Read Patty's Success Page 3



  Mr. Fairfield's gift to his wife was a beautiful motor-car, and as theywere going away for the holiday, he presented it to her the day beforeChristmas.

  It was practically a gift to Patty as well, for the whole family couldenjoy it.

  "It's perfectly lovely," said Nan, as they all started out for a littlespin, to try it. "I've had so much trouble of late with taxicabs, thatit's a genuine comfort to have my own car at my beck and call. It's alovely car, Fred, and Patty and I shall just about live in it."

  "I want you to enjoy it," returned Mr. Fairfield, "and you may have everyconfidence in the chauffeur. He's most highly recommended by a man I knowwell, and he's both careful and skilful."

  "A nice-mannered man, too," observed Patty. "I like his looks, and hismode of address. But if this car is partly my present, then I ought notto have had that gold money to buy drums with."

  "Oh, yes, you ought," said her father. "That was your individual gift. Inthis car you and Nan are partners. By the way, Puss, did you ever getyour forty drums? I didn't hear about them."

  "You're lucky that you didn't hear them," laughed Patty. "Yes, I did getthem,--not all drums, some other toys,--and I took them down to theSunshine place yesterday. I went with Mrs. Morse and Clementine. You knowthe kiddywids had their Christmas tree, the little poor children, andsuch a noise you never heard! They yelled and shouted for glee, and theybanged drums and tooted horns, and then they sang songs, and I think Inever knew such a noisy celebration, even on the fourth of July."

  "And were they glad to get your gifts?"

  "Oh, yes, indeed! Why, just think, father, the little girls all haddolls, but if I hadn't taken the gifts for the boys, they would only havehad candy or an orange. Next Christmas I'm going to do more for them."

  "I'm glad to see your charitable spirit waking up, Patty-girl. I don'twant you to be a mere social butterfly. But, you know, you needn't waitfor Christmas to make the poor babies happy."

  "No; I know it, daddy, dear; and after Christmas is over, I'm going totry to do some good in the world."

  "Now, Patty," said Nan, "don't you go in for settlement work, and thatsort of thing. I won't let you. You're not strong enough for it."

  "I don't know exactly what settlement work is," said Patty, "but I doknow I'm not going to be a mere butterfly. I'm going to accomplishsomething worth while."

  "Well, wait till the holiday season is over," advised Mr. Fairfield."You've made forty boys happy, now turn your attention to making yourfamily and friends happy. What are you going to give your poor old fatherfor a Christmas gift, I should like to know."

  "I haven't any such relative as you describe," returned Patty, smiling athim affectionately. "I have a young and handsome father, and I think heseems to be rather a rich gentleman. Also I have a gift awaiting him athome, and I think we'd better be going there."

  "I do, too," said Nan. "We've none too much time to get our luncheon andgo to the train. Oh! what a comfort it will be to go to the train in ourown motor-car."

  "Yes," said Patty, "and then Miller can come back and take me over toElise's."

  So home they went, and had their own little Christmas celebration, beforethey went their separate ways.

  "This is a make-believe Christmas feast," said Patty, as they sat attheir own luncheon table.

  She had placed a sprig of holly at each plate, and a vase of poinsettiablossoms graced the centre of the table.

  "This ox-tail soup is in place of the boar's head," she went on, gaily;"and I know we are going to have chicken croquettes, which we willpretend are the roast turkey. And then we'll have our presents, as I knowyou two will fly for your train as soon as you leave the table."

  So Patty gave Nan her present, which was a lovely white couch pillow oflace and embroidery. And Nan gave Patty a picture to hang in her ownroom. It was a beautiful water-colour, a Venetian scene, and Patty wasdelighted with it.

  Then Patty gave her father a gold penholder, which she had had madeexpressly for him, and engraved with his name.

  "Why, that's fine, Pattykins!" he exclaimed. "I can only write poems witha pen like that. It's not made for business letters, I'm sure."

  "Of course it isn't," said Patty, gaily; "it's to keep on your desk inthe library here at home. And you must use it just for socialcorrespondence or----"

  "Or to sign checks for us," suggested Nan, smiling.

  "That's just what I'll do with it," declared Mr. Fairfield. "It's a gemof a pen; Patty, you know my weakness for fine desk appointments, don'tyou?"

  Nan gave her husband a watch fob, on which hung a locket containing aminiature of her own sweet face. Neither Patty nor her father had seenthis before, as Nan had been careful to keep the matter secret in orderto surprise them.

  It was a real work of art, and so winsome was the pictured face thatPatty cried out in admiration: "What a stunner you are, Nan! I didn'trealise you were so good-looking,--but it's exactly like you."

