Read Patty's Suitors Page 9



  "Which do you like best of all the boys you've met?" asked Kit, as theydanced.

  "What a question! How can I possibly tell, when a dozen well-behavedand serious-looking young men stand up like a class in school and say,one after another, 'May I have the honour of a dance, Miss Fairfield?'They all looked exactly alike to me. Except one. There was one boy, wholooks so much like me he might be my brother. I never had a brother,and I've a good notion to adopt him as one."

  "Don't! There's nothing so dangerous as adopting a young man for abrother! But I know who you mean,--Eddie Bell. He doesn't look a bitlike you, but he HAS yellow curls and blue eyes."

  "And pink cheeks," supplemented Patty.

  "Yes, but not poppy cheeks; they're more the pink of a--ofa--horsechestnut!"

  "I think pink horsechestnut blooms are beautiful."

  "Oh, you do, do you? And I suppose you think Eddie Bell is beautiful!"

  "Well, there's no occasion for you to get mad about it if I do. Do youknow, Mr. Cameron, you flare up very easily."

  "If you'll call me Kit, I'll promise never to flare up again."

  "Certainly, I'll call you Kit. I'd just as lieve as not; anything tooblige."

  "And may I call you Patty?"

  "Why, yes, if you like."

  "Look here, you're altogether too indifferent about it."

  "Oh, what a boy!" And Patty rolled her eyes up in despair. "If I don'twant him to call me Patty, he doesn't like it; and if I do let him callme Patty, he isn't satisfied! What to do,--what to do!"

  "You're a little tease,--THAT'S what you are!"

  "And you're a big tease, that's what YOU are! I've heard you're evenfond of practical jokes! Now, I detest practical jokes."

  "That's an awful pity, for I mean to play one on you the very firstchance I get."

  "You can't do it?"

  "Why can't I?"

  "Because I'd discover it, and foil you."

  "There's no such word as foil in my bright lexicon. I'll lay you awager, if you like, that I play a practical joke on you, that you,yourself, will admit is clever and not unkind. That's the test of aright kind of a joke,--to be clever and not unkind."

  Patty's eyes danced. "You have the right idea about it," she said,nodding her head approvingly. "I don't so much mind a practical joke,if it is really a good one, and doesn't make the victim feel hurt orchagrined. But all the same, Mr. Kit, you can't get one off on me! I'ma little too wide-awake, as you'll find out."

  "Would you take a wager?"

  "I'm not in the habit of betting, but I'm willing for once. It's hardlyfair, though, for I'm betting on a dead certainty."

  "You mean you THINK you are! And I think _I_ am, so the chances areeven. What are the stakes?"

  "I don't care: candy or books or flowers or anything."

  "Nonsense, they're too prosaic. If I win, you're to give me aphotograph of yourself."

  "Oh, I almost never give my picture to my suitors. It isn't good form."

  "But, if you're so sure that you will win, you needn't be afraid topromise it."

  "All right, I promise; and, if I win, you may give me a perfectlybeautiful picture frame, in which I shall put some other man's picture."

  "How cruel you can be! But, as I'm sure of winning, I'm not afraid totake that up. A frame against a picture, then. But there must be a timelimit."

  "I'll give you a month; if you can't do it in that time, you can't doit at all. And, also, I must be the judge,--if you do fool me,--whetheryour practical joke is clever and not unkind."

  "I'm quite contented that you should be the judge, for I know yoursincere and honest nature will not let you swerve a hair's breadth froma true and fair judgment."

  "That's clever," returned Patty; "for now I shall have to be honest."

  The first dance over, Patty went on with a long succession of danceswith her various partners. They were all polite and courteous youngmen, some attractive and agreeable, others shy, and some dull anduninteresting. Patty complacently accorded another dance to any one sheliked, and calmly refused it to less desirable partners,--pleading anengagement with Cameron as her excuse.

