Read Peter Ruff and the Double Four Page 24


  His host, very fussy as he always was on the morning of his big shoot,came bustling towards Peter, Baron de Grost, with a piece of paper inhis hand. The party of men had just descended from a large brake andwere standing about on the edge of the common, examining cartridges,smoking a last cigarette before the business of the morning, andchatting together over the prospects of the day's sport. In thedistance, a cloud of dust indicated the approach of a fast travelingmotor-car.

  "My dear Baron," Sir William Bounderby said, "I want you to change yourstand to-day. I must have a good man at the far corner as the birdsgo off my hand from there, and Addington was missing them shockinglyyesterday. Besides, there is a new man coming on your left and I knownothing of his shooting--nothing at all!"

  Peter smiled.

  "Anywhere you choose to put me, Sir William," he assented. "They camebadly for Addington yesterday, and well for me. However, I'll do mybest."

  "I wish people wouldn't bring strangers, especially to the oneshoot where I'm keen about the bag. I told Portal he could bring hisbrother-in-law, and he's bringing this foreign fellow instead. Don'tsuppose he can shoot for nuts! Did you ever hear of him, I wonder? TheCount von Hern, he calls himself."

  The motor-car had come to a standstill by this time. From it descendedMr. Portal himself, a large neighboring land owner, a man of cultureand travel. With him was Bernadine, in a very correct shooting suit andTyrolese hat. On the other side of Mr. Portal was a short, thickset man, with olive complexion, keen black eyes, black mustache andimperial, who was dressed in city clothes. Sir William's eyebrows wereslightly raised as he advanced to greet the party. Peter was at onceprofoundly interested.

  Mr. Portal introduced his guests.

  "You will forgive me, I am sure, for bringing a spectator, Bounderby,"he said. "Major Kosuth, whom I have the honor to present--Major Kosuth,Sir William Bounderby--is high up in the diplomatic service of a countrywith whom we must feel every sympathy--the young Turks. The Count vonHern, who takes my brother-in-law's place, is probably known to you byname."

  Sir William welcomed his visitors cordially.

  "You do not shoot, Major Kosuth?" he asked.

  "Very seldom," the Turk answered. "I come to-day with my good friend,Count von Hern, as a spectator, if you permit."

  "Delighted," Sir William replied. "We will find you a safe place nearyour friend."

  The little party began to move toward the wood. It was just at thismoment that Bernadine felt a touch upon his shoulder, and, turningaround, found Peter by his side.

  "An unexpected pleasure, my dear Count," the latter declared, suavely."I had no idea that you took interest in such simple sports."

  The manners of Count von Hern were universally quoted as being almosttoo perfect. It is a regrettable fact, however, that at that moment heswore--softly, perhaps, but with distinct vehemence. A moment later hewas exchanging the most cordial of greetings with his old friend.

  "You have the knack, my dear De Grost," he remarked, "of turning up inthe most surprising places. I certainly did not know that among yourmany accomplishments was included a love for field sports."

  Peter smiled quietly. He was a very fine shot, and knew it.

  "One must amuse oneself these days," he said. "There is little else todo."

  Bernadine bit his lip.

  "My absence from this country, I fear, has robbed you of an occupation."

  "It has certainly deprived life of some of its savor," Peter admitted,blandly. "By the bye, will you not present me to your friend? I havethe utmost sympathy with the intrepid political party of which he is amember."

  Von Hern performed the introduction with a reluctance which he whollyfailed to conceal. The Turk, however, had been walking on his otherside, and his hat was already lifted. Peter had purposely raised hisvoice.

  "It gives me the greatest pleasure, Major Kosuth," Peter said, "towelcome you to this country. In common, I believe, with the majorityof my country people, I have the utmost respect and admiration for themovement which you represent."

  Major Kosuth smiled slowly. His features were heavy and unexpressive.There was something of gloom, however, in the manner of his response.

