Read Peter Ruff and the Double Four Page 17


  The woman who had been Peter Ruff's first love had fallen upon evildays. Her prettiness was on the wane--powder and rouge, late hours,and excesses of many kinds, had played havoc with it, even in these fewmonths. Her clothes were showy but cheap. Her boots themselves, uncleanand down at heel, told the story. She stood upon the threshold of PeterRuff's office, and looked half defiantly, half doubtfully at Violet, whowas its sole occupant.

  "Can I do anything for you?" the latter asked, noticing the woman'shesitation.

  "I want to see Mr. Ruff," the visitor said.

  "Mr. Ruff is out at present," Violet answered.

  "When will he be in?"

  "I cannot tell you," Violet said. "Perhaps you had better leave amessage. Or will you call again? Mr. Ruff is very uncertain in hismovements."

  Maud sank into a chair.

  "I'll wait," she declared.

  "I am not sure," Violet remarked, raising her eyebrows, "whether thatwill be convenient. There may be other clients in. Mr. Ruff himself maynot be back for several hours."

  "Are you his secretary?" Maud asked, without moving.

  "I am his secretary and also his wife," Violet declared. The womanraised herself a little in her chair.

  "Some people have all the luck," she muttered. "It's only a few monthsago that Mr. Ruff was glad enough to take me out. You remember when Iused to come here?"

  "I remember," Violet assented.

  "I was all right then," the woman continued, "and now--now I'm down andout," she added, with a little sob. "You see what I am like. You look asthough you didn't care to have me in the office, and I don't wonderat it. You look as though you were afraid I'd come to beg, and you areright--I have come to beg."

  "I am sure Mr. Ruff will do what he can for you," Violet said,"although--"

  "I see you know all about it," Maud interrupted, with a hard littlelaugh. "I came once to wheedle information out of him. I came to tryand betray the only man who ever really cared for me. Mr. Ruff was tooclever, and I am thankful for it. I have been as big a fool as a womancan be, but I am paying--oh, I am paying for it right enough!"

  She swayed in her chair, and Violet was only just in time to catch her.She led the fainting woman to an inner room, made her comfortable upona sofa, and sent out for some food and a bottle of wine. Down in thestreet below, John Dory, who had tracked his wife to the building, waswalking away with face as black as night. He knew that Maud had lost herposition, that she was in need of money--almost penniless. He hadwaited to see to whom she would turn, hoping--poor fool as he calledhimself--that she would come back to him. And it was his enemy to whomshe had gone! He had seen her enter the building; he knew that she hadnot left it. In the morning they brought him another report--she wasstill within. It was the end, this, he told himself! There must be asettlement between him and Peter Ruff!

  Mr. John Dory, who had arrived at Clenarvon Court in a four-wheel cabfrom the nearest railway station, was ushered by the butler to thedoor of one of the rooms on the ground floor, overlooking the Park. Apoliceman was there on guard--a policeman by his attitude and salute,although he was in plain clothes. John Dory nodded, and turned to thebutler.

  "You see, the man knows me," he said. "Here is my card. I am John Doryfrom Scotland Yard. I want to have a few words with the sergeant."

  The butler hesitated.

  "Our orders are very strict, sir," he said. "I am afraid that I cannotallow you to enter the room without a special permit from his lordship.You see, we have had no advice of your coming."

  John Dory nodded.

  "Quite right," he answered. "If every one were to obey his orders asliterally, there would be fewer robberies. However, you see that thisman recognizes me."

  The butler turned toward an elderly gentleman in a pink coat andriding-breeches, who had just descended into the hall.

  "His lordship is here," he said. "He will give you permission, withouta doubt. There is a gentleman from Scotland Yard, your lordship," heexplained, "who wishes to enter the morning-room to speak with thesergeant."

  "Inspector John Dory, at your lordship's service," saluting. "I havebeen sent down from town to help in this little business."

  Lord Clenarvon smiled.

  "I should have thought that, under the circumstances," he said, "two ofyou would have been enough. Still, it is not for me to complain. Pray goin and speak to the sergeant. You will find him inside. Rather dull workfor him, I'm afraid, and quite unnecessary."

  "I am not so sure, your lordship," Dory answered. "The Clenarvondiamonds are known all over the world, and I suppose there isn't athieves' den in Europe that does not know that they will remain hereexposed with your daughter's other wedding presents."

  Lord Clenarvon smiled once more and shrugged his shoulders. He was a manwho had unbounded faith in his fellow-creatures.

  "I suppose," he said, "it is the penalty one has to pay for historicalpossessions. Go in and talk to the sergeant, by all means, Mr. Dory. Ihope that Graves will succeed in making you comfortable during your stayhere."

