Read Phenomenal X Page 18

  “I almost feel sorry for you.”

  I lift my chin. “You shouldn’t waste your time.”

  She quirks an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”

  “You’re the one that needs to get over it and move on. He’s done with you and your…’relationship.’ It meant nothing to him. Get that through your head and butt out of our business.”

  She narrows her eyes. “In a month from now, don’t say I didn’t warn you. I came over here to offer you some friendly advice—woman to woman.”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “What’s that?”

  She smirks. “Make friends with the other wrestlers, because maybe when he’s through with you, one of them might take you on, if you’re lucky. They’re all loaded.”

  I curl my lip. “You disgust me.”

  She laughs. “The innocent card works for you. Keep it up. It’s a great cover. I might have to actually use that one myself.”

  Maybe I need to be more direct?

  “Stay away from me.”

  “I’ll stay away from you all right, but I can’t promise the same for your boyfriend. He has a hard time turning me down…as you well know.” She winks at me.

  Blood boils in my veins. I’m not usually one to condone violence of any sort, but I would like nothing more than to throttle her. Pulling her hair and smacking that cocky look off her face would make me so happy, but I refuse to sink to her level.

  I won’t allow her taunts to incite the reaction she wants.

  When I don’t say a word, she laughs in my face and turns to walk into the hallway where the man I recognize from television as Xavier’s nemesis awaits. Assassin grins as he wraps his arm around Deena’s waist and kisses the side of her head. It’s almost like he’s pleased that she’s just been in here, pushing my buttons.

  I take a deep breath and walk into the room. The walls are white, just like the hallway, and there are several tables set up with women and children sitting around them. Babies sit on their mother’s laps and bang their toys onto the blue tabletops while their mothers attempt to feed them.

  There’s an empty seat next to one of the ladies with a toddler on her lap, and I make my way toward it. My fingers curl around the back of the chair, and the woman glances up at me with warm chocolate eyes and a kind smile, and for some reason I automatically feel at ease with her. The three other tables are filled with women chatting amongst themselves, but for some reason, this lady is alone like they are excluding her.

  “Is this seat taken?” I ask.

  “No.” She gestures toward the seat. “Have a seat.”

  I return her smile with a polite one of my own. “Thank you. I’m Anna.”

  She nods and lays down the spoon she was just feeding her daughter with before extending her hand to me. “I’ve heard about you. I’m Liv, Brian’s wife.”

  I take her hand, curious as to exactly what she’s heard when remnants of her child’s lunch rub off onto my fingertips.

  Liv grimaces. “Sorry about that. Here.” She hands me a napkin. “Do you have any?”

  I take the napkin and begin to wipe the spaghetti sauce from my fingers. “Children? No. I’m not even married yet.”

  Liv laughs and tosses her brown hair over her shoulder. “I wasn’t either, until last month.”

  My eyebrows flick up in quick surprise. I know that having babies out of wedlock is a common practice these days, I’ve just never known anyone who’s done it.

  “Is she…” Damn. How do I ask this question without sounding completely rude?

  Fortunately, I don’t have to because she finishes for me. “Brian’s?”

  I nod.

  “Yes.” She hugs the little blond-haired child tighter against her and kisses the top of her head. “Acts just like him too. Ornery.”

  “Anna meet Kami. Kami can you say hello to Miss Anna?”

  Kami stares up at me with the same dark eyes that her mother has, but I can see a lot of Brian in her as well. “Helwo.”

  “Good job,” Liv praises her.

  The little girl giggles and squirms as her mom tickles her ribs before setting her down so she can play around on the floor with a couple of other small kids.

  “She’s adorable,” I say as I watch the children play.

  “Thanks. She can be a handful most days, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” Liv begins cleaning up the mess in front of her. “So you and X…are you all a couple? Brian wasn’t sure.”

  My lips twist for a brief second. Xavier hasn’t come right out and said he’s my boyfriend or anything, but we’ve been attached at the hip for a little while now. I believe that would qualify us as an item. “Yes.”

