Read Patty's Summer Days Page 22



  "How did you know where we were?" said Bertha to her brother.

  "We didn't know," said Winthrop, "but after we had hunted everywhere, andput a squad of policemen on your track, and got out the fire department,and sent for an ambulance, Hepworth, here, did a little detective work onhis own account."

  "What did you do?" asked Patty.

  "Why, nothing much," said Mr. Hepworth, "I just tried to account for thevarious boats, and when I found one was missing, I thought you must havegone on the water somewhere. And so I got a field glass and looked allaround, and though I thought I saw your white flags fluttering. I wasn'tsure, but I put over here on the chance."

  "Seems to me," said Kenneth, "Hepworth is a good deal like that man inthe story. A horse had strayed away and several people had tried to findit, without success. Presently, a stupid old countryman came up leadingthe horse. When asked how he found it he only drawled out, 'Wal, I jestconsidered a spell. I thought ef I was a horse whar would I go? And Iwent there,--and he had!' That's a good deal the way Hepworth did."

  They all laughed at Kenneth's funny story, but Patty said, "It was a sortof intuition, but all the same I object to having Mr. Hepworth comparedto a stupid old countryman."

  "I don't care what I'm compared to," said Mr. Hepworth, gaily, "as longas we've found you two runaways, and if we can get you back in time forthe opening of the fair."

  The time was very short indeed, and as soon as they landed at the dock,Patty and Bertha started for the house to don their costumes as quicklyas possible.

  The Fair, or "Bazaar of all Nations," as it was called, was reallyarranged on an elaborate scale. It was held on the spacious grounds ofMr. Ashton, one of the wealthiest of the summer residents of Sandy Cove.

  So many people had interested themselves in the charity, and so muchenthusiasm had they put into their work, that when it was time to throwthe gates open to the public, it was a festive and gorgeous scene indeed.

  The idea of representing various nations had been picturesquely, if notalways logically, carried out.

  A Japanese tea-booth had been built with some regard to Japanese fashion,but with even more effort at comfort and attractive colour effects. Theyoung ladies who attended it wore most becoming Japanese costumes, andwith slanting pencilled eyebrows, and Japanese headdresses, they servedtea in Oriental splendour.

  In competition with them was an English dairy, where the rosy-cheekedmaids in their neat cotton dresses and white aprons dispensed cheesecakes and Devonshire cream to admiring customers.

  The representatives of other countries had even more elaborate results toshow for their labours.

  Italy's booth was a beautiful pergola, which had been built for theoccasion, but which Mr. Ashton intended to keep as a permanentdecoration. Over the structure were beautiful vines and climbing plants,and inside was a gorgeous collection of blossoms of every sort. Italiangirls in rich-coloured costumes and a profuse array of jewelry soldbouquets or growing plants, and were assisted in their enterprise byswarthy young men who wore the dress of Venetian gondoliers, or Italiannobles, with a fine disregard of rank or caste.

  Spain boasted a vineyard. Mr. Hepworth had charge of this, and it trulydid credit to his artistic ability. Built on the side of a hill, it was aclever imitation of a Spanish vineyard, and large grape vines had beenuprooted and transplanted to complete the effect. To be sure, the bunchesof grapes were of the hothouse variety, and were tied on the vines, butthey sold well, as did also the other luscious fruits that were offeredfor sale in arbours at either end of the grapery. The young Spaniards ofboth sexes who attended to the wants of their customers were garbedexactly in accordance with Mr. Hepworth's directions, and he himself hadartistically heightened the colouring of their features and complexions.

  Germany offered a restaurant where _delicatessen_ foods and temptingsavories were served by _Fraeuleins_. Helen Barlow was one of thejolliest of these, and her plump prettiness and long flaxen braids ofhair suited well the white kerchief and laced bodice of her adoptedcountry.

  The French girls, with true Parisian instinct, had a millinery booth.Here were sold lovely feminine bits of apparel, including collars, belts,laces and handkerchiefs, but principally hats. The hats were trulybeautiful creations, and though made of simple materials, light straw,muslin, and even of paper, they were all dainty confections that anysummer girl might be glad to wear. The little French ladies who exhibitedthese goods were voluble and dramatic, and in true French fashion, andwith more or less true French language, they extolled the beauty of theirwares.

  In a Swiss chalet the peasants sold dolls and toys; in a Cubanconstruction, of which no one knew the exact title, some fierce-lookingnative men sold cigars, and in a strange kind of a hut which purported tobe an Eskimo dwelling, ice cream could be bought.

  The Stars and Stripes waved over a handsome up-to-date soda-waterfountain, as the authorities had decided that ice-cream soda was the mosttypical American refreshment they could offer to their patrons. But anIndian encampment also claimed American protection, and a group ofWestern cowboys took pride in their ranch, and even more pride in theirswaggering costumes.

  Altogether the Bazaar was a great show, and as it was to last for threedays, nobody expected to exhaust all its entertainments in one visit.

