Read Pilot Page 40

  Chapter 39

  "I hate politics," Elena muttered to herself as she made her way through the corridors and back towards her quarters.

  "So I guess some things never change," a familiar voice said from behind her.

  "Angie," Elena said throwing her arms around her friend.

  "Did you think you could sneak back dockside with no one noticing?" Angie asked when Elena released her. "Especially with everything going on."

  "I suppose not," Elena said with a chuckle. "So how's life?"

  "Good, good. Several of us are down in the Aerie. We heard you had a reprieve from babysitting duties so I was sent to find you."

  "That sounds like heaven," Elena sighed dramatically. "You don't suppose they have a glass or two of Draxio around do you? I could really use a drink."

  "As long as Lucy and Rowan haven't gotten into one of their philosophical debates recently there should be a glass or two left."

  "Tell me the truth, they aren't still debating the Varcas war are they?" Elena shuttered and Angie laughed.

  "Nope we put a gag order on them over that. They have managed to find several other almost as annoying topics to fill the gap in the time you've been gone." They headed off to the Aerie, one of their group's favorite watering holes. Elena was more than happy to shuck all talk of partnerships and have conversations merely to enjoy another's company.

  Across the bazaar she spotted Talbot leading a frowning Smith and a note taking Jonathan. Jonathan waved when he spotted her and looked like he wanted to call her over. She waved back and continued on her way unfazed. Tonight was about catching up with old friends. She walked into the Aerie to enthusiastic greetings from friends she tried very hard not to miss and she broke out into a grin. It was the start of a fun evening.

  "This is not the way to start a good morning," Elena told herself the next day as she fought to keep her brains from leaking out of her ears. "At least this headache isn't from the Calling." There had been more than a few glasses of Draxio around last night, although Elena was pretty sure it was in scarce supply this morning.

  "Just how many toasts did I drink last night?" As she dressed she tried to count. Laura's wedding, Karen's first ship, Dina's new ship, her own new ship, Angie's partnership with the House of Havers, Haley's securing a trade agreement with the Otrasal. The list continued long past Elena's recall. "Apparently a lot has happened in five years." Elena knew from experience that a nice tall glass of icy cold wanoc would settle her stomach and banish the hangover quicker than anything.

  "Besides I have to make appearances anyway." Elena made her way down to the bazaar and saw Angie nursing a cup of wanoc. She slid into the chair opposite her.

  "You look as bad as I feel," she told her friend.

  "You don't look so great either," Angie told her. "Why did you let me drink so much?"

  "Why did you keep proposing toasts?"

  "Wanoc?" a waiter asked, sidling up to the table. Elena nodded and tried to keep her head from snapping off of her neck. "Thought so." He whisked a glass from behind his back and Elena mentally tripled his forthcoming tip in her mind. The man was obviously a god in disguise. The two of them sipped their drinks, keeping conversation to a minimum until they could take effect. At the halfway mark, Elena found she had become human again and sighed with relief. Draxio had never been intended for human physiology.

  "I think we ought to canonize the first person to put this stuff on ice," she told Angie.

  "Amen," her friend said reverentially. "The red haze over everything is fading away. And just in time too it looks." Elena looked to see what her friend had spotted and found Smith and Jonathan walking towards her. Talbot was nowhere to be seen.

  "Shit," Elena said, but there was no force behind the word.

  "I have some questions," Smith said in his customary demanding way. Apparently nice stopped at the docking tube.

  "If you'll excuse me," Angie said standing. "I need to be elsewhere." She mouthed the word 'Sorry' at Elena before fairly turning on her heels and walking quickly away. Elena didn't blame her. She had the suspicion that everyone who didn't have to talk to the military was told to avoid them at all costs. Unfortunately, she didn't get that memo.

  "When do you not have questions?" She asked Smith. He and Jonathan took this as an invitation to sit down. She glared at them to no effect and took another sip of her drink.

  "The goods here are not earth goods. They are from elsewhere, but all of the people here are human." Smith stated. Elena stared at him.

  "Was there a question in there?"


  "Because the Docking Facility is a human place. Our home away from home. We trade and bring stuff here where other people can buy it." She didn't tell him that all of the non-humans had been asked to remain hidden for the next few days. If Talbot hadn't mentioned it then she wasn't about to spill the beans.

  "That makes more sense," Jonathan said.

  "More sense than what?" Elena asked.

  "Then Talbot's version."

  "Oh." Elena didn't ask what Talbot's version was. She didn't want to know. "Where is Talbot?"

  "Around," Jonathan said evasively. Elena frowned realizing they had probably deliberately dodged Talbot. Her suspicions were confirmed when a red faced and panting Talbot appeared on the edge of the bazaar and practically raced over when he spotted Smith and Jonathan.