  “That’s good news. I was so excited when I heard he ditched Deena. She wasn’t the one for X, but she wouldn’t give up trying to sink her claws into him.”

  I can’t help snickering. “Wow. Not a fan, huh?”

  “Definitely not. It’s girls like her that give women in general a bad name. This room is full of them.” She gives me a pointed look, and I glance over at the other tables filled with women dressed a lot like Deena. “No matter how clear X made it that he didn’t want a relationship with Deena, she still tagged along with him, hoping he would give in and she’d find a way to weasel into his pocket.”

  My thoughts automatically revert to Alice and what Quinn said about her. “I know another girl like her. She’s a bitch too. It must be a genetic trait with gold-diggers.”

  Liv grins. “I like you. It’s about time X had someone like you. Being around a genuine woman will be good for him.”

  “Thanks. I hope so.”

  “I’m sure things will work out.”

  At that second Kami begins to cry and Liv hops out of her seat to scoop the child into her arms. Liv cradles her little girl to her chest and speaks softly into her ear attempting to console her. She’s a good mother. I’ve only known her a few minutes, but there’s no mistaking how much she adores the little girl.

  My cell phone buzzes in my back pocket. Quickly I dig it out and check the screen.


  With everything going on last night I forgot to call Quinn to let her know I made it to the hotel safe. She won’t be pleased with me.

  I answer on the third ring, and Quinn immediately starts in on me. “What’s up with not calling, Hookerbot? How am I supposed to know you’re safe if you don’t check in?”

  I furrow my brow. “Hooker-what?”

  “It’s my new slang word, but don’t go and try to distract me from being pissed at you. Call me every day—ring a bell?”

  I sigh. “I’m sorry. Things were busy last night.”

  “Uh-huh. I bet they were. You slept with Mr. Sexy, didn’t you?”

  A blush creeps over my face, and I can even feel my ears burn from all the blood rushing to my face. I could deny it and keep it private, but I don’t want to. I want her to know. “Yes.”

  She shrieks. “Anna Cortez! You little slut.”

  “Quinn!” I scold. “It’s not like that.”

  “Oh, I know it’s not. You two are way past random fucking now. You’re moving into the ‘when’s the wedding’ phase.”

  I shake my head and roll my eyes. “Trust me, we aren’t anywhere near that.”

  “But you screwed his brains out anyway? I’m so proud.” I hear her mock sniff on the other end of the line. “So, how does it feel to be out in the big world all on your own?”

  I grin. “It’s so freeing. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”

  “Do you miss home at all?”

  I sigh. “No. There’s nothing in Portland for me anymore.”

  “I’m so happy for you, cuz. But I think you need to call Uncle Simon. He’s been hounding Mom to death about you.”

  “I texted him this morning.”

  “Did you tell him where you are?”

  “Not exactly, but I did tell him what city we were in, and that I was working for a wrestler. That’s it. Why?”

She’s quiet for a moment, and my pulse picks up speed as I wonder what’s going on.

  Finally she answers, “Uncle Simon has been threatening to come get you and take you back home. He’s convinced that you’re screwing up your life, and he needs to intervene.”

  I sit up a little straighter in my seat. “Do you think he’ll come here?”

  “I don’t know…maybe? You know how he is.”

  I swallow hard and glance down at my forearm, remembering the last time I saw Father, and the bruises he left there when he was trying to force me to stay in Portland.

  I don’t want to see him. Not here. I’m not ready.

  Liv approaches the table. “Quinn, I’ve got to go. Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll call you soon.”

  “Okay. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  She joins me back at the table holding Kami. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Your mom?”

  “Cousin,” I correct as I stuff my phone back in my pocket. “She’s like my sister though.”

  She nods and checks the time on her cell phone. “Are you going to watch the match tonight? Brian really enjoys the nights he and X get to go at it.”

