Read Pilgrim Page 69

  SACRED GROVE, The: the most sacred spot of the Avar people, the Sacred Grove is rarely visited by ordinary mortals. Normally the Banes are the only members of the Avar race who know the paths to the Grove.

  SACRED LAKES, The: the four magical lakes of Tencendor: Grail Lake, Cauldron Lake, Fernbrake Lake (or the Mother) and the Lake of Life. According to myth, the lakes were formed during Fire-Night when ancient gods fell through the skies and crashed to Tencendor. At the bottom of each lake lie the craft of the Enemy, containing Qeteb’s life parts.

  SA’DOMAI: Chief of the Ravensbundmen, son of Ho’Demi.

  SANDMEYER, Gregoric: Mayor of Carlon.

  SEAGRASS PLAINS: the vast grain plains that form most of Skarabost.

  SENESCHAL, The: once the all-powerful religious organisation of Achar. The Religious Brotherhood of the Seneschal was extremely powerful and played a major role, not only in everyday life, but also in the political life of the nation. It taught obedience to the one god, Artor the Ploughman, and the Way of the Plough.

  SENTINELS: five magical creatures of the Prophecy of the Destroyer. Originally Charonites, they were recruited by WolfStar (in his guise of the Prophet) in order to serve the Prophecy. They gave their lives to form the Rainbow Sceptre.

  SEPULCHRE OF THE MOON: a cave on Temple Mount, the haunt of the Star Gods.

  SEVERIN: a new town built by Prince Magariz as the replacement capital of Ichtar.

  SHEOL: one of the TimeKeeper Demons, Sheol is the Demon of mid-afternoon, and despair.

  SHRA: the senior Bane of the Avar. As a girl she was saved from death by Axis.

  SICARIUS: leader of the pack of Alaunt hounds. One of the Lesser immortals.

  SIGHOLT: one of the great magical Keeps of Tencendor, situated on the shores of the Lake of Life in the Urqhart Hills in Ichtar. Caelum’s personal home.

  SILENT WOMAN KEEP: one of the magical Keeps of Tencendor, it lies in the centre of the Silent Woman Woods.

  SILENT WOMAN WOODS: an ancient wood in southern Arcness, now joined to the Minstrelsea.

  SILTON: one of the nine Icarii Star Gods, Silton is the God of Fire.

  SKARABOST: large eastern province of Achar which grows much of the realm’s grain supplies.

  SKRAELINGS: creatures of the frozen northern wastes who fought for Gorgrael.

  SKYLAZER BITTERFALL: a member of the Lake Guard.

  SMYRTON: formerly a large village in northern Skarabost, it was destroyed by Azhure for its close association to the Plough God, Artor.

  SONG OF CREATION: a Song which can, according to Icarii and Avar legend, actually create life itself.

  SONG OF RECREATION: one of the most powerful Icarii enchantments which can literally recreate life in the dying. It cannot, however, make the dead rise again. Only the most powerful Enchanters can sing this Song.

  SORCERY: see ‘Magic’.

  SPIKEFEATHER TRUESONG: once a member of the Strike Force, SpikeFeather spent years as Orr’s apprentice. No-one knows the waterways as well as he does.

  SPIREDORE: one of the magical Keeps of Tencendor. Azhure’s tower.

  STAR DANCE, The: the source from which the Icarii Enchanters derive their power. It is the music made by the stars in their eternal dance through the heavens. The music of the Star Dance died when the TimeKeepers plunged through the Star Gate and destroyed it.

  STARDRIFTER: an Icarii Enchanter, father to Gorgrael, Axis and EvenSong.

  STARFEVER HIGHCREST: Master Secretary of Talon FreeFall’s palace in the Minaret Peaks.

  STAR FINGER: the tallest mountain in the Icescarp Alps, dedicated to study and worship. Formerly called Talon Spike.

  STAR GATE: one of the sacred sites of the Icarii people, situated underneath the Ancient Barrows. It is a portal through to the universe.

  STAR GODS, The: the nine gods of the Icarii. See separate entries under Axis, Azhure, Adamon, Xanon, Narcis, Flulia, Pors, Zest and Silton.

  STARLAUGHTER SUNSOAR: wife of WolfStar, murdered and thrown through the Star Gate four thousand years before current events. Now she has returned with the TimeKeeper Demons, and seeks revenge for her death so many years previously. With her, she carries the body of her and WolfStar’s infant son.

  STARMAN, The: Axis SunSoar.

  STARS, House of the: Axis’ personal House.

  STARSON: the title Axis gave to Caelum.

  STRAUM ISLAND: a large island off the coast of Ichtar and inhabited by sealers.

