Read Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter Page 5

The screen went black and then it opened up to Liz’s desktop.

  “Wow you are quite nifty, aren’t you Leonard?” Pennie said.

  “Yes, you like it?”

  “No, but you're cool.” Leonard smiled at Pennie’s compliment. He actually looked kind of cute when he smiled.

  “Leonard, the iPad too, please.” Leonard trotted over to Dennis. Pennie took a look at Liz’s computer. She opened Mozilla Firefox, which happened to be Liz’s internet browser. She clicked on the Gmail bookmark. Luckily, Elizabeth saved her passwords.

  “Hey Dennis come over and look at this.” Dennis shook Leonard’s hand.

  “Well, thank you, Leonard. I really owe you one.”

  “Pennie, would you like to go out on a date with me?” Leonard walked up behind Pennie and started messaging her neck. She shook him off.

  “I’m married. I thought I told you that?” Leonard was sure persistent.

  “Well what about as friends?” Dennis cut Pennie off before she could answer.

  “Leonard, it would unprofessional to go out to dinner with Pennie. You guys will be working together in the future. You will get to see all the Pennie you want. Would you mind letting us work now?” Leonard licked his lips.

  “Okay, bye Pennie. Dennis.” Leonard finally walked out of the room.

  “That guy is annoying,” Pennie said.

  “I know, he is one of my son’s friends from back in his college days.” Pennie rolled her eyes.

  “Anyway I got her email pulled up. Turns out you were right. Look at these responses from her back page ad.”

  “So I suspected.” Dennis started scrolling through the emails. He scrolled through so fast that Pennie wondered how he could see the titles.

  “Ah, here we go. This is the email.” Dennis clicked on an email labeled “Hot guy looking to fuck.” Pennie started to read the email.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Date: October, 5, 2002

  Time: 1:06pm

  Hey sexy moma,

  I am looking to get laid. I will pay you three hundred dollars for that pussy.


  Mr. Hot stuff


  They opened the attached image of the mystery man’s junk. It was quite small and pathetic. It even had a few warts on it. Pennie flinched in disgust and Dennis looked smug.

  “I can’t believe she responded to this guy,” Dennis snorted.

  “I can,” Pennie replied. They scrolled down to view Liz’s response.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Date: October, 5, 2002

  Time: 1:10pm


  So where do you want to meet?


  Wet pussy

  This was Mr. Hot stuff’s response.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Date: October, 5, 2002

  Time: 1:15pm

  Hey sexy momma,

  Why don’t you meet me at 1110 W. Kennedy Street.


  You're sexy submissive beast.


  “Look up the address to that place,” Dennis ordered Pennie. She quickly opened another browser and typed it into Google Maps. She copied and pasted the address. It turned out to be right on the border of L.A. Not the nicest area.

  “So shouldn’t we go there now?” Pennie asked cautiously.

  “Yep, of course.” Dennis replied.

  “I’ll follow you in my car.”


  Pennie followed behind Dennis’ SUV. They made it to the edge of town. This particular neighborhood was known for its hookers and drug dealers. The dive bar was called “Black Cat Pub.” The building was dirty and made out of concrete that had been painted green. The parking lot was empty except for two cars. Weeds grew around the building. The windows needed to be washed. It was old and mistreated but if it were cleaned it might be fine. Pennie parked next to Dennis.

  “So we have to go in there?” Pennie asked. She was afraid. This was a dangerous neighborhood, but Dennis seemed calm.

  “Yes, we need to find the girl.”

  “Okay,” Pennie said quietly. She followed Dennis into the bar. Jt was even nastier inside. Neon beer signs were posted along the right wall. Brown tables with bar stools had been placed around them. Behind the bar stood a black bartender dressed in a black shirt, dark slacks and a black baseball cap. He had a grey goatee to match his grey hair. His hand was on the beer tap and golden liquid was splashing into the mug. He glanced at Dennis and Pennie.

  “Hi, y’all! What can I help y’all with?” Dennis walked over to the bar.

  “I’m Dennis Burke. I’m a psychic detective. Would you mind looking at this picture and telling me if she came into this bar or not?” The bartender looked at the picture of Elizabeth.

  “I remember her. She was here alright. She was with a white guy in the corner laughing it up. She came in about three days ago, I think. Prettiest white girl I’ve ever seen.”