  John Dory was accordingly admitted into the room which was so jealouslyguarded. At first sight, it possessed a somewhat singular appearance.The windows had every one of them been boarded up, and the electriclights consequently fully turned on. A long table stood in the middle ofthe apartment, serving as support for a long glass showcase, open at thetop. Within this, from end to end, stretched the presents which a largecircle of acquaintances were presenting to one of the most popular youngwomen in society, on the occasion of her approaching marriage to theDuke of Rochester. In the middle, the wonderful Clenarvon diamonds, setin the form of a tiara, flashed strange lights into the somberly litapartment. At the end of the table a police sergeant was sitting, witha little pile of newspapers and illustrated journals before him. He roseto his feet with alacrity at his superior's entrance.

  "Good morning, Saunders," John Dory said. "I see you've got it prettysnug in here."

  "Pretty well, thank you, sir," Saunders answered. "Is there anythingstirring?"

  John Dory looked behind to be sure that the door was closed. Then hestopped for a moment to gaze at the wonderful diamonds, and finally saton the table by his subordinate's side.

  "Not exactly that, Saunders," he said. "To tell you the truth, I camedown here because of that list of guests you sent me up."

  Saunders smiled.

  "I think I can guess the name you singled out, sir," he said.

  "It was Peter Ruff, of course," Dory said. "What is he doing here in thehouse, under his own name, and as a guest?"

  "I have asked no questions, sir," Saunders answered. "I underlined thename in case it might seem worth your while to make inquiries."

  John Dory nodded.

  "Nothing has happened, of course?" he asked.

  "Nothing," Saunders answered. "You see, with the windows all boarded up,there is practically only the ordinary door to guard, so we feel fairlysecure."

  "No one hanging about?" the detective asked. "Mr. Ruff himself, forinstance, hasn't been trying to make your acquaintance?"

  "No sign of it, sir," the man answered. "I saw him pass through the hallyesterday afternoon, as I went off duty, and he was in riding clothesall splashed with mud. I think he has been hunting every day."

  John Dory muttered something between his lips, and turned on his heel.

  "How many men have you here, Saunders?" he asked.

  "Only two, sir, beside myself," the man replied.

  The detective went round the boarded windows, examining the workcarefully until he reached the door.

  "I am going to see if I can have a word with his lordship," he said.

  He caught Lord Clenarvon in the act of mounting his horse in the greatcourtyard.

  "What is it, Mr. Dory?" the Earl asked, stooping down.

  "There is one name, your lordship, among your list of guests, concerningwhich I wish to have a word with you," the detective said--"the name ofMr. Peter

  "Don't know anything about him," Lord Clenarvon answered, cheerfully."You must see my daughter, Lady Mary. It was she who sent him hisinvitation. Seems a decent little fellow, and rides as well as the best.You'll find Lady Mary about somewhere, if you'd like to ask her."

  Lord Clenarvon hurried off, with a little farewell wave of his crop,and John Dory returned into the house to make inquiries respecting LadyMary. In a very few minutes he was shown into her presence. She smiledat him cheerfully.

  "Another detective!" she exclaimed. "I am sure I ought to feel quitesafe now. What can I do for you, Mr. Dory?"

  "I have had a list of the guests sent to me," Dory answered, "in which Inotice the name of Mr. Peter Ruff."

  Lady Mary nodded.

  "Well?" she asked.

  "I have just spoken to his lordship," the detective continued, "and hereferred me to you."

  "Do you want to know all about Mr. Ruff?" Lady Mary asked, smiling.

  "If your ladyship will pardon my saying so, I think that neither younor any one else could tell me that. What I wished to say was that Iunderstood that we at Scotland Yard were placed in charge of your jewelsuntil after the wedding. Mr. Peter Ruff is, as you may be aware, aprivate detective himself."

  "I understand perfectly," Lady Mary said. "I can assure you, Mr. Dory,that Mr. Ruff is here entirely as a personal and very valued friendof my own. On two occasions he has rendered very signal service to myfamily--services which I am quite unable to requite."

  "In that case, your ladyship, there is nothing more to be said. Iconceive it, however, to be my duty to tell you that in our opinion--theopinion of Scotland Yard--there are things about the career of Mr.Peter Ruff which need explanation. He is a person whom we seldom letaltogether out of our sight."

  Lady Mary laughed frankly.

  "My dear Mr. Dory," she said, "this is one of the cases, then, in whichI can assure you that I know more than Scotland Yard. There is no personin the world in whom I have more confidence, and with more reason, thanMr. Peter Ruff."

  John Dory bowed.

  "I thank your ladyship," he said. "I trust that your confidence willnever be misplaced. May I ask one more question?"

  "Certainly," Lady Mary replied, "so long as you make no insinuationswhatever against my friend."

