Read Phoenix Rising (Phoenix of the Heart) Page 5

thing for Scott.” I felt a prick of jealousy that had no business being there.

  I shoved it away as we continued decorating, but the whole time I longed to be in the computer room talking to Scott. When I was hanging the last snowflake, he emerged from the back room. I was struck again by how attractive he was and I had to force myself not to stare.

  Scott seemed impressed with the streamers, snowflakes, and twinkling lights decorating his bachelor pad. “Not bad, you guys, not bad at all. In fact, I’d say you three deserve a drink. What’ll you have? I’ve got Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew or Mountain Dew.” A giggle burst from my lips before I could stop it.

  Scott looked at me and smiled. “I take it you want Pepsi?”

  I giggled again and blushed profusely. “Mountain Dew would be great,” I murmured. He walked into the kitchen while the rest of us took a seat in the living room. Scott came back with four cans of pop and sat on the sofa across from me. It gave me the chance to get a better look at him. I noticed he was wearing high-tops which seemed suspiciously athletic to me. I got the impression he’d been a jock in high school. I’d never gotten along with jocks.

  Sorry Scott, strike one.

  He popped his can open, oblivious to my criticism, and took a long sip before asking, “Beth, you mentioned that Christmas is your favorite holiday. What do you like about it?”

  His genuine smile was engaging, and I couldn’t help smiling back. “Decorating the tree, I guess. And the presents, of course.”

  He winked at me, and my heart did a flip-flop. Scott turned to Angie. “You know, you’re welcome to join us at the party. You’ve earned the right since you helped decorate.”

  I sincerely hoped this was a gesture of kindness on his part and not a sign of interest in my girlfriend.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m already committed that night.” She smiled at him and then looked at me. I knew she didn’t have any plans. A truer friend I would never find.

  “Well, I hope you can join us some other time, then,” Scott said amiably.

  Mike jumped right in, rambling about the other users who were planning to come to the party. I looked away self-consciously whenever Scott caught me staring, but I couldn’t help myself. There was something alluring about those gray eyes.

  I wanted to get Scott talking, so I asked, “How many BBS parties have you had?”

  “This will actually be my third. I think you’ll be surprised when you meet everyone.”

  Angie perked up. “What do you mean?”

  Scott grinned. “Well, let’s just say that not everyone will look the way you imagined.”

  I’d already experienced that with Mike and my curiosity was piqued. “Who will surprise me the most, Scott?”

  He chuckled. “I don’t want to spoil it for you, but I think you’ll enjoy the experience. We have a unique group of people on The Lighthouse. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy running it. We have people from all walks of life.”

  Mike told her proudly, “Yeah, all my friends are from The Lighthouse.”

  “Cool,” I answered. I was beginning to feel a fondness for Mike in a little-brother sort of way.

  I glanced over at Angie and saw she was playing with her nails—a common habit when she was bored, so I announced that we should probably go. As I got up to leave, Scott stopped me. “Beth, I’m sorry I had to work on my computer while you were here, but I’m really glad you came.”

  I looked into his eyes. There was something safe yet perilous about those dark gray eyes. “It was great to meet you in person, Keeper.”

  “I agree, Phoenix. I have to admit you surprised me.” I wondered what he meant, but was too shy to ask. Scott followed us to the car and watched as we drove away.

  Angie tugged on a lock of my hair. “Well, I think you two hit it off well. He sure gave you a few intense stares. So, what do you think of him?”

  I tried to sound nonchalant. “He looks like a jock. I guess I’ll have to get to know him better and see if he’s a jerk or not.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He seems like a perfectly nice guy, Beth. I really like him.”

  “I like him, too.” I shyly admitted.

  “No duh, you giggled and made cow eyes at him the whole time.”

  I poked her ribs with one hand while keeping the other on the steering wheel. “Shut up!” I did not need to be reminded of my juvenile behavior.

  Later that night, I called the board and was in for a pleasant surprise. Scott had left me an email that left no doubt how he felt about our initial meeting.

  Hey Beth!

  It was great meeting you today. You have the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen. Wow, you literally took my breath away. I’m looking forward to the party.

