Read Paul et Virginie. English Page 14

in the Indies."

  I took upon myself to obtain permission from Monsieur de la Bourdonnaisto undertake this voyage; and I determined previously to mention theaffair to Paul. But what was my surprise, when this young man said tome, with a degree of good sense above his age, "And why do you wish meto leave my family for this precarious pursuit of fortune? Is there anycommerce in the world more advantageous than the culture of the ground,which yields sometimes fifty or a hundred-fold? If we wish to engagein commerce, can we not do so by carrying our superfluities to the townwithout my wandering to the Indies? Our mothers tell me, that Domingois old and feeble; but I am young, and gather strength every day. Ifany accident should happen during my absence, above all to Virginia, whoalready suffers--Oh, no, no!--I cannot resolve to leave them."

  So decided an answer threw me into great perplexity, for Madame de laTour had not concealed from me the cause of Virginia's illness and wantof spirits, and her desire of separating these young people till theywere a few years older. I took care, however, not to drop any thingwhich could lead Paul to suspect the existence of these motives.

  About this period a ship from France brought Madame de la Tour a letterfrom her aunt. The fear of death, without which hearts as insensible ashers would never feel, had alarmed her into compassion. When she wroteshe was recovering from a dangerous illness, which had, however, lefther incurably languid and weak. She desired her niece to return toFrance: or, if her health forbade her to undertake so long a voyage,she begged her to send Virginia, on whom she promised to bestow a goodeducation, to procure for her a splendid marriage, and to leaveher heiress of her whole fortune. She concluded by enjoining strictobedience to her will, in gratitude, she said, for her great kindness.

  At the perusal of this letter general consternation spread itselfthrough the whole assembled party. Domingo and Mary began to weep.Paul, motionless with surprise, appeared almost ready to burst withindignation; while Virginia, fixing her eyes anxiously upon her mother,had not power to utter a single word. "And can you now leave us?" criedMargaret to Madame de la Tour. "No, my dear friend, no, my belovedchildren," replied Madame de la Tour; "I will never leave you. I havelived with you, and with you I will die. I have known no happiness butin your affection. If my health be deranged, my past misfortunes are thecause. My heart has been deeply wounded by the cruelty of my relations,and by the loss of my beloved husband. But I have since found moreconsolation and more real happiness with you in these humble huts, thanall the wealth of my family could now lead me to expect in my country."

  At this soothing language every eye overflowed with tears of delight.Paul, pressing Madame de la Tour in his arms, exclaimed,--"Neither willI leave you! I will not go to the Indies. We will all labour for you,dear mamma; and you shall never feel any want with us." But of the wholesociety, the person who displayed the least transport, and who probablyfelt the most, was Virginia; and during the remainder of the day, thegentle gaiety which flowed from her heart, and proved that her peace ofmind was restored, completed the general satisfaction.

  At sun-rise the next day, just as they had concluded offering up, asusual, their morning prayer before breakfast, Domingo came to informthem that a gentleman on horseback, followed by two slaves, was comingtowards the plantation. It was Monsieur de la Bourdonnais. He enteredthe cottage, where he found the family at breakfast. Virginia hadprepared, according to the custom of the country, coffee, and riceboiled in water. To these she had added hot yams, and fresh plantains.The leaves of the plantain-tree, supplied the want of table-linen; andcalabash shells, split in two, served for cups. The governor exhibited,at first, some astonishment at the homeliness of the dwelling; then,addressing himself to Madame de la Tour, he observed, that althoughpublic affairs drew his attention too much from the concerns ofindividuals, she had many claims on his good offices. "You have an auntat Paris, madam," he added, "a woman of quality, and immensely rich, whoexpects that you will hasten to see her, and who means to bestow uponyou her whole fortune." Madame de la Tour replied, that the state of herhealth would not permit her to undertake so long a voyage. "At least,"resumed Monsieur de la Bourdonnais, "you cannot without injustice,deprive this amiable young lady, your daughter, of so noble aninheritance. I will not conceal from you, that your aunt has made use ofher influence to secure your daughter being sent to her; and that I havereceived official letters, in which I am ordered to exert my authority,if necessary, to that effect. But as I only wish to employ my power forthe purpose of rendering the inhabitants of this country happy, I expectfrom your good sense the voluntary sacrifice of a few years, upon whichyour daughter's establishment in the world, and the welfare of yourwhole life depends. Wherefore do we come to these islands? Is it not toacquire a fortune? And will it not be more agreeable to return and findit in your own country?"