  The Romany Rest was one of the prettiest conceits, and though anidealised gypsy encampment, it proved a very popular attraction.

  Half a dozen girls and as many young men wore what they fondly hopedlooked enough like gypsy costumes to justify the name, but at any rate,they were most becoming and beautiful to look upon.

  Patty was the gypsy queen, and looked like that personage as representedin comic opera. Seated on a queerly constructed, and somewhat wobblythrone, she told fortunes to those who desired to know what the futureheld for them.

  Apparently there was great curiosity in this respect, for Patty was keptsteadily busy from the time she arrived at her place.

  Other gypsies sold gaily coloured beads, amulets and charms, and othersstirred a queer-looking brew in a gypsy kettle over a real fire, and soldcupfuls of it to those who wished in this way to tempt fate stillfurther.

  It was a perfect day, and the afternoon was progressing mostsatisfactorily.

  Bertha was one of the Swiss peasants, and by dint of much hurrying, sheand Patty had been able to get ready in time to join the parade ofcostumed attendants as they marched to their various stations.

  Though had it not been for Mr. Phelps and his swift motor-car, they couldscarcely have reached the fair grounds in time.

  Elise was one of the Italian flower girls, and Kenneth also wore the garbof Italy.

  Mr. Hepworth and Roger Farrington were ferocious-looking Indians, andbrandished their tomahawks and tossed their feathered heads in fearsomefashion.

  Dick Phelps was a cowboy, and his Herculean frame well suited thepicturesque Western dress. And Charlie Roland flattered himself thatarrayed as a Chinaman he was too funny for anything.

  Although Patty had become better acquainted with young Mr. Roland, shehad not learned to like him. His conceited ways and pompous manner seemedto her silly and artificial beside the frank comradeship of her otherfriends.

  He came early to have his fortune told by the gypsy queen, and though, ofcourse, Patty was in no way responsible for the way in which the cardsfell, and though she told the fortunes strictly according to theinstructions in a printed book, which she had learned by heart, she wasnot especially sorry when Mr. Roland's fortune proved to be notaltogether a desirable one.

  But the young man was in nowise disconcerted.

  "It doesn't matter," he said, cheerfully, "I've had my fortune told lotsof times, and things always happen just contrary to what is predicted.But I say, Miss Romany, can't you leave your post for a few minutes andgo with me to the Japanese tea place, for a cup of their refreshingbeverage?"

  "Thank you ever so much," said Patty, "but I
really can't leave here.There's a whole string of people waiting for their fortunes, and I muststand by my post. Perhaps I can go later," she added, for though she didnot care for Charlie Roland's attentions, she was too good-natured towish to hurt his feelings.

  "I consider that a promise," said Mr. Roland, as he moved away to makeplace for the next seeker after knowledge.

  Patty turned to her work, and thought no more of Charlie Roland and hisundesirable invitation.

  Soon Kenneth came to have his fortune told, for it had been arranged thateach booth should have plenty of attendants, in order that they mighttake turns in leaving their posts and promenading about the grounds. Thiswas supposed to advertise their own particular nation, besides giving alla chance to see the sights.

  Kenneth's fortune proved to be a bright and happy one, but he was notunduly elated over it, for his faith in such things was not implicit.

  "Thank you," he said gravely, as Patty finished telling of the glorieswhich would attend his future career. "I don't think there's anythingomitted from that string of good luck, unless it's being President, andI'm not quite sure I want to be that."

  "Yes, you do," said Patty, "every good American ought to want that, ifonly as a matter of patriotism."

  "Well, I'm patriotic enough," said Kenneth, "and I'll want it if you wantme to want it. And now, Patty, you've worked here long enough for thepresent. Let somebody else take your place, and you come with me for awalk about the grounds. I'll take you to the pergola, and we'll buy someflowers from Elise."

  "I'd love to go, Ken, but truly I ought to stay here a while longer. Lotsof people want their fortune told, and nobody can do it but me, because Ilearnt all that lingo out of a book. No, I can't go now. Run along,--I'mbusy."

  Patty spoke more shortly than she meant to, for the very reason that shewanted to go with Kenneth, but she felt it her duty to remain at herpost.

  Kenneth appreciated the principle of the thing, but he thought that Pattymight have been a little kinder about it. His own temper was a littlestirred by the incident, and rising quickly, he said, "All right, stayhere, then!" And turning on his heel, he sauntered carelessly away.

  Patty looked after him, thinking what a handsome boy he was, and how wellhis Italian suit became him. Kenneth's skin was naturally rather dark,and his black eyes and hair and heavy eyebrows were somewhat of theItalian type. His white linen blouse was slightly turned in at the throatand he wore a crimson silk tie, and sash to match, knotted at one side. Abroad-brimmed hat of soft grey felt sat jauntily on his head, and as heswung himself down the path, Patty thought she had never seen him look sowell.

  Soon after this, Charlie Roland came back again.