  I’ll be away in Atlanta this week, but I’ll type to you using my portable computer. I needed to fix the one at home so I could call my board while I’m gone. Maybe now you can understand why I had to be antisocial. Trust me, it was not by choice.

  Anyway, I’m leaving tonight so I won’t be able to chat until I get back. We’ll just have to live with email messages until then.


  It seemed I had left as big an impression on him as he had on me. I hit the key to continue and found another message waiting for me from someone else.

  Hubba Hubba Phoenix!

  You’re one fine looking woman. You never told us how attractive you were. Are you sure you won’t join me in a hot tub? We have one at the apartments. At least think about it, okay?

  Love those legs!


  I wanted to gag after reading Runner’s email. I couldn’t believe Mike had changed back into his alias personality. I deleted his message without answering it. I made my way to General Sub and found Mike had left a message there as well.

  General Sub


  Title: To all the guys out there

  From: Runner #22


  Hey everyone!

  I just met Phoenix today, and boy is she HOT! It’d be worth coming to the party just to see her. The two of us decorated The Lighthouse party pad today. I must admit we did an incredible job if I say so myself.

  Phoenix, nice meeting you. Don’t forget my offer! >:)



  I was embarrassed by his post and hoped that if I ignored Mike’s comment he’d get the message I wasn’t interested. I did, however, leave the following post to the rest of the group.


  Title: Hello to you all!

  From: Phoenix #42


  It was fun visiting The Lighthouse! The place looks great for next week’s party.

  Hey Keeper, it was a pleasure meeting you today.

  Runner, now I can put the face to the name. I must say, you sure seem a lot different in person.

  Daisy, will you be coming to the party? I want to meet you!!!

  Greywolf, I hope you’ll be there, too. It’d be fun to talk a little shop with you. I doubt there will be too many teachers at the BBS party. (grin)

  It will be awesome to see all the people I’ve been typing to.



  After I’d finished the post, I decided to answer Scott’s latest email. I found typing to him far easier than talking in person.

  Dear Scott,

  I enjoyed meeting you in person. I must say you have the most striking eyes I’ve seen. You said they were brown, but they are most definitely gray. And you didn’t tell me you had a mustache. I find them quite charming.

  I’m excited about the upcoming party and can’t wait to meet the gang. Thanks for inviting me to decorate The Lighthouse. I understand why you had to work on the computer. No worries.

  The party next Saturday is going be a blast!


  I hadn’t eaten dinner, but the way I was feeling I wasn’t even hungry. I decided I might as well do laundry. I was digging through my clo
set when I heard a knock at the door. My heart jumped into my throat.

  It’s Jim! I couldn’t believe I’d totally forgotten about him.

  “Bet you thought I wasn’t going to make it,” he exclaimed when I opened the door.

  I smiled weakly. “You’ve got that right.”

  “Well, just like I promised, I’m here for your pleasure.” He produced a bouquet of red roses from behind his back and grinned. “So, what’s for supper?”

  I could smell alcohol on his breath when I took the flowers from him. “Wait a sec, I thought we were going out.”

  “Out? Actually, Beth, I was hoping to stay here. Spend some quality time together.” His voice had a gruff quality to it.

  “But didn’t you promise me a night out on the town?” I insisted.

  “The team worked the entire day, so we stopped at a bar afterwards to unwind. I’m too tired and hungry to go out.” He walked into the apartment and flopped down at the kitchen table.

  I sighed as I shut the door. “I suppose if we must stay in, it means I have to cook something,” I pouted as I walked into the kitchen. I put down the flowers and dug my only vase out from under the sink. I filled it with water and plopped them in unceremoniously.

  I started gathering ingredients for a quick dinner while he talked. “So, Beth, what’s The Keeper like?”

  I answered cautiously, “He seems nice.”

  “Oh, really? What did you two end up doing?” I didn’t hear a hint of jealousy in his voice, which surprised me.

  I related the facts without revealing my feelings. “I didn’t see much of him, actually. He worked on his computer most of the time we were there. I did talk to Runner though.”

  “Runner’s a real kick. I like that guy,” Jim chuckled. “What was he doing there?”

  “Same as me, we decorated the apartment with Angie’s help. Scott,