Read Pegasus and the Origins of Olympus: Book 4 Page 22

  ‘The stone, Stella,’ Agent B shouted. ‘Get it in the box.’

  ‘Maxine, move,’ Stella cried. ‘Get me to that stone.’

  Stella threw herself from her wheelchair and struggled to free the large golden box from beneath her seat. ‘Release the box.’

  The wheelchair tipped itself back until the box came away from the restraining brackets. It hit the slippery marble roof and slid further away.

  Stella cursed and tried to roll the stone over to the golden box. But as she moved and felt its weight, she knew she could never lift it into the box.

  ‘Maxine, push it closer to me!’

  The wheelchair did as she commanded and pushed the golden box to where the stone lay. Stella raised herself up as high as she could and lifted the heavy gold lid.

  ‘Agent B,’ she yelled, ‘the stone is too heavy for me, I can’t lift it into the box.’

  There were only three Shadow Titans left fighting Agent B. Around them lay the scattered remnants of the other fighters. His flame-sword flashed in the air as he cut down a fourth Shadow Titan. With only two remaining Turtle Warriors left, Agent B dashed back to Stella.

  ‘Get ready with the lid!’ He dropped his sword and hoisted the heavy stone into the air. Just as he was about to place it in the box, the two Turtle Warriors charged forward and pierced through Agent B’s armour with their swords.

  The CRU agent gasped in agony. Stella saw the blood-covered blades sticking out the front of his armour. The Turtles pulled their weapons free and stabbed again.

  ‘Get the lid,’ Agent B gulped. As he fell over, he used the last of his fading strength to drop the stone into the golden box. Struggling with its weight, Stella managed to close the lid on the weapon.

  Agent B fell back on the palace roof and became still.

  Stella struggled up on to the box. Without a weapon, she stared defiantly into the covered faces of the advancing Shadow Titans.


  ‘Saturn,’ Emily shouted, ‘where are you, you liar!’

  Emily wasn’t sure how long she had been in the Energy Void. But certainly it was long enough for Saturn to bring Joel to her if he’d really intended to.

  She paced, furious at her imprisonment. What was happening outside? Were the others all right? Had they made it to Titus to get the weapon?

  With Mike close at her side, Emily continued to shoot out blasts of power, hoping to find a weakness. But every time she did, Riza said she was making her prison stronger.

  ‘If you really want to get out of here,’ Riza warned, ‘you must find calm. Stop using any of your powers. Deny your anger and your grief. Bring peace to yourself. That is the only way to defeat an Energy Void.’

  Emily had heard the same thing time and time again, but wondered how she was supposed to put her emotions aside when everything was at stake. Finally she sat down and extinguished the Flame in her hand. Sitting in the darkness, she focused on calming her breathing.

  ‘Very good,’ Riza said. ‘Now, go somewhere in your mind. Go to where you are most peaceful. Imagine yourself there and nowhere else.’

  Emily closed her eyes. Mike laid his head in her lap as she softly stroked the length of his warm body. She imagined that Mike was Pegasus. They were walking together on their private silver beach. It was night and the stars were reflected like diamonds in the water. The air was warm and fragrant and the only sounds she could hear were the stallion’s hooves in the water.

  A sense of calm washed over Emily. There was nothing else. Just Pegasus and her. No war, no violence and no loss – just the still waters, the stars and the winged stallion at her side.

  Emily was at peace.

  After a time, she lifted her head and felt a gentle breeze on her face. But as the moments passed, it changed. It wasn’t as warm as it had been. In fact, it smelled musty and damp. She opened her eyes.

  The silver beach was gone. Pegasus was gone. It was Mike’s head on her lap, not the stallion’s. Emily found herself sitting on a cold stone floor in a very deep pit.

  ‘You did it! ’ Riza cried. ‘Emily, you defeated the Energy Void despite your emotions. I am so sorry I doubted you.’

  Emily climbed, disoriented, to her feet. One moment she was with Pegasus on their silver beach, the next she was alone in a damp pit with Mike. The sound of dripping water was everywhere. Everything came back to her. She had been imprisoned in a limitless dark place. There was the war, the Titan weapon, and Joel.

  Saturn had Joel!