  "That's a mixed-up compliment, Patty," laughed Nan, "but I'll surmisethat you mean well."

  "I do so! I think it's a lovely picture of a lovely lady! There, how'sthat?"

  "Much better," said Nan, as Patty caught her round the shoulders andkissed her affectionately.

  "Give me the lady," said Mr. Fairfield, taking Nan into his own arms. "Asthe portrait is a gift to me, I will kiss her for it, myself."

  "Do," said Patty, "but if you give her more than three kisses, you'lllose your train; it's getting pretty late."

  "Is it?" cried Mr. Fairfield. "Then, Jane, bring in those two boxes Ileft in your charge, will you?"

  "Yes, sir," cried the waitress, and, leaving the room, she returned in amoment with two large white boxes.

  "These are Christmas gifts to the two loveliest ladies I know," said Mr.Fairfield, gallantly tendering a box to each.

  "But I've had my Christmas gift from you!" exclaimed Patty, and "So haveI!" cried Nan.

  "Nevertheless these are laid at your feet," said Mr. Fairfield, calmlydepositing the boxes on the floor in front of them.

  "Oh, well, we may as well see what they are," said Patty, untying thewhite ribbons that fastened her box.

  Nan did likewise, and in a moment they were both rapturously exclaimingover two sets of white furs that nestled in billows of white tissuepaper.

  Nan's furs were ermine, and Patty's were soft, fluffy, white fox, and sobeautiful were they that the two recipients donned them at once, andposed side by side before the mirror, admiring themselves and each other.Then, with a simultaneous impulse they turned to thank the donor, and Mr.Fairfield found himself suddenly entangled in four arms and two boas,while two immense muffs met at the back of his neck and enveloped hishead and ears.

  "Have mercy!" he cried; "come one at a time, can't you? Yes, yes, I'mglad you're pleased, but do get this fur out of my mouth! I feel as if Iwere attacked by polar bears!"

  "Oh, Fathery Fairfield," Patty cried, "you are the dearest thing in theworld! How _did_ you know I wanted furs? And white fox, of all things!And ermine for Nan! Oh, but you _are_ a good gentleman! Isn't he,stepmother?"

  "He'll do," said Nan, smiling roguishly at her husband, who, somehow,seemed satisfied with this faint praise.

  "Now, scamper, Nan-girl," he cried, "if you would see your mother to-day,you must leave here in less than an hour. Can you be ready?"

  "I can't, but I will," replied Nan, gaily, as she ran away to prepare forher journey.

  Patty, too, went to her room to get ready for her visit at theFarringtons'. She was to stay three days, and as there were severalparties planned for her entertainment, she packed a small trunk withseveral of her prettiest gowns. Also, she had a suitcase full of giftsfor the Christmas tree, which was to be part of the festivities.

  She bade her parents good-by when they started, and watched the newmotor-car disappear round the corner, then returned to her ownpreparations.

  "I do have lovely things," she thought to
herself, as she folded herdainty garments and laid them in their places.

  Then she glanced again at her new furs.

  "I have too much," she thought; "it isn't fair for one girl to have somuch, when so many poor people have nothing. I wonder what I ought to doabout it."

  Poor Patty was confronting the problem that has troubled and baffled somany honest hearts, but the more she thought about it, the more it seemedinsoluble.

  "At any rate, it would be absurd to give my white furs, or my chiffonfrocks to poor people," she concluded, "for they couldn't use them. Well,after the holidays, I'm going to see what I can do. But now, I musthurry, or I'll be late."

  An hour or two later, she found herself in the Farringtons' home.

  "What lovely furs, Patty," exclaimed Mrs. Farrington, "and how well theysuit you!"

  They were extremely becoming, and Patty's pretty face, with its softcolour and smiling eyes, rose like a flower from the white fur at herthroat.

  "Yes, aren't they beautiful?" Patty responded. "Father just gave them tome, and I'm so pleased with them."

  "And well you may be. Now, you girls run away and play, for I've athousand things to do."

  Indeed, Mrs. Farrington was in a whirlpool of presents that she was bothsending and receiving. Maids and footmen were running hither and thither,bringing messages or carrying out orders, and as the whole house was fullof warmth and light, and the spicy fragrance of Christmas greens, Pattyfairly revelled in the pleasant atmosphere.

  She was of a nature very susceptible to surroundings. Like a cat, sheloved to bask in warm sunshine, or in a luxurious, softly-furnishedplace. Moreover, she was fond of Elise, and so looked forward to herthree days' visit with glad anticipation.