  "I think he found you," Elena said dryly. Both men looked over and scowled. "I suppose I had better leave you," She told them.

  "Why," Smith demanded. "Do you have more important secret Guild business to attend to?"

  "Actually," she said. "I was going shopping."

  "Then we will come with you." Elena looked to Talbot who had joined them. He nodded.

  "If that is all right with you, Ms. Calabrese."

  "Fine," Elena said shrugging. "I could use some people for the heavy lifting." Elena gulped the last of her drink and paid up, leaving the large tip she had already decided upon. The bazaar was as always a wondrous place of the glittering and mundane. Dazzling artwork produced by people whose names the human tongue could never pronounce pressed side by side with phony star charts leading to lost cities built of precious gems. Fruit vendors vied for space beside fortunetellers.

  Elena smiled as she made her way through the exotic, yet familiar mix. Talbot seemed content to let her answer questions since she kept things simple and chose not to elaborate. He wore a small smile and Elena couldn't tell if he was pleased with her responses or if he was just happy he didn't have to answer the questions. By the end of the day she had accumulated quite a tidy pile and led the group back towards her rooms. Smith and Jonathan, as expected placed their parcels down and began examining the room. She shrugged as Talbot shook his head. The rooms were new, what could they learn?

  "It's similar to ours," Smith said. He sounded disappointed.

  "Did you expect it to be different?"

  "It doesn't have any pilot things," Jonathan said. He too sounded disappointed. Elena chose not to ask what pilot things were.

  "I believe we have imposed upon Ms. Calabrese long enough. If you will follow me please. It is nearly dinner time and your dinner has been arranged. Ms. Calabrese, thank you." Talbot efficiently herded Smith and Jonathan out of her rooms and she sank onto one of the chairs in exhaustion.

  Chapter 40

  The next few days passed in an odd game of tag. Elena appeared in the bazaar as she was supposed to, letting Smith and Jonathan catch sight of her. Then she would do her level best to disappear before they could catch her. If she escaped, the day was hers. If they caught her she would spend more time shopping. By the time her grandfather returned and the Wind Dancer was ready to return, Elena never wanted to go shopping again. Although she did have to admit her rooms now looked a little less industrial.

  "I suppose it is for the best," she thought as she ascended the docking tube and once
again took he place on the Wind Dancer. She dropped her bag off and readied the Wind Dancer for departure as every one else settled. As expected, Smith and Jonathan saw her and made a beeline for her location. Smith however seemed to have left his demanding questions back on the Docking Facility and returned to the silent appraisal that he adopted after the fight with her grandfather.

  'Here's hoping it lasts,' she thought. The docking clamps released and Elena guided the Wind Dancer back to the encircling ribbon of water. They circled the Docking Facility once and then headed off into the black, a ribbon of blue trailing beneath them. Jonathan was taking pictures and Smith was once again studying the instruments.

  Elena shrugged philosophically and figured it was pretty much going to be a repeat of the trip out. This time however, safely stowed below decks was a large shipment ready to be unloaded at what was now her homeport and repackaged for sale in Nibbles. A few days later, Peter would be returning with a similar load and the military would be on its own once more.

  'No more meetings,' she thought happily. 'No more rapid fire questions and accusations.' Out of the corner of her eye she watched Jonathan snap pictures with his digital camera and wondered if anyone had told them that. Elena had only been asked to meet with them to correct their information and take them through the channels once.

  She had been told any further meetings would go through Peter and Peter alone. Elena glanced at Smith. She couldn't see him enjoying that. 'Add to that the fact that we are all going to be running the schedule of the channels for a while and none of us will be available and he is likely to go insane.' Once Nibbles was up and running, the Storm Chaser would be making supply runs during the season as well. 'So I won't be there for him to fuss at anyway.' The thought brightened her.

  'And the Wind Dancer won't be around for them to study either since grandfather is taking her right out of port after dropping us off.' The ship would be circling back to unload cargo later. 'This is the last run I'll make on the Wind Dancer.' She realized abruptly.

  Elena patted the ship affectionately. She would miss it. She had grown up on the Wind Dancer's decks. Boots, the ships cat circled around her ankles. Elena thought of Spin and the Storm Chaser. The melancholy faded a little. Across the deck Smith and Jonathan prowled still looking for the instruments she had hidden. Since they were built into the hull and below the water line, she didn't have much hope for their quest.

  She could almost feel sorry for them. No ship, the only pilot they knew off where they couldn't reach her and only Peter for a contact, when they could reach him. She had a feeling happiness would not reign supreme. Feeling slightly petty, Elena smiled. She adjusted the Wind Dancer's heading and turned the ship for home.

  For more information on this or other works by this author please visit;

  Follow Elena's continuing Adventures in Storm Chaser, Book Two of The Channel Riders

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