Read Pierced (Lucian & Lia) Page 5

  “Lucian!” I cry, as my body climbs closer to release. I’m frantically riding my hand while cradling the phone against my shoulder.

  “Do you need to come, Lia?” he growls.

  “Yes, God, yes,” I shout. I can only imagine how loud my voice is in his ear as I’ve lost all inhibitions. I hope Rose is sleeping soundly; otherwise, there is no way she will miss the noise I’m making. I normally try to keep quiet when I’m masturbating, but I’ve never been this excited before.

  “Pinch your clit, baby. Imagine my big hand tweaking it while I fuck you hard. Feel me pounding into you.” That’s all it takes; I explode into a rainbow of dizzying colors. I feel lightheaded with pleasure as my body contracts for what seems like hours. I’ve dropped my phone, but it’s close enough to my ear to hear Lucian swearing harshly. As I float back down to earth, the realization of what I’ve done is enough to make me want to end the call and hope I never see him again. I hear him calling my name, though, and know any escape would just be temporary.

  “I’m…er…back.” Damn, that sounds so pathetic. “I mean…um, I should let you go now.”

  Lucian chuckles, but it sounds pained. I wonder if he’s touching himself, but I’m not brave enough to ask. “You have no idea how much I want to fuck you right now. It’s taking everything I’ve got not to come to you.” It’s taking everything I’ve got not to tell him I’ll be waiting. I need some time to process, though. This man turns me into someone I’ve never been, and I have no idea how to handle it; I know it would take very little to be consumed by all he is. I’m terrified…I’m exhilarated and completely at his mercy.

  In a last-ditch effort of self-preservation, I say, “Lucian…I don’t even know you. What are we doing?”

  All is quiet for a moment before he says, “I don’t know, Lia…but I can’t stop.” I accept his answer, because it reflects my own thoughts perfectly. It seems we are both powerless to understand or explain this attraction between us and unable to stop freefalling into the unknown. Before I can reply, he adds, “I’ll see you tomorrow tonight.” With those words, he is gone, and I’m oddly lonely without the sound of his voice in my ear.

  My bowl of cereal is beyond saving, and I tiptoe to the kitchen to pour it out. I’m grateful Rose still seems to be sleeping deeply on the couch. I might hear her and Jake often, but I don’t relish the thought of her hearing me having phone sex. My body still tingles from its earlier excitement as I run quickly through my bedtime routine. I’m exhausted when I finally roll over onto my stomach to go to sleep. Once again, Lucian fills my waking and sleeping hours.


  I palm my rock-hard cock and roughly run my hand up the rigid length. I can’t remember the last time I had phone sex probably my teenage years. The text from Lia tonight was unexpected and what followed after, completely unplanned. She lacks the polish of the women I’ve spent the last several years with. She is attractive with a body few men would look past. What draws me the most, though, are her eyes. They show an innocence that is foreign to most women her age, but at the same time, I sense there is almost a weariness there. What events have transpired in her life to put that look there? She is correct; I haven’t done my homework where she is concerned, which is unusual. I did assume she could afford to leave her job. I’ve already placed a call for a full background check. Nothing I find there will stop my pursuit, but it possibly will give me a better understanding of her.

  My naked body moves restlessly on the bed as my pace increases. The tattoo on my chest ripples as I remember Lia’s moans of pleasure. She was so lost in the moment; I doubt she was aware of chanting my name while she brought herself to completion. It was both torture and unbelievably erotic. If not for scaring her to death, I would have been at her apartment and inside her within twenty minutes. Patience is not something I am familiar with; whether right or wrong; people with money rarely have to wait for anything they want.

  I moan Lia’s name as streams of cum shoot from my cock and onto my stomach. My body quivers in release. My cock is still semi-hard. It wanted the real thing, not a hand and a memory. If nothing is resolved at dinner tomorrow night, I’ll resolve it for her soon; waiting is no longer an option. I get off the bed to clean up and hear a text chime as I walk back into my bedroom. The pang of disappointment I feel at seeing Aidan’s name is disconcerting.

