Read Perilous Question: Reform or Revolution? Britain on the Brink, 1832 Page 35

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  Aberdeen, 4th Earl of, 42, 43, 61

  Acklom, Esther, 62–3

  Act of Union 1707, 16

  Act of Union 1801, 15, 16, 30, 93, 189

  Adams, John, 29

  Adelaide, Queen

  marries William, 6–7

  children, 7

  domestic life, 6

  appearance, 7

  fears of revolution, 7, 203

  has dread of encouraging dissipation at Court, 7–8

  watches Opening of Parliament, 39

  and William’s coronation, 71–2, 74, 134

  provisions made by the State for, 72, 73–4, 128–9

  favours the Tories, 72–3

ship with Howe, 72, 153–4

  and Wellington’s departure from office, 72

  reaction to the decision to dissolve Parliament, 111

  in cartoons, 116, 163, 203

  attends opening of new London Bridge, 128

  at House of Lords for royal assent to Queen’s dower-bill, 129

  and Howe’s departure from Royal Household, 154

  shows hostility to Grey, 154, 202

  general approach to political matters, 202–3

  press attacks on, 203–4, 228, 236, 243

  unpopularity, 203, 228, 248, 250, 255, 265

  influence on William, 204, 228, 243

  letter to Howe, 204

  comments on Bishop of Exeter’s speech, 213

  permits Lady Lyndhurst to be received at Court, 230

  obsession against change, 273

  and 1834 fire, 276

  brief references, 44, 117, 118, 191, 197

  Albemarle, 4th Earl of, 108–9, 129

  Allen, Dr John, 53

  Althorp, 54

  Althorp, John Spencer, Viscount (later 3rd Earl Spencer)

  physical stamina, 33

  speaks about cancellation of royal visit, 46

  meeting held at house of, 47

  wealth, 50

  and family relationships among Whigs, 52

  and Brougham’s appointment as Lord Chancellor, 55, 57

  and the composition of Grey’s Cabinet, 58, 99

  becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer as well as Leader of Commons, 58

  and formation of Committee of Four, 62

  background, interests and character, 62–4

  presents budget to Commons, 76

  and O’Connell, 93

  Brougham’s disparagement of, 99

  and Secret Ballot, 102

  defeated on a bill for supplies, 105

  comments on expensive electoral process, 119

  and Committee stage of Reform Bill, 126–7

  and concerns over his father’s health, 129

  not hopeful about the Bill’s prospects in Lords, 130

  role in getting the Bill through Commons, 136

  comments after vote against Bill in Lords, 150

  and letter to Attwood, 153

  visited by his sister, Sarah, 162–3

  and riots, 169

  and Durham’s attack on Grey, 175, 176

  writes to Parkes, 177

  and Perceval’s speech, 200

  reaches crisis point and considers resigning, 205, 206–7