Read Patty's Suitors Page 1

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  Author of The Patty Books, The Marjorie Books, etc.

  Illustrations by E.C. Caswell





























  "It IS a boofy frock, isn't it, Nansome?"

  Patty craned her head over her shoulder, as she waited for herstepmother's response, which was only, "Yes."

  "Oh, my gracious, Nan! Enthuse! Don't you know half the fun in life isenthusiasm?"

  "What shall I say?" asked Nan, laughing.

  "Oh, say it's a peach! a hummer! a lallapaloosa!"

  "Patty, Patty! what language!"

  "Oh, yes; I forgot I meant to stop using slang. But when any one is solukewarm in her admiration as you are, forcible language is called for."

  "Well, it certainly is a lovely gown, and you never looked prettier.There! since you are fishing for compliments, are you pleased now?"

  Patty was far from being conceited over her pretty face, but shehonestly liked admiration, and, indeed, she was accustomed to receiveit from all who knew her. At the present moment, she was standingbefore a long mirror in her boudoir, putting the last touches to hernew party toilette. Louise, the maid, stood by, with a fur-trimmedwrap, and Patty drew on her long gloves with a happy smile ofanticipation.

  "I just feel sure I'm going to have a good time to-night," she said;"it's a presentiment or premonition, or whatever you call it."

  "Don't flirt too desperately," said Nan, not without cause, for prettyPetty was by nature a coquette, and as she had many admirers shemerrily led them a dance.

  "But it's so interesting to flirt, Nancy. And the boys like it,--so whynot?"

  Why not, indeed? thought Nan. Patty's flirtations were harmless,roguish affairs, and prompted by mischief and good nature. Patty was asweet, true character, and if she teased the young men a bit, it wasbecause of her irrepressible love of fun.

  "And this is St. Valentine's night," went on Nan, "so I suppose youthink yourself privileged to break all the hearts you can."

  "Some hearts are so brittle, it's no fun to break them," returnedPatty, carelessly, as she adjusted her headdress.

  She was going to a Valentine party, where the guests were requested tocome in appropriate costume.

  So Patty's gown was of white lace, softly draped with white chiffon. Onthe modish tunic were love-knots of pale blue velvet, and a border oftiny pink rosebuds. The head-dress, of gold filigree, was a heartpierced by a dart; and on Patty's left shoulder, a dainty little figureof Cupid was wobbling rather uncertainly.

  "You'll lose that little God of War," said Nan.

  "I don't care if I do," Patty answered; "he's a nuisance, anyway, but Iwanted something Valentinish, so I perched him up there. Now, good-bye,Nancy Dancy, and I expect I'll be out pretty late."

  "I shall send Louise for you at twelve, and you must be ready then."

  "Oh, make it one. You know a Valentine party is lots of fun."

  "Well, half-past twelve," agreed Nan, "and not a minute later!"

  Then Louise wrapped Patty in a light blue evening cloak, edged withwhite fur, and the happy maiden danced downstairs.

  "Good-bye, Popsy-Poppet," she cried, looking in at the library door.

  "Bless my soul! what a vision of beauty!" and Mr. Fairfield laid downhis paper to look at his pretty daughter.

  "Yes," she said, demurely, "everybody tells me I look exactly like myfather."

  "You flatter yourself!" said Nan, who had followed, and who now tuckedher hand through her husband's arm. "My Valentine is the handsomest manin the world!"

  "Oh, you turtle-doves!" said Patty, laughing, as she ran down the stepsto the waiting motor.

  Unless going with a chaperon, Patty was always accompanied by the maid,Louise, who either waited for her young mistress in the dressing-roomor returned for her when the party was over.

  "Shall you be late, Miss Patty?" she asked, as they reached theirdestination.

  "Yes; don't wait for me, Louise. Come back about half-past twelve; I'llbe ready soon after that."

  Louise adored Patty, for she was always kind and considerate of theservants; and she thought Louise might as well have the evening toherself, as to be cooped up in a dressing-room.

  The party was at Marie Homer's, a new friend, with whom Patty had butrecently become acquainted.

  The Homers lived in a large apartment house, called The Wimbledon, andit was Patty's first visit there. Miss Homer and her mother werereceiving their guests in a ballroom, and when Patty greeted them, alarge crowd had already assembled.

  "You are a true valentine, my dear," said Mrs. Homer, lookingadmiringly at Patty's garlanded gown.

  "And this is a true Valentine party," said Patty, as she noted thedecorations of red hearts and gold darts, with Cupids of wax or bisque,here and there among the floral ornaments.

  Marie Homer, who was a pretty brunette, wore a dress of scarlet andgold, trimmed with hearts and arrows.

  "I'm so glad to have you here," she said to Patty; "for now I know myparty will be a success."

  "I'm sure your parties always are," returned Patty, kindly, for Mariewas a shy sort of girl, and Patty was glad to encourage her.

