Read Peveril of the Peak Page 15


  ----What seem'd its head, The likeness of a kingly crown had on. --PARADISE LOST.

  Sodor, or Holm-Peel, so is named the castle to which our Julian directedhis course early on the following morning, is one of those extraordinarymonuments of antiquity with which this singular and interesting islandabounds. It occupies the whole of a high rocky peninsula, or ratheran island, for it is surrounded by the sea at high-water, and scarcelyaccessible even when the tide is out, although a stone causeway, ofgreat solidity, erected for the express purpose, connects the islandwith the mainland. The whole space is surrounded by double walls ofgreat strength and thickness; and the access to the interior, at thetime which we treat of, was only by two flights of steep and narrowsteps, divided from each other by a strong tower and guard-house; underthe former of which, there is an entrance-arch. The open space withinthe walls extends to two acres, and contains many objects worthyof antiquarian curiosity. There were besides the castle itself, twocathedral churches, dedicated, the earlier to St. Patrick, the latter toSt. Germain; besides two smaller churches; all of which had become, evenin that day, more or less ruinous. Their decayed walls, exhibiting therude and massive architecture of the most remote period, were composedof a ragged grey-stone, which formed a singular contrast with the brightred freestone of which the window-cases, corner-stones, arches, andother ornamental parts of the building, were composed.

  Besides these four ruinous churches, the space of ground enclosed by themassive exterior walls of Holm-Peel exhibited many other vestiges of theolden time. There was a square mound of earth, facing, with its anglesto the points of the compass, one of those motes, as they were called,on which, in ancient times, the northern tribes elected or recognisedtheir chiefs, and held their solemn popular assemblies, or _comitia_.There was also one of those singular towers, so common in Ireland asto have proved the favourite theme of her antiquaries; but of which thereal use and meaning seems yet to be hidden in the mist of ages. Thisof Holm-Peel had been converted to the purpose of a watch-tower.There were, besides, Runic monuments, of which legends could not bedeciphered; and later inscriptions to the memory of champions, ofwhom the names only were preserved from oblivion. But tradition andsuperstitious eld, still most busy where real history is silent, hadfilled up the long blank of accurate information with tales of Sea-kingsand Pirates, Hebridean Chiefs and Norwegian Resolutes, who had formerlywarred against, and in defence of, this famous castle. Superstition,too, had her tales of fairies, ghosts, and spectres--her legions ofsaints and demons, of fairies and of familiar spirits, which in nocorner of the British empire are told and received with more absolutecredulity than in the Isle of Man.

  Amidst all these ruins of an older time arose the Castle itself,--nowruinous--but in Charles II.'s reign well garrisoned, and, in a militarypoint of view, kept in complete order. It was a venerable and veryancient building, containing several apartments of sufficient sizeand height to be termed noble. But in the surrender of the island byChristian, the furniture had been, in a great measure, plundered ordestroyed by the republican soldiers; so that, as we have beforehinted, its present state was ill adapted for the residence of the nobleproprietor. Yet it had been often the abode, not only of the Lords ofMan, but of those state prisoners whom the Kings of Britain sometimescommitted to their charge.

  In this Castle of Holm-Peel the great king-maker, Richard, Earl ofWarwick, was confined, during one period of his eventful life, toruminate at leisure on his farther schemes of ambition. And here, too,Eleanor, the haughty wife of the good Duke of Gloucester, pined out inseclusion the last days of her banishment. The sentinels pretended thather discontented spectre was often visible at night, traversing thebattlements of the external walls, or standing motionless beside aparticular solitary turret of one of the watch-towers with which theyare flanked; but dissolving into air at cock-crow, or when the belltolled from the yet remaining tower of St. Germain's church.

  Such was Holm-Peel, as records inform us, till towards the end of theseventeenth century.

  It was in one of the lofty but almost unfurnished apartments of thisancient Castle that Julian Peveril found his friend the Earl of Derby,who had that moment sat down to a breakfast composed of various sortsof fish. "Welcome, most imperial Julian," he said; "welcome to our royalfortress; in which, as yet, we are not like to be starved with hunger,though well-nigh dead for cold."

  Julian answered by inquiring the meaning of this sudden movement.