  "You are very kind, Baron," he replied, "and I welcome very much thisexpression of your interest in my party. I believe that the hearts ofyour country people are turned towards us in the same manner. I couldwish that your country's political sympathies were as easily aroused."

  Bernadine intervened promptly.

  "Major Kosuth has been here only one day," he remarked, lightly. "I tellhim that he is a little too impatient. See, we are approaching the wood.It is as well here to refrain from conversation."

  "We will resume it later," Peter said, softly. "I have interests inTurkey, and it would give me great pleasure to have a talk with MajorKosuth."

  "Financial interests?" the latter inquired, with some eagerness.

  Peter nodded.

  "I will explain after the first drive," he said, turning away.

  Peter walked rather quickly until he reached a bend in the wood, andovertaking his host, paused for a moment.

  "Lend me a loader for half an hour, Sir William," he begged. "I have tosend my servant to the village with a telegram."

  "With pleasure!" Sir William answered. "There are several to spare.I'll send one to your stand. There's Von Hern going the wrong way!" heexclaimed, in a tone of annoyance.

  Peter was just in time to stop the whistle from going to his mouth.

  "Do me another favor, Sir William," he pleaded. "Give me time to sendoff my telegram before the Count sees what I'm doing. He's such aninquisitive person," he went on, noticing his host's look of blanksurprise. "Thank you ever so much."

  Peter hurried on to his place. It was round the corner of the wood andfor the moment out of sight of the rest of the party. He tore asheet from his pocket-book and scribbled out a telegram. His man haddisappeared and a substitute taken his place by the time von Hernarrived. The latter was now all amiability. It was hard to believe, fromhis smiling salutation, that he and the man to whom he waved his hand inso airy a fashion had ever declared war to the death!

  The shooting began a few minutes later. Major Kosuth, from a campstool afew yards behind his friend, watched with somewhat languid interest. Hegave one, indeed, the impression that his thoughts were far removed fromthis simple country party, the main object of whose existence for thepresent seemed to be the slaying of a certain number of inoffensivebirds. He watched the indifferent performance of his friend and theremarkably fine shooting of his neighbor on the left, with the samelack-luster eye and want of enthusiasm. The beat was scarcely overbefore Peter, resigning his smoking guns, lit a cigarette and strolledacross to the next stand. He plunged at once into a conversation withKosuth, notwithstanding Bernadine's ill-concealed annoyance.

  "Major Kosuth," he began, "I sympathize with you. It is a hard task fora man whose mind is centered upon great events, to sit still and watcha performance of this sort. Be kind to us all and remember that thisrepresents to us merely a few hours of relaxation. We, too, have ourmore serious moments."

  "You read my thoughts well," Major Kosuth declared. "I do not seek toexcuse them. For half a life-time we Turks have toiled and striven,always in danger of our lives, to help forward those things whichhave now come to pass. I think that our lives have become tinged withsomberness and apprehension. Now that the first step is achieved, we goforward, still with trepidation. We need friends, Baron de Grost."

  "You cannot seriously doubt but that you will find them in thiscountry," Peter remarked. "There has never been a time when the Englishnation has not sympathized with the cause of liberty."

  "It is not the hearts of your people," Major Kosuth said, "which I fear.It is the antics of your politicians. Sympathy is a great thing, andgood to have, but Turkey to-day needs more. The heart of a nation isbig, but the number of those in whose hands it remains to give practicalexpression t
o its promptings, is few."

  Bernadine, who had stood as much as he could, seized forcibly upon hisfriend.

  "You must remember our bargain, Kosuth," he insisted, "no politicsto-day. Until to-morrow evening we rest. Now I want to introduce you toa very old friend of mine--the Lord-Lieutenant of the county."

  No man was better informed in current political affairs, but Peter,instead of joining the cheerful afternoon tea party at the close ofthe day, raked out a file of the Times from the library, and studied itcarefully in his room. There were one or two items of news concerningwhich he made pencil notes. He had scarcely finished his task beforea servant brought in a dispatch. He opened it with interest and drewpencil and paper towards him. It was from Paris, and in the code whichhe had learned by heart, no written key of which existed. Carefully hetransposed it on to paper and read it through. It was dated from Paris afew hours back.

