Read Pilgrim's Progress - An Adventure Book Page 7

  Interpreter tells us there are older pilgrims staying in the house, as well as his own family. He takes us into the large hall where everyone is sitting at a long table. They all seem pleased to see us, and two of the women stand up and give Mercy and me a kiss. They give Joseph and James a quick kiss too. The boys are too polite to push the women away, but Joseph wipes his face hard afterwards. Matthew and Samuel must have guessed what is about to happen, and have gone to look out of the window.

  I know that an interpreter is someone who explains foreign languages and puzzling things that we can't understand, and wonder what Interpreter is going to explain to us in this house.

  We've been resting for a short time, and now Interpreter is taking us to see a painting of the Good Shepherd. James seems to understand how the sheep in the picture was lost on the mountains, and in great trouble until the Good Shepherd found it and took it in his arms. We all stare at the painting, and it slowly dawns on us that this is the King's Son -- and he looks exactly like Goodwill!

  Interpreter takes us on to a poorly lit room where a miserable-looking man is working hard. The floor of the room is covered with straw, small sticks and dust. He is holding a rake and using it to pull the rubbish into a heap. He doesn't look up when Interpreter opens the door, and he only seems interested in the rubbish.

  After showing them a picture of the Good Shepherd, Interpreter will take Christiana and the others into a room where this man is raking up old straw and dirt.

  Interpreter will ask them to look again, and this is what they now see. Why doesn't the man look up? Don't turn the page yet. What do you think is happening?

  "Why is he doing this?" Matthew asks.

  "This man keeps asking the King for riches, and now he believes all this rubbish is extremely valuable," Interpreter tells Matthew, although all of us are listening to the answer. "The King is sorry for him, and every day he sends a messenger offering him a golden crown instead of the straw."

  We raise our heads and notice an angel holding a bright crown.

  "But he doesn't see it," Mercy says, frowning.

  "No," Interpreter says. "That's because he won't look up."

  I have to swallow hard. "I was just like him," I say. "I always wanted things, and didn't care about the King and his City. But I do care now."

  I think this man is why Christian's father didn't start the journey with Christian, because he was too busy making money at work. Perhaps he's already started now. I hope he has.

  James is wriggling around. "Will the man never look up?" he asks.

  "I cannot tell you," Interpreter says. "The King is patient, but the man is so sure he'll find treasure in the rubbish, that I don't know if he will ever see the crown."

  Interpreter takes us next into a magnificent room and asks what we can see in it. I wonder if this a trick question, because the room is completely empty -- apart from a large spider dangling from the ceiling. I don't know what to say.

  "I can see a spider," Joseph says. "A great big one."

  I tell him not to be so rude.

  "Only one spider?" Interpreter asks. "I can see seven." And he's looking at each of us in turn.

  What does he mean? There are six of us, which makes seven if he's counting the spider as well. "Do we all look as ugly as the spider?" I ask, rather annoyed with Interpreter. But before he can answer, I understand what he's saying.

  Why are we sometimes like this spider?

  (Hint on the next page)

  Hint: Think of a spider's mouth.

  "That spider has a nasty bite," I say, "and we sometimes say unpleasant things with our mouths. Am I right?"

  Interpreter smiles. "You're very quick," he says.

  I'm ashamed of things I've said in the past, and hide my face with my hands. Mercy is blushing, and my brothers have covered their faces. They obviously feel as I do.

  "There is still something you have not understood about the spider," Interpreter says with a smile. "This is a fine room, perhaps the finest in the house."

  I was about to ask why such a magnificent room has a spider in it, but I didn't want to sound impolite.

  We all shake our heads, and Interpreter says, "You may be thinking that the spider doesn't deserve to be here, but we allow it to spin its web. So, even though you often do wrong things, the King will give you a wonderful place in the Celestial City -- because you belong to him."

  I start to cry when I realize how kind the King is, and I think Mercy is crying too. I'm not sure about my brothers, for they have turned away.