  "Upon my word," replied the Earl, "you know nearly as much of it as Ido. My mother has told me nothing about it; supposing I believe, thatI shall at length be tempted to inquire; but she will find herself muchmistaken. I shall give her credit for full wisdom in her proceedings,rather than put her to the trouble to render a reason, though no womancan render one better."

  "Come, come; this is affectation, my good friend," said Julian. "Youshould inquire into these matters a little more curiously."

  "To what purpose?" said the Earl. "To hear old stories about the Tinwaldlaws, and the contending rights of the lords and the clergy, and allthe rest of that Celtic barbarism, which, like Burgesse's thorough-paceddoctrine enters at one ear, paces through, and goes out at the other?"

  "Come, my lord," said Julian, "you are not so indifferent as you wouldrepresent yourself--you are dying of curiosity to know what this hurryis about; only you think it the courtly humour to appear careless aboutyour own affairs."

  "Why, what should it be about," said the young Earl "unless somefactious dispute between our Majesty's minister, Governor Nowel, andour vassals? or perhaps some dispute betwixt our Majesty and theecclesiastical jurisdictions? for all which our Majesty cares as littleas any king in Christendom."

  "I rather suppose there is intelligence from England," said Julian."I heard last night in Peel-town, that Greenhalgh is come over withunpleasant news."

  "He brought me nothing that was pleasant, I wot well," said the Earl."I expected something from St. Evremond or Hamilton--some new plays byDryden or Lee, and some waggery or lampoons from the Rose Coffee-house;and the fellow has brought me nothing but a parcel of tracts aboutProtestants and Papists, and a folio play-book, one of the conceptions,as she calls them, of that old mad-woman the Duchess of Newcastle."

  "Hush, my lord, for Heaven's sake," said Peveril; "here comes theCountess; and you know she takes fire at the least slight to her ancientfriend."

  "Let her read her ancient friend's works herself, then," said the Earl,"and think her as wise as she can; but I would not give one of Waller'ssongs, or Denham's satires, for a whole cart-load of her Grace'strash.--But here comes our mother with care on her brow."

  The Countess of Derby entered the apartment accordingly, holding in herhand a number of papers. Her dress was a mourning habit, with a deeptrain of black velvet, which was borne by a little favourite attendant,a deaf and dumb girl, whom, in compassion to her misfortune, theCountess had educated about her person for some years. Upon thisunfortunate being, with the touch of romance which marked many of herproceedings, Lady Derby had conferred the name of Fenella, after someancient princess of the island. The Countess herself was not muchchanged since we last presented her to our readers. Age had rendered herstep more slow, but not less majestic; and while it traced some wrinkleson her brow, had failed to quench the sedate fire of her dark eye. Theyoung men rose to receive her with the formal reverence which they knewshe loved, and were greeted by her with equal kindness.

  "Cousin Peveril," she said (for so she always called Julian, in respectof his mother being a kinswoman of her husband), "you were ill abroadlast night, when we much needed your counsel."

  Julian answered with a blush which he could not prevent, "That he hadfollowed his sport among the mountains too far--had returned late--andfinding her ladyship was removed from Castletown, had instantly followedthe family hither; but as the night-bell was rung, and the watch set, hehad deemed it more respectful to
lodge for the night in the town."

  "It is well," said the Countess; "and, to do you justice, Julian, youare seldom a truant neglecter of appointed hours, though, like the restof the youth of this age, you sometimes suffer your sports to consumetoo much of time that should be spent otherwise. But for your friendPhilip, he is an avowed contemner of good order, and seems to findpleasure in wasting time, even when he does not enjoy it."

  "I have been enjoying my time just now at least," said the Earl, risingfrom table, and picking his teeth carelessly. "These fresh mullets aredelicious, and so is the Lachrymae Christi. I pray you to sit downto breakfast, Julian, and partake the goods my royal foresight hasprovided. Never was King of Man nearer being left to the mercy of theexecrable brandy of his dominions. Old Griffiths would never, in themidst of our speedy retreat of last night, have had sense enough tosecure a few flasks, had I not given him a hint on that importantsubject. But presence of mind amid danger and tumult, is a jewel I havealways possessed."