  Kosuth left for England yesterday. Envoy from new Turkish Government.Requiring loan one million pounds. Asked for guarantee that it wasnot for warlike movement against Bulgaria, declined to give same.Communicated with English Ambassador and informed Kosuth yesterday thatneither government would sanction loan unless undertaking were giventhat the same was not to be applied for war against Bulgaria. Turkeyis under covenant to enter into no financial obligations with any otherPower while the interest of former loans remains in abeyance. Kosuthhas made two efforts to obtain loan privately, from prominent Englishfinancier and French Syndicate. Both have declined to treat onrepresentations from government. Kosuth was expected return direct toTurkey. If, as you say, he is in England with Bernadine, we commend theaffair to your utmost vigilance. Germany exceedingly anxious enter intoclose relations with new government of Turkey. Fear Kosuth's associationwith Bernadine proof of bad faith. Have had interview with Minister forforeign affairs, who relies upon our help. French Secret Service at yourdisposal, if necessary.

  Peter read the message three times with the greatest care. He was on thepoint of destroying it when Violet came into the room. She was wearinga long tea jacket of sheeny silk. Her beautiful hair was most becominglyarranged, her figure as light and girlish as ever. She came into theroom humming gayly and swinging a gold purse upon her finger.

  "Won three rubbers out of four, Peter," she declared, "and a complimentfrom the Duchess. Am I a pupil to be proud of?"

  She stopped short. Her lips formed themselves into the shape of awhistle. She knew very well the signs. Her husband's eyes were kindling,there was a firm set about his lips, the palm of his hand lay flat uponthat sheet of paper.

  "It was true?" she murmured. "It was Bernadine who was shooting to-day?"

  Peter nodded.

  "He was on the next stand," he replied.

  "Then there is something doing, of course," Violet continued. "My dearPeter, you may be an enigma to other people. To me you have the mostexpressive countenance I ever saw. You have had a cable which you havejust transcribed. If I had been a few minutes later, I think you wouldhave torn up the result. As it is, I think I have come just in time tohear all about it."

  Peter smiled, grimly but fondly. He uncovered the sheet of paper andplaced it in her hands.

  "So far," he said, "there isn't much to tell you. Von Hern turned upthis morning with a Major Kosuth, who was one of the leaders of therevolution in Turkey. I wired Paris and this is the reply."

  She read the message through thoughtfully and handed it back. Peter lita match, and standing over the fireplace calmly destroyed it.

  "A million pounds is not a great sum of money," Violet remarked. "Whycould not Kosuth borrow it for his country from a private individual?"

  "A million pounds is not a large sum to talk about," Peter replied, "butit is an exceedingly large sum for any one, even a multi-millionaire,to handle in cash. And Turkey, I gather, wants it at once. Besides,considerations which might be a security from a government, are nosecurity at all as applied to a private individual."

  She nodded.

  "Do you think that Kosuth means to go behind the existing treaty andborrow from Germany?"

  Peter shook his head.

  "I can't quite believe that," he said. "It would mean the straining ofdiplomatic relations with both countries. It is out of the question."

  "Then where does Bernadine come in?"

  "I do not know," Peter answered.

  Violet laughed.

  "What is it that you are going to try and find out?" she asked.

  "I am trying to discover who it is that Bernadine and Kosuth are waitingto see," Peter replied. "The worst of it is, I daren't leave here. Ishall have to trust to the others."

  She glanced at the clock.

  "Well, go and dress," she said. "I'm afraid I've a little of your bloodin me, after all. Life seems more stirring when Bernadine is on thescene."