  "I should be very sorry to do so," John Dory declared. "I simply wishto know whether Mr. Ruff has any instructions from you with reference tothe care of your jewels?"

  "Certainly not," Lady Mary replied, decidedly. "Mr. Ruff is hereentirely as my guest. He has been in the room with the rest of us, tolook at them, and it was he, by the bye, who discovered a much moresatisfactory way of boarding the windows. Anything else, Mr. Dory?"

  "I thank your ladyship, nothing!" the detective answered. "With yourpermission, I propose to remain here until after the ceremony."

  "Just as you like, of course," Lady Mary said. "I hope you will becomfortable."

  John Dory bowed, and returned to confer with his sergeant. Afterwards,finding the morning still fine, he took his hat and went for a walk inthe park.

  As a matter of fact, this, in some respects the most remarkable ofthe adventures which had ever befallen Mr. Peter Ruff, came to him byaccident. Lady Mary had read the announcement of his marriage in thepaper, had driven at once to his office with a magnificent present, andinsisted upon his coming with his wife to the party which was assemblingat Clenarvon Court in honor of her own approaching wedding. PeterRuff had taken few holidays of late years, and for several days hadthoroughly enjoyed himself. The matter of the Clenarvon jewels heconsidered, perhaps, with a slight professional interest; but so far ashe could see, the precautions for guarding them were so adequate thatthe subject did not remain in his memory. He had, however, a verydistinct and disagreeable shock when, on the night of John Dory'sappearance, he recognized among a few newly-arrived guests theMarquis de Sogrange. He took the opportunity, as soon as possible,of withdrawing his wife from a little circle among whom they had beentalking, to a more retired corner of the room. She saw at once thatsomething had happened to disturb him.

  "Violet," he said, "don't look behind now--"

  "I recognized him at once," she interrupted. "It is the Marquis deSogrange."

  Peter Ruff nodded.

  "It will be best for you," he said, "not to notice him. Of course, hispresence here may be accidental. He has a perfect right to enter anysociety he chooses. At the same time, I am uneasy."'

  She understood in a moment.

  "The Clenarvon diamonds!" she whispered. He nodded.

  "It is just the sort of affair which would appeal to the 'Double-Four,'"he said. "They are worth anything up to a quarter of a million, and itis an enterprise which could scarcely be attempted except by some one ina peculiar position. Violet, if I were not sure that he had seen me, Ishould leave the house this minute."

  "Why?" she asked, wonderingly.

  "Don't you understand," Peter Ruff continued, softly, "that I myself amstill what they call a corresponding member of the 'Double-Four,' andthey have a right to appeal to me for help in this country, as I have aright to appeal to them for help or information in France? We have bothmade use of one another, to some extent. No doubt, if the Marquis hasany scheme in his mind, he would look upon me as a valuable ally."

  She turned slowly pale.

  "Peter," she said, "you wouldn't dream--you wouldn't dare to be sofoolish?"

  He shook his head firmly.

  "My dear girl," he said, "we talked that all out long ago. A few yearssince, I felt that I had been treated badly, that I was an alien, andthat the hand of the law was against me. I talked wildly then, perhaps.When I put up my sign and sat down for clients, I meant to cheat thelaw, if I could. Things have changed, Violet. I want nothing of thatsort. I have kept my hands clean and I mean to do so. Why, years ago,"he continued, "when I was feeling at my wildest, these very jewels werewithin my grasp one foggy night, and I never touched them."

  "What would happen if you refused to help?"

  "I do not know," Peter Ruff answered. "The conditions are a littlesevere. But, after all, there are no hard and fast rules. It rests withthe Marquis himself to shrug his shoulders and appreciate my position.Perhaps he may not even exchange a word with me. Here is Lord Sotherstcoming to talk to you, and Captain Hamilton is waiting for me to tellhim an address. Remember, don't recognize Sogrange."

  Dinner that night was an unusually cheerful meal. Peter Ruff, who wasan excellent raconteur, told many stories. The Marquis de Sogrange wasperhaps the next successful in his efforts to entertain his neighbors.Violet found him upon her left hand, and although he showed not theslightest signs of having ever seen her before, they were very soonexcellent friends. After dinner, Sogrange and Peter Ruff driftedtogether on their way to the billiard-room. Sogrange, however, continuedto talk courteously of trifles until, having decided to watch the firstgame, they found themselves alone on the leather divan surrounding theroom.

  "This is an unexpected pleasure, my friend," Sogrange said, watching theash of his cigar. "Professional?"

  Peter Ruff shook his head. "Not in the least," he answered. "I havehad the good fortune to render Lady Mary and her brother, at differenttimes, services which they are pleased to value highly. We are here asordinary guests--my wife and I." The Marquis sighed.