  “Yes. I’d love to. I’ve never seen Xavier perform yet.”

  “Oh, in that case, we have to go out into the arena tonight. There are seats reserved for family near the entry ramp. You’ll be able to get the ‘extreme fan’ experience there.”

  “Sounds great,” I say enthusiastically, genuinely excited to watch Xavier do something I know he loves so much.

  Liv stands, picks up Kami and gathers her bags. “I’ll find you just before they go on, and we’ll go out on the floor together. They should be the last event. I’ve got to go back to the hotel for a bit and put her down for a nap otherwise she’ll never make it tonight.”

  “Okay, see you then.” I wave to her as they leave, and I catch myself smiling.

  Liv is the type of person I can imagine being friends with. She took me under her wing—no questions asked. There’s not much kindness like that in the world nowadays.

  Sitting alone at the table, I fiddle with my phone. None of the other women in the room approach me, although every now and then I catch one of them staring openly at me, judging me with their eyes, only to quickly turn away once they realize I’ve seen them.

  It’s nearly an hour before Xavier returns. He’s dressed in camouflaged cargo pants and a plain black tank top that puts his defined body on display. I swear some of the other women in the room sigh as he approaches me, and I resist sticking my tongue out at them to rub in the fact that he’s mine.

  He pulls out the chair next to me and sits down. “Sorry I was gone so long. We always have a meeting with the writers ahead of time to find out what we need to do for the show.”

  “Because it’s all scripted, right?”

  He nods. “Yeah, but we get to improvise a little too. Brian and I are the best at that.”

  I lean my elbow on the table and rest my chin in my hand. “So you already know who’s winning the match between you?”


  I bat my eyes. “Care to share?”

  He smirks. “Really? Like there’s even a chance it wouldn’t be me.”

  “My, my. Cocky, aren’t we?”

  “It’s not cocky when you’re that damn good.” He winks at me.

  I roll my eyes and laugh. “So, what do we do now?”

  “The show starts in an hour. I’m going to go do some cardio to get ready, and you’re going to watch.”

  “You want me to sit there while you work out?”

  He nods. “You don’t want to?”

  My eyes trail down his cut biceps and chest, and I allow my mind to wander back to last night when he was doing push-ups. Even though he was in a bad place mentally, while he was doing it, he still looked damn fine.

  I could watch that man work up a sweat any day.

  “Of course I do.” I smile. “I love watching you.”

  He grins and leans in and kisses my lips. “The feeling’s mutual.”

  A shiver flutters through my entire body, and if we weren’t in a room full of children, I might be tempted to jump his bones. I’m so ready to go another round with him in bed.

  He chuckles. “Come on, beautiful. We’ve got a busy night ahead.”

  A little while later I find myself sitting on a metal folding chair in my shorts and t-shirt observing a room full of beefy men working out before it’s time for them to go on. While sitting here I’ve learned the guys who are just getting their foot in the door, so to speak, go on first—as opening acts, if you will—while the more popular superstars go on later in the show.

  To each man, their match is serious. It’s scripted and all that, but watching exactly how much physical pain some of them are in when they return backstage alerts me to the fact that the physicality of their job is very real. Someone can really get hurt if control isn’t maintained at all times.

  Most of the men are focused on their on pre-game routine. All but one, that is.

  Rex “Assassin” Risen has been intently staring at me every time Xavier’s back is turned. Like right now.

  Xavier stands in front of me alternating lifts with fifty-pound dumbbells, while Assassin leans against the wall, his arms folded over his chest, watching us with a mixed expression of curiosity and amusement.

  It’s almost as if he’s planning something devious, and I don’t like that thought one bit.

  I debate whether or not to alert Xavier to the situation, but decide against it so he can remain focused on his match. If his head isn’t on right, he could get hurt out there. I can’t have him out there worried about this guy, who is obviously a jerk. After the match is over—when I know he’ll be able to handle it without getting himself hurt—I’ll tell him.

