Read Peter Parley's Visit to London, During the Coronation of Queen Victoria Page 7



  "FROM this elevated and commanding position Peter Parley had a mostadmirable view of the procession, and of the immense multitude ofspectators which lined the streets and crowded every window and rooffrom which even the most distant and casual view of it could beobtained.

  "Far as the eye could reach was one dense mass of human beings.The deafening cheers of the populace, the waving of ten thousandhandkerchiefs, the clang of martial music, and the novelty andsingularity of the whole scene, well nigh turned the head of poor PeterParley.

  "He had hardly time to satisfy his old eyes with gazing on the immenseassemblage when the procession began to approach.

  "Peter Parley will not attempt to give you an exact list of theprocession, for he knows very well that a simple catalogue of nameswould not at all interest you; he will therefore merely run hastilyover the principal parts of it, and show you drawings of several ofthe most striking scenes, which he knows very well will give you byone glance a clearer idea of it than if he were to spend hours in meredescription.

  "Preceded by a squadron of horse-guards, whose gallant and warlikebearing excited general admiration, came the carriages of the foreignministers resident in this country. Even in the midst of so muchbustle, Peter Parley could not help moralizing on the singularity ofthe scene. Here were the representatives of every power on the face ofthe globe gathered together in one harmonious congregation; and thefeelings to which their passing thus in review, in a living panoramaas it were, gave rise were of the most peculiar description. Here wereall separate and rival interests for the moment buried in oblivion, andpeople from the east, from the west, and from the north, and from thesouth, came to assist in doing honour to England's Queen.

  "Immediately behind the resident ministers followed the ambassadorsextraordinary, that is, those who had been sent by their respectivegovernments for the express purpose of taking part in the solemnity.Some of the carriages and trappings of these ambassadors excited thegreatest attention and admiration. Those in particular of MarshalSoult, the French ambassador, one of the ablest opponents of the Dukeof Wellington during the peninsular war, were rich almost beyonddescription. In colour his carriage was of a rich cobalt relieved withgold, the panels most tastefully ornamented with his Excellency'sarmorial bearings, at the back of which was a field-marshal's baton. Itwas furnished at each corner with a lamp surmounted by a massive silvercoronet, and the raised cornices with which it was ornamented wereof silver, deep and richly chased. These, with the beautiful harness(of white--the furniture was also of silver exquisitely chased), gavean air of richness and beauty to the whole equipage which was quiteunequalled in the procession. Peter Parley thought he should never havedone gazing at the rich and splendid equipage.

  "The carriages and attendants of the ambassador from the Sultan, thoughfar less richly caparisoned, were objects of equal curiosity, partlyon account of the eastern dress in which Ahmed Fetij Pasha appeared,and partly because of that undefined idea of romance which exists inthe popular mind in connection with the crescent and the rising sun,the emblems of Turkish power.

  "The carriage was of a rich lake colour, with the emblems which PeterParley has just mentioned richly emblazoned on the panels. Insideit was lined with crimson and yellow silk, in rich festoons; thehammercloth blue, with gold and scarlet hangings, the centre of scarletvelvet with the rising sun and crescent in diamonds.

  "The only other ambassador's carriage which Peter Parley shall noticeis that of the Prince de Ligne, ambassador extraordinary from Belgium.I mention it not that it was very much more striking than the others,for they were all beautiful, and each was distinguished by somepeculiarity of elegant chasteness or rich display. The carriage, whichwas also of rich lake tastefully ornamented with gold, was drawn bysix beautiful grey horses, and was preceded by a couple of outriderslikewise mounted on greys. His Excellency's armorial bearings wereemblazoned on the panels, the roof ornamented by four gold coronets,one at each corner. The richness of the liveries and trappings madethis equipage very much admired. After the foreign ambassadors followeda mounted band and a detachment of life-guards which preceded thecarriages of the branches of the Royal Family.

  "Peter Parley cannot find a word to express his idea of the gorgeousmagnificence of the carriage of the Duchess of Kent, the mother ofthe Queen. The masses of gold lace by which the hammercloth and theattendants' liveries were ornamented had an extremely rich effect. Hergrace seemed highly delighted with the ceremony, and nothing could bemore gratifying than her reception, unless indeed it was that of theQueen herself. Every where was the Duchess cheered, and she returnedthe people's greetings by smiling and bowing in the blandest and mostcourtly manner.

  "The Duchess of Gloucester, and the Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex,followed next in order, and each was received with the same warm andenthusiastic cheers.

  "After these came the Queen's bargemaster and his assistants,forty-eight in number. The blunt sailor-like appearance of thesemen, some of whose weather-beaten countenances gave token of yearsof service, excited much interest. When Peter Parley saw them theyrecalled to his mind the anecdote of the saving of the life of thePrincess Victoria, and he wondered which of the bluff sailors it waswho had been so ready and so thoughtful.

  "The Royal carriages now approached. These were twelve in number, eachdrawn by six splendid horses, and accompanied by two grooms walkingon each side. As they passed in succession, the interest became moreintense as her Majesty drew nigh. The beauty of the maids of honour,the courtly bearing and gay dresses of the lords in waiting, which thecarriages conveyed, the richness of the trappings, and the beauty andspirit of the horses, excited the intensest admiration. At length thetwelfth carriage passed, and the most breathless interest prevailed. Asquadron of Life Guards and a mounted band preceded the military staffand aides-de-camps, including some of the most distinguished militaryofficers of the day. The Royal Huntsmen next appeared, followed bysix of her Majesty's horses, with rich trappings, each led by twogrooms. Though nothing could be finer than the appearance of thesemost beautiful animals the amount of attention which they received wasbut small, for close behind, preceded by one hundred Yeomen of theGuard, appeared the state coach, drawn by eight cream-coloured horses,attended by a Yeoman of the Guard at each wheel, and two footmen ateach door, conveying


  "The cheering by which other parts of the cavalcade had been receivedwas loud and heartfelt, but no sooner did the young and amiable Queenmake her appearance, than the loudest and most enthusiastic plauditsrent the air. The ladies in the balconies waved their handkerchiefs,the people cheered, peal after peal of joyful applause came thunderingupon the ear, shout followed shout, and acclamation burst afteracclamation, until the music of the military bands and the dischargesof the artillery were completely drowned in the roar of popularapplause. The Queen seemed to enjoy the exciting scene, and continuedbowing on all sides in the most graceful and engaging manner.

  "The excitement which prevailed along the line of the procession, asher Majesty approached, was, Peter Parley was assured, great beyonddescription. _Then_ were the rich trappings of the Foreign Ambassadors,the magnificence of the Royal carriages, the dazzling scarlet uniformsof the watermen, the magnificently caparisoned horses, the richuniforms of the great officers of state, and even the beauty andattractions of the maids of honour, all forgotten. There was one andone only thought of--it was THE QUEEN. The struggle was to look uponher, and the object of each individual present seemed to be--

  "'How and which way he might bestow himself, To be regarded in her sun-bright eye.'

  "Never, Peter Parley will venture to say, did British monarchreceive more heartfelt greeting, or pass under brighter auspices withinthe portals of Westminster Abbey."

  _Madeley lith. 3, Wellington St. Strand._