  "I wish, then, Philip, you would exert it to better purpose," said theCountess, half smiling, half displeased; for she doated upon her sonwith all a mother's fondness, even when she was most angry with him forbeing deficient in the peculiar and chivalrous disposition which haddistinguished his father, and which was so analogous to her own romanticand high-minded character. "Lend me your signet," she added with a sigh;"for it were, I fear, vain to ask you to read over these despatchesfrom England, and execute the warrants which I have thought necessary toprepare in consequence."

  "My signet you shall command with all my heart, madam," said EarlPhilip; "but spare me the revision of what you are much more capable todecide upon. I am, you know, a most complete _Roi faineant_, and neveronce interfered with my _Maire de palais_ in her proceedings."

  The Countess made signs to her little train-bearer, who immediately wentto seek for wax and a light, with which she presently returned.

  In the meanwhile the Countess continued, addressing Peveril. "Philipdoes himself less than justice. When you were absent, Julian (for ifyou had been here I would have given you the credit of prompting yourfriend), he had a spirited controversy with the Bishop, for an attemptto enforce spiritual censures against a poor wretch, by confining her inthe vault under the chapel."[*]

  [*] Beneath the only one of the four churches in Castle Rushin, which is or was kept a little in repair, is a prison or dungeon, for ecclesiastical offenders. "This," says Waldron, "is certainly one of the most dreadful places that imagination can form; the sea runs under it through the hollows of the rock with such a continual roar, that you would think it were every moment breaking in upon you, and over it are the vaults for burying the dead. The stairs descending to this place of terrors are not above thirty, but so steep and narrow, that they are very difficult to go down, a child of eight or nine years not being able to pass them but sideways."--WALDRON'S _Description of the Isle of Man, in his Works_, p. 105, folio.

  "Do not think better of me than I deserve," said the Earl to Peveril;"my mother has omitted to tell you the culprit was pretty Peggy ofRamsey, and her crime what in Cupid's courts would have been called apeccadillo."

  "Do not make yourself worse than you are," replied Peveril, who observedthe Countess's cheek redden,--"you know you would have done as much forthe oldest and poorest cripple in the island. Why, the vault is underthe burial-ground of the chapel, and, for aught I know, under the oceanitself, such a roaring do the waves make in its vicinity. I think no onecould remain there long, and retain his reason."

  "It is an infernal hole," answered the Earl, "and I will have it builtup one day--that is full certain.--But hold--hold--for God's sake,madam--what are you going to do?--Look at the seal before you put it tothe warrant--you will see it is a choice antique cameo Cupid, ridingon a flying fish--I had it for twenty zechins, from Signor Furabosco atRome--a most curious matter for an antiquary, but which will add littlefaith to a Manx warrant.

  "My signet--my signet--Oh! you mean that with the three monstrouslegs, which I supposed was devised as the most preposterous device, torepresent our most absurd Majesty of Man.--The signet--I have not seenit since I gave it to Gibbon, my monkey, to play with.--He did whine forit most piteously--I hope he has not gemmed the green breast of oceanwith my symbol of sovereignty!"

  "Now, by Heaven," said the Countess, trembling, and colouring deeplywith anger, "it was your father's signet! the last pledge which he sent,with his love to me, and his blessing to thee, the night before theymurdered him at Bolton!"

  "Mother, dearest mother," said the Earl, startled out of his apathy, andtaking her hand, which he kissed tenderly, "I did but jest--the signetis safe--Peveril knows that it is so.--Go fetch it, Julian, for Heaven'ssake--here are my keys--it is in the left-hand drawer of my travellingcabinet--Nay, mother, forgive me--it was but a _mauvaise plaisanterie_;only an ill-imagined jest, ungracious, and in bad taste, I allow--butonly one of Philip's follies. Look at me, dearest mother, and forgiveme."

  The Countess turned her eyes towards him, from which the tears were fastfalling.