  The shooting party broke up two days later and Peter and his wifereturned at once to town. The former found the reports which wereawaiting his arrival disappointing. Bernadine and his guest were not inLondon, or if they were they had carefully avoided all the usual haunts.Peter read his reports over again, smoked a very long cigar alone inhis study, and finally drove down to the city and called upon hisstockbroker, who was also a personal friend. Things were flat in thecity, and the latter was glad enough to welcome an important client. Hebegan talking the usual market shop until his visitor stopped him.

  "I have come to you, Edwardes, more for information than anything,"Peter declared, "although it may mean that I shall need to sell a lot ofstock. Can you tell me of any private financier who could raise a loanof a million pounds in cash within the course of a week?"

  The stockbroker looked dubious.

  "In cash," he repeated. "Money isn't raised that way, you know. I doubtwhether there are many men in the whole city of London who could put upsuch an amount with only a week's notice."

  "But there must be some one," Peter persisted. "Think! It would probablybe a firm or a man not obtrusively English. I don't think the Jews wouldtouch it, and a German citizen would be impossible."

  "Semi-political, eh?"

  Peter nodded.

  "It is rather that way," he admitted.

  "Would your friend Count von Hern be likely to be concerned in it?"

  "Why?" Peter asked, with immovable face.

  "Nothing, only I saw him coming out of Heseltine-Wrigge's office theother day," the stockbroker remarked, carelessly.

  "And who is Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge?"

  "A very wealthy American financier," the stockbroker replied, "not atall an unlikely person for a loan of the sort you mention."

  "American citizen?" Peter inquired.

  "Without a doubt. Of German descent, I should say, but nothing much leftof it in his appearance. He settled over here in a huff because New Yorksociety wouldn't receive his wife."

  "I remember all about it," Peter declared. "She was a chorus girl,wasn't she? Nothing particular against her, but the fellow had no tact.Do you know him, Edwardes?"

  "Slightly," the stockbroker answered.

  "Give me a letter to him," Peter said. "Give my credit as good a leg asyou can. I shall probably go as a borrower."

  Mr. Edwardes wrote a few lines and handed them to his client.

  "Office is nearly opposite," he remarked. "Wish you luck, whatever yourscheme is."

  Peter crossed the street and entered the building which his friend hadpointed out. He ascended in the lift to the third floor, knocked at thedoor which bore Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge's name, and almost ran into thearms of a charmingly dressed little lady, who was being shown out by abroad-shouldered, typical American. Peter hastened to apologize.

  "I beg your pardon," he said, raising his hat. "I was rather in a hurryand I quite thought I heard some one say 'Come in.'"

  The lady replied pleasantly. Her companion, who was carrying his hat inhis hand, paused reluctantly.

  "Did you want to see me?" he asked.

  "If you are Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge, I did," Peter admitted. "I am
theBaron de Grost, and I have a letter of introduction to you from Mr.Edwardes."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge tore open the envelope and glanced through thecontents of the note. Peter, meanwhile, looked at his wife with genuinebut respectfully cloaked admiration. The lady obviously returned hisinterest.

  "Why, if you're the Baron de Grost," she exclaimed, "didn't you marry ViBrown? She used to be at the Gaiety with me, years ago."

  "I certainly did marry Violet Brown," Peter confessed, "and, if you willallow me to say so, Mrs. Heseltine-Wrigge, I should have recognized youanywhere from your photographs."

  "Say, isn't that queer?" the little lady remarked, turning to herhusband. "I should love to see Vi again."

  "If you will give me your address," Peter declared, promptly, "my wifewill be delighted to call upon you."

  The man looked up from the note.

  "Do you want to talk business with me, Baron?" he asked.

  "For a few moments only," Peter answered. "I am afraid I am a greatnuisance, and if you wish it I will come down to the city again."

  "That's all right," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge replied. "Myra won't mindwaiting a minute or two. Come through here."

  He turned and led the way into a quiet-looking suite of offices, whereone or two clerks were engaged writing at open desks. They all threepassed into an inner room.

  "Any objections to my wife coming in?" Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge asked."there's scarcely any place for her out there."

  "Delighted," Peter answered.