  The one she liked best was Eddie Bell. As she had said, this young mandid look a little like Patty herself, though this was mostly due totheir similarity of colouring.

  "If I may say anything so impossible, it seems to me that I look like acomic valentine of you," said Mr. Bell, as they began to dance.

  Patty laughed outright at this apt expression of their resemblance, andsaid: "I have already told some one that you looked exactly like me.So, in that case, I'm a comic valentine, too. But, truly, you're enoughlike me to be my brother."

  "May I be? Not that I want to, in the least, but of course that is theobvious thing to say. I'd rather be most any relation to you than abrother."


  "Oh, it's such a prosaic relationship. I have three sisters,--andthey're the dearest girls in the world,--but I don't really feel theneed of any more."

  "What would you like to be?" And Patty flashed him a dangerous glanceof her pansy-blue eyes.

  But Mr. Bell kept his equanimity. "How about second cousin, onceremoved?"

  "I suppose you'll be removed at the end of this dance."

  "Then, may this dance last for ever!"

  "Oh, what a pretty speech! Of course, you wouldn't make that to asister! I think a second cousinship is very pleasant."

  "Then, that's settled. And I may call you Cousin Patty, I suppose?"

  "It would seem absurd to say Cousin Miss Fairfield, wouldn't it? Andyet our acquaintance is entirely too short for first names."

  "But it's growing longer every minute; and, if you would grant meanother dance after I'm removed from this one, I'm sure we could reachthe stage of first names."

  "I will give you one more," said Patty, for she liked Mr. Bell verymuch.

  So at the end of their dance they agreed upon a number later on theprogramme, and Mr. Bell wrote down "Cousin Ed" on Patty's card.

  It was just after this that Kit came back for his second dance.

  "Naughty girl," he said; "you've kept me waiting three-quarters of theevening."

  "I thought I saw you dancing with several visions of beauty."

  "Only killing time till I could get back to you. Come on, don't waste aminute."

  It was a joy to Patty to dance with Cameron, for he was by all odds thebest dancer she had ever met. And many admiring glances followed themas they circled the great room.

  "How did you like your little brother?" Kit enquired.

  "He's a ducky-daddles!" declared Patty, enthusiastically. "Just a niceall-round boy, frank and jolly and good-natured."

  "That's what I am."

  "Not a bit of it! You're a musician; freakish, temperamental, touchy,and--a woman-hater."

  "Gracious! what a character to live up to,--or down to. But I hate YOUawfully, don't I?"

  "I don't know. I never can feel sure of these temperamental natures."

  "Well, don't you worry about feeling sure of me. The longer you live,the surer you'll feel."

  "That sounds like 'the longer she lives the shorter she grows,'" saidPatty, flippantly.

  "Yes, the old nursery rhyme. Well, you are my candle,--a beacon,lighting my pathway with your golden beams----"

  "Oh, do stop! That's beautiful talk, but it's such rubbish."

  "Haven't you ever noticed that much beautiful talk IS rubbish?"

  "Yes, I have. And I'm glad that you think that way, too. Beautifulthoughts are best expressed by plain, sincere words, and have littleconnection with 'beautiful talk.'"

  "Patty Fairfield, you're a brick! And, when I've said that, I can't sayanything more."

  "A gold brick?"

  "Not in the usual acceptance of that term; but you're pure gold, andI'm jolly well glad I've found a girl like you."

  There was such a ring of sincerity in Cameron's tone that Patty lookedup at him suddenly. And
the honest look in his eyes made it impossiblefor her to return any flippant response.

  "And I'm glad, too, that we are friends, Kit," she said, simply.

  The next dance was Mr. Bell's, and that rosy-cheeked youth came upblithely to claim it.

  "Come along, Cousin Patty," he said, and Cameron stared at him inamazement.

  "Are you two cousins?" he said.

  "Once removed," returned Eddie Bell, gaily; "and this is the removal."He took Patty's hand and laid it lightly within his own arm as he ledher away.

