart.

  "What about her, Roger? Isn't she good to you?"

  "Not very. She's capricious, Patty; sometimes awfully kind, and thenagain she says things that cut deep. Patty, do you think she reallycares for that Lansing man?"

  "I don't know, Roger. I can't make Mona out at all, lately. She usedto be so frank and open with me, and now she never talks confidencesat all."

  "Well, I can't understand her, either. But here comes Mr. Collins,looking for you, Patty. Is only half of this dance mine?"

  "Yes, Roger. I had to chop up every one, to-night. You may have oneafter supper, if you like."

  Patty whirled through the various dances, and at the last one beforesupper she found herself again with Philip Van Reypen.

  "Why, I didn't know this was yours!" she cried, looking at her card,where, sure enough, she saw the initials B. S.

  "It sure is mine," returned Bobby Shafto; "but we're not going todance it."

  "Why not, and what are we going to do?"

  "We're going to wander away into the conservatory."

  "There isn't any conservatory. This is a club-house, you know."

  "Well, they've fixed up the gymnasium, so it's almost a conservatory.It's full of palms and flowers and things, and it makes a perfectlygood imitation."

  "But why do we go there?" asked Patty, as Philip led her away from thedancing-room.

  "Oh, to settle affairs of state." He led her to the gymnasium, and sureenough, tall palms and flowering plants had been arranged to form littlenooks and bowers, which were evidently intended for tete-a-teteconversations.

  "You know," Philip began, as they found a pleasant seat, under somepalms, "you know, Patty, you promised me something."

  "Didn't, neither."

  "Yes, you did, and I'm going to hold you to your promise. Youpromised----"

  "'Rose, you promised!'" sang Patty, humming a foolish little song thatwas an old-fashioned favourite.

  "Yes, you _did_ promise, you exasperating little Rose, you! And I'mgoing to keep you prisoner here, until you make it good! Patty, yousaid you'd look into your heart, and tell me what you found there."

  "Goodness me, Philip, did I really say that? Well, it will take me anawful long while to tell you all that's in it."

  "Really, Patty? Did you find so much?"

  "Yes, heaps of things."

  "But I mean about me."

  "Oh, about you! Why, I don't know that there's anything there at allabout you."

  "Oh, yes, there is; you can't fool me that way. Now, Patty, do beserious. Look in your heart, and see if there isn't a little love forme?"

  Patty sat very still, and closed her eyes, as Philip could see throughthe holes in her blue mask.

  Then she opened them, and said, with a smile: "I looked and huntedgood, Philip, and I can't find a bit of love for you. But there's anawful big, nice, warm friendship, if you care about that."

  "I do care about that, Patty. I care very much for it, but I wantmore."

  Just at that moment King Lear and Zenobia strolled past them, andPatty almost forgot Philip as she gazed after the two majesticfigures.

  "Patty," he said, recalling her attention, "Patty, dear, I say I wantmore."

  "Piggy-wig!" exclaimed Patty, with her blue eyes twinkling at himthrough the mask. "More what? I was looking at King Lear, and I lostthe thread of your discourse, Philip."

  "Patty Fairfield, I'd like to shake you! Don't you _know_ what I'masking of you?"

  "Well, even if I do, I must say, Philip, that I can't carry on aserious conversation with a mask on. Now, you know, they take thesethings off pretty soon, and then----"

  "And then may I ask you again, Patty, and will you listen to me andanswer me?"

  "Dunno. I make no promises. Philip, this dance is over. I expectthey're going to unmask now. Come on, let's go back to our crowd."

  But just as they rose to go, Jim Kenerley approached, and King Learwas with him.

  "Little Bo-Peep," said the big Indian, "King Lear tells me that youhalf promised him an extra, if there should be one."

  "As it was only half a promise, then it means only half a dance," saidPatty, turning her laughing blue eyes to the majestic, flower-crownedKing. "Is there going to be an extra, Jim,--I mean Chief Mudjokivis,or whatever your Indian name is?"

  "I don't know, Bo-Peep. I'll go and see."

  Jim went away, and as Philip had already gone, Patty was left alonewith the white-haired King.

  With a slow, majestic air, he touched her gently on the arm, andmotioned for her to be seated. Then he sat down beside her, andthrough the eyeholes of his mask, he looked straight into her eyes.

  At his intent gaze, Patty felt almost frightened, but as her eyes methis own, she became conscious of something familiar in the blue eyesthat looked at her, and then she heard King Lear whisper, softly:"Apple Blossom!"

  Patty fairly jumped; then, seeing the smile that came into his eyes,she put out both hands to King Lear, and said, gladly: "Bill! LittleBillee! Oh, I _am_ glad to see you!"

  "Are you, really?" And Bill Farnsworth's voice had a slight tremor init. "Are you sure of that, my girl?"

  "Of course I am," and Patty had regained her gay demeanour, which shehad lost in her moment of intense surprise. "Oh, of course I am! I wasso sorry to have missed you last week. And Jim said you went back toArizona."

  "I did expect to, but I was detained in New York, and only thismorning I found I could run up here and stay till to-
morrow. Icouldn't get here earlier, and when I reached the house, you had allstarted. So I got into these togs, and came along."

  "Your togs are wonderful, Little Billee. I never saw you look sostunning, not even as Father Neptune."

  "That was a great show, wasn't it?" and Big Bill smiled at therecollection. "But I say, Little Girl, you're looking rather wonderfulyourself to-night. Oh, Patty, it's good to see you again!"

  "And it's good to see you; though it doesn't seem as if I had reallyseen you. That mask and beard completely cover up your noblecountenance."

  "And I wish you'd take off that dinky little scrap of blue, so I cansee if you are still my Apple Blossom Girl."

  "But I thought you wanted the extra dance."

  "I don't believe there's going to be any extra, after all. I think thepeople are anxious to get their masks off, and if so we'll have ourdance after supper."