  She glanced at the clock.

  "Remember we have to meet the Count von Hern at half past one atPrince's, Charles," she reminded him.

  Her husband nodded. There was nothing in Peter's expression to denotethat he had already achieved the first object of his visit!

  "I shall not detain you," he said. "Your name has been mentioned to me,Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge, as a financier likely to have a large sum ofmoney at his disposal. I have a scheme which needs money. Providing thesecurity is unexceptionable, are you in a position to do a deal?"

  "How much do you want?" Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge asked.

  "A million to a million and a half," Peter answered.



  It was not Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge's pose to appear surprised.Nevertheless, his eyebrows were slightly raised.

  "Say, what is this scheme?" he inquired.

  "First of all," Peter replied, "I should like to know whether there'sany chance of business if I disclose it."

  "Not an atom," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge declared. "I have just committedmyself to the biggest financial transaction of my life and it will cleanme out."

  "Then I won't waste your time," Peter announced, rising.

  "Sit down for a moment," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge invited, biting the endoff a cigar and passing the box toward Peter. "That's all right. Mywife doesn't mind. Say, it strikes me as rather a curious thing thatyou should come in here and talk about a million and a half, when that'sjust the amount concerned in my other little deal."

  Peter smiled.

  "As a matter of fact, it isn't at all queer," he answered. "I don't wantthe money. I came to see whether you were really interested in the otheraffair--the Turkish loan, you know."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge withdrew his cigar from his mouth and lookedsteadily at his visitor.

  "Say, Baron," he declared, "you've got a nerve!"

  "Not at all," Peter replied. "I'm here as much in your interests as myown."

  "Whom do you represent, anyway?" Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge inquired.

  "A company you have never heard of," Peter replied. "Our offices are inthe underground places of the world, and we don't run to brass plates. Iam here because I am curious about that loan. Turkey hasn't a shadow ofsecurity to offer you. Everything which she can pledge is pledged, toguarantee the interest on existing loans to France and England. Sheis prevented by treaty from borrowing in Germany. If you make a loanwithout security, Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge, I suppose you understand yourposition. The loan may be repudiated at any moment."

  "Kind of a philanthropist, aren't you, Baron?" Mr. Heseltine-Wriggeremarked quietly.

  "Not in the least," Peter assured him. "I know there is some tricky workgoing on and I haven't brains enough to get to the bottom of it. That'swhy I've come blundering in to you, and why I suppose you'll be tellingthe whole story to the Count von Hern at luncheon in an hour's time."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge smoked in silence for a moment or two.

  "This transaction of mine," he said at last, "Isn't one I can talkabout. I guess I'm on to what you want to know, but I simply can't tellyou. The security is unusual, but it's good enough for me."

  "It seems so to you, beyond a doubt," Peter replied. "Still, you haveto do with a remarkably clever young man in the Count von Hern. I don'twant to ask you any questions you feel I ought not to, but I do wishyou'd tell me one thing."

  "Go right ahead," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge invited. "Don't be shy."

  "What day are you concluding this affair?"

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge scratched his chin for a moment thoughtfully andglanced at his diary. "Well, I'll risk that," he decided. "A week to-dayI hand over the coin."

  Peter drew a little breath of relief. A week was an immense time! Herose to his feet.

  "That ends our business, then, for the present," he said. "Now I amgoing to ask both of you a favor. Perhaps I have no right to, but as aman of honor, Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge, you can take it from me that I askit in your interests as well as my own. Don't tell the Count von Hern ofmy visit to you."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge held out his hand.

  "That's all right," he declared. "You hear, Myra?"

  "I'll be dumb, Baron," she promised. "Say, when do you think Vi can comeand see me?"

  Peter was guilty of snobbery. He considered it quite a justifiableweapon.

  "She is at Windsor this afternoon," he remarked.

  "What, at the Garden-Party?" Mrs. Heseltine-Wrigge almost shrieked.

  Peter nodded.