  "Ah, that wife of yours, Ruff," he said. "She is charming, I admit, andyou are a lucky man; but it was a price--a very great price to pay."

  "You, perhaps, are ambitious, Marquis," Peter Ruff answered. "I have notdone so badly. A little contents me."

  Sogrange looked at him as though he were some strange creature.

  "I see!" he murmured. "I see! With you, of course, the commercial sidecomes uppermost. Mr. Ruff, what do you suppose the income from my estateamounts to?" Peter Ruff shook his head. He did not even know that theMarquis was possessed of estates!

  "Somewhere about seven millions of francs," Sogrange declared. "Thereare few men in Paris more extravagant
than I, and I think that weFrenchmen know what extravagance means. But I cannot spend my income.Do you think that it is for the sake of gain that I have come across theChannel to add the Clenarvon diamonds to our coffers?"

  Peter Ruff sat very still.

  "You mean that?" he said.

  "Of course!" Sogrange answered. "Didn't you realize it directly yousaw me? What is there, do you think, in a dull English house-party toattract a man like myself? Don't you understand that it is the gambler'sinstinct--the restless desire to be playing pitch-and-toss with fate,with honor, with life and death, if you will--that brings such as myselfinto the ranks of the 'Double-Four'? It is the weariness which kills,Peter Ruff. One must needs keep it from one's bones."

  "Marquis," Peter Ruff answered, "I do not profess to understand you.I am not weary of life, in fact I love it. I am looking forward to theyears when I have enough money--and it seems as though that time is notfar off--when I can buy a little place in the country, and hunt alittle and shoot a little, and live a simple out-of-door life. You see,Marquis, we are as far removed as the poles."

  "Obviously!" Sogrange answered.

  "Your confidence," Peter Ruff continued, "the confidence with which youhave honored me, inspires me to make you one request. I am here, indeed,as a friend of the family. You will not ask me to help in any designsyou may have against the Clenarvon jewels?"

  Sogrange leaned back in his chair and laughed softly. His lips, whenthey parted from his white teeth, resolved themselves into lineswhich at that moment seemed to Peter Ruff more menacing than mirthful.Sogrange was, in many ways, a man of remarkable appearance.

  "Oh, Peter Ruff," he said, "you are a bourgeois little person! Youshould have been the burgomaster in a little German town, or a Frenchmayor with a chain about your neck. We will see. I make no promises.All that I insist upon, for the present, is that you do not leave thishouse-party without advising me--that is to say, if you are reallylooking forward to that pleasant life in the country, where you willhunt a little and shoot a little, and grow into the likeness of avegetable. You, with your charming wife! Peter Ruff, you should beashamed to talk like that! Come, I must play bridge with the Countess. Iam engaged for a table."

  The two men parted. Peter Ruff was uneasy. On his way from the room,Lord Sotherst insisted upon his joining a pool.

  "Charming fellow, Sogrange," the latter remarked, as he chalked his cue."He has been a great friend of the governor's--he and his father beforehim. Our families have intermarried once or twice."

  "He seems very agreeable," Peter Ruff answered, devoting himself to thegame.

  The following night, being the last but one before the wedding itself,a large dinner-party had been arranged for, and the resources of even soprincely a mansion as Clenarvon Court were strained to their utmostby the entertainment of something like one hundred guests in the greatbanqueting-hall. The meal was about half-way through when those who werenot too entirely engrossed in conversation were startled by hearing adull, rumbling sound, like the moving of a number of pieces of heavyfurniture. People looked doubtfully at one another. Peter Ruff and theMarquis de Sogrange were among the first to spring to their feet.

  "It's an explosion somewhere," the latter cried. "Sounds close at hand,too."

  They made their way out into the hall. Exactly opposite now was theroom in which the wedding presents had been placed, and where for daysnothing had been seen but a closed door and a man on duty outside. Thedoor now stood wide open, and in place of the single electric lightwhich was left burning through the evening, the place seemed almostaflame.

  Ruff, Sogrange and Lord Sotherst were the first three to cross thethreshold. They were met by a rush of cold wind. Opposite to them, twoof the windows, with their boardings, had been blown away. SergeantSaunders was still sitting in his usual place at the end of the table,his head bent upon his folded arms. The man who had been on duty outsidewas standing over him, white with horror. Far away in the distance, downthe park, one could faintly hear the throbbing of an engine, and PeterRuff, through the chasm, saw the lights of a great motor-car flashing inand out amongst the trees. The room itself--the whole glitteringarray of presents--seemed untouched. Only the great center-piece--theClenarvon diamonds--had gone. Even as they stood there, the rest of theguests crowding into the open door, John Dory tore through, his facewhite with excitement. Peter Ruff's calm voice penetrated the din oftongues.