  STRIKE FORCE: the military force of the Icarii.

  SUNSOAR, House of: the ruling House of the Icarii for many thousands of years.

  TAILEM BEND: the great bend in the River Nordra where it turns from its westerly direction and flows south towards Nordmuth and the Sea of Tyrre.

  TALON, The: the hereditary ruler of the Icarii people (and once over all of the peoples of Tencendor). Generally of the House of SunSoar.

  TALON SPIKE: the former name of Star Finger.

  TARANTAISE: a rather poor southern province of Achar. Relies on trade for its income.

  TARE: small trading town in northern Tarantaise.

  TARE, Plains of: the plains that lie between Tare and Grail Lake.

  TEKAWAI: the preferred tea of the Ravensbund people, made from the dried seaweed of the Icebear Coast. It is always brewed and served ceremonially.

  TEMPLE MOUNT: the plateau on the top of the massive mountain in the south-east corner of the Island of Mist and Memory. It houses the Temple Complex.

  TEMPLE OF THE STARS: one of the Icarii sacred sites, located on the Island of Mist and Memory.

  TENCENDOR: once the ancient name for the continent of Achar before the Wars of the Axe, and, under Caelum’s leadership, the reforged nation of the Acharites, Avar and Icarii.

  THREE BROTHERS LAKES, The: three minor lakes in southern Aldeni.

  THEOD, Duke of Aldeni: grandson of Duke Roland who aided Axis in his struggle to unite Tencendor.

  TIMEKEEPER DEMONS, The: the TimeKeepers are a group of six Demons: Sheol, Barzula, Rox, Mot, Raspu and their leader, Qeteb (who waits to be resurrected). Hundreds of thousands of years previously, on a distant world, they had ravaged at will until the people of that world (called the Enemy by the TimeKeepers) had managed to trap Qeteb and dismember his life parts—warmth, movement, breath and soul—before fleeing with them in space craft through the universe. The remaining five Demons followed the craft to Tencendor and now actively seek to resurrect Qeteb. See also ‘Demonic Hours’.

  TIME OF THE PROPHECY OF THE DESTROYER, The: the time that began with the birth of the Destroyer and the StarMan and ended with the death of Gorgrael.

  TREE FRIEND: a role Faraday played during the time of the Prophecy. She was instrumental in bringing the forests behind Axis.

  TREE SONG: whatever Song the trees choose to sing you. Many times they will sing the future, other times they will sing love and protection. The trees can also sing death.

  TYRRE, Sea of: the ocean off the south west coast of Achar.

  UNIT: see ‘Military Terms’.

  UR: an old woman who lives in the Enchanted Woods. For aeons she guarded the transformed souls of the Avar female Banes.

  URBETH: an immortal bear of the northern wastes.

  URQHART HILLS: a minor crescent-shaped range of mountains in central Ichtar. The hills cradle Sigholt.

  VEREMUND: one of the Sentinels, brother to Ogden.

  WARS OF THE AXE: the wars during which the Acharites, under the direction of the Seneschal and the Axe-Wielders, drove the Icarii and the Avar from the land of Tencendor and penned them behind the Fortress Ranges. Lasting several decades, the wars were extraordinarily violent and bloody. They took place over one thousand years before current events.

  WAY OF THE HORN: a general term sometimes used to describe the lifestyle of the Avar people.

  WAY OF THE PLOUGH: the religious obedience and way of life as taught by the Seneschal. The Way of the Plough was centred about the Plough and cultivation of the land. The Way of the Plough
was all about order, and the earth and nature being subjected to the order of mankind. Some of the Icarii and Avar fear that many Acharites still long for life as it was lived to the Way of the Plough.

  WAY OF THE WING: a general term sometimes used to describe the lifestyle of the Icarii.

  WESTERN MOUNTAINS: the central Acharite mountain range that stretches west from the River Nordra to the Andeis Sea.

  WHITE STAG, The: when Raum transformed, he transformed into a magnificent White Stag instead of a Horned One. The White Stag is the most sacred of the creatures of the forest.

  WIDEWALL BAY: a large bay that lies between Achar and Coroleas. Its calm waters provide excellent fishing.

  WIDOWMAKER SEA: vast ocean to the east of Achar. From the unknown islands and lands across the Widowmaker Sea come the sea raiders that harass Coroleas.

  WILDDOG PLAINS, The: plains that stretch from northern Ichtar to the River Nordra and bounded by the Fortress Ranges and the Urqhart Hills. Named after the packs of roving dogs that inhabit the area.

  WING: the smallest unit in the Icarii Strike Force consisting of twelve Icarii (male and female).