  "Philip," she said, "you try me too unkindly, and too severely. If timesare changed, as I have heard you allege--if the dignity of rank, andthe high feelings of honour and duty, are now drowned in giddy jests andtrifling pursuits, let _me_ at least, who live secluded from all others,die without perceiving the change which has happened, and, above all,without perceiving it in mine own son. Let me not learn the generalprevalence of this levity, which laughs at every sense of dignity orduty, through your personal disrespect--Let me not think that when Idie----"

  "Speak nothing of it, mother," said the Earl, interrupting heraffectionately. "It is true, I cannot promise to be all my father andhis fathers were; for we wear silk vests for their steel coats, andfeathered beavers for their crested helmets. But believe me, thoughto be an absolute Palmerin of England is not in my nature, no son everloved a mother more dearly, or would do more to oblige her. And that youmay own this, I will forthwith not only seal the warrants, to the greatendangerment of my precious fingers, but also read the same from end toend, as well as the despatches thereunto appertaining."

  A mother is easily appeased, even when most offended; and it was with anexpanding heart that the Countess saw her son's very handsomefeatures, while reading these papers, settle into an expression of deepseriousness, such as they seldom wore. It seemed to her as if the familylikeness to his gallant but unfortunate father increased, when theexpression of their countenances became similar in gravity. The Earlhad no sooner perused the despatches, which he did with great attention,than he rose and said, "Julian, come with me."

  The Countess looked surprised. "I was wont to share your father'scounsels, my son," she said; "but do not think that I wish to intrudemyself upon yours. I am too well pleased to see you assume the power andthe duty of thinking for yourself, which is what I have so longurged you to do. Nevertheless, my experience, who have been solong administrator of your authority in Man, might not, I think, besuperfluous to the matter in hand."

  "Hold me excused, dearest mother," said the Earl gravely. "Theinterference was none of my seeking; had you taken your own course,without consulting me, it had been well; but since I have entered on theaffair--and it appears sufficiently important--I must transact it to thebest of my own ability."

  "Go, then, my son," said the Countess, "and may Heaven enlighten theewith its counsel, since thou wilt have none of mine.--I trust that you,Master Peveril, will remind him of what is fit for his own honour;and that only a coward abandons his rights, and only a fool trusts hisenemies."

  The Earl answered not, but, taking Peveril by the arm, led him up awinding stair to his own apartment, and from thence into a projectingturret, where, amidst the roar of waves and sea-mews' clang, he heldwith him the following conversation:--

  "Peveril, it is well I looked into these warrants. My mother queens itat such a rate as may cost me not only my crown, which I care littlefor, but perhaps my head, wh
ich, though others may think little of, Iwould feel it an inconvenience to be deprived of."

  "What on earth is the matter?" said Peveril, with considerable anxiety.

  "It seems," said the Earl of Derby, "that old England who takes afrolicsome brain-fever once every two or three years, for the benefit ofher doctors, and the purification of the torpid lethargy brought on bypeace and prosperity, is now gone stark staring mad on the subject of areal or supposed Popish plot. I read one programme on the subject, bya fellow called Oates, and thought it the most absurd foolery I everperused. But that cunning fellow Shaftesbury, and some others amongstthe great ones, having taken it up, and are driving on at such a rateas makes harness crack, and horses smoke for it. The King, who has swornnever to kiss the pillow his father went to sleep on, temporises, andgives way to the current; the Duke of York, suspected and hated onaccount of his religion, is about to be driven to the continent; severalprincipal Catholic nobles are in the Tower already; and the nation,like a bull at Tutbury-running, is persecuted with so many inflammatoryrumours and pestilent pamphlets, that she has cocked her tail, flungup her heels, taken the bit betwixt her teeth and is as furiouslyunmanageable as in the year 1642."

  "All this you must have known already," said Peveril; "I wonder you toldme not of news so important."

  "It would have taken long to tell," said the Earl; "moreover, I desiredto have you _solus_; thirdly, I was about to speak when my motherentered; and, to conclude, it was no business of mine. But thesedespatches of my politic mother's private correspondent put a new faceon the whole matter; for it seems some of the informers--a trade which,having become a thriving one, is now pursued by many--have dared toglance at the Countess herself as an agent in this same plot--ay, andhave found those that are willing enough to believe their report."

  "On mine honour," said Peveril, "you both take it with great coolness.I think the Countess the more composed of the two; for, except hermovement hither, she exhibited no mark of alarm, and, moreover, seemedno way more anxious to communicate the matter to your lordship thandecency rendered necessary."