  "I've brought someone to help you out," he said, as he introduced a younggirl who accompanied him. "This is Miss Leslie and she knows fortunetelling from the ground up. Give her a red sash, and a bandanahandkerchief to tie around her head, and let her take your place, if onlyfor a short time; and you come with me to buy some flowers. Do you know,your costume really calls for some scarlet blossoms in your hair, andover in the pergola they have some red geraniums that are simply great.Come on, let's get some."

  Patty did want some red flowers, and had meant to have some, but shedressed in such a hurry that there was no time to find any. Moreover, shehad never known Charlie Roland to appear to such good advantage. Heseemed to have dropped his pompous manner with his civilised dress, andin his comical Chinaman's costume, he seemed far more attractive than inhis own everyday dress. And since he had provided her with a substitute,Patty saw no reason for refusing his invitation.

  So together they left the Romany Rest, and walked about the Fair,chatting with people here and there, until they reached the pergola.

  Elise was delighted to see them, and while the Italian girls besought Mr.Roland to buy their flowers, the Italian young men clustered aroundPatty, and with merry laugh and jest, presented her with sundry floralofferings.

  There was one exception, however; Kenneth stood aloof. For the first timein his life, he felt that Patty had intentionally slighted him. He hadasked her to come to the pergola for flowers, and she had refused. Then afew minutes later she had accepted a similar invitation from that stupidyoung Roland. Kenneth was obliged to admit to himself that young Rolanddid not look stupid just at present, for he had some talent as acomedian, and was acting the part of a funny Chinaman with success. Butthat didn't make any difference to Kenneth, and he looked reproachfullyat Patty, as she accepted the flowers and gay compliments from herattendant cavalier.

  Patty had intended to explain to Kenneth why it had been possible for herto leave the gypsy camp in charge of another fortune teller, but when shesaw the boy's moody expression and sulky attitude her sense of humour wastouched, and she giggled to herself at the idea of Kenneth being angry atsuch a trifle.

  She thought it distinctly silly of him, and being in a mischievous mood,she concluded he ought to be punished for such foolishness. So instead ofsmiling at him, she gave him only a careless glance, and then devoted herattention to the others.

  Patty was a general favourite, and her happy, sunny ways made friends forher wherever she went. She was therefore surrounded by a crowd of merryyoung people, some of whom had just been introduced to her, and otherswhom she had known longer; and as she laughed and chatted with them,Kenneth began to think that he was acting rather foolishly, and longed tojoin the group around the gypsy queen.

  But the boy was both sensitive and proud, and he could not quite bringhimself to overlook what he considered an intentional unkindness on thepart of Patty.

  So, wandering away from the pergola, he visited other booths, and chattedwith other groups, determined to ignore Patty and her perversities.

  Patty, not being an obtuse young person, saw through all this, and choseto be amused by it.

  "Dear old Ken," she thought to herself, "what a goose he is! I'll get Nanto ask him to have supper with us all in the English Dairy, and then Iexpect he'll thaw out that frozen manner of his."

  Feeling that she ought to return to her own post, Patty told her Chinamanso, and together they went back to the Romany Rest; but as Patty wasabout to take her place again at the fortune teller's table, Mr. Phelpscame along and desired her to go with him, and have her photograph taken.At first Patty demurred, though she greatly wanted to go, but Miss Lesliesaid she was not at all tired of fortune telling, and would gladlycontinue to substitute for Patty a while longer.

  "Come on, then," said Dick Phelps, "there's no reason why you shouldn't,since Miss Leslie is kind enough to fill your place."

  Patty still hesitated, for she thought that Kenneth would be still moreoffended if he saw her walking around with Mr. Phelps, after having toldhim that she could not leave the gypsy camp.

  But Dick Phelps was of an imperious nature. He was accustomed to havinghis own way, and was impatient at Patty's hesitation.

  "Come on," he said. "March!" And taking her by the arm, he led herswiftly down the path toward the photograph booth.

  As he strode along, cowboy fashion, Patty said, meekly, "Let go of myarm, please, Mr. Phelps. I think you've broken two bones already! And_don't_ walk so fast. I'm all out of breath!"

  "Forgive me," said Dick Phelps, suddenly checking his speed, and smilingdown at the girl beside him, "you see this cowboy rig makes me feel as ifI were back on the plains again, and I can't seem to adjust myself tocivilised conditions."

  Mr. Phelps looked very splendid as a cowboy, and Patty listened withinterest, as he told her of an exciting episode which had occurred duringhis ranch life, in a distant western territory.

  So engrossed did they become in this conversation that the photographswere forgotten for the moment, and they strolled along past the variousbooths, unheeding the numerous invitations to enter.

  Of course Kenneth saw them, and from a trifling offence, Patty's conductseemed to him to have grown into a purposed rudeness.

  As they passed him, Patty smiled pleasantly, and paused, saying, "We
'reall going to have supper in the Dairy, and of course you'll be with us,Ken?"

  "Of course I won't!" said Kenneth, and deliberately turning on his heel,he walked the other way.