  "Lord Sotherst," he said, "you have telephones in the keepers' lodges.There is a motor-car being driven southwards at full speed. Telephonedown, and have your gates secured. Dory, I should keep every one out ofthe room. Some one must telephone for a doctor. I suppose your man hasbeen hurt."

  The guests were wild with curiosity, but Lord Clenarvon, with aninsistent gesture, led the way back to the diningroom.

  "Whatever has happened," he said, "the people who are in charge thereknow best how to deal with the situation. There is a detective fromScotland Yard and his subordinates, and a gentleman in whom I also havemost implicit confidence. We will resume our dinner, if you please,ladies and gentlemen."

  Unwillingly, the people were led away. John Dory was already in hisgreat-coat, ready to spring into the powerful motor-car which had beenordered out from the garage. A doctor, who had been among the guests,was examining the man Saunders, who sat in that still, unnaturalposition at the head of the table.

  "The poor fellow has been shot in the back of the head with somepeculiar implement," he said. "The bullet is very long--almost like aneedle--and it seems to have penetrated very nearly to the base of thebrain."

  "Is he dead?" Peter Ruff asked.

  The doctor shook his head.

  "No!" he answered. "An inch higher up and he must have died at once.I want some of the men-servants to help me carry him to a bedroom, andplenty of hot water. Some one else must go for my instrument case."

  Lord Sotherst took these things in charge, and John Dory turned to theman whom they had found standing over him.

  "Tell us exactly what happened," he said, briefly.

  "I was standing outside the door," the man answered. "I heard no soundinside--there was nothing to excite suspicion in any way. Suddenly therewas this explosion. It took me, perhaps, thirty or forty seconds to getthe key out of my pocket and unlock the door. When I entered, the sideof the room was blown in like that, the diamonds were gone, Saunderswas leaning forward just in the position he is in now, and there wasn'tanother soul in sight. Then you and the others came."

  John Dory rushed from the room; they had brought him word that the carwas waiting. At such a moment, he was ready even to forget his ancientenmity. He turned towards Peter Ruff, whose calm bearing somehow orother impressed even the detective with a sense of power.

  "Will you come along?" he asked.

  Peter Ruff shook his head.

  "Thank you, Dory, no!" he said. "I am glad you have asked me, but Ithink you had better go alone."

  A few seconds later, the pursuit was started. Saunders was carried outof the room, followed by the doctor. There remained only Peter Ruff andthe man who had been on duty outside. Peter Ruff seated himself whereSaunders had been sitting, and seemed to be closely examining the tableall round for some moments. Once he took up something from between thepages of the book which the Sergeant had apparently been reading, andput it carefully into his own pocketbook. Then he leaned back in thechair, with his hands clasped behind his head and his eyes fixed uponthe ceiling, as though thinking intently.

  "Hastings," he said to the policeman, who all the time was pursuing astream of garrulous, inconsequent remarks, "I wonder whether you'd stepoutside and see Mr. Richards, the butler. Ask him if he would be so goodas to spare me a moment."

  "I'll do it, sir," the man answered, with one more glance through theopen space. "Lord!" he added, "they must have been in through there andout again like cats!"

  "It was quick work, certainly," Peter Ruff answered, genially, "butthen, an enterprise like this would, of course, only be attempte
d byexperts."

  Peter Ruff was not left alone long. Mr. Richards came hurrying in.

  "This is a terrible business, sir!" he said. "His lordship has excusedme from superintending the service of the dinner. Anything that I can dofor you I am to give my whole attention to. These were my orders."

  "Very good of you, Richards," Peter Ruff answered, "very thoughtful ofhis lordship. In the first place, then, I think, we will have the restof this jewelry packed in cases at once. Not that anything further islikely to happen," he continued, "but still, it would be just as wellout of the way. I will remain here and superintend this, if you willsend a couple of careful servants. In the meantime, I want you to dosomething else for me."

  "Certainly, sir," the man answered.

  "I want a plan of the house," Peter Ruff said, "with the names of theguests who occupy this wing."

  The butler nodded gravely.

  "I can supply you with it very shortly, sir," he said. "There is nodifficulty at all about the plan, as I have several in my room; but itwill take me some minutes to pencil in the names."

  Peter Ruff nodded.

  "I will superintend things here until you return," he said.

  "It is to be hoped, sir," the man said, as he retreated, "that thegentleman from Scotland Yard will catch the thieves. After all, theyhadn't more than ten minutes' start, and our Daimler is a flyer."

  "I'm sure I hope so," Peter Ruff answered, heartily.

  But, alas! no such fortune was in store for Mr. John Dory. At daybreakhe returned in a borrowed trap from a neighboring railway station.