  "My good mother," said the Earl, "loves power, though it has cost herdear. I wish I could truly say that my neglect of business is entirelyassumed in order to leave it in her hands, but that better motivecombines with natural indolence. But she seems to have feared I shouldnot think exactly like her in this emergency, and she was right insupposing so."

  "How comes the emergency upon you?" said Julian; "and what form does thedanger assume?"

  "Marry, thus it is," said the Earl: "I need not bid you rememberthe affair of Colonel Christian. That man, besides his widow, who ispossessed of large property--Dame Christian of Kirk Truagh, whom youhave often heard of, and perhaps seen--left a brother called EdwardChristian, whom you never saw at all. Now this brother--but I dare sayyou know all about it."

  "Not I, on my honour," said Peveril; "you know the Countess seldom ornever alludes to the subject."

  "Why," replied the Earl, "I believe in her heart she is somethingashamed of that gallant act of royalty and supreme jurisdiction, theconsequences of which maimed my estate so cruelly.--Well, cousin,this same Edward Christian was one of the dempsters at the time, and,naturally enough, was unwilling to concur in the sentence which adjudgedhis _aine_ to be shot like a dog. My mother, who was then in high force,and not to be controlled by any one, would have served the dempster withthe same sauce with which she dressed his brother, had he not been wiseenough to fly from the island. Since that time, the thing has slept onall hands; and though we knew that Dempster Christian made occasionallysecret visits to his friends in the island, along with two or threeother Puritans of the same stamp, and particularly a prick-eared rogue,called Bridgenorth, brother-in-law to the deceased, yet my mother, thankHeaven, has hitherto had the sense to connive at them, though, for somereason or other, she holds this Bridgenorth in especial disfavour."

  "And why," said Peveril, forcing himself to speak, in order to concealthe very unpleasant surprise which he felt, "why does the Countess nowdepart from so prudent a line of conduct?"

  "You must know the case is now different. The rogues are not satisfiedwith toleration--they would have supremacy. They have found friends inthe present heat of the popular mind. My mother's name, and especiallythat of her confessor, Aldrick the Jesuit, have been mentioned in thisbeautiful maze of a plot, which if any such at all exists, she knows aslittle of as you or I. However, she is a Catholic, and that is enough;and I have little doubt, that if the fellows could seize on our scrap ofa kingdom here, and cut all our throats, they would have the thanks ofthe present House of Commons, as willingly as old Christian had those ofthe Rump, for a similar service."

  "From whence did you receive all this information?" said Peveril, againspeaking, though by the same effort which a man makes who talks in hissleep.

  "Aldrick has seen the Duke of York in secret, and his Royal Highness,who wept while he confessed his want of power to protect hisfriends--and it is no trifle will wring tears from him--told him tosend us information that we should look to our safety, for that DempsterChristian and Bridgenorth were in the island, with secret and severeorders; that they had formed a considerable party there, and were likelyto be owned and protected in anything they might undertake against us.The people of Ramsey and Castletown are unluckily discontented aboutsome new regulation of the imposts; and to tell you the truth, thoughI thought yesterday's sudden remove a whim of my mother's, I am almostsatisfied they would have blockaded us in Rushin Castle, where we couldnot have held out for lack of provisions. Here we are better supplied,and, as we are on our guard, it is likely the intended rising will nottake place."

  "And what is to be done in this emergency?" said Peveril.

  "That is the very question, my gentle coz," answered the Earl."My mother sees but one way of going to work, and that is by royalauthority. Here are the warrants she had prepared, to search for, take,and apprehend the bodies of Edward Christian and Robert--no, RalphBridgenorth, and bring them to instant trial. No doubt, she would soonhave had them in the Castle court, with a dozen of the old matchlockslevelled against them--that is her way of solving all suddendifficulties."

  "But in which, I trust, you do not acquiesce, my lord," answeredPeveril, whose thoughts instantly reverted to Alice, if they could everbe said to be absent from her.

  "Truly I acquiesce in no such matter," said the Earl. "WilliamChristian's death cost me a fair half of my inheritance. I have no fancyto fall under the displeasure of my royal brother, King Charles, for anew escapade of the same kind. But how to pacify my mother, I know not.I wish the insurrection would take place, and then, as we are betterprovided than they can be, we might knock the knaves on the head; andyet, since they began the fray, we should keep the law on our side."