  As soon as the guests had all arrived St. Valentine appeared in thedoorway.

  It was Mr. Homer, but he was scarcely recognisable in his garb of thegood old Saint.

  He wore a red gown, trimmed with ermine, and a long white beard and wig.

  He carried an enormous letter-bag, from which he distributed valentinesto all. They were of the old-fashioned lace paper variety, andbeautiful of their kind.

  Mrs. Homer explained that on the valentine of every young man was aquestion, and the girl whose valentine had an answer to rhyme with it,was his partner for the first dance.

  The young men were requested to read their valentines aloud in turn,and the girls to read their responsive answers.

  This proceeding caused much hilarity, for the lines were exceedinglysentimental, and often affectionate.

  When it was Roger Farrington's turn, he read out boldly:

  "Where's the girl I love the best?"

  and Marie Homer, who chanced to hold the rhyming valentine, whispered,shyly:

  "I am sweeter than the rest!"

  "You are, indeed!" said Roger, as he offered his arm with hiscourtliest bow.

  Then Kenneth Harper read:

  "Who's the fairest girl of all?"

  and Mona Galbraith read, with twinkling eyes:

  "I'll respond to that sweet call!"

  Then it was Philip Van Reypen's turn. He glanced at his valentine, andasked:

  "Who's a
roguish little elf?"

  Everybody laughed when a tall, serious-faced girl responded:

  "I guess I am that, myself!"

  It was toward the last that Clifford Morse asked:

  "Who's the dearest girl I know?"

  and as Patty's line rhymed, she said, demurely:

  "Guess I am,--if YOU think so!"

  "I'm in luck," said Clifford, as he led her to the dance. "You're sucha belle, Patty Fairfield, that I seldom get a whole dance with you."

  "Faint heart never won fair lady," laughed Patty, shaking her fan athim. "I always accept invitations."

  "Accept mine, then, for the next dance," said Philip Van Reypen, whooverheard her words as he was passing.

  "No programmes to-night," returned Patty, smiling at him. "Ask me atdance time."

  As no dances could be engaged ahead, except verbally, Patty wasbesieged by partners for every dance.

  "Oh, dear," she cried, as, at the fourth dance, five or six eager youngmen were bowing before her; "what shall I do? I'd have to be acentipede to dance with you all! And I can't divide one dance into sixparts. And I can't CHOOSE,-that would be TOO embarrassing! Let's drawlots. Lend me a coin, somebody."

  "Here you are," said Van Reypen, handing her a bright quarter.

  Patty took it, and put both hands behind her.

  "You may try first, Phil, because you put up the capital. Right orleft?"

  "Right," said Philip, promptly.

  Patty gaily brought her hands into view, and the quarter lay in herleft palm.

  "Next!" she said; "Mr. Downing."

  "Left," chose that young man, as Patty again concealed her hands.

  But that time she showed the coin in her right hand.

  "My turn now," said Ken Harper, "AND, you'll please keep your hands infront of you! You don't do it right."

  "Do you mean that I cheat?" cried Patty, in pretended rage.

  "Oh, no, no! nothing like that! Only, this game is always played withthe fists in view."

  So Patty held her little gloved fists in front of her, while Kennethchose.

  "Right!" he said, and her right hand slowly opened and showed theshining coin.

  "Were you going to take me, anyway?" asked Kenneth, as they walked offtogether. "And why did you turn down poor Van Reypen? He was awfullycut up."

  "Ken Harper, do you mean to insinuate that I didn't play fair?"

  "Yes, my lady, just that. Oh, cheating never prospers. You have to putup with me, you see!"

  "I might do worse," and Patty flashed him a saucy glance.

  "I wish you meant that."

  "Oh, I do! I DO, Ken. Truly, there are lots of worse people than you inthe world."


  "Well,--there's Eddie Perkins."

  "Oh, Patty! that fop! Well, I'll bet you can't think of another."

  "No; I can't."

  "Patty, how dare you! Then you'll sit right here until you can."

  Laughingly Kenneth stopped dancing, and led Patty to an alcove wherethere were a few chairs. As they sat down, Philip Van Reypen cametoward them.

  "Oh, Ken," Patty cried, "I've thought of a man worse than you are! Oh,EVER so much worse! Here he is! And I simply adore bad men, so I'mgoing to dance with him."

  Naughty Patty went dancing off with Van Reypen, and Ken looked afterthem, a little crestfallen.

  "But," he thought, "there's no use being angry or even annoyed at thatbutterfly of a girl. She doesn't mean anything anyway. Some day, she'llwake up and be serious, but now she's only a little bundle offrivolity."

  Kenneth had been friends with Patty for many years; far longer than anyof her other young men acquaintances. He was honestly fond of her, andhad a dawning hope that some time they might be more than friends. Buthe was a slow-going chap, and he was inclined to wait until he had alittle more to offer, before he should woo the pretty butterfly.