  ‘Yes, Riza,’ Emily said angrily, ‘I am emotional. But that doesn’t mean I’m weak. It means despite all these powers, I still care. And right now, what I care about is finding Joel!’

  High above her was a faint light. Using her powers she pushed and lifted off the ground. The urgent need to find Joel became overpowering. If Saturn had hurt him, there would be no stopping her.

  At the top of the pit, Emily was greeted by several Shadow Titan guards. She dispatched them efficiently with her Flame efficiently. The door was next as she used her powers to tear it off its hinges.

  ‘C’mon, Mike, let’s find Joel!’

  Out in the corridor, Emily was reminded of the prison at Tartarus. The thick stone walls were covered in a film of wet mould just like in the prison and the musty air smelled the same. She recalled the brief journey through the Solar Stream. It was too fast and too short.

  ‘This is still Tartarus!’

  Jupiter had told her the prison at Tartarus was massive. It went very deep underground and would offer the Titans protection from the effects of the weapon. How was she to find Joel?

  She knelt down beside the dog and scratched behind his ears. ‘I’ve been thinking like a human, when I have the powers of the Xan!’

  Emily put her arms around the dog, closed her eyes and envisioned Joel’s face. She focused on transporting to where Joel was. The next moment, she arrived in a dark cell.



  Mike barked excitedly. Relief washed over Emily when she saw Joel crouching down to greet the dog. He was filthy, but alive!

  ‘Thank God!’ Joel cried as he threw his arms around her. He lifted her off the floor and gave her the biggest hug and kiss she’d ever had. ‘I’ve been worried sick! Where have you been?’

  ‘Saturn locked me in something called an Energy Void.’

  ‘You escaped an Energy Void?’ A young man, just a bit older than Joel, climbed down from an upper bunk.

  ‘Em, this is Prometheus,’ Joel said.

  Emily frowned at the attractive young man. ‘As in Prometheus Oak?’

  ‘Kinda,’ Joel said. ‘But this is the original. He’s a Titan.’

  Emily raised a flaming hand to Prometheus. ‘Get away from us!’

  ‘No Em,’ Joel cried. ‘He’s cool. Prometheus has rebelled. Not all the Titans are on Saturn’s side. Those that oppose him are locked down here with us.’

  ‘What Saturn is doing is wrong,’ Prometheus said. ‘I could not stand by and let him destroy his own children with that foul weapon. After Olympus, Saturn plans to defeat Earth. I’m here because I challenged him.’

  ‘Em, we’ve got to get out of here,’ Joel said. ‘But we can’t break down the cell door. Not even my silver arm will work on it.’

  Emily gave Prometheus one last wary look. ‘You’re sure we can trust him?’

  ‘I promise,’ Joel said. ‘He’s already helped me. The Shadow Titans wanted to kill me, but he managed to stop them. I owe Prometheus my life.’

  ‘I’m sorry I doubted you,’ she said. ‘But this has been a really rotten week for me.’

  ‘I understand,’ Prometheus said. ‘However it will get much worse if we do not stop Saturn. I have heard he has secured a volunteer to deliver the weapon to Olympus. He has already left here. The fool will surrender his life to Saturn’s cause.’

  ‘Not if we can stop him,’ Emily said.

  Emily raised her two hands. The bars tore away from the walls and the whole
front crashed to the stone floor with a clang. Around them, other Olympian prisoners called to be freed. She stood still and summoned her powers. With a single thought, Emily commanded open! All the cell doors flew open and the prisoners were freed.

  Moments later, Shadow Titans charged into the cell block and started attacking the escaping Olympians.

  ‘You will not escape here! ’ boomed another voice.

  Emily turned and saw Saturn in the flesh. He was much bigger than she expected as he and several other full Titans entered the cell block.

  ‘Stay back, Saturn!’ Emily called. ‘I’m not in the Energy Void now. Your powers may not work down here, but mine do!’

  ‘Impudent child, of course my powers still work here – greater than ever before. Do you really think you can challenge me?’

  ‘I warned you,’ Emily shot back, ‘you may be a Titan, but I am Xan. Must I prove it?’

  ‘Emily, no,’ Riza warned. ‘You must not kill a Titan. It will change the future.’