  After Patty had laid aside her things, the two girls sat down to chat inthe big hall on the second floor of the mansion. A wood-fire was blazing,and soft, red-shaded lights cast a delightful glow.

  "Elise," said Patty, somewhat suddenly, "don't you think we have too muchriches and things?"

  Elise stared at her.

  "What do you mean?" she asked.

  Patty laughed at her friend's blank expression, but she went on.

  "I mean just what I say. Of course, you have lots more riches and thingsthan I have; but I think we all have too much when we think of the poorpeople who haven't any."

  "Oh, you mean Socialism," exclaimed Elise, suddenly enlightened.

  "No, I don't mean Socialism. I mean plain, every-day charity. Don't youthink we ought to give away more?"

  "Why, yes, if you like," said Elise, who was greatly puzzled. "Do youwant me to subscribe to some charity? I will."

  "Well, perhaps I'll hold you to that," said Patty, slowly; "for after theholidays I'm going to try to do something in the matter. I don't knowjust what; I haven't thought it out yet. But I'm not going to be what myfather calls a 'mere social butterfly,' and I don't believe you want to,either."

  "No, I don't; but do leave it all till after the holidays, Patty, for nowI want you to help me with some Christmas presents."

  Elise looked so worried and so beseeching that Patty laughed. Then shekissed her, and said: "All right, Lisa mine. Command me. My services areat your disposal."

  So the girls went up to the Sun Parlour, where Elise had all her choicestbelongings, and where she now had her array of Christmas gifts.

  The room was entirely of glass, and by a careful arrangement of doublepanes and concealed heat-pipes, was made comfortable even in the coldestweather. Flowers and plants were round the sides; birds in gilt cagessang and twittered; and gilt wicker furniture gave the place a daintyFrench effect that was charming. On the tables were strewn Christmasgifts of all sorts.

  "I'm just tying up the last ones," said Elise. "Don't be afraid to look;yours is safely hidden away. Now, here's what I want to know."

  She picked up a gold seal ring, which, however, had no crest or monogramcut on it,--and a bronze paper cutter.

  "They're lovely," said Patty, as she looked at them. "Who catches these?"

  "That's just what I don't know. I bought the ring for Roger and the papercutter for Kenneth Harper; he's coming to-night. But I'd like to changethem about and give the ring to Ken, and the paper knife to Roger. Wouldyou?"

  "No, I wouldn't," said Patty, bluntly. "Why do you want to do such athing?"

  "The ring is much the handsomer gift," said Elise, who had turned atrifle pink.

  "Of course it is," said Patty, "and that's why you should give it to yourbrother. It's too personal a gift to give to a boy friend."

  "That's what I was afraid of," said Elise, with a little sigh. "But Rogerwon't care for it at all, and Kenneth would like it heaps."

  "_Because_ you gave it to him?" asked Patty, quickly.

  "Oh, I don't know. Yes, perhaps so."

  "Nonsense, Elise! You're too young to give rings to young men."

  "Ken isn't a young man, he's only a boy."

  "Well, he's over twenty-one; and anyway, I know it wouldn't be right foryou to give him a ring. Your mother wouldn't like it at all."

  "Oh, she wouldn't care."

  "Well, she ought to, and I think she would. Now, don't be silly; give thering to Roger, and if you want something grander than this bronze jig forKen, get him a book. As handsome a book as you choose; but a book. Orsomething that's impersonal. Not a ring or a watch-fob, or anything likethat."

  "But he gave you a necklace,--the day we sailed for Paris."

  "Fiddle-de-dee! It was only a locket, with the merest thread of a goldchain; and anyway, I never wore it but once or twice."

  "Well, you oughtn't to have accepted it, if a personal gift is soreprehensible."

  "Elise, you're a goose!" said Patty, losing her patience at last. "A giftlike that is not in very good taste from a boy to a girl; but from a girlto a boy, it's very much worse. And, anyway, it was different in my case;for Ken and I are old friends, which you and he are not. And, beside,father knew about it, and he said as a parting keepsake it was all right.But at a Christmas tree, in your own house,--Elise, you'll make a greatmistake if you give Kenneth Harper a seal ring."

  "All right, Patty, you know I always do just as you say, so I'll give itto Roger."

  Patty knew she had judged rightly in the matter, but she also knew thatElise was greatly disappointed at her decision.

  She had already noticed that Elise liked handsome Kenneth, but if shedid, that was only an added reason why she should not make him a presentof a ring.

  "She ought to have had more sense!" Patty said to herself, indignantly."And I'm sorry if she's sorry; but I couldn't let her do such a foolishthing!"