  And, too, Patty would never listen to a word of that sort of thing. Shehad often proclaimed in his hearing, that she intended to enjoy severalyears of gay society pleasures, before she would be engaged to any one.

  So Kenneth idly watched her, as she circled the room with Van Reypen,and took himself off to find another partner.

  "Oh, Valentine, fair Valentine," said Van Reypen to Patty, as theydanced.

  "Wilt thou be mine, and I'lt be thine," returned Patty, in mockingsing-song tones.

  "Forever may our hearts entwine," improvised Philip, in tune to themusic.

  "Like chickwood round a punkin-vine," Patty finished.

  "Pshaw, that's not sentimental. You should have said, Like sturdy oakand clinging vine."

  "But I'm not sentimental. Who could be in a crowded ballroom, in aglare of light, and in a mad dance?"

  "What conditions would make you feel sentimental?"

  "Why,--let me see. Moonlight,--on a balcony,--with the right man."

  "I'm the right man, all right,--and you know it. And if I'm not greatlymistaken, here's moonlight and a balcony!"

  Sure enough, a long French window had been set slightly ajar to coolthe overheated room, and almost before she knew it, Patty was whiskedoutside.

  "Oh, Philip! Don't! you mustn't! I'll take cold. I ought to havesomething around me."

  "You have," said Van Reypen, calmly, and as he had not yet released herfrom the dance he held his arms lightly round her shoulders.

  Patty was angry. She knew Philip loved her,--several times he had askedher to marry him,--but this was taking an unfair advantage.

  The February wind itself was not colder than the manner with which shedrew away from him, and stepped back into the ballroom.

  "My dear, my dear," exclaimed Mrs. Homer, who chanced to be near, "howimprudent! You should not go out without a wrap."

  "I know it, Mrs. Homer," and Patty looked so sweetly penitent that herhostess could but smile at her. "But, truly, I just stepped out asingle second to get a tiny breath of air. The room IS warm, isn't it?May I stay here by you a few moments?"

  "Yes, indeed," and Mrs. Homer drew the girl down beside her on thesofa. "You're not robust, my child, and you mustn't run foolish risks."

  "You're quite right, and I won't do it again. But on a night not quiteso cold, that balcony, flooded with moonlight, must be a romantic spot."

  "It is, indeed," said Mrs. Homer, smiling. "My young people think so;and I hope you will have many opportunities in the future to see it foryourself."

  "Your young people? Have you other children besides Marie?"

  "Yes; I have a daughter who is away at boarding-school. And, also, Ihave a nephew, whose home is in this same building."

  "Is he here to-night?"

  "No; Kit hates dances. Of course, that's because he doesn't dancehimself. He's a musician."

  "Kit? What a funny name."

  "It's Christopher, really, Christopher Cameron; but he's such ahappy-go-lucky sort of chap, we naturally call him Kit."

  "I think I should like him," said Patty. "Would he like me?"

  "No," said Mrs. Homer, her eyes twinkling at Patty's look of amazement."He detests girls. Even my daughters, his cousins, are nuisances, hesays. Still he likes to come down here and sit on my balcony, and teasethem. He lives with his parents in the apartment just above us."

  "He sounds an interesting youth," said Patty, and then, as Roger cameup and asked her for a dance, she promptly forgot the musical nephew.

  At supper-time, Patty's crowd of intimates gathered around her, andthey occupied a pleasant corner of the dining-room.

  "What'll you have, Patsums?" asked Roger, as a waiter brought a trayfull of dainty viands.

  "Sandwiches and bouillon," said Patty, promptly; "I'm honestly hungry."

  "The result of exercise in the open air," murmured Philip Van Reypen,as he took a seat directly behind her.

  Patty gave an involuntary giggle, and then turned upon Philip what shemeant to be an icy glare. He grinned back at her, which made herfurious, and she deliberately and ostentatiously ignored him.<
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  "Hello, you two on the outs?" inquired Kenneth, casually.

  "Oh, no!" said Philip, with emphasis; "far from it!"

  So, as Patty found it impossible to snub such cheerfulness, sheconcluded to forgive and forget.

  "There's something doing after supper," remarked Roger. "Miss Homerdropped a hint, and even now they're fixing something in the ballroom."

  "What can it be?" said Elise, craning her neck to see through a doorway.

  "It's a game," said Marie Homer, who had just joined the group. "I toldmother, you all considered yourselves too grown-up for games, but shesaid she didn't want to have the whole evening given over to dancing.So you will play it, won't you?"

  "Sure we will!" declared Kenneth, who admired the shy little girl.

  Marie was new in their set, but they all liked her. She was timid onlybecause she felt unacquainted, and the good-natured crowd did all theycould to put her at ease.

  "Games!" exclaimed Philip; "why, I just love 'em! I'll play it,whatever it is."

  "I too," said Patty. "It will be a jolly change from dancing."