  ‘There are no Xan!’ Saturn shouted as he lifted his hand.

  Emily was struck with a blast that lifted her off the ground and smashed her against a cell wall. She had never encountered this kind of power before. It knocked the wind out of her and left her head spinning as she slumped to the floor.

  ‘Em!’ Joel cried.

  ‘So easily defeated,’ Saturn laughed as he and the other Titans advanced on her. ‘Let me see how easily you die.’

  Emily panted heavily as she slowly recovered. ‘Stay back, Joel. Saturn is about to meet a very angry New Yorker!’

  Prometheus pulled Joel and the dog further back. ‘I do not know who your friend is, but she is about to die.’

  ‘You don’t know my Emily,’ Joel cried. ‘Go get them, Em. Show them how we do things downtown.’

  Emily rose unsteadily to her feet. She was still badly winded and knew she was in the fight of her life. Saturn had powers greater than she expected. He could hurt her. Perhaps even kill her.

  She lifted her hand and the Flame rose high. ‘This is your last warning, Saturn,’ she panted as she staggered forward. ‘End the war now!’

  In answer, Saturn shot another blast of energy at Emily. Once again she was knocked violently off her feet and struck the floor painfully.

  ‘Emily!’ Joel cried.

  Emily moaned and raised her hand to Joel. ‘Stay back.’

  Her nose and ears were bleeding and she felt like she’d just been hit by a freight train. Twice. Saturn really packed a punch.

  But then again, so did she.

  Emily sat up and unleashed the Flame. She shot a blast of power at Saturn that made the Titan cry out as he was knocked backwards down the length of the cell block.

  She climbed to her feet just as the other Titans raised their hands. They combined their powers and fired everything they had at her. Emily thought Vesta had prepared her for anything. But her teacher had never imagined she would be taking on the Titan leaders.

  It took all of Emily’s concentration to keep from being ripped apart by the Titans’ immense powers. But just as she felt herself slipping, Emily remembered something she’d learned about herself. She was not human any more. She was not Olympian. She was a Xan without a body – made up of pure energy. There was no need for energy to fight energy.

  Emily calmed and dropped her defences. The Titans’ full powers stuck her and knocked her back once again. But they could not destroy her. Emily realized she was just like the Energy Void. The more they threw at her, the stronger she became.

  Across from her, the Titans’ faces were showing the strain of their efforts. Saturn rose and let out a furious cry as he merged his powers with the others.

  Sparks filled the air and the atmosphere was charged with energy. But Emily took it all in. She focused her own powers and fired back with a blast that filled the prison corridor with blinding white light.

  The Titans closest to her cried out as they were instantly vapourized by the Flame. Saturn and the survivors were thrown back against the wall. They collapsed to the floor in a groaning, burned heap.

  ‘Oh Emily,’ Riza called sadly. ‘What have you done? ’

  ‘What I had to!’ Emily shot back.

  Behind her, Joel was on the floor, covered by Prometheus and two other Olympians. Prometheus’s back was raw and bleeding from the burning heat that had filled the corridor. Olympians were scattered around the area, moaning softly from their wounds.

  Emily ran to them and set about healing Prometheus and the other Olympians. She pulled them off each other and beneath them found Joel and Mike. ‘Are you all right?’

  Joel nodded. ‘Thanks to Prometheus and these two.’ He sat slowly up. His skin was bright pink with burns. But without Prometheus’s protection, it would have been a lot worse. ‘Wow, Em, you really did show them!’

  Emily looked around. ‘Where are the Shadow Titans?’

  ‘You destroyed them,’ Prometheus said.

  ‘Prometheus, thank you so much for saving Joel,’ Emily said. ‘But now, will you help us save the Olympians?’

  ‘Of course,’ the Titan said. ‘What can I do?’

  ‘If we use my powers, will you direct us to Titus?’

  They arrived in Titus in the middle of the battle. Jupiter and his team were fighting with all their strength against the thousands of swarming Shadow Titans.

  ‘Where is Saturn keeping the weapon?’ Joel asked Prometheus.

  The tall Titan pointed to Saturn’s palace. ‘He developed it deep underground and then it was delivered there. That is where they were launching from. But we are too late.’