  “So, who was the girl tonight?”

  Fuck, just what I didn’t need, Aidan nosing around Lia. The fact he is curious enough to text me this late is a bad sign.

  “None of your damn business.”

  A few moments pass without a reply, but I am not worried about pissing him off with my harsh statement. Aidan and I have been friends for too long to be easily offended by the other.

  “Interesting, brother.”

  I am getting tired of this conversation and don’t want to encourage him to continue his cryptic messages.

  “Is there a point here?”

  He fires back almost immediately.

  “No point. Just a ghost walking over my grave tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With those words, he is gone, and I don’t bother to reply. We both know what he is referring to. I can only hope to God this isn’t my main source of attraction to Lia. I, more than anyone, know you can’t go back. The only option is going forward, and that is what I’m ready to do. Why her and why now, I have no idea, but I have no desire to stop…I can’t stop.

  Chapter Five


  This entire day has been shit. I overslept this morning and am late to my first class. I detest having to walk in after everyone is already sitting…staring at me. I’m always one of the first to arrive. I like to find a seat so there is no danger of being in the spotlight. Heck, half the students have probably never realized I’m in their class. I also discover that the books I need for my new math class are twice as expensive as I expected. Textbooks are like buying bars of gold that will be useless in a few years. How can they possibly justify what they charge? And, Lucian wants me to quit my job? I laugh a laugh completely devoid of humor. I need to do the opposite: work even more in the coming months to offset my expenses.

  I received an email earlier from Date Night with a job request; this time he used his real name. I want to be pissed off about him booking the date through my job, but pride goeth before the fall, and after today’s discovery, I need the money more than ever. I’m in a quandary, though, because he has seen both my dresses. This problem has never arisen. Even with my repeat customers, there are months between the bookings, and I feel safe in assuming they don’t remember what I wore previously. Both of my dates with Lucian were recent, and I feel sure he remembers every detail. I have no money to purchase something new, so I’m left with groveling to Rose. We are the same size, although she is taller than I am. She also has a blue silk dress I think would be perfect. I’ll offer to do the dishes for a week. That is something she would give almost anything for since she hates that particular chore.

  I arrive at home in time to see Jake with his tongue in her mouth and his hand on her ass. Crap, can’t they ever take it in the bedroom? Rose looks up, not seeming the least bit embarrassed; I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t care if I watched the whole thing from start to finish. Jake, however, has the grace to blush, which looks adorable on a macho guy like him. “Hey, chick,” she says. “Do you want to go for some Mexican food with us? Jake’s parents sent him a gift card to the place down the street.” My stomach rumbles at the mention of food, and I’m disappointed to turn down a free meal at one of my favorite places.

  “I wish I could, but I’m working.” I decide to hit her up for the dress while Jake is here. She is less likely to turn me down while her doting boyfriend has her in a pre-sex state of bliss. “Could I possibly borrow a dress for tonight?” Shit, I don’t want to admit to her that I am seeing the same guy; that is unusual enough to get her attention. “I…haven’t had a chance to do laundry, and I spilled stuff on my other dresses.” To my
relief, she gives me no more than a passing glance before returning her attention to Jake. “Sure, take what you like.” She is wrapping herself around her man when she adds absently, “You know the routine.” Obediently, I walk over to the pad of paper in the kitchen and write down Lucian’s name, but only put a question mark beside the location since he is picking me up. There is no way I am sharing that information with Rose. It’s our rule that I always have my own car. I can’t assure her he isn’t a serial killer without telling her the whole story, and that isn’t going to happen tonight. I run to her room, grab her blue dress, and decide to push my luck and borrow her matching heels, as well; they are better than anything I own. It would probably be safer to wear old jeans and a ratty t-shirt, but I want to look like someone a man like Lucian Quinn would have dinner with tonight.

