Read Picked Page 8

  Oh. Wow. I opened one eye before opening them both wide. Becker was standing in front of me, taking his cock in his hand. I watched him stroke his shaft over top of me, not really me, but it felt like it now. It was easier for me to imagine it being me now that I was so aroused.

  My character was very similar to the size I really was. Everything was proportioned about the same as it would be in real life. I wondered if Becker’s character was, too. If so, that might hurt a little. I clicked on it, hoping I could touch it. Of course, I couldn’t, only he had those authorities.

  Neither of us spoke. I watched the screen and Becker controlled the situation. The muscles on his chest glistened with sweat. Becker stroked himself between my legs. I wondered when that happened. When did my arms fall to the sides of the bed? When did the head of his shaft takeover for my fingers. I watched the intense way he manipulated my sex with his steel rod, mimicking his movements with my fingers.

  “You feel amazing,” he rasped in the phone.

  I didn’t find it silly anymore. Hearing him tell me how good I felt, watching the close-up of him insulting my character was the most erotic thing I’d ever witnessed. I was the daughter of Jake McClelland. I had witnessed a lot.

  “Becker,” I moaned, warning him of what was about to happen.

  “Yes, Cassie. Make it come.”

  OH MY GOD! I moaned, thrashing my hips into what I imagined was the head of Becker’s cock. Letting my mind drift into a faraway fantasy, I felt the wave surge my lower abdomen and then my groin. Just when I thought it was over, I watched Becker deposit his load onto my stomach. The second wave hit and I shuddered, feeling the surge engulf my entire body. I let out some sort of high pitched girly sound, feeling my orgasm reach its peak.

  “Damn, Cassie,” Becker moaned.

  “What the hell just happened?” I asked, massaging the last of my amazing orgasm from my satisfied clit.

  “Still think it was silly?” Becker boasted.

  “Nope. Not at all. You’re crazy,” I accused light-heartily.

  “Hmmm, I’m not sure you can accuse me of that. You just took me to play glow in the dark putt-putt golf.”

  I laughed. “It’s almost midnight. You said you were picking me up at nine in the morning.”

  “Are you telling me goodnight, Cass?”

  “I am. Goodnight, Becker.”

  “Goodnight, Cassie. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Count on it.”

  Staring up at the ceiling, I thought about this beautiful mess. I could fall madly in love with Becker. It would be so easy for me to drop everything in my worthless life and follow him anywhere. The one thing I couldn’t do was share. Why did I have to be so nosey? I should’ve just let Marti close the case and move on. Sure nothing good could come from this I sighed, rolled over, and snuggled with Snowball

  I thought about my mom and what she would say about the whole messed up situation. I could only remember one time we ever talked about boys. I missed that. I wished I had my mom to talk about the things my dad knew nothing about. It was my first year in kindergarten and my mother had just picked me up.

  “How was your day?” she asked, beaming proudly from ear to ear.

  She buckled my seatbelt and I held her face in my hands. “Mom, boys are so dumb.”

  Tugging on my seatbelt, she kissed my forehead. “Tell me about it,” she agreed, amused with a happy smile. “What happened? Why are boys dumb?” she asked.

  Waiting for her to walk around the car, I explained. “Well, Mathew Willow said I was his girlfriend at first recess, then he said Allison was his girlfriend at lunch. How can a boy have two girlfriends? He’s sooooooo dumb,” I dramatically expressed my first real opinion of the opposite sex.

  My mother smiled through the rearview mirror.

  I wondered what she’d think about this. Becker loved more than one girl. They lived with him as his wives. Surely she wouldn’t be okay with it, either. Would she?

  I didn’t even remember dozing off. Snowball would have normally pawed my face, waking me up by then. Instead, it was the ringing of my phone that did it.

  “Hello,” I sleepily said, finding my phone on the floor. That’s what that noise was in the middle of the night.

  “You’re still in bed, aren’t you?” Becker asked.