  “Can you describe the man she was with?” Dennis asked.

  “She was with this Hispanic guy. He was about her age, young and savvy. Very hip, if you know what I mean.” He winked at Pennie. “That guy sure knew how to pick up ladies.”

  “No, the woman is a prostitute,” Dennis said bluntly. The bartender looked taken back.

  “Are there any crummy motels around this place?” Dennis added.

  “There is a Motel 6 down the street.”

  “Thank you for your time, sir.”

  “Y’all don’t want a drink?” The bartender looked at Pennie hopefully.

  “No, thank you. We should get going now.” Dennis ushered Pennie out onto the street.

  “I know that bartender didn’t ask to see her ID but what if the receptionist asked to see it at the Motel 6?” Dennis pulled out a black leather wallet. The card inside had his picture and his occupation. It even had a valid date on it plus a serial number on the bottom with a barcode.

  “When did you have that made?” Pennie asked.

  “A long time ago. A forger made it for me. You want one?” He asked.

  “Well yes if I am going to be working with you. Seems only professional.” Dennis scoffed.

  “Alright I will get in contact with the forger. In the meantime give me a recent ID of yours later okay. I need it for the picture.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll follow you to the Motel 6. Okay?”

  “Yep.” Dennis stepped into his big SUV. Pennie got into her Prius and followed him. The motel was as run down as the bar. Pennie and Dennis entered the motel. A fat white girl was sitting behind the counter. She had dried frizzy bleach blond hair. Her tie-dyed t-shirt was low cut. You could see pimples on her twins. She was smoking a cigarette as well.

  “You guys need a room?” she asked, blowing a puff of smoke.

  “I am psychic detective Dennis Burke. Have you seen this girl?” The girl squinted at the picture. Then she relaxed.

  “Oh yeah, her… she came in a couple days ago. Was with a cute Hispanic guy.”

  “What room where they in?”

  “Show me some ID first.” She blew a puff of smoke. “Mr. Detective.” Dennis slammed the ID onto the glass panel separating him from the girl. Pennie was as startled as much as she was.

  “Um let me check the records here real quick.” The girl stubbed out her cigarette. She turned to the computer and started skimming through the reservations. She stopped after a few minutes.

  “Yes, looks like they were in room twenty three,” the girl said.

  “Room key, please,” Dennis responded. The blond gave it to him.

  “Alright, I will look in the room. You look around the dumpster area and see if you find anything.”

  Pennie made her way o
ver to the dumpster across from the main office. A little building of white brick surrounded it. The smell was pretty awful and flies buzzed around it. There was a big bag full of used condoms that had been tipped over. The dumpster itself was blue. Pennie stepped on a cardboard box and hoisted herself up to the lid of the dumpster. Inside were all different colored trash bags. She grimaced, swatting the flies away. With her one free hand she started moving trash bags out of the way. Suddenly, a blue eyeball stared back at her. She lifted the other trash bag off the girl’s face. Brown hair and blue eyes. Certainly looked like the picture Dennis had showed the management earlier. Poor girl never stood a chance. She was only twenty-three years old. Life is too short. Pennie ran to inform Dennis of her find.

  “Dennis, I think I found her. She’s in the dumpster. You will see her first thing when you look…” Pennie said. Dennis snapped on latex gloves.

  “Good thing I brought latex gloves.” Pennie sighed.

  “You should have told me you had those,” Dennis sniffed.

  “You didn’t ask.” He walked out of the motel room. Pennie went into the bathroom and scrubbed her hands. At least she hadn’t had to touch the condoms on the floor. After she was finished, Pennie dried off her hands and sat on the motel bed. A few minutes later Dennis came back.

  “You were right! Well I guess that about wraps up this case. I called to inform the mother already. Our investigation is finished.”

  “What about the girl?”

  “I called one of my real detective buddies. LAPD will be handling her case now.” Dennis replied.

  “So, does that mean I can go home now?”

  “Sure, you have been plenty helpful today.”

  “Thanks, Dennis.”

  On the way back home Pennie was in deep thought about the baby, Liz, and Dylan. It was sad to see such a young woman dead, one that had so much hope and promise. Remembering the decaying blue eyes, she shuddered. Then there was the baby. She wondered if there