  ‘How do you know?’ Emily demanded.

  ‘Because I am well,’ said Prometheus sadly. ‘So are the Olympians in their fight against the Shadow Warriors. If the weapon was still here, we would be very ill. It must have been sent to Olympus already. It will destroy everything there first before the powers reach here. It will soon kill all of us.’

  ‘No!’ Emily howled. She realized Prometheus was right. The Big Three looked young and strong as they took on the Shadow Titans. The Four Warriors were almost unstoppable as they used their flame-swords to dispatch all who came near. Briareos was destroying Shadows by the hundreds.

  ‘We can’t be too late!’ Emily lifted them into the air and flew towards Saturn’s palace. As they drew near, Emily saw Stella on the roof – and there was the golden box! But as she looked closer she saw that Stella was in grave danger – two Shadow Titans were coming at her, their weapons raised.

  Emily fired a blast of Flame that instantly destroyed the two Shadow Titans.

  ‘Is the weapon still here?’ Joel demanded as they landed on the roof.

  Stella nodded. ‘It’s in the box.’ She slid off the sealed box and dragged herself over to Agent B. She struggled to remove his helmet. ‘Help him!’

  By the time the helmet came free, they could see that Agent B was already dead. Emily reached out and stroked the CRU agent’s face. ‘This isn’t over between us, Agent B,’ she said softly. ‘I’ll see you again very soon.’ She leaned forward and pulled the Pegasus pendant from around his neck and kissed his forehead gently. ‘I’ll give this back to you then.’

  ‘Agent B stopped fighting to put the weapon in the box,’ Stella said sadly. ‘He gave his life for the Olympians.’

  ‘He really did change,’ Joel said. ‘When it came down to it, he took the side of the Olympians.’

  Emily knelt before the golden box and felt its weight with the stone sealed inside. She grasped her pendant. ‘It’s over, Pegs, and we’ll be home soon.’

  ‘Over?’ Prometheus said. ‘Far from it. There are still many Shadow Titans to be destroyed. And although you wounded Saturn, you did not defeat him. He will rise again.’

  Joel reached out a hand to Prometheus. ‘Yes he will rise, but Jupiter and the Olympians will put him down. Saturn is destined to stay in Tartarus.’

  ‘How can you know this?’ Prometheus said.

sp; Joel looked at Emily and Stella. ‘Trust me. I know.’

  They flew back to the battlefield where the last Shadow Titans had fallen.

  Mike charged back to Emily, happily wagging his tail as he carried a Turtle’s helmet.

  Jupiter embraced Emily tightly. ‘Thank the stars! We feared the worst. When Father took you, we did not know what would happen.’ He lowered his head and gave a slight smile as his eyes twinkled. ‘Can you forgive me for not coming after you?’

  ‘There’s nothing to forgive. You had to come for the weapon.’ Emily pointed at the golden box. ‘And there it is, locked safely in the box thanks to Stella and Agent B.’

  ‘Where is Agent B?’

  ‘He died protecting you,’ Stella said softly.

  ‘Then he shall be remembered for all time as a Hero of Olympus.’ Jupiter gave Emily a cheeky wink. ‘I wonder what the CRU would think of that.’

  ‘I think Agent B would be thrilled. The CRU? Not so much.’

  Joel put his arm around Emily. ‘Come on, Em, let’s end this. I don’t like having that thing hanging around. How about you destroy it and we can all go home.’

  ‘Not yet, Joel,’ Neptune said. ‘There is still one more thing we must do.’


  They arrived at the Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounio. Neptune had been right. There was one more thing to do. The past had been changed and the Big Three were still young.

  ‘We must be the same,’ Neptune insisted, ‘to avoid altering the future that you know.’

  ‘Your age can’t make that much difference,’ Emily argued. ‘Please just let me destroy the weapon.’

  ‘No,’ Jupiter said. ‘We must be how you remember us.’

  Emily hated the thought of exposing them to the weapon again. It was dangerous and pure torture. But their minds were set. It was only the Big Three who needed ageing so it was time for the other Olympians to say their farewells and go.

  ‘Are you sure you cannot stay with me?’ Vulcan asked Stella. ‘I will be lost without you.’