  It took me a minute to register what was happening. SHIT! I overslept. “Crap. Yes. I am. Give me twenty minutes. Go get us some coffee at the convenience store on the corner. I’m a fast get readier. I’m sorry.”

  I jumped up, pulling my shirt over my head and sliding out of my panties, tripping over them around my ankles. It’s a good thing Becker couldn’t see in the window. My phone went sliding across the room when my elbows caught my fall, my ass went straight up in the air and my panties tangled around my feet. I had to clean my room. Had I not stepped on an empty bottle of lotion I’d tossed and missed to the trash, I could have handled walking and stripping at the same time. I hung up after crawling bare-ass to my phone. I wasn’t explaining that one.

  Becker didn’t make my tardiness awkward at all. He took my advice and waited for me with a cup of coffee in hand. I smiled and took it.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked, kissing me just in front of my ear.

  “I did, thanks to you,” I said with a blush, feeling that sensation deep in the pit of my stomach. What the hell was that? Hoping I wasn’t getting sick, I reverted my eyes. My foot was constantly in my mouth around this guy.

  He snorted, amused at my rosy cheeks. “Let’s go. You’re taking me on an adventure.”

  “I’m taking you?” I asked, confused while sliding into his classy Buick.

  “Yeah. You told me you like to explore abandoned places, remember?”

  “I told you that?” I asked, puzzled. I didn’t remember telling him that.

  “Yeah, when you first joined Picked. You were trying like hell to blow me off.”

  “Hmmm, okay. I did tell you that.” I vaguely remembered.

  “You did. Tell me about it. How’d you get into doing this?”

  “I don’t know. My grandma, I guess. I used to do it with her and with Justine a couple times, but she doesn’t really like it. She’s sort of a girly girl. She doesn’t like to get her hands dirty,” I explained.

  “And you do?”

  “It depends, I guess. You don’t really get dirty exploring abandoned buildings, unless you want to. Do you have a place in mind?”

  “Sort of. I don’t know what you’ve already explored, though. There’s an abandoned furniture store over on Route 3. You know it?”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it.


  “That’s not really abandoned. They just closed up shop. This is a little more in depth than that. How much time do you have? I drove past a place a couple months back with Justine. I tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn’t. We could go there if you want.”

  “Okay. Punch it in,” he agreed, nodding to his GPS. “What is it?”

  “It’s an old factory. I think they made car parts or something, but the office building that it’s attached to looks pretty creepy. Let’s go see how many doors are unlocked.”

  “You’re crazy. You do know that, right?”

  “Yes. I do,” I admitted happily.

  I had so much fun with Becker. I was sure I hadn’t gut-wrench laughed like that since I’d done it with my mother as a little girl. Becker was so funny without meaning to be. I guess I was, too. We just got each other’s trivial sense of humor.

  Becker ran out of the car and unlocked the gate that we were supposed to stay behind. “If I go to jail, you’re bailing me out,” he teased, jumping in. We parked around the back of the building and got out, walking the parking lot where grass had taken over and leaving little in the way of pavement. The weeds were grown waist high along the row of windows. I tried the door first, not expecting it to open.

  “Come on. Let’s try the window,” I whispered.

bsp; “Okay, but why are you whispering?” Becker asked.

  “It’s an exclamation mark. It makes it more exciting and creepy.”

  “Okay, let’s keep doing it then. Your ass looks yummy in jeans, by the way.”

  I smiled, happy he was behind me. “So does yours,” I whispered. I even peeked over my shoulder with a smile. I was proud of that milestone.

  “WA-LA,” I said the magic word when I kicked a basement window and it opened.

  “The basement?”

  “What’s the matter? Chicken?” I taunted, kicking the window more. I sat on the ground and scooted myself through the window, turned on my belly, and slid in.

  Looking around, I determined we were entering through some sort of lab, probably where they did testing on parts or something. Becker slid down next. I was glad I went first. He would have been the one standing there, watching my ass slide down. My eyes moved to his bulge when he pulled his jeans down, adjusting his package.

