Read Pilot Page 29

  Chapter 28

  Elena walked to work the next morning pleased with herself over the party. She managed to skate through conversations about what she had been up to and what her new business venture entailed without having the conversation feel stilted.

  "Of course," she thought as she unlocked the door to Calabrese Imports, "The only thing I have to watch out for at the moment is the military. Compared to that everything is gravy." She grimaced at her reflection in the glass as she pushed the door open. She really couldn't think of a way to explain why the military kidnapped her and why she would now be required for meetings once a week for the next few months.

  "And any reason the military would logically be interested in an imports store owner would probably be something illegal like smuggling," she muttered, turning on the lights and readying the store for opening. "I can't see that being good for business." Tactfully she left all mention of the military out of her small talk. With luck they would behave for the duration of her involvement with them.

  The store hummed to life as first staff and then customers walked through the doors. Around mid-morning the over-nighted bundle of papers Peter sent arrived. Elena signed for them and took a look around. All of the customers were being helped and none of the staff looked overwhelmed. Emily had the morning off and Janine was manning the register.

  "I'll be back in the office if anyone needs me," she told Janine, slapping the papers against her leg. The urge to read through them immediately was too great to ignore. "If we get a rush give me a yell, I'm just dealing with paperwork." Janine nodded her understanding and turned towards the approaching customer. Elena ducked back into the office. She left the door open a crack so everyone would know she could be interrupted if needed.

  Once seated, she pulled open the perforated edge of the mailing envelope and slid the papers out. One section was a contract including all of the legal details forming the new company the three of them created. There were four copies; one for each of them and one for the legal folks. All four copies were already signed and dated by both Peter and her grandfather.

  "I guess they don't want to waste time," she said. On top of the contract was a basic outline. It was the plan she had sent. There were a few tweaks. She read over them and couldn't find fault. The final changes made her raise her eyebrows. Peter and her Grandfather had increased the amount of capitol available for the venture as a cushion. At the bottom of the proposal was the break out. Her amount of funds given to the project remained the same. Peter and her grandfather's contributions however increased substantially.

  "As the bulk of the leg work and organization will be done by Elena Calabrese, Peter Baranov and Alexandro Calabrese shall be seen as primary investors," Elena read. "Sounds reasonable." She set the paper aside and began working her way through the legalese of the contract. At the end she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was her plan and she felt it could work. Butterflies danced in her belly. Elena swallowed hard and unearthed a blue pen from the desk drawer. Quickly she scrawled her signature and the date on each of the copies. Elena realized she was holding her breath and slowly let it out.

  "Well that's done it," she said folding her copy into her filing cabinet and placing the other three into an envelope to be sent back. Rather than dwell on the concept of being a part of a newly formed corporation, Elena pulled the real estate agent's card from her files. She answered on the third ring.

  "Ruby Michaelson, how may I help you?"

  "Hi Ruby this is Elena Calabrese."

  "Elena, hi how are you?"

  "I'm fine, and yourself?"

  "Couldn't be better."

  "Glad to hear it. I am actually calling about the Reynolds building you showed me a few months back. Is it still available?"

  "Why yes, I do believe it is still on the market. Are you interested?"

  "Yes," Elena said simply. She could practically feel the interest of the realtor sharpen. "Is there a way I could look it over again and discuss price?"

  "Of course, I happen to be in your area later this afternoon, would that work?" Elena blinked in surprise. She had expected a date sometime later in the week. Apparently, Ruby worked Saturdays.

  "That would be fine," Elena said. "I'm in the store so just pop in when you get here." Business complete they ended the call and Elena put the phone down.

  "Well," she said pushing herself to her feet. "When the fates decide to align they don't go half way." Elena tilted her head towards the partially open door. No shrieks or screams of terror. Apparently the world had not gone awry while she was away. She tapped her fingers on the desk. Perhaps she had time for one more call. She sat back down and pulled the notes toward her. Included in the new outline was a suggestion for a graphic designer who also did web work. With the last name of Baranov she figured Andre was a relation of Peter's and already knew something of the channels.

  "That would help prevent further leaks," she said. "And ensure Peter has a family member around to keep an eye on the business." She shrugged. It wasn't an unexpected move. "As long as his work is good and he can get along with everyone here, I don't see how it really matters." She dialed the phone number somewhat surprised to see the area code was not that far away.

  'Of course the college here does have an amazing arts program,' she thought as the phone rang. 'Perhaps he attended here and got a job nearby after graduation.'

  "Hello," a voice said as the phone was answered. He sounded out of breath.

  "Yes may I speak with Andre Baranov?"

  "This is he."

  "Good morning," Elena began. "I'm Elena Calabrese I was given your number by Peter Baranov."