  "I believe there's some fete or other to-morrow," he said, "but we'realone this evening. Why won't you dine with us, say at the Carlton?"

  "We'd love to," the lady assented, promptly.

  "At eight o'clock," Peter said, taking his leave.

  The dinner party was a great success. Mrs. Heseltine-Wrigge foundherself among the class of people with whom it was her earnest desireto become acquainted, and her husband was well satisfied to see her keenlonging for society likely to be gratified. The subject of Peter's callat the office in the city was studiously ignored. It was not until thevery end of the evening, indeed, that the host of this very agreeableparty was rewarded by a single hint. It all came about in the mostnatural manner. They were speaking of foreign capitals.

  "I love Paris," Mrs. Heseltine-Wrigge told her host. "Just adore it.Charles is often there on business and I always go along."

  Peter smiled. There was just a chance here.

  "Your husband does not often have to leave London though," he remarked,carelessly.

  She nodded.

  "Not often enough," she declared. "I just love getting about. Last weekwe had a perfectly horrible trip, though. We started off for Belfastquite unexpectedly, and I hated every minute of it."

  Peter smiled inwardly, but he said never a word. His companion wasalready chattering on about something else. Peter crossed the hall a fewminutes later, to speak to an acquaintance, slipped out to the telephonebooth and spoke to his servant.

  "A bag and a change," he ordered, "at Euston Station at twelve o'clock,in time for the Irish mail. Your mistress will be home as usual."

  An hour later the dinner party broke up. Early the next morning, Petercrossed the Irish Channel. He returned the following day and crossedagain within a few hours. In five days the affair was finished, exceptfor the denouement.

  Peter ascended in the lift to Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge's office thefollowing Thursday, calm and unruffled as usual, but nevertheless alittle exultant. It
was barely half an hour since he had become finallyprepared for this interview. He was looking forward to it now withfeelings of undiluted satisfaction. Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge was in, he wastold, and he was at once admitted to his presence. The financier greetedhim with a somewhat curious smile.

  "Say, this is very nice of you to look me up again!" he exclaimed."Still worrying about that loan, eh?"

  Peter shook his head.

  "No, I'm not worrying about that any more," he answered, accepting oneof his host's cigars. "The fact of it is that if it were not for me, youwould be the one who would have to do the worrying."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge stopped short in the act of lighting his cigar.

  "I'm not quite on," he remarked. "What's the trouble?"

  "There is no trouble, fortunately," Peter replied. "Only a littledisappointment for our friends the Count von Hern and Major Kosuth. Ihave brought you some information which I think will put an end to thataffair of the loan."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge sat quite still for a moment. He brows wereknitted, he showed no signs of nervousness.

  "Go right on," he said.

  "The security upon which you were going to advance a million and ahalf to the Turkish Government," Peter continued, "consisted of twoDreadnoughts and a cruiser, being built to the order of that country byMessrs. Shepherd & Hargreaves at Belfast."

  "Quite right," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge admitted, quietly. "I have been upand seen the boats. I have seen the shipbuilders, too."

  "Did you happen to mention to the latter," Peter inquired, "that youwere advancing money upon those vessels?"

  "Certainly not," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge replied. "Kosuth wouldn't hear ofsuch a thing. If the papers got wind of it, there'd be the devil to pay.All the same, I have got an assignment from the Turkish Government."

  "Not worth the paper it's written on," Peter declared, blandly.

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge rose unsteadily to his feet. He was a strong,silent man, but there was a queer look about his mouth.

  "What the devil do you mean?" he demanded.