  We didn’t really find anything exciting. It was dark and creepy, that’s about it, but nonetheless, it was fun. We stopped whispering and raced down the halls, laughing. I didn’t even realize we spent three hours there. Time seemed to stand still when I was with Becker. I could spend hours and hours with him. That’s what I did. I didn’t let myself think about what he had at home, my dad murdering him, or that it was all going to end. I spent the entire day in the moment.

  “I want to come in,” Becker said at the curb.

  “Um, maybe next time.”


  “Snowball doesn’t like guys.”

  “I’m sure I can handle Snowball. I’ll order us some supper.”

  “I have to work tomorrow.”

  “So do I.”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “No, buts. I won’t stay long.”

  I was panicking when he got out and walked around to let me out. I didn’t want him to go in my house. It didn’t look like his at all.

  “Beck, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Why?” he asked, standing in front of me. “Is it because you’re a—how should I say this? Slob?”

  My eyebrows frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I fixed your camera on your laptop to always be on.”

  I gasped, thinking about one thing. “Oh my god. You saw… Did you… Oh my god, Becker. You watched me last night didn’t you?” I stepped around him. I was mortified. He watched and he knew how messy I was. I could never look at him again.

  “I watched, but you were under the covers. We need to do that again without the concealment.” He grinned.

  I turned my red face away from him and he led me in. I wasn’t getting out of it. He was coming in. Shit. He was coming in.

  Chapter 9

  First step in the door I picked up a shirt and then dropped it. Looking around at the clutter, I decided it was useless. How embarrassing was this? “Do you want something to drink?”

  “Now this. This here confuses the hell out of me,” Becker ignored my question, holding his chin and pointing down to Snowball doing the crazy eight around his legs. Snowball always deserted my legs for someone else. I thought it was Justine, but it was anyone in general. “Why do you name a jet black cat Snowball?”

  I smiled and tilted my head. My god. What was it about Becker Cole that made me want to climb the Empire State Building? “It was Blackie,” I admitted.

  “That makes more sense. Why’d you change it?”

  “My neighbors are black. It didn’t go over so well when I walked the neighborhood calling for Blackie.”

  Becker laughed a full, throw-your-head-back laugh. “I can see you doing that,” he teased.

  “Sorry about the mess. I was going to clean it today. You kept me out all day. I’m just going to blame you.”

  “I’m afraid it’s a lot deeper than that,” Becker quietly spoke, stepping toward me. Shit. Was he about to kiss me? For real? In real life?

  “What do you mean?” I asked, staring right at his lips.

  “I mean I think you’re holding a lot in. I’ve been reading you all day.”

  “What’d you read?” I asked, feeling faint while his hands entrapped me against the back of the sofa.

  “I read that you’re trying really hard not to break this barrier between us. Why? What are you afraid of?”

  Audible air filled my nostrils. Wishing I could tell him that I knew and that I couldn’t be number four was what I was afraid of. I leaned into him and brushed his lips with mine. I did that all by myself. Nobody told me to do it. I kissed him all on my own. Yes. It’s a trivial milestone but momentous to me. It wasn’t right. It was so wrong. No man should feel that good. I had that fuzzy, lightheaded feeling going on again and an aching in my chest that worked like a drug. I wanted that feeling all the time, forever and ever. And Becker touching me was all I needed in order to have it.

  He lifted me to the back of the sofa and ran his hands up my ribs and back. His thumb brushed just below my bra strap like he was willing his thumb not to move any further. I wanted it to move further. My nipples perked, thinking about his thumbs, brushing over them. I slid my hips conspicuously into him. Okay, so maybe I sucked at being conspicuous, too. Becker pulled his tongue from my mouth and steadied his body between my legs.

  “I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered after a noticeable hiss.

  WHAT?! He was leaving? After that? No way?

