Read Pegasus and the New Olympians: Pegasus: Book Three Page 12

  The journey to the lake was relatively short. Paelen kept a sharp eye out for more military vehicles. But after the big fight and Emily leading them away, Paelen realized they were completely alone.

  They landed in a completely different environment. They were still in the middle of the desert, but the lake was lined with trees and lush grass. The air was cooler and fresher.

  They carried Joel into the chilly water. On contact, Joel started to stir. He moaned softly and passed out again.

  Paelen remained in the water with Joel until the sun was well up. As Joel started to stir, he carried him out of the lake and settled him gently on the grass beneath a large tree. The heat of the day was already pressing heavily down on them.

  Joel opened his eyes, looked around and then frowned. ‘Where are we?’ he asked groggily. ‘What happened?’

  ‘You are all right,’ Paelen answered. ‘But you had a rather difficult night. First you were shot with tranquillizer darts by the CRU, almost crash-landed into the ground and then had a fight with a cactus plant – and lost.’

  ‘You call that difficult? I hurt all over!’

  Paelen nodded. ‘Yes, but at least you are alive.’

  Joel lifted his head and looked around. ‘Where’s Emily? Is she all right?’

  ‘I do not know,’ Paelen said. ‘The last we saw, she was leading the machines away from us. I am certain she is fine.’ Even Paelen didn’t believe his own words. There were too many machines against Emily and Pegasus. It was unlikely that they could have escaped unharmed.

  ‘We’ve got to find them.’ Joel panicked as he struggled to rise. But there was still tranquillizer residue in his system and he collapsed.

  ‘We cannot leave here,’ Paelen said as he stopped Joel from trying to rise again. ‘Look around you. It is full daylight and we are in the middle of nowhere. We cannot leave the safe cover of this place until dark.’

  Chrysaor put a small hoof lightly on Joel’s chest and squealed softly.

  ‘Chrysaor agrees. We must not be seen flying during the day. It is too dangerous for all of us.’

  ‘But what about Emily?’ Joel cried. ‘I’ve got to find her.’

  ‘Yes we do,’ Paelen agreed. ‘But we will not do Emily, Pegasus or Alexis any good if we are captured. You are still weak from the drugs and the cactus needles. Take today to recover. We will leave here the moment it is dark. Then we can meet up with the others at the black tower.’

  Paelen could see Joel’s thoughts flying like a storm. Like him, he was devoted to Emily and hated the thought of her being out there alone. Though Pegasus and the Sphinx were with her, there was still a chance one or more of them might have been hurt in the firefight.

  ‘What if she’s dead?’ Joel asked.

  Paelen shook his head. ‘Emily is the Flame, she is strong. But we have all been without ambrosia and nectar for days. It is Pegasus and Alexis I worry most for. I hope they are all right. But for now, all we can do is wait.’


  ‘Where are they?’

  Emily paced anxiously along the top wall of the tall black building. She looked out over Las Vegas searching the cloudless skies for signs of Joel, Paelen and Chrysaor. The sun was up but there was no sign of her friends.

  ‘They will come,’ Alexis called softly. She and Pegasus were hiding inside a construction shed that remained on the roof. The building was unfinished, but by the looks of things, construction work had stopped some time ago. There was still an unused crane on the roof and a lot of tools. Over the side, there were several black windows missing and, on the ground, scaffolding rose high up against the side. The construction site was surrounded by a tall wooden fence.

  When Emily walked back into the shed she was more exhausted than she’d ever thought possible. Even after all the training Vesta had given to her, she was still unprepared for her encounter with the military. It had taken a lot out of her. The Flame within had done everything she commanded. But that didn’t stop her other powers from surfacing. When she had opened fire on three heavily armed helicopters, instead of flame issuing from her hands, the flying vehicles vanished. But where did they go?

  She sat down against the shed’s wall and took a deep breath. Her eyes landed on the Sphinx. Alexis was weeping.

  ‘Are you all right?’

  Alexis dropped her head as more tears trickled down her smooth cheeks. ‘I warned him,’ she wept softly. ‘I told him it was a bad idea, but he insisted.’

  ‘Agent T?’ Emily asked.

