Read Pilot Page 18

  Chapter 17

  They left the gray building and were greeted by a nod from Thomas and an open car door. Elena climbed in gratefully with Peter following. It was not until they cruised through the gates that Elena felt the tight coil of tension wound around her spine loosen.

  "Did you think they would change their minds?" Peter chided her. She frowned at him.

  "They could have."

  "It would have done them no good," he reminded her. Elena dropped the argument. "I suspect you might want to run by the store?"

  "Yes, if you don't mind. I need to see if everything is okay and then let them know I won't be in tomorrow either." She glanced at her watch and realized the day was only edging towards four o'clock. This day seemed to have lasted forever. Peter nodded and gave directions to Thomas. Elena quirked her eyebrow up, surprised he knew where her store was located. He looked at her expectantly and she decided questioning him about it would be of no use.

  'Besides,' she thought. 'If he actually answered at all, I still wouldn't know any more than I do now.'

  "After we stop by the business would you mind joining me for dinner, there are some things we need to discuss."

  "All right," Elena agreed, a nervous feeling dancing in her belly.

  'I've already been asked to lead a military expedition. What more could the Council possibly want from me?' she asked herself trying to calm her nerves. It didn't work. They reached the store and Thomas glided to a halt in front of the building. It was a no parking zone so Elena quickly hopped out. To her surprise Peter joined her.

  "I merely wish to see what sort of business you run," he told her. "After all if we are contemplating a business arrangement, is it not fitting that I see your business first hand?" he asked. Elena let the question go, knowing he had more than likely already seen her store.

  "Feel free to look around," she said turning away from him and towards the front door. "I shouldn't be long though." She tugged the door open and stepped inside with Peter following. While he wandered off to browse, she stood for a moment watching her people work. At the moment all of them were helping customers and from the looks of them they had a busy day. She could see the signs of fatigue and noticed even Max with his bubbling energy was starting to drag a little. Emily finished with the customer she was helping and looked up.

  "Someone will be around to help you in a moment, feel free to browse?" Emily cut off her customer spiel as she realized it was Elena and she fairly bounced off of her stool. Elena waved off her excitement and walked over.

  "Oh my God, are you okay," Emily gushed. "I mean is your family okay? Do you need help with anything?"

  "I'm fine," Elena told her with a smile. "No one died, just one of those family deals where my presence was needed." Elena was touched by the concern. Max and TJ finished with their customers and Emily rang them up as Elena repeated the same bit of info with the two men. After the careful considerations of the Council, the simple caring of her staff made her feel welcome and warm. Emily spotted Peter browsing and followed him with her eyes for a moment.

  "Hey he came in with you didn't he?" she asked. TJ and Max turned to look at Peter. Peter calmly ignored the attention.

  "Yes," Elena confirmed, drawing their attention away from Peter. "He is an old family friend and he is looking for some outlets for his merchandise and a potential business partnership." She figured this was probably the best and simplest explanation for Peter that she could come up with even though she knew that Peter would probably find such an assessment amusing.

  'But,' she thought 'When does Peter not find me amusing?"

  "Well he is a mega hottie," Emily told her. "You should totally turn on the charm and maybe end up with more than a business partnership." Emily wiggled her eyebrows in what was supposed to be a suggestive manner and Elena laughed.

  "I think we will just stick to business thanks," she told Emily with a laugh. Privately, she agreed with Emily. Peter was definitely attractive, but it was the tiger in the wild kind of attractive. Pretty enough that you wanted to touch, dangerous enough that you knew trying would more than likely cost you a limb. The seasonal help and the temporary manager wandered over as the people they were helping finished. Elena dropped the line of thought and moved back into business mode.

  "I'm going to be out most of tomorrow in a business meeting," She said. "Susan are you still able to stay through tomorrow?"

  "Of course," Susan replied and Elena smiled with relief.

  "Great," She said. A knot of customers had the bell over the door jangling and her staff scrambled to deal with them. Elena walked around the store as they worked and took note of the gaps in the displays and made mental notes regarding her inventory and what needed to be brought down. Out of the corner of her eye she caught Peter watching her and the look on his face was something she couldn't quite place. When Susan finished with her customer Elena called her over.

  "Every thing looks great," she said.

  "Thanks, you have a great group of people here. And business has been pretty steady the last few days. If that's any indication this season's holiday rush is going to be insane."

  "It certainly seems like it," Elena said. She glanced at Susan and realized it might not be too early to start planting seeds. If she was going to do any work for the Guild than her business trips were going to be more frequent. She would need a more full time manager.

  "If this business deal goes through," Elena began. "I would need to be out of the store more often. While all this is very preliminary, I was wondering if you would consider taking a more full time roll here? I don't need an answer now obviously, as the deal has not even been made but it is just a thought."

  "I'll definitely think about it," Susan said thoughtfully. Elena let Susan get back to work and finished making the rounds and met back up with Peter.

  "It looks very nice," he commented.

  "Thank you," she said.

  "Have you concluded your business?"

  "Yes," she replied. Her stomach gave a slight rumble and she realized she had not eaten that day. Heat flushed her cheeks.

  "Then I suggest we leave." He said. Peter held the door open for her and they exited the store. She never saw Peter signal Thomas and wondered if the man just had a good sense of timing because the black sedan glided up to the curb just as they were stepping out of the door. Thomas was behind the wheel. She shook her head realizing that this bodyguard minion thing could come in handy. She thought of all the things she could use someone like that for and wondered how you advertise for someone like that.

  'Do you take out an ad in the yellow pages? Send out postcards to bodyguard's r us or maybe just go around stapling flyers to telephone poles and hold an open audition?" She laughed at her own thoughts and climbed in the car.

  "So what restaurant would you recommend?" He asked as they pulled away from the curb.

  "Kind of depends on what you like to eat," she replied.

  "The food I leave in your hands entirely. However, I would prefer something slightly more upscale as our conversation will require some degree of privacy and the tables tend to be further apart in places such as those." He told her. "In booths one can not see over to determine who is listening in."

  "Somehow I can't see you in a place that has booths."

  "I have been in my share of greasy spoons." He sounded somewhat offended.

  "Of course," she replied. Personally, she thought the ones Peter would frequent would be more small family run greasy spoons and not chain fast food joints. Somehow she couldn't quite see him ordering a happy meal.

  "Enzos," she decided would fit the bill. "My grandmother would have pronounced it hideously Americanized, but I like it."

  "I can accept that," he replied. Elena gave the directions to Thomas. They drove the rest of the way in silence. Thomas dropped them at the door and drove off to wherever it was he waited when Peter didn't need him. Elena shook her head.
The restaurant was mostly empty and it had just gotten dark enough for the wait staff to begin lighting candles on the tables. There was a soft glow about the place and Elena wondered at the wisdom of bringing Peter here as it seemed more romantic than business like.

  'Nothing can be done about it now,' she thought. 'At least the possibility of being over heard is slim.'