  "Were it not better," said Peveril, "if by any means these men could beinduced to quit the island?"

  "Surely," replied the Earl; "but that will be no easy matter--theyare stubborn on principle, and empty threats will not move them. Thisstormblast in London is wind in their sails, and they will run theirlength, you may depend on it. I have sent orders, however, to clap upthe Manxmen upon whose assistance they depended, and if I can find thetwo worthies themselves, here are sloops enough in the harbour--I willtake the freedom to send them on a pretty distant voyage, and I hopematters will be settled before they return to give an account of it."

  At this moment a soldier belonging to the garrison approached the twoyoung men, with many bows and tokens of respect. "How now, friend?" saidthe Earl to him. "Leave off thy courtesies, and tell thy business."

  The man, who was a native islander, answered in Manx, that he had aletter for his honour, Master Julian Peveril. Julian snatched the billethastily, and asked whence it came.

  "It was delivered to him by a young woman," the soldier replied, "whohad given him a piece of money to deliver it into Master Peveril's ownhand."

  "Thou art a lucky fellow, Julian," said the Earl. "With that grave browof
thine, and thy character for sobriety and early wisdom, you set thegirls a-wooing, without waiting till they are asked; whilst I, theirdrudge and vassal, waste both language and leisure, without getting akind word or look, far less a billet-doux."

  This the young Earl said with a smile of conscious triumph, as in facthe valued himself not a little upon the interest which he supposedhimself to possess with the fair sex.

  Meanwhile the letter impressed on Peveril a different train of thoughtsfrom what his companion apprehended. It was in Alice's hand, andcontained these few words:--

  "I fear what I am going to do is wrong; but I must see you. Meet me at noon at Goddard Crovan's Stone, with as much secrecy as you may."

  The letter was signed only with the initials A. B.; but Julian had nodifficulty in recognising the handwriting, which he had often seen,and which was remarkably beautiful. He stood suspended, for he saw thedifficulty and impropriety of withdrawing himself from the Countess andhis friend at this moment of impending danger; and yet, to neglect thisinvitation was not to be thought of. He paused in the utmost perplexity.

  "Shall I read your riddle?" said the Earl. "Go where love calls you--Iwill make an excuse to my mother--only, most grave anchorite, behereafter more indulgent to the failings of others than you have beenhitherto, and blaspheme not the power of the little deity."

  "Nay, but, Cousin Derby--" said Peveril, and stopped short, for hereally knew not what to say. Secured himself by a virtuous passion fromthe contagious influence of the time, he had seen with regret his noblekinsman mingle more in its irregularities than he approved of, and hadsometimes played the part of a monitor. Circumstances seemed at presentto give the Earl a right of retaliation. He kept his eye fixed on hisfriend, as if he waited till he should complete his sentence, and atlength exclaimed, "What! cousin, quite _a-la-mort!_ Oh, most judiciousJulian! Oh, most precise Peveril! have you bestowed so much wisdom on methat you have none left for yourself? Come, be frank--tell me name andplace--or say but the colour of the eyes of the most emphatic she--ordo but let me have the pleasure to hear thee say, 'I love!'--confess onetouch of human frailty--conjugate the verb _amo_, and I will be a gentleschoolmaster, and you shall have, as father Richards used to say, whenwe were under his ferule, '_licentia exeundi_.'"

  "Enjoy your pleasant humour at my expense, my lord," said Peveril; "Ifairly will confess thus much, that I would fain, if it consisted withmy honour and your safety, have two hours at my own disposal; the moreespecially as the manner in which I shall employ them may much concernthe safety of the island."

  "Very likely, I dare say," answered the Earl, still laughing. "No doubtyou are summoned out by some Lady Politic Wouldbe of the isle, to talkover some of the breast-laws: but never mind--go, and go speedily, thatyou may return as quickly as possible. I expect no immediate explosionof this grand conspiracy. When the rogues see us on our guard, they willbe cautious how they break out. Only, once more make haste."

  Peveril thought this last advice was not to be neglected; and, glad toextricate himself from the raillery of his cousin, walked down towardsthe gate of the Castle, meaning to cross over to the village, and theretake horse at the Earl's stables, for the place of rendezvous.