Read Petticoat Rule Page 39

  Transcriber's Note: Obvious punctuation errors, such as missing periodsor unpaired quotation marks, have been corrected. In addition, thefollowing typographical errors present in the original edition have beencorrected.

  In Chapter V, "The King sleeps, Monseiur" was changed to "The Kingsleeps, Monsieur".

  In Chapter VI, "the Marechal de Saint Romans, friend and mentor" waschanged to "the Marechal de Saint Romans, friend and mentor","unscrupluous ambition" was changed to "unscrupulous ambition","'Irene,' he said earnestly" was changed to "'Irene,' he saidearnestly", and "the appearance of Jeanne Poisson d'Etoiles" was changedto "the appearance of Jeanne Poisson d'Etioles".

  In Chapter VII, "the enthusiasm of Mlle. de.Aumont" was changed to "theenthusiasm of Mlle. d'Aumont".

  In Chapter VIII, "cause Louis XV, to make comparisons" was changed to"cause Louis XV to make comparisons", and "no longer though of flight"was changed to "no longer thought of flight".

  In Chapter X, "anything one can do to oblige a friend" was changed to"Anything one can do to oblige a friend".

  In Chapter XI, "if she succeded presently" was changed to "if shesucceeded presently", and "Irene, therefore" was changed to "Irene,therefore".

  In Chapter XII, "whom she had feted" was changed to "whom she hadfeted", and "Why,? Why?" was changed to "Why? Why?"

  In Chapter XIII, "mandate of usuage" was changed to "mandate of usage","pettis levers of kings" was changed to "petits levers of kings", and"Louis XV a the end of his progress" was changed to "Louis XV at the endof his progress".

  In Chapter XIV, "And l'Anglias?" was changed to "And l'Anglais?", "T'isfairly simple" was changed to "'Tis fairly simple", and "thought,anxiety. and a wealth of eloquence" was changed to "thought, anxiety,and a wealth of eloquence".

  In Chapter XVI, "coeoperation of a man" was changed to "cooperation of aman", "he had blundered" was changed to "He had blundered", and "allmatters Madame" was changed to "all matters, Madame".

  In Chapter XVII, "either more of less" was changed to "either more orless", and "load of oppresson" was changed to "load of oppression".

  In Chapter XVIII, "in which case. . . ." was changed to "in which case. . .", "privileged to. . . ." was changed to "privileged to . . .", "Iif hold aloof" was changed to "if I hold aloof", and "met by M. le ducd'Aumont" was changed to "met by M. le Duc d'Aumont".

  In Chapter XIX, "additonal message" was changed to "additional message",and "bracken and foxgloxes" was changed to "bracken and foxgloves".

  In Chapter XX, "to the palace now, Monseur" was changed to "to thepalace now, Monsieur".

  In Chapter XXII, "His Majesty' hands" was changed to "His Majesty'shands", and "so compeletly condoned" was changed to "so completelycondoned".

  In Chapter XXIV, "English husband's always beat their wives" was changedto "English husbands always beat their wives".

  In Chapter XXVI, "whilst la belle Irene" was changed to "whilst la belleIrene", "his partners's attitude" was changed to "his partner'sattitude", "d'Amont, never a very keen observer" was changed to"d'Aumont, never a very keen observer", and "came to the foot of theRoyal dais" was changed to "came to the foot of the Royal dais".

  In Chapter XXVII, "fatuous innundoes" was changed to "fatuousinnuendoes", and "take the matter so throughly" was changed to "take thematter so thoroughly".

  In Chapter XXVIII, "between herself and Irene" was changed to "betweenherself and Irene".

  In Chapter XXIX, "spoke up to indiscreetly" was changed to "spoke up soindiscreetly".

  In Chapter XXX, "bent his ear so listen" was changed to "bent his ear tolisten", "Achille looked at M. Druand" was changed to "Achille looked atM. Durand", "M. Durand's was about to" was changed to "M. Durand wasabout to", and "have insulted M. le Comte de Stainivlle" was changed to"have insulted M. le Comte de Stainville".

  In Chapter XXXI, "those accupied by milor" was changed to "thoseaccupied by milor", and "Achille! ar you here?" was changed to "Achille!are you here?".

  In Chapter XXXII, a semicolon was added after "ill-will toward LordEglinton".

  In Chapter XXXV, "from the sacred precints" was changed to "from thesacred precincts", "His Majesty's had not sent" was changed to "HisMajesty had not sent", "occupied by Gaston and de Montemar" was changedto "occupied by Gaston and de Mortemar", "Lieutenant Tellier had speechoustide" was changed to "Lieutenant Tellier had speech outside", "stilladdresing de Mortemar" was changed to "still addressing de Mortemar",and "weakness nor, yet ill-humour, visible" was changed to "weakness,nor yet ill-humour, visible".

  In Chapter XXXVI, "for even at the last word rose" was changed to "foreven as the last word rose", and "my wife, Irene" was changed to "mywife, Irene".

  In Chapter XXXVIII, "Me. le Duc looked conscious" was changed to "M. leDuc looked conscious", "That is impossilbe, milor" was changed to "Thatis impossible, milor", and "the rememberance of one happy moment" waschanged to "the remembrance of one happy moment".

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