  "Oh," he said. He had caught his breath and there was a wariness to his tone. She smiled, appreciating the caution.

  "Yes, I was looking for a graphics and web person for a family business and he suggested you." She placed a small emphasis on family and let it be.

  "I see. You are of the Guild then?"

  "Yes, I am. I'm going to be working with Peter and my grandfather on marketing some of the goods brought back from travels. Items such as foods, cookware and table knickknacks and as you can imagine there will need to be substantial repackaging. Especially with the food items." There was a short bark of laughter.

  "I imagine so. Are you really going to sell food?" She could hear the interest in his tone.

  "That is the plan. Are you interested?"

  "I could be interested." There was a pause. "Can I ask you something?"


  "Is my cousin requiring you to hire me?"

  "No it isn't a requirement. He just made the suggestion because he thought you had the necessary skills and were already familiar with the Guild. I have final say in this. And to be honest examples of your work will hold more weight than your bloodline."

  "I can send samples if you like. Would e-mail work?"

  "Definitely," Elena gave him her e-mail. "I don't suppose we could set up a meeting? Personality and whether you can get along with the type of people you will be working with will also play a role. And you would more than likely have to re-locate should you take the job so it would probably be a good idea to see the place." Elena gave him the location of the store.

  "That's only about two hours from here." He paused in thought as if he were rearranging his schedule in his head. "I can send work samples and a resume in the next couple of minutes. Would you be able to look over them by Monday afternoon?"

  "I would, but I have a 7 pm meeting Monday night so it would have to be a fairly early meeting."

  "Well we just wrapped up a major project so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch for me to take a half a day on Monday. That would put me at your place around 3 ish if that works." They finished out the details and Elena hung up the phone.

  "When the fates align," she muttered. The noise level outside her door had risen slightly and she pushed thoughts of future busin
esses out of her head to deal with the one she had. Elena walked back out onto the floor. While the customers hadn't overwhelmed the staff yet, her assistance would be appreciated. She smiled at a woman frowning over a set of end tables. "May I help you?"

  Luckily, by the time Ruby appeared the crowd had thinned and Elena felt her absence could be tolerated again. With a brief explanation she ducked out the front door and followed Ruby back to the street. The wind whipped her hair into a strange dance around her head and she shivered, wishing she had grabbed her coat. Ruby quickly unlocked the door and they stepped inside. Even without the heat on in the building the lack of wind made the building feel almost warm.

  The building was as Elena remembered it. The first floor had been cleared out and was one gigantic room with only metal support poles breaking up the space. The board floor had a few water spots and her questions to Ruby revealed that a new roof had been added, so no further damage would occur. Mentally Elena added shelves and counters. She segregated off a portion of the back of the room for a check out counter and storage.

  'It could definitely work,' she thought slowly strolling through the center of the room. The pressed tin ceiling was in good shape as well; a new coat of white paint would bring it back to life and lighten up the space. She glanced at the hanging florescent lights. Those would have to go. Mentally she replaced them with something a little more upscale.

  'Actually I think I have some in storage that would work,' she thought. "The electricity was not turned off?" she asked Ruby.

  "No, neither were the other utilities," Ruby answered her. Elena smiled thinking Ruby considered a functioning building easier to offload than an abandoned one.

  'And she'd be right.' The tour led them up the back stairs. There the space had been divided into two apartments. They were very basic and Elena thought the back apartment could be transformed into a meeting space and larger office. 'Keeping the Guild business separate. It might be nice to leave the front as an apartment though. Possibly offer it to Andre as part of an incentive package if he works out.' She nodded at the thought. Not only would the idea help her move him in, but it would also ensure someone was around should the military try to investigate. Elena turned and smiled at Ruby.

  "Let's talk details." After some negotiation and a brief telephone conversation with the owner, Ruby left with a conditionally accepted offer and a smile on her face. Elena returned to the imports store. The rest of the day passed fairly quietly in a steady stream of customers. When the last had left and everyone started gathering their coats, Elena asked them to stay a few minutes.

  "I mentioned a few days ago that there was a possibility of a new business venture," she began when they were all gathered. "Well the paperwork was signed today and I have made arrangements to buy the building next door."

  "Woo hoo," Max said. "We're expanding."

  "Not exactly," she explained with a smile. "It will be completely separate." She explained the concept, leaving out the off- world aspects."

  "I can see how that would really play well with what you already have," TJ commented.

  "So the end result is that we are going to be doing a bit of a shuffle around here for the next little while. I probably won't be around here full time every day for a while until things are settled. And if any of you feel you might be interested in working with the new store on a full time basis please come and see me." With that pronouncement she let them go locking the store behind her and wondering how things were going to end up shaking out.