  The short man, wearing a baseball cap and headphones with a mic attached, who has been alerting the men when their match is up pops into the room. “Assassin, you’re on deck, man.”

  Assassin pushes himself off the wall and strides past us. Xavier’s body stiffens, as if it takes all of his self-control to allow him to pass without saying a word to him. I know exactly how he feels. It’s the same feeling I get when Deena is around.

  The area goes nuts when Assassin’s entrance music plays, and his name is announced. The cheers from the crowd are unmistakable, and I wonder if they would love him as much if they knew that he was a grade-A asshole?

  Xavier sets his weights down and begins to stretch. “I’m up next. You can watch from the monitors by the wrestler’s entrance into the arena, if you want.”

  I stand. “Actually, I’ve got other plans.”

  He tilts his head. “You’re not going to watch me?”

  “I am, but Liv is going to take me out on the floor so I get the ‘extreme fan’ experience.”

  He laughs and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me against his chest. “I also plan on giving you a phenomenal experience again, tonight.”

  I giggle as he kisses my lips.

  “All right, that’s enough, lovebirds,” Brian says as he approaches us with one arm around Liv, holding Kami in the other.

  My eyes instantly widen as I take in the shiny, gold belt around Brian’s waist. “You’re the champ?”

  Kami pats his chest. “Daddy champ!”

  Brian smiles at us. “She really isn’t a fan, is she, X?”

  Xavier laughs. “Told you.”

  I shrug, feeling embarrassed that I didn’t know.

  Liv takes Kami from Brian’s arms and then gives him a quick kiss. “Have a good match, babe.” She turns to me. “Let’s hurry and get our seats.”

  Xavier pats my butt after I pull away. “I expect extra loud cheering from your section when I come out.”

  I laugh. “You got it.”

  Liv leads me down the hall and waves at the security guards, addressing them by name. She turns to me and hands me a laminated pass. “Here, keep this on. You’ll need
it until the guys get to know you. The show’s on a commercial break, so outside the door will be packed. Stick with me so I can get us to our seats.”

  I nod and do as she instructed while following her through a door leading out into the public concession area. People mill about in every direction, and their chatter is deafening. We head through a tunnel into the arena, and I’m awed by the bright lights and sold-out crowd.

  We bob and weave through the fans, and I spot a few ‘Phenomenal X’ t-shirts along the way. I need one of those, I think to myself, and laugh at the thought of always having him so close to me.

  Finally, we arrive at our section, and Liv walks all the way over to last seat near the barricade. “You sit here. They’ll come down that ramp to get to the ring.”

  The metal stage is backlit by millions of mini bulbs and a monstrous screen. There are several men running around, checking things before the show resumes, and the excitement in the air is so thick I can nearly taste it. An overhead announcement is made alerting people to take their seats.

  “Thirty seconds.”

  “Are you excited?” Liv asks me, balancing Kami on her hip.

  “Yes! This is amazing. It’s one thing to watch videos and stuff, but it’s another to be here in the moment.”

  A man in a dark suit steps into the ring, microphone in hand and my whole body jitters with excitement.

  The lights dim and the crowd roars the moment Xavier’s entrance music, X Gon’ Give It To Ya, blares throughout the arena. My eyes flit to the huge screen, ecstatic to be out here watching him in all his glory. Twenty-five thousand spectators are on their feet going wild. Banners and posters pepper the stands with the words ‘Phenomenal X’ written across them.

  “Keep your eyes on the black curtain. He’ll come through that.” Liv adjusts the noise canceling headphones on Kami’s little head. “It’ll get crazy when the crowd spots him.”

  I grip the railing and lean against it for a better look around the slew of fans, who are already waving their arms like mad. Smoke wafts around the stage, and the lights in the entire arena shut off. Red flashes speckle the stage, drawing everyone’s attention. The camera crew line themselves up on the ramp, ready to catch all the action for the millions of viewers at home.