  The next morning we take it in turns to have a bath in wonderful, pure water, and we come out feeling cleaner than we've ever felt before. We feel clean inside and outside.

  Interpreter calls us to see him. "The clothes you are wearing are no good for travelling," he tells us. "We must give you some new ones."

  "I'm ever so sorry," I say. "I washed and mended them as well as I could, but they're badly worn and I couldn't make new ones in time."

  "You did your best," Interpreter tells me, "but even if they were new and clean, they would not be suitable. The King's Son has provided clothes for all his pilgrims, and the King will not welcome you in any others."

  Mercy and the boys now receive clothes that are spotless. Interpreter also has a set for me.

  I look at my brothers and at Mercy, and when I see how good our clothes are, I feel almost frightened. "If the journey is long and difficult," I say to them, "how can we possibly keep these clothes clean until we reach the Gates of the City?"

  Joseph and James stand still. "We can never play any more," they say to each other in dismay.

  Interpreter smiles and draws the boys nearer to him. "Do not be afraid," he says. "The King loves to see his pilgrims happy. Run about as much as you like, as long as you do not leave the Way of the King."

  Do you remember the earlier question about clothes? Why can't we stand in front of the King in our own clothes, no matter how new and clean we think they are?

  (Hint on the next page)

  Hint: Think what happened to Ignorance earlier, in Christian's Journey, even though he thought he'd done his best.

  I look at Mercy. "The King is so good," I tell her. "None of us stands a chance of getting to see him in our own clothes."

  Mercy shakes her head slowly in disbelief. "I know I'm a true pilgrim now," she says, with tears in her eyes. "All this time I've been afraid, because I entered the Wicket Gate without getting a message from the King. But now look at me. Oh, the King is so good to me, I could cry for joy."

  "You are crying for joy," I say, giving her a hug.

  "You are washed clean," Interpreter says, "and clothed with righteousness from the King's Son."

  Interpreter gives each of us a piece of rolled up paper. "These are your Rolls of Faith," he explains. "You must look after them carefully, because you will need to show them at the Celestial City. You are in the King's family, and are his forever."

  Interpreter calls one of his young servants whose name is Greatheart, and says to him, "I want you to go with these pilgrims to the House Beautiful, and keep them safe on the Way."

  Greatheart is a tall young man. He's wearing a suit of bright amour and carries a sword at his side. I feel sure he'll be able to protect us if we meet with any danger.

  Interpreter and his family give us some food for the journey, and something to drink, and come to the door to watch us set off. Greatheart leads the way, while Joseph and James stay close behind him. I'm walking with Mercy and Samuel, and some way behind us is Matthew.

  I turn to see why he's dropping back. "Is anything wrong?" I call.

  Matthew shakes his head.

  "Well, you're looking sick." A sudden thought occurs to me. "Are you feeling ill?"

  "I don't think so," Matthew says.

  "Don't think so, indeed," I say. "Well, I hope it isn't far to the House Beautiful."

  "So do I," Matthew says, holding his stomach and dropping even further bac

  Why is Matthew holding his stomach?

  (Hint on the next page)

  We've only been going for a short time, and already we've come to the Cross on a small hill. Greatheart says we can stop here for a rest. We sit on the grass and Greatheart tells us how Christian's burden fell from his shoulders when he got here.

  "Christian was forgiven by the King's Son when he entered the Wicket Gate," Greatheart explains, "but he still felt the burden of all the things he'd done wrong in the past. But when he came here to the Cross he understood that the King's Son had taken everything from him, so he need not feel guilty any longer."

  "When do we see the King's Son?" I ask.

  "Didn't you recognize him when he let you through the Wicket Gate?" Greatheart says.

  I almost jump with surprise. "The only person we saw was Goodwill." But I remember how James asked me if Goodwill was the King's Son. I'd even been going to put the question to Goodwill, but Mercy asked him about the dog and it went out of my mind.

  Greatheart smiles. "Who else do you think could let you into the Way of the King, but the King's Son?"