  "Briefly, this," Peter explained. "The first payment, when these shipswere laid down, was made not by Turkey but by an emissary of the GermanGovernment, who arranged the whole affair in Constantinople. The secondpayment was due ten months ago, and not a penny has been paid. Noticewas given to the late government twice and absolutely ignored. Accordingto the charter, therefore, these ships reverted to the shipbuildingcompanies who retained possession of the first payment as indemnityagainst loss. The Count von Hern's position was this. He represents theGerman Government. You were to find a million and a half of money withthe ships as security. You also have a contract from the Count von Hernto take those ships off your hands provided the interest on the loanbecame overdue, a state of affairs which I can assure you would havehappened within the next twelve months. Practically, therefore, you weremade use of as an independent financier to provide the money withwhich the Turkish Government, broadly speaking, have sold the ships toGermany. You see, according to the charter of the shipbuilding company,these vessels cannot be sold to any foreign government without theconsent of Downing Street. That is the reason why the affair had to beconducted in such a roundabout manner."

  "All this is beyond me," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge said, hoarsely. "I don'tcare a d-n who has the ships in the end so long as I get my money!"

  "But you would not get your money," Peter pointed out, "because therewill be no ships. I have had the shrewdest lawyers in the world atwork upon the charter, and there is not the slightest doubt that thesevessels are, or rather were, the entire property of Messrs. Shepherd &Hargreaves. To-day they belong to me. I have bought them and paid twohundred thousand pounds deposit. I can show you the receipt and all thepapers."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge, said only one word, but that word was profane.

  "I am sorry, of course, that you have lost the business," Peterconcluded, "but surely it's better than losing your money?"

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge struck the table fiercely with his fist. There wasa gray and unfamiliar look about his face.

  "D-n it, the money's gone!" he declared, hoarsely. "They changed theday. Kosuth had to go back. I paid it twenty-four hours ago."

  Peter whistled softly.

  "If only you had trusted me a little more!" he murmured. "I tried towarn you."

  Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge snatched up his hat.

  "They don't leave till the two-twenty," he shouted. "We'll catch them atthe Milan. If we don't, I'm ruined! By God, I'm ruined!"

  They found Major Kosuth in the hall of the hotel. He was wearing a furcoat and was otherwise attired for traveling. His luggage was alreadybeing piled upon a cab. Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge wasted no words upon him.

  "You and I have got to have a talk, right here and now," he declared."Where's the Count?"

  Major Kosuth frowned gloomily.

  "I do not understand you," he said, shortly. "Our business is concludedand I am leaving by the two-twenty train."

  "You are doing nothing of the sort," the American answered, standingbefore him, grim and threatening.

  The Turk showed no sign of terror. He gripped his silver-headed canefirmly.

  "I think," he said, "that there is no one here who will prevent me."

  Peter, who saw a fracas imminent, hastily intervened. "If you willpermit me for a moment," he said, "there is a little explanation Ishould perhaps make to Major Kosuth."

  The Turk took a step towards the door.

  "I have no time to listen to explanations from you or any one," hereplied. "My cab is waiting. I depart. If Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge is notsatisfied with our transaction, I am sorry, but it is too late to alteranything."

  For a moment it seemed as though a struggle between the two men wasinevitable. Already people were glancing at them curiously, for Mr.Heseltine-Wrigge came of a primitive school, and he had no intentionwhatever of letting his man escape. Fortunately, at that moment Countvon Hern came up and Peter at once appealed to him.

  "Count," he said, "may I beg for your good offices? My friend, Mr.Heseltine-Wrigge here, is determined to have a few words with MajorKosuth before he leaves. Surely this is not an unreasonable requestwhen you consider the magnitude of the transaction which has taken placebetween them! Let me beg of you to persuade Major Kosuth to give usten minutes. There is plenty of time for the train, and this is not theplace for a brawl."

  "It will not take us long, Kosuth, to hear what our friend has to say,"he remarked. "We shall be quite quiet in the smoking-room. Let us go inthere and dispose of the affair."

  The Turk turned unwillingly in the direction indicated. All fourmen passed through the cafe, up some stairs, and into the smallsmoking-room. The room was deserted. Peter led the way to the farcorner, and standing with his elbow leaning upon the mantelpiece,addressed them.