  I quickly shower, apply some of my honeysuckle lotion, and wear the one matching black bra and panty set I own. The teal-blue dress fits like a glove and hits me just above the knee. The V-neck makes the most of my breasts and I twirl, happy with the results. My brown hair hangs in soft waves down my back. My makeup is minimal, but I do add some eyeliner to give my eyes a smoky appearance. I’m almost ready when I experience a moment of panic. If Lucian comes to my door, there will be questions, and a lot of them. With ten minutes until he is due to arrive, I grab my purse and run out of the apartment. His car is just pulling to the curb when I breathlessly walk down the walkway. Surprisingly, Sam stays in the car and Lucian steps out of the back. He is wearing another suit, which screams expensive. His thick, dark hair beckons me to run my fingers through it. The man must spend some serious time in the gym because there doesn’t appear to be a spare ounce of flesh anywhere on him. He is stunning. He looks surprised when he sees me standing there gawking at him. “Lia, I was coming in to get you.”

  “My, um, roommate and her boyfriend were…busy on the couch. I thought I would just meet you outside.” My face colors at his look of surprise. My big mouth and me. Couldn’t I have volunteered a little less information?

  He recovers quickly, giving me the smirk I’ve become accustomed to. “Not much of a voyeur, huh? Pity.”

  With my best serious look, I say, “Oh, you like to watch? If we’re quiet, we can slip back in. They should be to the good part by now.” Where did that come from? The things he brings out in me are unexpected, to say the least.

  He pulls me into his arms, laughing softly against my hair. “I’d much rather taste you than watch them.” With those words, his lips descend onto mine, and I’m drowning in all things Lucian Quinn. The kiss is brief, but when it ends, I’m hanging onto his waist for support. He loosens my hands and helps me into the car. Once again, I’m seated entirely too close to his large frame for comfort. His hand on my bare leg keeps me firmly in place. “I like the dress,” he murmurs. “You are beautiful, as always.”

  “Thanks, I borrowed it from Rose. I pretty much exhausted my options this week. I’m not usually this social.” Cringing, I wonder why I feel the need again to divulge this much information.

  Lucian sounds genuinely upset when he says, “I’m sorry, Lia, I should have thought of that. I guess I assumed you kept clothing on hand for your…job.”

  I cover his hand with mine saying, “Normally, I’m fine. I’ve never been out with the same person three times within a week, though.” I’ve already admitted to being a poor, college student, so I don’t see the need to lie to him. If anything, it should drive home the fact that I need my job. He is quiet after my admission. I ponder removing my hand from the top of his, but I enjoy the feel of his skin against my palm too much to deprive myself. It seems unlikely that Lucian will continue to pursue me for long, so I vow to enjoy the moment while it lasts. Too few things in my life have given me pleasure, and I find myself wanting to grab onto the feeling regardless of the cost.

  A short while later, the car comes to a smooth halt in one of the outlying areas of Asheville that I recognize. The tree-lined sidewalk connects to an array of stores and restaurants. I’m surprised Lucian has picked such a busy area for dinner; I pictured somewhere quiet and elegant, such as Valentino’s from last night. This area has more of a college-town air, far better suited to me than to him.

  As if he knows what I’m thinking, he pulls me closer as we leave the car and says, “A friend of mine owns an Italian restaurant here. I have a place close so when I stay there, I tend to end up here.”

  I turn to him, surprised. “You live here?”

  “Among other places,” he adds. “I have an apartment at the office, one here, and a house near Biltmore Village. The apartment at the office serves a purpose when it’s late and I’m too tired to go anywhere else. I bought the apartment here back when they first started development because I enjoy the area and the house…was my childhood home.”

  Curious, I ask, “Do your parents still live there?”

  “No, they died when I was young. The house was left to me with a trust for maintenance. The apartment here is my preference and where I spend most of my spare time.”

  He steers me toward a brick building on the corner and holds the door open for me to precede him in. Without waiting to be seated, he leads me to a quiet booth in the corner. Other than the opening, it’s completely private on the remaining sides. I slide into the middle and he follows suit, sitting in close proximity. A server appears almost immediately, and Lucian orders a bottle of wine. I barely have time to look around when I feel his hand on my thigh. I gape as my dress slowly inches up. “Luc…what?”