  WING-LEADER: the commander of an Icarii Wing.

  WINGRIDGE CURLCLAW: Captain of the Lake Guard.

  WOLFSTAR SUNSOAR: the ninth and most powerful of the Enchanter-Talons. He was assassinated early in his reign, but came back through the Star Gate three thousand years ago. Father to Azhure.

  WOLVEN, The: a bow that once belonged to WolfStar SunSoar.

  XANON: one of the nine Icarii Star Gods, Xanon is the Goddess of the Firmament, wife to Adamon.

  YLLGAINE, Prince: Prince of Nor, son of Ysgryff.

  YR: one of the Sentinels.

  YSBADD: capital city of Nor.

  YULETIDE: see ‘Festivals’.

  ZARED: son of Rivkah and Magariz, half-brother to Axis, Zared is Prince of the North and newly- (and self-) crowned King of Achar. His first wife was Isabeau (sister of Herme), who died in a hunting accident, and Zared is now married to the Princess Leagh, sister of Askam.

  ZEHERAH: one of the Sentinels.

  ZENITH: youngest daughter of Axis and Azhure.

  ZEST: one of the nine Icarii Star Gods, Zest is the Goddess of the Earth.




  It’s Forty years since Axis defeated Gorgrael and created a new, peaceful Tencendor…



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  Sinner secures Douglass’ standing as Australia’s finest fantasy novelist…a breathless rollercoaster of a read.




  ISBN 978 0 7322 6529 8

  The Star Dance has picked Tencendor as the final battleground and DragonStar as the last weapon it can throw against the Demons.

  Qeteb rages, and Tencendor’s peoples huddle in sanctuary. But are they safe?


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  The Sentinels walk the land, the TreeFriend has been found, and the people of the Plough, the Wing and the Horn must set aside their differences and unite under one leader against the evil rising in the north…



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  Winner of the 1996 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel

  The spellbinding sequel to BattleAxe, returning us to a world in the grip of prophecy and war…



  ISBN 978 0 7322 5159 8

  As the Prophecy of the Destroyer hurtles towards fulfilment, Azhure and StarDrifter unravel the mysteries of the Island of Mist and Memory, where they finally confront WolfStar; Faraday moves east to replant the ancient forests of Tencendor; and the Sentinels begin a lonely journey planned for them thousands years ago…

  ‘BattleAxe is the best Australian fantasy novel I’ve experienced to date.’


  ‘There is a heart to BattleAxe and more happens in it than the average Wurts novel.’


  ‘Enchanter is utterly enthralling and unputdownable.’



  ISBN 978 0 7322 5749 1

  A shadow is looming over the great hot southern land of Ashdod. It is the shadow of Threshold, the pyramid which the Magi of Ashdod are building to propel them into Infinity.

  But something is waiting in Infinity. Waiting for the final glass plate to be laid, waiting for the capstone to be cemented in blood…waiting to use Threshold to step from Infinity into Ashdod!


  Over the past two years many readers have written in with suggestions, ideas, and frequent pleas for Faraday’s life (I always intended to kill her off in Enchanter, but no-one would allow me to). I thank you all (and Faraday sends her heartfelt relief at being hauled back from the brink of a thousand deaths), but I would particularly like to thank Kylie Coutts who reminded me about Faraday’s enchanted wooden bowl. If the Sacred Groves go up in flames, Kylie, you must bear the responsibility!

  About the Author

  Sara Douglass was born in Penola, South Australia and moved to Adelaide when she was seven. She spent her early working life as a nurse before completing three degrees at the University of Adelaide. After receiving a PhD in early modern English history, Sara worked as a Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at La Trobe University, Bendigo, until 2000.

  Sara’s first novel, BattleAxe, was published in 1995 and she has been writing and publishing ever since. Three of her novels are winners of the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy.

  Sara now lives in Hobart, Tasmania.

  Visit Sara’s website at:

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  Beyond the Hanging Wall


  BattleAxe (1)

  Enchanter (2)

  StarMan (3)


  Sinner (1)

  Pilgrim (2)

  Crusader (3)


  The Nameless Day (1)

  The Wounded Hawk (2)

  The Crippled Angel (3)


  Hades’ Daughter (1)

  God’s Concubine (2)

  Darkwitch Rising (3)

  Druid’s Sword (4)


  The Serpent Bride (1)



  An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, Australia

  First published in Australia in 1998

  This edition published in 2010

  by HarperCollinsPublishers Australia Pty Limited

  ABN 36 009 913 517

  Copyright © Sara Douglass 1998

  The right of Sara Douglass to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000.

  This work is copyright.

  Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


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