  He then took a large bag of piastres from one of his slaves, and placedit upon the table. "This sum," he continued, "is allotted by your auntto defray the outlay necessary for the equipment of the young lady forher voyage." Gently reproaching Madame de la Tour for not having hadrecourse to him in her difficulties, he extolled at the same time hernoble fortitude. Upon this Paul said to the governor,--"My mother didapply to you, sir, and you received her ill."--"Have you another child,madam?" said Monsieur de la Bourdonnais to Madame de la Tour. "No, Sir,"she replied; "this is the son of my friend; but he and Virginia areequally dear to us, and we mutually consider them both as our ownchildren." "Young man," said the governor to Paul, "when you haveacquired a little more experience of the world, you will know that itis the misfortune of people in place to be deceived, and bestow, inconsequence, upon intriguing vice, that which they would wish to give tomodest merit."

  Monsieur de la Bourdonnais, at the request of Madame de la Tour, placedhimself next to her at table, and breakfasted after the manner of theCreoles, upon coffee, mixed with rice boiled in water. He was delightedwith the order and cleanliness which prevailed in the little cottage,the harmony of the two interesting families, and the zeal of their oldservants. "Here," he exclaimed, "I discern only wooden furniture; but Ifind serene countenances and hearts of gold." Paul, enchanted with theaffability of the governor, said to him,--"I wish to be your friend: foryou are a good man." Monsieur de la Bourdonnais received with pleasurethis insular compliment, and, taking Paul by the hand, assured him hemight rely upon his friendship.

  After breakfast, he took Madame de la Tour aside and informed herthat an opportunity would soon offer itself of sending her daughter toFrance, in a ship which was going to sail in a short time; that he wouldput her under the charge of a lady, one of the passengers, who wasa relation of his own; and that she must not think of renouncing animmense fortune, on account of the pain of being separated from herdaughter for a brief interval. "Your aunt," he added, "cannot livemore than two years; of this I am assured by her friends. Think of itseriously. Fortune does not visit us every day. Consult your friends.I am sure that every person of good sense will be of my opinion." Sheanswered, "that, as she desired no other happiness henceforth in theworld than in promoting that of her daughter, she hoped to be allowed toleave her departure for France to her own inclination."

  Madame de la Tour was not sorry to find an opportunity of separatingPaul and Virginia for a short time, and provide by this means, for theirmutual felicity at a future period. She took her daughter aside, andsaid to her,--"My dear child, our servants are now old. Paul is stillvery young, Margaret is advanced in years, and I am already infirm. IfI should die what would become of you, without fortune, in the midstof these deserts? You would then be left alone, without any person whocould afford you much assistance, and would be obliged to labourwithout ceasing, as a hired servant, in order to support your wretchedexistence. This idea overcomes me with sorrow." Virginia answered,--"Godhas appointed us to labour, and to bless him every day. Up to this timehe has never forsaken us, and he never will forsake us in time to come.His providence watches most especially over the unfortunate. You havetold me this very often, my dear mother!
I cannot resolve to leave you."Madame de la Tour replied, with much emotion,--"I have no other aim thanto render you happy, and to marry you one day to Paul, who is not reallyyour brother. Remember then that his fortune depends upon you."

  A young girl who is in love believes that every one else is ignorant ofher passion; she throws over her eyes the veil with which she covers thefeelings of her heart; but when it is once lifted by a friendly hand,the hidden sorrows of her attachment escape as through a newly-openedbarrier, and the sweet outpourings of unrestrained confidence succeedto her former mystery and reserve. Virginia, deeply affected by this newproof of her mother's tenderness, related to her the cruel strugglesshe had undergone, of which heaven