  “Shhh, if I can’t taste you now, I want to feel you.” My core floods at his words and his intention. “Spread your legs for me baby,” he whispers against my ear. With no thought of denying him, I inch my legs apart and gasp as the cool air hits the damp fabric of my panties. With no preliminaries, he is at my apex, pulling the lace at my leg aside. My breath stalls as he plunges his finger into my wetness. I turn my face into his neck and moan. He strokes my clit as he asks, “Are you this wet because you want my cock, Lia? Do you need to be fucked?” His finger stills as if awaiting my reply.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  “Yes, what, baby?”

  “I need you,” I whimper, “to…fuck me.” Oh, God, I can’t believe I’ve actually said that to him. At this point, though, I’d confess to anything if it meant his finger would start moving again. When it does, I want to weep with relief.

  I am completely focused on the tension building inside me when the waiter suddenly appears at the end of the table. I jump in my seat, but Lucian is the picture of innocence. Unseen, he lazily removes his hand from my panties and takes the proffered wine glass. I almost die in horror when he runs the finger he has just removed from my sex against the rim of the glass before taking a drink. He licks his lip appreciatively. “That’s perfect, Jeffrey, an exquisite vintage.” The server beams his approval before filling both of our glasses. I shouldn’t be this turned on by the fact that Lucian has just spread my juices on his glass and licked them off in front of our server…but I am.

  Lucian orders for us both and I anxiously wait for the waiter to leave so Lucian’s hand will return to me. Lucian, however, keeps his hands on the table, and if not for the flush still staining his cheekbones, I would think I had imagined the whole thing. “What are your plans after graduation?” he asks, surprising me. It’s suddenly clear that I’m to be left frustrated again tonight. My palm itches as I fight the urge to smack his arrogant face. It will be a cold day in Hell before he sees how much he is getting to me. I may be uncomfortably aroused, but I’m not battling a hard cock, as he no doubt is; sometimes it pays to be a woman.

  I take a sip of my wine, finding it cool and refreshing. I have little experience with anything other than a bottle of Arbor Mist, but I don’t doubt this is expensive. As a general rule of thumb, if the waiter needs your approval to fill a glass, it probably has a hefty price tag. I match his neutral tone as I say, “I would like an entry-level position as a business analyst. I hop
e to find a company that supports continuing education so I may continue my schooling in the evening and obtain a Master’s Degree.”

  Looking genuinely interested, Lucian asks, “Why a business analyst?”

  “I would love to help a company remain competitive by proposing ways to improve their structure, efficiency, and profits. To have my recommendations be key in their continued development and growth. I don’t want to just work and collect a paycheck. I want to look at past problems and see what failed and why. I want to understand every facet of the business and make it stronger; find answers others have never considered. I want my ideas to make a difference… to be the difference.” Turning in my seat to face him, I ask, “You’ve done that, right, Luc? With your own company?” Lucian smiles, seemingly captivated by my passion.

  Nodding, he says, “I have, Lia, and I still do every day, even though I pay a lot of people to do it for me. Analyzing a company from the bare-bones up is damned hard but the only true way to see its capabilities. When I started out, different scenarios for my company raced through my mind every waking moment. You are correct; it’s intoxicating to conceive and chart a course that works. There are so many factors to consider. At the end of the day, it’s about change, and sometimes change is the hardest thing to gather support for, even when you have a track record for success.”

  He twirls the stem of his glass as if deep in thought. “Starting out, although scary as hell, was a high unlike any I’ve ever known. I had little sleep those first few years, but man, what a fucking rush. Living on the edge will do that for you. Knowing I could succeed or lose everything just by making a decision was like betting everything on one roll of the dice.” Looking up and giving me a wry smile, he adds, “As I’ve said, though, now I have people working overtime to outthink me, so it’s unlikely Quinn could tank from just a bad judgment call on my part. I think you’d enjoy spending a day with me there, though. Maybe some field experience to prepare you for the corporate world.”