  Alexis nodded. ‘After you all went to bed, he came to me. He said getting into Area 51 was a suicide mission. Tom was frightened for everyone, but especially you. He knew what would happen if the CRU ever got their hands on you and said he could never let that happen.’

  Emily felt a lump form in her throat. Agent T never showed a trace of caring. But was he hiding it?

  ‘Why didn’t he wait for us? We could have helped.’

  ‘He could not,’ Alexis wept. ‘Emily, Tom recognized the man who checked up on us in the trailer. He was from the CRU. He was certain the man had recognized him too. Tom asked me to take him to the facility before they made a move against us. He was hoping he could reason with them. Tell them what would happen if they did not stop cloning New Olympians.’

  ‘Did they listen?’

  Alexis shook her head. ‘Even before we arrived, they must have known we were coming. The moment we touched down, their lights came alive and we were surrounded. I was wearing Pluto’s helmet, but they still knew I was there.’

  The Sphinx’s voice broke as she looked tearfully at Emily. ‘When he realized we were captured, Tom told me to get you all away from here. But then a Nirad guard came at me …’


  Alexis nodded. ‘They have Nirads there. We knew they would, but these were not prisoners. They were working alongside them. The grey Nirads were CRU soldiers. They were the ones who attacked me and nearly tore off my wings.’

  Emily’s hand shot to her mouth. ‘This is so bad.’

  ‘It is worse,’ Alexis said. ‘While I fought the Nirad soldiers, I saw more coming from an open door, so I flew at the door and entered a world of horror.’ Alexis couldn’t continue as her sobs increased.

  Emily put her arms around her. ‘I’m so sorry, Alexis,’ she soothed, holding the shaking Sphinx. ‘But you must tell me. What did you see in there?’

  ‘They have Diana clones locked in cages. I also saw Paelens and Cupids. I did not see the Pegasus clones but I could hear them and feel their fear.’

  ‘Cupids?’ Emily repeated. ‘How is that possible? He was never a prisoner of the CRU.’

  The Sphinx did her best to shrug. ‘I do not know, but they were there. They were suffering. But I could not help them. It took all of my cunning just to escape and get back to you.’

  Emily shook her head and whispered. ‘This is worse than I imagined. It’s gone too far for us to do anything. We must tell Jupiter what’s happening here and beg him not to destroy this world.’

  Alexis shook her head. ‘Please, no, we can not do that.’

  Emily was confused. ‘But you were the one who wanted us to tell Jupiter.’

  ‘Yes I was,’ Alexis said shakily. ‘You are so very young and may not understand this. But I cared a great deal for Tom. In the short time we were together, we discovered how much we had in common and …’ Alexis paused and lifted her eyes to Emily. ‘And how alone we both were.’


  The Sphinx nodded. ‘Tom made me laugh. He treated me like a person. Not the Sphinx and not an Olympian guardian, but a person.’

  And suddenly Emily saw that the great and powerful Sphinx was very lonely and Agent T had ended that loneliness. ‘I’m so sorry, Alexis.’

  Alexis dropped her head. ‘Before we left for the CRU facility, Tom begged me to help him save this world. It was the only thing he had left to care about.’ She paused and looked at Emily with her tearful green eyes. ‘How could I refus
e him?’

  Emily looked away. ‘That doesn’t sound like the Agent T I know.’

  ‘Tom was a very tragic man,’ Alexis continued. ‘He deeply regretted many of the things he has done. He joined the CRU to help serve and protect his country. Instead he lost himself. Only at the end did he realize his mistake and want to make amends for it. He told me to tell you and Pegasus he was sorry.’

  Tears filled Emily’s eyes. She reached for her green handkerchief and carefully gathered them before they could fall and explode. ‘I wish he had told me,’ she whispered.

  The sound of approaching helicopters pulled Emily back to the present. She stood and peered out of the door to the shed. ‘It’s just a tourist helicopter,’ she explained. ‘We’re safe for the moment.’