  "Our tires had been cut," he said, in reply to a storm of questions."They began to go, one after the other, as soon as we had any speed on.We traced the car to Salisbury, and there isn't a village within fortymiles that isn't looking out for it."

  Peter Ruff, who had just returned from an early morning walk, noddedsympathetically.

  "Shall you be here all day, Mr. Dory?" he asked. "There's just a word ortwo I should like to have with you."

  Dory turned away. He had forced himself, in the excitement of themoment, to speak to his ancient enemy, but in this hour of his humilitythe man's presence was distasteful to him.

  "I am not sure," he said, shortly. "It depends on how things may turnout."

  The daily life at Clenarvon Court proceeded exactly as usual. Breakfastwas served early, as there was to be big day's shoot. The Marquis deSogrange and Peter Ruff smoked their cigarettes together afterwards inthe great hall. Then it was that Peter Ruff took the plunge.

  "Marquis," he said, "I should like to know exactly how I stand withyou--the 'Double-Four,' that is to say--supposing I range myself for anhour or so on the side of the law?"

  Sogrange smiled.

  "You amuse yourself, Mr. Ruff," he remarked genially.

  "Not in the least," Peter Ruff answered. "I am serious."

  Sogrange watched the blue cigarette smoke come down his nose.

  "My dear friend," he said, "I am no amateur at this game. When I chooseto play it, I am not afraid of Scotland Yard. I am not afraid," heconcluded, with a little bow, "even of you!"

  "Do you ever bet, Marquis?" Peter Ruff asked.

  "Twenty-five thousand francs," Sogrange said, smiling, "that yourefforts to aid Mr. John Dory are unavailing."

  Peter Ruff entered the amount in his pocketbook. "It is a bargain," hedeclared. "Our bet, I presume, carries immunity for me?"

  "By all means," Sogrange answered, with a little bow.

  The Marquis beckoned to Lord Sotherst, who was crossing the hall.

  "My dear fellow," he said, "do tell me the name of your hatter inLondon. Delions failed me at the last moment, and I have not a hat fitfor the ceremony to-morrow."

  "I'll lend you half-a-dozen, if you can wear them," Lord Sotherstanswered, smiling. "The governor's sure to have plenty, too."

  Sogrange touched his head with a smile.

  "Alas!" he said. "My head is small, even for a Frenchman's. Imagineme--otherwise, I trust, suitably attired--walking to the churchto-morrow in a hat which came to my ears!"

  Lord Sotherst laughed.

  "Scotts will do you all right," he said. "You can telephone."

  "I shall send my man up," Sogrange determined. "He can bring me back aselection. Tell me, at what hour is the first drive this morning, andare the places drawn yet?"

  "Come into the gun-room and we'll see," Lord Sotherst answered.

  Peter Ruff made his way to the back quarters of the house. In a littlesitting-room he found the man he sought, sitting alone. Peter Ruffclosed the door behind him.

  "John Dory," he said, "I have come to have a few words with you."

  The detective rose to his feet. He was in no pleasant mood. Thoughthe telephone wires had been flashing their news every few minutes, itseemed, indeed, as though the car which they had chased had vanishedinto space.

  "What do you want to say to me?" he asked gruffly.

  "I want, if I can," Peter Ruff said earnestly, "to do you a service."

  Dory's eyes glittered.

  "I think," he said, "that I can do without your services."

  "Don't be foolish," Peter Ruff said. "You are harboring a grievanceagainst me which is purely an imaginary one. Now listen to the facts.You employ your wife--which after all, Dory, I think, was not quitethe straight thing--to try and track down a young man named SpencerFitzgerald, who was formerly, in a small way, a client of mine. I findyour wife an agreeable companion--we become friends. Then I discover herobject, and know that I am being fooled. The end of that little episodeyou remember. But tell me why should you bear me ill-will for defendingmy friend and myself?"

  The detective came slowly up to Peter Ruff. He took hold of the lapelof the other's coat with his left hand, and his right hand was clenched.But Peter Ruff did not falter.

  "Listen to me," said Dory. "I will tell you what grudge I bear againstyou. It was your entertainment of my wife which gave her the tastefor luxury and for gadding about. Mind, I don't blame you for thataltogether, but there the fact remains. She left me. She went on thestage."

  "Stop!" Peter Ruff said. "You must still hold me blameless. She wrote tome. I went out with her once. The only advice I gave her was to returnto you. So far as I am concerned, I have treated her with the respectthat I would have shown my own sister."

  "You lie!" Dory cried, fiercely. "A month ago, I saw her come to yourfiat. I watched for hours. She did not leave it--she did not leave itall that night!"

  "If you object to her visit," Peter Ruff said quietly, "it is my wifewhom you must blame."

  John Dory relaxed his hand and took a quick step backwards.

  "Your wife?" he muttered.