  "The position is this," he said. "Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge has parted witha million and a half of his own money, a loan to the Turkish Government,on security which is not worth a snap of the fingers."

  "It is a lie!" Major Kosuth exclaimed.

  "My dear Baron, you are woefully misinformed," the Count declared.

  Peter shook his head slowly.

  "No," he said, "I am not misinformed. My friend here has parted with themoney on the security of two battleships and a cruiser, now building inShepherd & Hargreaves' yard at Belfast. The two battleships and cruiserin question belong to me. I have paid two hundred thousand pounds onaccount of them, and hold the shipbuilder's receipt."

  "You are mad!" Bernadine cried, contemptuously.

  Peter shook his head and continued.

  "The battleships were laid down for the Turkish Government, and themoney with which to start them was supplied by the Secret Service ofGermany. The second installment was due ten months ago and has not beenpaid. The time of grace provided for has expired. The shipbuilders, inaccordance with their charter, were consequently at liberty to disposeof the vessels as they thought fit. On the statement of the whole of thefacts to the he
ad of the firm, he has parted with these ships to me. Ineed not say that I have a purchaser within a mile from here. It is afancy of mine, Count von Hern, that those ships will sail better underthe British flag."

  There was a moment's tense silence. The face of the Turk was black withanger. Bernadine was trembling with rage.

  "This is a tissue of lies!" he exclaimed.

  Peter shrugged his shoulders.

  "The facts are easy enough for you to prove," he said, "and I havehere," he added, producing a roll of papers, "copies of the variousdocuments for your inspection. Your scheme, of course, was simpleenough. It fell through for this one reason only. A final notice,pressing for the second installment and stating the days of grace,was forwarded to Constantinople about the time of the recent politicaltroubles. The late government ignored it. In fairness to Major Kosuth,we will believe that the present government was ignorant of it. But thefact remains that Messrs. Shepherd & Hargreaves became at liberty tosell those vessels, and that I have bought them. You will have to giveup that money, Major Kosuth."

  "By God, he shall!" the American muttered.

  Bernadine leaned a little towards his enemy.

  "You must give us a minute or two," he insisted. "We shall not go away,I promise you. Within five minutes you shall hear our decision."

  Peter sat down at the writing-table and commenced a letter. Mr.Heseltine-Wrigge mounted guard over the door and stood there, a grimfigure of impatience. Before the five minutes was up, Bernadine crossedthe room.

  "I congratulate you, Baron," he said, dryly. "You are either anexceedingly lucky person or you are more of a genius than I believe.Kosuth is even now returning his letters of credit to your friend. Youare quite right. The loan cannot stand."

  "I was sure," Peter answered, "that you would see the matter correctly."

  "You and I," Bernadine continued, "know very well that I don't care afig about Turkey, new or old. The ships I will admit that I intended tohave for my own country. As it is, I wish you joy of them. Before theyare completed, we may be fighting in the air."

  Peter smiled, and, side by side with Bernadine, strolled across toHeseltine-Wrigge, who was buttoning up a pocket-book with tremblingfingers.

  "Personally," Peter said, "I believe that the days of wars are over."

  "That may or may not be," Bernadine answered. "One thing is verycertain. Even if the nations remain at peace, there are enmities whichstrike only deeper as the years pass. I am going to take a drink nowwith my disappointed friend Kosuth. If I raise my glass 'To the Day!'you will understand."

  Peter smiled.

  "My friend Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge and I are for the same destination,"he replied, pushing open the swing door which led to the bar. "I returnyour good wishes, Count. I, too, drink 'To the Day!'"

  Bernadine and Kosuth left, a few minutes afterwards. Mr.Heseltine-Wrigge, who was feeling himself again, watched them departwith ill-concealed triumph.

  "Say, you had those fellows on toast, Baron," he declared, admiringly."I couldn't follow the whole affair, but I can see that you're in forbig things sometimes. Remember this. If money counts at any time, I'mwith you."

  Peter clasped his hand.

  "Money always counts," he said, "and friends!"