  Leaving Alexis to her tears, Emily stepped out into the midday heat. It was almost unbearable. The tarmac beneath her feet was soft and starting to melt. Approaching the edge, she looked over Las Vegas. Brightly coloured casinos lined the famous strip and thousands of people were moving around below. None of them was aware of the danger they faced. It sounded as if the CRU had created an army of Nirad soldiers. With fighters like that, they could easily take over the world. Why else would they want to clone Nirads? Emily realized that the CRU posed almost as much danger to this world as Jupiter did.

  What genetic engineering had they done to create them? True Nirads had telepathic links to each other. Would Queen Segan or Prince Tobin be able to communicate with these new Nirads, like they do the rest of their people?

  A thought entered Emily’s mind. She went back into the shed.

  ‘Alexis, did the grey Nirad soldiers seem like the Nirads we’re familiar with? Or were they different, like Tornado was different from Pegasus?’

  ‘They appeared the same,’ Alexis answered. ‘They had four arms, black stringy hair and three large black eyes. Their skin was marble like all other Nirads. But something felt different about them. I am certain they are not all Nirad but mixed with something else.’

  ‘But are they Nirad enough to be like the ones we know?’ Emily mused aloud. She went over to the stallion. ‘Pegs, do you think Queen Segan or Prince Tobin would help us? If they could communicate with those military Nirads, maybe we could turn them against the CRU.’

  Alexis rose to her feet and padded over to Emily. ‘You are not proposing we bring the Nirad queen to this world?’

  ‘Not the queen,’ Emily responded. ‘Segan must remain in her world, but what about Prince Tobin? He can speak with his people using his mind, can’t he?’

  Pegasus neighed softly and pawed the floor of the shed.

  ‘He says it would be very dangerous to bring the prince here. I agree with him. If the prince were captured …’

  Emily shook her head. ‘What could the CRU do to him? Nirads are practically indestructible. Only Olympian gold, Pegasus’s golden hooves, and my powers can harm them. Nothing on Earth seemed to stop them last time they were here. The CRU has no Olympian gold and I doubt they’d even know that was their weakness. Prince Tobin would be perfectly safe.’

  ‘I do not think this is a good idea,’ Alexis said.

  ‘I don’t like it either. But they should be told what’s happening here. Those are Nirad clones – part of their people. They should know what the CRU have done. It’s only fair.’

  Alexis looked at Pegasus. The stallion shook his head and snorted. He pressed his head closer to Emily as the Sphinx focused on her. ‘Pegasus believes this might work. I can think of no other reasonable solution. This seems to be the only course of action. However, there is still the issue of Joel, Paelen and Chrysaor’s absence to consider.’

  Worry for her friends pressed heavily down on Emily. ‘I will stay here and wait for them while you and Pegasus go to the Nirad world to speak to Prince Tobin.’

  Pegasus protested loudly and Alexis shook her head. ‘You will not remain here unguarded.’

  ‘Then you stay and wait for the others and Pegs and I can go.’

  Alexis shook her head. ‘That is also unacceptable. We will all go.’

  ‘But what about Joel and Paelen? Someone should stay here for them. You are the best one to do that.’

  ‘I am sworn to protect you, Emily. I go wherever you go.’


  Alexis narrowed her eyes. ‘I will ask you a riddle. If you answer correctly, I will remain here. If not, we all go.’

  Emily groaned. They didn’t have time for one of Alexis’s riddles. But at the same time, she knew the Sphinx needed to do this to help get her back on even footing. ‘Go ahead.’

  ‘Riddle me this …’

  ‘I am the unreachable boundary,

  Yet the place you wish to go,

  I run away as you approach.

  But I am always there.

  What am I?’

  Emily repeated the riddle to herself. An unreachable boundary that runs away when you approach? She tried to think of something that she might want but can never reach. She looked out of the shed, hoping to find an answer. With the sun high in the sky, there were very few shadows or shelter from the unforgiving heat. Suddenly a thought came to her. Shadows. Like Peter Pan, you can never catch your shadow!

  ‘You are a shadow,’ she said triumphantly.

  As always, Emily was wrong and did not receive the correct answer from Alexis. Instead the Sphinx nodded smugly and walked back to the corner. ‘We shall all leave at sunset. As we have nothing to eat, drink or do, I suggest we take this time to rest. It has been an awful night and I am greatly fatigued.’