  "Exactly!" Peter Ruff answered. "Maud--Mrs. Dory--called to see me; shewas ill--she had lost her situation--she was even, I believe, faint andhungry. I was not present. My wife talked to her and was sorry for her.While the two women were there together, your wife fainted. She was putto bed in our one spare room, and she has been shown every attention andcare. Tell me, how long is it since you were at home?"

  "Not for ten days," Dory answered, bitterly. "Why?"

  "Because when you go back, you will find your wife there," Peter Ruffanswered. "She has given up the stage. Her one desire is to settle downand repay you for the trouble she has caused you. You needn't believe meunless you like. Ask my wife. She is here. She will tell you."

  Dory was overcome. He went back to his seat by the window, and he buriedhis face for a moment in his hands.

  "Ruff," he said, "I don't deserve this. I've had bad times lately,though. Everything has gone against me. I think I have been a bitcareless, with the troubles at home and that."

  "Stop!" Peter Ruff insisted. "Now I come to the immediate object of myvisit to you. You have had some bad luck at headquarters. I know of it.I am going to help you to reinstate yourself brilliantly. With that, letus shake hands and bury all the soreness that there may be between us."

  John Dory stared at his visito

  "Do you mean this?" he asked.

  "I do," answered Peter. "Please do not think that I mean to make anyreflection upon your skill. It is just a chance that I was able to seewhat you were not able to see. In an hour's time, you shall restore theClenarvon diamonds to Lord Clenarvon. You shall take the reward whichhe has just offered, of a thousand pounds. And I promise you that themanner in which you shall recover the jewels shall be such that you willbe famous for a long time to come."

  "You are a wonderful man!" said Dory, hoarsely. "Do you mean, then, thatthe jewels were not with those men in the motor-car?"

  "Of course not!" Peter Ruff answered. "But come along. The story willdevelop."

  At half-past ten that morning, a motor-car turned out from the garageat Clenarvon Court, and made its way down the avenue. In it was a singlepassenger--the dark-faced Parisian valet of the Marquis de Sogrange. Asthe car left the avenue and struck into the main road, it was hailed byPeter Ruff and John Dory, who were walking together along the lane.

  "Say, my man," Peter Ruff said, addressing the chauffeur, "are you goingto the station?"

  "Yes, sir!" the man answered. "I am taking down the Marquis deSogrange's servant to catch the eleven o'clock train to town."

  "You don't mind giving us a lift?" Peter Ruff asked, already opening thedoor.

  "Certainly not, sir," the man answered, touching his hat.

  Peter Ruff and John Dory stepped into the tonneau of the car. The mancivilly lifted the hatbox from the seat, and made room for his enforcedcompanions. Nevertheless, it was easy to see that he was not pleased.

  "There's plenty of room here for three," Peter Ruff said, cheerfully, asthey sat on either side of him. "Drive slowly, please, chauffeur. Now,Mr. Lemprise," Peter Ruff added, "we will trouble you to change places."

  "What do you mean?" the man called out, suddenly pale as death.

  He was held as though in a vice. John Dory's arm was through his on oneside, and Peter Ruff's on the other. Apart from that, the muzzle of arevolver was pressed to his forehead.

  "On second thoughts," Peter Ruff said, "I think we will keep you likethis. Driver," he called out, "please return to the Court at once."

  The man hesitated.

  "You recognize the gentleman who is with me?" Peter Ruff said. "Heis the detective from Scotland Yard. I have full authority from LordClenarvon over all his servants. Please do as I say."

  The man hesitated no more. The car was backed and turned, the Frenchmanstruggling all the way like a wild cat. Once he tried to kick the hatboxinto the road, but John Dory was too quick for him. So they drove up tothe front door of the Court, to be welcomed with cries of astonishmentfrom the whole of the shooting party, who were just starting. Foremostamong them was Sogrange. They crowded around the car. Peter Ruff touchedthe hatbox with his foot.

  "If we could trouble your Lordship," he said, "to open that hatbox,you will find something that will interest you. Mr. Dory has planned alittle surprise for you, in which I have been permitted to help."

  The women, who gathered that something was happening, came hastening outfrom the hall. They all crowded round Lord Clenarvon, who was cuttingthrough the leather strap of the hatbox. Inside the silk hat whichreposed there, were the Clenarvon diamonds. Monsieur le Marquis deSogrange was one of the foremost to give vent to an exclamation ofdelight.

  "Monsieur le Marquis," Peter Ruff said, "this should be a lesson to you,I hope, to have the characters of your servants more rigidly verified.Mr. Dory tells me that this man came into your employ at the last momentwith a forged recommendation. He is, in effect, a dangerous thief."

  "You amaze me!" Sogrange exclaimed.