  Becker laughed and kissed my lips quickly before stepping away. “You’re so bad.”

  “Why?” I asked hoping he hadn’t seen my eyes land right on the erection bursting from the right of his jeans. Yup. That could hurt a little. Jesus, Cass. Stop looking at it.

  “I’m leaving. What time will you be home from work? I’ll pick you up?”

  “Um, can I send you a text or something? I’m not quite sure what Matt has planned for me yet.”


  “Oh, he just works there. I will probably be doing a lot of paperwork for him,” I lied, willing my eyes to look at Snowball and not his crotch again.

  “Text me. Goodnight, Cass.”

  “Night, Beck.”

  Well hell. I sighed, dropping my shoulders in defeat.

  Eating a half bag of Cheetos, I laughed at the jiggling boobs. And yes, I ended up ordering the dumb shake weight that I would probably never use. I couldn’t help it. They made it look so cool and worthwhile. My arms were a little flabby, I justified, moving the skin back and forth with my fingers. Not really. There was no fat, but it still looked cool as hell.


  “Good morning. Good morning, good morning,” I said walking around the conference table. Matt looked at me peculiarly. I ignored him.

  I didn’t really pay attention while my dad circled the table, debriefing the old and new cases. I didn’t have to worry about my case. I didn’t have one. I chose to watch the squirrel play outside the window instead. I should have paid closer attention to Matt talking. I had no idea what the hell we were doing.

  “You’re awful cheerful this morning. Have a good weekend?” my dad asked as we walked single file out the door.

  “I had an awesome weekend. How about you? What did you do, Dad?” I asked cheerfully.

  “Not much. Go to work,” he ordered with a frown. I didn’t care. I was on cloud nine.

  “Let’s get coffee,” I said, bouncing in Matt’s car.

  “How many coffees have you already had?”

  “None. I’m just in a good mood today. What time are we going to be finished?”

  “Did you not hear a word of the meeting?”

  “Um, yeah. Why?”

  “We’re getting a hotel in Davenport today. Meeker is flying into Pittsburgh. We need to be there when he gets off the plane.”

  “Who the hell is Meeker?”

  “I knew you weren’t paying attention. How much longer you planning on doing this? You’re doing nothing but wasting my time.”

p; “I’m not staying in Davenport. I have plans tonight.”

  “Is that why you’re so chipper this morning? Who is he?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m not staying in Davenport with you.”

  “Then go back in there and tell your daddy. You’ve got five minutes before I head out.”

  What? No. Wait a minute. “No way. Can’t you just tell him I was with you?”

  “No, but I’ll call him for you. I’ve got things to do. I don’t have time to babysit you.”

  “You don’t have to babysit me. Stop!” I ordered, pulling his phone from his hand. Goddamnit, I didn’t want to stay in Davenport with Matt. I wanted to spend the evening with Becker. Grrr. I hated my life. “Just go. This is bullshit. You think maybe you could have told me? I don’t even have clothes.”

  “Really, Cassie? Maybe you should check your voicemail.”

  Looking for my cellphone, I found it in the bottom of my purse. He was right. Three new voicemails. One from him and two from Justine. I opened my text messages and read the ones from Justine first.

  Justine – I am going to kill you dead!!!! Call me

  Justine – This isn’t funny. I’m going to call your dad.

  Justine – Okay. That’s it. You’re dead, laying beneath a pile of decomposing leaves, aren’t you?

  I texted Justine and told her I was alive and well before reading Becker’s, saying good morning with a smiley face.

  Cass – Good morning. I think I may have to cancel our plans tonight. It looks like I am going to be out of town for work.

  I immediately got one back from both him and Justine. Justine demanded that I call her and tell her about my weekend, but to wait until after five. She was at work. Even though hers was meant to be serious, I took Becker’s more seriously.

  Becker – I thought you were a secretary of some sort. Why are you going out of town?

  Cass – Convention, I was proud of my quick response back.

  Becker – For what?