  "Don't let's dance right off," he begged. "Let's rest a minute in thisbosky dell."

  The dell was an alcove off the ballroom, which contained several palmsand floral baskets and a deep, cushioned window-seat.

  "Let's sit here and watch the moon rise;" and he led Patty toward thewindow-seat, where he deftly arranged some cushions for her.

  "I believe the moon rises to-morrow afternoon," said Patty.

  "Well, I don't mind waiting. Sit here, won't you? These stupid cushionsought to be of a golden yellow or a pale green. However, this old rosedoes fairly well for our blond beauty. Isn't it nice we're of the sametype and harmonise with the same furnishings? When we're married wewon't have to differ about our house decorations." "When we are WHAT?"

  "Married, I said. You know, you're not really my second cousin andthere's absolutely no bar to our union."

  This was quite the most audacious young man Patty had ever met. But shewas quite equal to the situation.

  "Of course there isn't," she said, lightly. "And, when I think of theeconomy of our being able to use the same colour scheme, it IS aninducement."

  "And meantime we must get better acquainted, as you said when we weredancing. May I come to see you in the city? Where do you live?"

  "In Seventy-second Street," said Patty, "but I feel it my duty to tellyou that there's already a long line awaiting admission."

  "Oh, yes, I've seen that line when I've been passing. It goes clearround the corner of the block. Do I have to take my place at the end,or can I have a special favour shown me?"

  "I'm sure your sense of justice wouldn't permit that. You take yourplace at the end of the line, and when your turn comes I'll be glad towelcome you."

  "Then that's all right," said Mr. Bell, cheerfully, "and you'll besurprised to see how soon I appear! Now, lady fair, would you rather goand dance or sit here and listen to me converse?"

  "It's pleasant to rest a little," and Patty nestled into her cushions,"and you really ARE amusing, you know. Let's stay here a little while."

  "Now, isn't that nice of you! Do you want to talk, too, or shall I doit all and give you a complete rest?"

  "You do it all," said Patty, indolently. "It will be like going to amonologue entertainment."

  "At your orders. What subject would you like?"


  "Oh, wise beyond your years! You know the subject that most interests aman."

  "That isn't pretty!" And Patty frowned at him. "There ought to beanother subject more interesting to you than that!"

  "There is; but I don't dare trust myself with HER!"

  Mr. Bell's manner and voice were so exactly the right mixture ofdeferential homage and burlesque that Patty laughed in delight.

  "You are the DEAREST man!" she cried.

  He looked at her reproachfully. "You said I might do all the talking,and now you're doing it yourself."

  "I'll be still now. Avoid that subject you consider dangerous and tellme all about yourself."

  "Well, once upon a time, there was a beautiful young man who rejoicedin the poetic and musical name of Eddie Bell. I know he was a beautifulyoung man, because he was said to resemble the most beautiful girl inthe whole world. Well, one evening he had the supreme good fortune tomeet this girl, and he realised at once that he had met his Fate,--hisFate with a VERY large F. Incidentally, the F stood for Fairfield,which made his Fate all the more certain. And so----"

  "Patty, are you here?" and Ken Harper came through the palms towardthem. "This is our dance."

  "Good gracious, Ken, is this dance the next dance? I mean is this danceover, or is this dance our dance."

  "You seem a little mixed, Patty, but this is our dance and I claim it.Are you RESTED enough?"

  Patty rose and, with a simple word of excuse to Mr. Bell, went awaywith Kenneth.

  "That's the first time, Ken, in all our friendship that I ever knew youto say anything horrid," and Patty looked at him with a really hurtexpression.

  "I didn't say anything horrid," and Kenneth's fine face wore a sulkyexpression.

  "You did, too. You asked me if I were RESTED in a horrid, sarcastictone; and you meant it for a reproof, because I sat out that dance withMr. Bell."

  "You had no business to go and hide behind those palms with him."