  "We are all interested in this affair," Peter Ruff said, "and my friendJohn Dory here is, perhaps, too modest properly to explain the matter.If you care to come with me, we can reconstruct, in a minute, thetheft."

  John Dory and Peter Ruff first of all handed over their captive, who wasnow calm and apparently resigned, to the two policemen who were still onduty in the Court. Afterwards, Peter Ruff led the way up one flight ofstairs, and turned the handle of the door of an apartment exactly overthe morning-room. It was the bedroom of the Marquis de Sogrange.

  "Mr. Dory's chase in the motor-car," he said, "was, as you havedoubtless gathered now, merely a blind. It was obvious to hisintelligence that the blowing away of the window was merely a ruse tocover the real method of the theft. If you will allow me, I will showyou how it was done."

  The floor was of hardwood, covered with rugs. One of these, near thefireplace, Peter Ruff brushed aside. The seventh square of hardwoodfrom the mantelpiece had evidently been tampered with. With very littledifficulty, he removed it.

  "You see," he explained, "the ceiling of the room below is also ofpaneled wood. Having removed this, it is easy to lift the second one,especially as light screws have been driven in and string threaded aboutthem. There is now a hole through which you can see into the room below.Has Dory returned? Ah, here he is!"

  The detective came hurrying into the room, bearing in his hand apeculiar-shaped weapon, a handful of little darts like those which hadbeen found in the wounded man's head, and an ordinary fishing-rod in alinen case.

  "There is the weapon," Peter Ruff said, "which it was easy enough tofire from here upon the man who was leaning forward exactly below. Thenhere, you will see, is a somewhat peculiar instrument, which shows agreat deal of ingenuity in its details."

  He opened the linen case, which was, by the bye, secured by a padlock,and drew out what was, to all appearance, an ordinary fishing-rod,fitted at the end with something that looked like an iron hand. PeterRuff dropped it through the hole until it reached the table, moved itbackwards and forwards, and turned round with a smile.

  "You see," he said, "the theft, after all, was very simple. Personally,I must admit that it took me a great deal by surprise, but my friend Mr.Dory has been on the right track from the first. I congratulate him mostheartily."

  Dory was a little overcome. Lady Mary shook him heartily by the hand,but as they trooped downstairs she stooped and whispered in Peter Ruff'sear.

  "I wonder how much of this was John Dory," she said, smiling.

  Peter Ruff said nothing. The detective was already on the telephone,wiring his report to London. Every one was standing about in littleknots, discussing this wonderful event. Sogrange sought Lord Clenarvon,and walked with him, arm in arm, down the stairs.

  "I cannot tell you, Clenarvon," he said, "how sorry I am that I shouldhave been the means of introducing a person like this to the house. Ihad the most excellent references from the Prince of Strelitz. No doubtthey were forged. My own man was taken ill just before I left, and I hadto bring some one."

  "My dear Sogrange," Lord Clenarvon said, "don't think of it. What wemust be thankful for is that we had so brilliant a detective in thehouse."

  "As John Dory?" Sogrange remarked, with a smile. Lord Clenarvon nodded.

  "Come," he said, "I don't see why we should lose a day's sport becausethe diamonds have been recovered. I always felt that they would turn upagain some day or other. You are keen, I know, Sogrange."

  "Rather!" the Marquis answered. "But excuse me for one moment. There isMrs. Ruff looking charming there in the corner. I must have just a wordwith her."

  He crossed the room and bowed before Violet.

  "My dear lady," he said, "I have come to congratulate you. You have aclever husband--a little cleverer, even, than I thought. I have just hadthe misfortune to lose to him a bet of twenty-five thousand francs."

  Violet smiled, a little uneasily.

  "Peter doesn't gamble as a rule," she remarked.

  Sogrange sighed.

  "This, alas, was no gamble!" he said. "He was betting upon certainties,but he won. Will you tell him from me, when you see him, that althoughI have not the money in my pocket at the moment, I shall pay my debts.Tell him that we are as careful to do that in France as we are to keepour word!"

  He bowed, and passed out w
ith the shooting-party on to the terrace.Peter Ruff came up, a few minutes later, and his wife gave him themessage.

  "I did that man an injustice," Peter Ruff said with a sigh of relief. "Ican't explain now, dear. I'll tell you all about it later in the day."

  "There's nothing wrong, is there?" she asked him, pleadingly.

  "On the contrary," Peter Ruff declared, "everything is right. I havemade friends with Dory, and I have won a thousand pounds. When we leavehere, I am going to look out for that little estate in the country.If you come out with the lunch, dear, I want you to watch that manHamilton's coat. It's exactly what I should like to wear myself at myown shooting parties. See if you can make a sketch of it when he isn'tlooking."

  Violet laughed.

  "I'll try," she promised.