Read Pearls of Passion Page 4

her. She never even heard him drop his trousers to the floor or fumble with the condom, but such details were driven from her mind as they crashed together, bodies heaving, slapping, slick with his sweat and hers, breaths mingled and gasping. She stared into the depths of his eyes and saw her passion reflected back at her, beat for beat.

  His cock filled her to bursting, sliding against every sensitized nerve ending with pulsing precision, driving her to peak after peak. She drenched herself against him, coming and coming and coming until at last he met her final orgasm with one of his own, his shouts twining with hers, and their mutual crescendo built until she thought the building would implode around them in fiery sparks.

  Robert dropped her bottom back onto the counter and collapsed against her. They held each other there like survivors of a bomb blast, shaking, half-numb with reaction.

  Sabrina dropped her head to his shoulder, too weak to lift her head. Her body, gloriously used and abused, continued to shiver. Robert’s arms trembled, his hands braced against the counter. Then his whole body began to rumble, and she realized he was laughing.


  She tipped her head back just far enough to see into his eyes, alight now with humor. Had she ever before noticed the tiny golden lights dancing in their centers? He dropped a quick, friendly kiss on her mouth and hugged her into his body.

  “What’s so funny?” she mumbled against the fabric of the shirt he was still half-wearing.

  “We are,” Robert said. “In all the fantasies I’ve had of you, I never once pictured us here. But I have to say it worked out rather well.”

  Sabrina felt the answering grin spreading across her lips. She had to agree. Had he really fantasized about her, while all along she’d been wishing for him just to notice her, to see her as a woman and not just a colleague?

  Suddenly, unaccountably, shy, Sabrina pressed her cheek against his chest, listening to the still-racing beat of his heart while she traced tiny patterns against his shirt. Her seduction plan had worked—far better than she’d ever dared to imagine it could, in fact—but now what? Stupid, never to have given a thought to what would happen afterward if she managed to get him to this point.

  When she realized the patterns she was tracing on his shirt were tiny, interlocked hearts, she straightened with a gasp.

  “Robert, I—” she began, but he cupped her face, oh-so-gently, with his hands, and leaned his forehead against hers.

  “I’m so glad you took the reins this way, Sabrina,” he whispered, and lowered his mouth to hers in a kiss of such yearning sweetness it took her breath away.

  “You are?” she whispered back.

  “Mmmm,” Robert leaned back to look in her eyes. “I didn’t think you were interested in me. At all. You’re always so professional. Friendly, but we work together. And you’re so beautiful, and I’m such a nerd. . .”

  She was beautiful? He thought her beautiful? Even before her transformation for tonight? Amazing. Incredible. And he thought himself a book nerd, while she thought he was the hottest thing on two legs.

  “Oh, Robert,” Sabrina had to laugh as well. How much time had they wasted, missing each other’s signals so completely? But tonight had made it all worth the wait.

  “Hey, I’m a man. Sometimes you have to beat us over the head.”

  When he kissed her again, slowly, sweetly, she sank into him gladly, joy suffusing her heart. She’d admired his body from the first, if she were being honest, but she’d soon fallen for his ready smile, his kindness with everyone from the rowdiest preschool children to the most elderly patrons. His quick and questing mind.

  And he’d noticed her all along, really seen her. He’d seen past the severe librarian-style hairdo she wore for work, the tailored, conservative clothes, the polite and professional demeanor. He’d fantasized about her, every bit as much as she’d fantasized about him. Sabrina’s heart made the final plunge, tripping into love.

  The kiss deepened, emotions tangling with passion, and Sabrina’s pulse hammered in triple time, matching his beat for beat. He hardened against her, and the thrill shot through her again. They clung to each other, savored each other’s kisses, taking pleasure in murmured words of love, in the heavy lust urging their bodies to new heights.

  “God, I can’t get enough of you,” he said, rasping the words against her throat, and Sabrina’s heart thrilled.