  "But I didn't …" I start to say.

  "You didn't thank him enough." Greatheart finishes the sentence for me. "Don't worry, Christiana, the King's Son knows all about you and he loves you. It is he who has forgiven you for all the things you have ever done wrong, and it is he who has washed you clean, and it is he who will receive you into his Father's City."

  "Why is there a Cross?" Joseph asks.

  "A good question, Joseph, and one that not everybody understands," Greatheart says. "The King was once angry with every person in the City of Destruction, and he wanted to punish them for doing wrong. But his Son has taken the terrible punishment instead, on this Cross. So now the King can forgive everyone who asks."

  To think we actually saw the King's Son when we entered the Way of the King, and didn't realize it. Well, I believe James did. I keep thinking back to the time at the Wicket Gate, wanting to see Goodwill again, so I can remember him more clearly.

  "What are those pieces of paper?" I ask, noticing things nailed to the Cross.

  "They are lists of all the things each one of you has ever done wrong," Greatheart says. "Why don't you go and read the one with your name on it, Christiana?"

  Why don't I? Why would I want to be reminded of all those things? I'm much rather the King forgot about them! But I can't resist having a look, so I go forward slowly and get the piece of paper with my name on it.

  Christiana is the oldest, so will she have more things on her list? How many more? Or will it be one of her brothers who has the longest list?

  "There's nothing written on it!" I say in surprise.

  "Maybe you weren't listening just now," Greatheart says with a smile. "Because his Son died on the Cross, the King offers forgiveness and cleansing to everyone who asks. His Son was punished instead of you, so all those things are washed away, and the paper is blank."

  I understand now what it means to be forgiven by the King. I break down in tears and kneel in front of the Cross to say thank you. I don't look at my brothers and Mercy, but I can hear them doing the same, for every piece of paper is blank.

  The time slips quickly away, and we feel almost sorry when we have to leave this quiet resting place.

  The road leads to the foot of a steep hill, and seems to go right up to the top. It's marked The Way of the King. Greatheart says this is Hill Difficulty, and he shows us two paths made by the evil prince, both blocked off with posts and chains. One path is marked Danger, and it leads into a dark forest, and the other is marked Destruction and goes towards some dangerous mountains.

  "Christian was here when two boys were lost along those paths," Greatheart tells us, "but he chose to climb the King's path up the hill. Since then, the King has sent men to put these warnings across the wrong paths. Even so, some pilgrims take no notice of them, because the paths look so easy."

  As we go up the hill, Greatheart holds onto James, and the rest of us help each other as much as we can. The track is steep and rough, and the sun beats down fiercely on our heads.

  Presently Mercy groans loudly. "What a dreadful way up. I don't think I can walk another step. Let's sit down for a few minutes."

  "We can't rest here," Greatheart says, "but don't worry. We're near a place the King has made for his pilgrims. Just keep hold of my hand, James. You've climbed bravely, and we're already past the worst. And you too, Joseph. Hold onto my other hand."

  Can you get from the foot of Hill Difficulty to the shady arbour -- without getting lost on the way up?

  James looks happier when he hears Greatheart's words. Clasping his fingers tightly round those of his guide, James climbs briskly, and in a few minutes a pleasant shelter made of branches and leaves comes in sight, and we hurry towards it.

  "You see," Greatheart tells us, "the King's Son has travelled this path himself, so he knows how hard it is, and understands why pilgrims need a resting place." He calls Joseph and James and asks them how they like their pilgrimage.

  "I didn't like it at all just now," Joseph says, sounding very grown up, "but I must thank you for helping me."

  We sit quietly in the King's shelter, eating the food and drinking the refreshing drink that Interpreter gave us, and talking happily together. Greatheart stands in the doorway.

  "We mustn't rest too long," he warns us. "We still have some distance to go, and the sun will soon be setting."

  Joseph and James spring up at once, and start off ahead of everyone. I hear them whispering to each other that they won't mind if they do meet a lion.