  "We didn't hide! That's only a bay-window alcove,--a part of theballroom. I have a perfect right to sit out a dance if I choose."

  "That young chap was too familiar, anyway. I heard him calling you'Cousin Patty.'"

  "Oh, fiddlestrings, Ken! Don't be an idiot! We were only joking. AndI'm not so old, yet, but what I can let a boy call me by my first nameif I choose. When I'm twenty I'm going to be Miss Fairfield; but whileI'm nineteen anybody can call me Patty,--if I give him permission."

  "You're a flirt, Patty."

  "All right, Ken. Flirt with me, won't you?" Patty's roguish blue eyeslooked at Kenneth with such a frank and friendly glance that hecouldn't scold her any more.

  "I can't flirt with you, Patty. I'm not that sort. You know very wellI've only a plain, plodding sort of a mind, and I can't keep up withthis repartee and persiflage that you carry on with these other chaps."

  "I don't carry on," said Patty, laughing.

  "I didn't say you carried on," returned Kenneth, who took everythingseriously. "I meant you carried on conversations that are full of witand repartee, of a sort that I can't get off."

  "Nobody wants you to, you dear old Ken! You wouldn't be half as nice ifyou were as foolish and frivolous as these society chatterboxes! You'vegot more sterling worth and real intellect in your make-up than theyever dreamed of. Now, stop your nonsense and come on and dance.But--don't undertake to lecture Patty Fairfield,--she won't stand forit!"

  "I didn't mean to lecture you, Patty," and Kenneth spoke very humbly."But when I saw you tucked away behind those palms, flirting with thatyellow-headed rattle-pate, I felt that I ought to speak to you."

  "You SPOKE, all right!" and Patty looked at him severely. "But you knowperfectly well, Kenneth Harper, that I wasn't doing anything I oughtn'tto. You know perfectly well that, though I like what you call'flirting,' I'm never the least bit unconventional and I never forgetthe strictest law of etiquette and propriety. I'd scorn to do such athing!"

  Patty's blue eyes were blazing now with righteous indignation, forKenneth had been unjust, and Patty would not stand injustice. She waspunctilious in matters of etiquette, and she had not overstepped anybounds by sitting out a dance in that alcove, which was a part of theballroom and a refuge for any one weary of dancing.

  "And you know perfectly well, Kenneth," she went on, "that you DIDN'Tthink I was unconventional, or anything of the sort. You were only----"

  Patty paused, for she didn't quite want to say what was in her mind.

  "You're right, Little Patty," and Kenneth looked her straight in theeyes; "you're right. I WAS jealous. Yes, and envious. It always hurtsme to see you laughing and talking in that darling little way of yours,and to know that _I_ can't make you talk like that. I wish I weren'tsuch a stupid-head! I wish _I_ could say things that would make youplay your pretty fooleries with ME."

  Patty looked at him in amazement. She had never suspected thatserious-minded, hard-working Kenneth had anything but scorn for men ofless mental calibre and quicker wit.

  "Why, Kenneth," she said, gently, "don't talk like that. My friendshipfor you is worth a dozen of these silly foolery flirtations with menthat I don't care two cents

  "I don't want your friendship, Patty," and Kenneth's deep voicetrembled a little; "I mean I don't want ONLY your friendship. And yet Iknow I can't hope for anything more. I'm too dull and commonplace toattract a beautiful butterfly like you."

  "Kenneth," and Patty gave him a glance, gentle, but a littlebewildered, "you're out of your head. You have a splendid head,Kenneth, full of wonderful brains, but you're out of it. You getyourself back into it as quick as you can! And don't let's dance thisdance, please; I am tired. I wish you'd take me to Mrs. Perry."

  In silence, Kenneth complied with Patty's wish, and took her to whereLora Perry was sitting.

  Then he went away, leaving Patty much more disturbed by what he hadsaid than by all the gay fooleries of Eddie Bell or Kit Cameron.