  Robert grappled with a fresh condom, grabbed her up from the desk and wrapped her around his body once again, sinking deeply inside her as he lowered them to the floor. Sabrina gloried in the strength of his legs as she rode him to the ground. He laid back, his hands at her waist, eyes locked on hers, urging her on as she bucked wildly on top of him, her hips pumping as he thrust into her, their rhythms matched perfectly in the oldest dance.

  He slowed her driving hips with his hands and bowed up to capture her mouth in another searing kiss while his fingers reached the sides of her blouse and pulled it apart in one rending motion. Pearl buttons flew everywhere, pinging against the tile floor in time to the beat of her heart as Robert’s hands finally, finally went skin-to-skin with her breasts, the scorching heat of his palms branding her, sending her to new heights of pleasure.

  He fell back to the floor, and Sabrina felt a protest rise to her lips when his hands dropped away from her sensitized nipples, but before the words could form, his thumb brushed the hard, pulsing beat of passion at her core, his fingers sliding between them, stroking them both where their bodies joined, and she skyrocketed past galaxies, spinning into new orbits. Body, mind, soul. She flew, and flew, and flew, deaf to her own screams as they melded with his, ricocheting through the library.

  Sabrina fell forward, all the muscles in her body vaporized, incapable of supporting herself another moment. The air dragged in and out across her throat, scored from her passion-filled screams, in heavy, painful gasps. She’d lost track of the number of her orgasms. She lay across him, completely spent, her arms thrown out to the sides on top of his, her hands nestled into his palms. Her cheek pressed tightly against his sweaty chest and galloping heart.

  “My God.” They said it together, the words pushed through two pairs of lips well-chapped from ragged breathing and fiery kisses.

  They lay together, shipwrecked on the storm of their passion, the library floor their deserted island.

  Finally, after weeks, or maybe moments, Robert lifted his right hand and stroked it slowly down the length of her hair, the soft strands spilling every which way across their bodies, still joined there on the floor.

  “Come home with me, Sabrina.”

  It took every ounce of energy she had left, but Sabrina managed to push herself onto her elbows to look into his eyes.


  He nodded. “It’s Valentine’s Day, after all. We should celebrate.”

  Sabrina felt the laugh bubbling up. “Doesn’t this count?” she asked, gesturing to the two of them.

  “It’s a pretty good start,” he admitted, “but you deserve more than a tumble on the library floor. And desk,” he added with a chuckle.

  “I’m pretty happy right here,” Sabrina said, dropping back to his chest, not wanting to reveal the hope she knew had to be shining out of her eyes. She’d wanted to seduce him, and she’d succeeded spectacularly. She had hoped for even more for a long time. Now, on the cusp of getting everything she’d wanted since first clapping eyes on him all those months ago, she didn’t want to jinx it by appearing too eager. Well, after what they’d just experienced, it was probably too late for that, she thought with a mental laugh. “I don’t think I can move.”

  “I’ll carry you.”

  Sabrina’s heart tripped in her chest. “Carry me?” Images of white knights danced in her head. Could anything be more romantic?

  “I want to make love to you in my bed, Sabrina,” he murmured against her hair. “I want to wake with you there beside me in the morning. Please come home with me.”

  Sabrina’s fingertips brushed against one of
the pearls he’d torn from her blouse. She rolled it into her palm, the luster soft and radiant in the cool blue lights of the library. She rubbed her cheek against Robert’s chest and whispered, “Yes.”

  ~The End~


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  Pearls of Wisdom

  Pearls of Pleasure


  Cupid's Mistake


  Pearls of Passion would not have been born but for the encouragement of my mentor, Anthea. She started me on a new path, helped me re-imagine my dreams, then helped me implement them. For that and so much more, I am sending out my thanks and love into the universe on her behalf. You're my rock star, Anthea! Now and always.

  With love,


  February, 2012


  Romance author Chantilly White was born and raised in southern California, an only child who spent her days acting out favorite scenes from beloved fairytales and reading everything she could get her hands on. Childhood favorites were soon followed by romance novels, which heavily influenced her beliefs about life and love.

  Always a storyteller, Chantilly holds a