  "Greatheart says the King is good, and we know he took care of Christian," I hear Joseph say.

  James agrees. "And if we love him, I don't think there's any need to feel frightened."

  When I see my two young brothers set off so quickly, I try to keep up with them. We didn't finish the bottle of refreshing drink just now, and I feel thirsty. I suddenly realize I must have left it in the King's shelter where we were eating.

  I call to Samuel, and ask him to run back to look for it. While we're waiting, Greatheart says, "It seems to be a forgetting place for some pilgrims."

  He tells us about pilgrims who had to turn back to look for something they left there. I ask Greatheart why that should be.

  "It's because they're careless," Greatheart tells me. "They get tired climbing the hill, and their rest makes them feel comfortable and happy. But some pilgrims sit there too long, and forget about the King -- or even fall asleep. Then they jump up in such a hurry that they're almost sure to drop something without noticing."

  What do Christiana and the others have that they might have left behind?

  (Hint on the next page.)

  Hint: Read this in a mirror.

  Samuel returns with the bottle in his hand, and before going any further we all make sure we have our Rolls of Faith.

  The sun sets while we're climbing the hill. Suddenly Greatheart stops. "Lions!" he says say, signalling to us to stay back.

  "Where?" we all ask together in fright.

  Greatheart laughs. "I didn't mean to alarm you," he says, "but this is where Christian met two boys running back down the hill. They frightened him by saying they'd seen two lions on the hill."

  "Are the lions here now?" Joseph asks.

  Greatheart stands with his sword in his hands. "Yes, but there's no need to be scared of them."

  Joseph looks at his three brothers. "I don't want to meet a lion," he says shakily. "It might be very fierce. We'd better keep behind Greatheart."

  "You loved going in front when there was no danger, and now you want to go last," Greatheart says to them, but I know he's only joking.

  It's nearly dark now. As we go forward slowly, two lions jump out of the bushes and roar loudly. Joseph and James scream and begin to shake with fear. They hide behind Greatheart, who has drawn his sword ready to strike the lions if they spring forward.

  "The beasts are c
hained," Greatheart says after a moment.

  I can see the chains now, glistening in the darkness. "The path between them looks very narrow," I say, trying to sound brave so as not to worry my brothers.

  "Keep in a single line in the centre of the path," Greatheart tells us.

  Mercy gasps and puts her hand to her mouth. "Look, there's a terrible giant standing behind the lions."

  Greatheart stops. "I know who he is," he tells us. "His name is Grim. He's made a home for himself here, and he's taught the lions to frighten any pilgrims who are passing."

  Giant Grim sees us and steps into the narrow path, holding the manes of the two lions. Greatheart strides boldly forward, but we all stand back, waiting to see what is going to happen.

  "What business have you to walk on this path?" the giant roars.

  Greatheart raises his sword, "I am taking these young pilgrims to the Celestial City."

  "This isn't the way to the City," Grim shouts "If you try to get past, and I will make my lions tear you in pieces."

  Greatheart keeps on his way, and we creep after him. His amour glints in the shadows. In a moment his sword flashes through the air, and the giant moves back a few paces.

  "Do you think you can kill me on my own ground?" Giant Grim shouts at us.

  "This path belongs to the King," Greatheart tells him. "Stand and defend yourself, Grim. If you won't let these young pilgrims pass, I will fight you for them."

  These are the lions at the top of Hill Difficulty. Beyond them Christiana and her brothers can see the House Beautiful, but they have to pass the lions before they can get there!

  What can Christiana and her brothers now see more clearly?

  Greatheart raises his sword as Giant Grim stoops down to unfasten the lions' chains. But before the giant can do anything, Greatheart's sharp weapon crashes through the giant's helmet and he falls to his knees. He tries to get up, but with another blow from his sword Greatheart cuts off one of the giant's arms. Giant Grim roars so loudly that his voice scares us all, and we're glad to see him on the ground.