  Emily stroked Pegasus and watched Alexis curl up in the corner. She looked even more like a giant house cat with her wings pulled tight to her body and her tail wrapped around her. ‘Do you think we’re doing the right thing bringing Prince Tobin here, Pegs?’

  The stallion nudged Emily and invited her to stroke him. It was the best answer he could give.

  Emily sighed. ‘I just hope this doesn’t make things worse.’


  Paelen and Chrysaor lounged under a shady tree while Joel spent most of the day in the lake. His body ached and stung from the cactus patch. Only the cool water seemed to calm his inflamed skin.

  Throughout the long day, tourists had come to visit the unique lake in the middle of the desert. Picnic tables were scattered along the banks and on more than one occasion people had waved at Joel and called greetings. When they approached, Joel ducked low in the water to hide his silver arm and shoulder.

  When the sun started to set, Joel emerged from the water. Paelen stifled a laugh as he watched his friend walk up the bank. Joel was covered all over in tiny red pinpricks.

  He pulled on his sweatshirt and immediately cried out in pain and pulled it off again. He threw it to the ground. ‘It’s still full of cactus needles!’

  ‘I have no doubt your jeans are the same,’ Paelen commented. ‘I would suggest you avoid those also.’

  ‘What am I supposed to wear now? I can’t walk around naked.’

  ‘Sure you can,’ Paelen laughed wickedly. ‘I’m sure Alexis and Emily will love it!’

  ‘It’s not funny!’ Joel cried. ‘Look at me. My arm is exposed.’

  ‘That is not all that is exposed!’ Paelen roared. Rolling around on the ground, he was lost in fits of laughter. Even Chrysaor’s eyes sparkled and he snorted happily.

  ‘When we get to the black tower, perhaps we can find you some more clothing.’

  ‘You’re enjoying this way too much,’ Joel muttered as he sat down to wait.

  When darkness fell, Joel climbed on Chrysaor and they took off into the sky. The only words spoken were those of Joel complaining about Chrysaor’s coarse hair scratching his bare legs and bottom. Paelen found it difficult to fly straight as his laughter continued.

  But as they got closer to Las Vegas, Paelen’s laughter tapered off and he started to worry. Had Emily, Pegasus and Alexis made it to the black building? Were they waiting for them?

n they were flying over the bright city. Paelen looked down in wonder at all the colourful lights. He could never have imagined a place like this. Not even New York lit up like Las Vegas.

  ‘There it is,’ Joel called as Chrysaor flew high above the Las Vegas strip.

  The tall black building loomed directly ahead of them at the far end of the strip. There were no lights shining from within and, in the dark, it was a strangely imposing sight amongst all the brightness around it.

  They touched down on the roof of the unfinished building. After a quick search, they realized Emily and the others weren’t there.

  ‘Where are they?’ Joel asked as he walked to the edge and peered over Las Vegas. ‘They should have been here by now!’

  ‘Perhaps they did not make it,’ Paelen offered.

  ‘How are we going to find them?’ Joel asked.

  ‘I know,’ Paelen said. He had been hesitant to use his sandals, for fear of discovering some awful truth. But now there was no choice. He looked at Joel and Chrysaor. ‘Remain here. I will be right back.’

  Paelen looked down at his sandals, ‘Take me to Emily!’

  The sandals flapped acknowledgement and then shot him up straight up the air. Faster and faster the sandals carried Paelen away from Las Vegas until he realized they were gaining speed to enter the Solar Stream. But when they entered the blindingly bright Stream, the sandals paused and seemed uncertain where to go.

  Paelen felt the drawing whoosh of the Solar Stream all around him and he could also feel the sandals struggling to keep him still. Dark shapes of travellers sped past him, but they were moving too quickly for him to identify anyone.

  ‘Enough,’ Paelen called over the roaring power of the Solar Stream. ‘Take me back to Joel.’

  The sandals obeyed immediately and Paelen was carried back to Las Vegas. He touched back down on the roof of the black building.

  ‘That was fast,’ Joel said. ‘Where is she?’

  Paelen shook his head. ‘The sandals do not know. Emily has entered the Solar Stream, but that was as far as they could take me. They can not track her through it.’