Read Pinehurst Page 17

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  “Evie, I haven’t seen you in days.” Iris was in her usual mood—worried about everything! “The dance is next Friday and Roland said he doesn’t even know if he still has a date, or not. He hasn’t gotten to spend any time with you outside of class.”

  “What do you mean he doesn’t know if he has a date or not? I told him yes!”

  I hoped he was still taking me to the dance. My dad had a dress shipped a week and a half ago. I opened my closet and pulled out a garment bag. I still hadn’t let any of the girls see it yet. I tried it on when it arrived and it fit like a dream. Aside from that, I hadn’t taken it out of the bag. I wasn’t about to get my first prom dress dirty before I had a chance to wear it. I hung the bag back on the hook and closed the closet door.

  “It’s not like anyone’s had a chance to talk to you lately,” Iris continued, not skipping a beat. She actually looked hurt.

  “Iris, I’m sorry. I don’t have a choice. There are only two months left before my field trials.” What started as a defensive response, turned out sounding desperate: I really had no idea how I was going to pass those tests. Along with Antonio’s private instruction, Gunny had a sick sense of humor and thought it was time to throw me into the mix with the rest of the guys. Lots of protesting moans filled the room that day—the guys complained too.

  “Well, you’re free tomorrow, right?” Iris interrupted my mental pity-party.


  “Remember? Gina Von Rotmund is coming to announce the volleyball players that will go on to the Junior Division’s team!” Iris squealed excitedly. “She’s even bringing several of the star players! I heard Vlad’s going to be here, too!”

  Iris was in near hysterics now. Not that I blamed her. Vlad Smirnov was the hunkiest hunk that ever graced the cover of Mageian Beach Volleyball. He was twenty-two. Blonde, blue-eyed, and all man! Dang! I’d spent so much time in that gym the last few weeks I’d missed all the playoff games.

  I was glad however, that Iris’ mood had perked up. Mine wasn’t so glum anymore either. This event had been the talk of the school for the past three weeks. Many of the wannabe Slayers were so psyched up about it they could hardly concentrate in gym. Every one of them aspired to make the team and go on to be world famous players—they weren’t fooling me. Every one of these guys had visions of hot bikini-tanned girls fawning all over them.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there,” I said. With the rest of the female population, drooling!

  I left Iris for my after-school-practice. All the guys were there now. With only two months to go, everyone was on edge, desperate to push their bodies to the limit. They wanted to be Slayers so badly; you could taste it in the air. That and boy sweat—gross!


  I jumped. I’d been practicing my round-kicks on a punching bag and missed my target completely; thanks to Gunny’s sneak approaches. That man could make the dead jump!

  “I want you over there with Bixby.”

  “Sir?” There was no way he was pairing me up with Chad the Neanderthal. No way. No. Freaking. Way.

  “Close your mouth Hollyander and move your butt!”

  “But—” I met Gunny’s unwavering stare and slumped. There was no point arguing. Chad: the jerk, looked smug. I was so going to give him the whooping he deserved. I strode up to him, glowering.

  “You want a piece of this, Hollyander?” he asked with smug confidence. “Come and get it!”

  Chad’s face had a smirk that desperately needed to be wiped off. Antonio’s star move came to mind. I dropped to the floor and swiped my leg against his, knocking his butt to floor. Taking advantage of the dazed look on his face, I locked my legs around his neck, and smashed his head into the mat once more. OORAH!

  “Nice work Hollyander!” Gunny boomed. “Bixby, maybe you should work with Thompson. Thompson! What in the hell are you doing boy? Get your pansy ass over here, this isn’t free time!”

  I released Chad, jumped up and backed away quickly. He looked livid.

  “Try that again,” he growled stalking toward me.

  “I’d love to, but I can only bring myself to kick one mentally challenged Neanderthal’s butt a day.” I smiled sympathetically. “Sorry.”

  “Bixby!” Gunny hollered.

  “Don’t be too hard on Thompson, it’s not his fault you got your best side handed to you by a girl.” I smiled impishly before skipping over to Antonio. Who by the way, was smiling like a proud papa.

  “Did you see me kick Chad’s butt?” I squealed excitedly, jumping up for a high five!

  “The whole gym did. You were amazing!” He slapped my hand.

  Amazing . . . I was amazing! I could be an amazing kisser too if someone would only practice with me. Like, let’s say . . . two times a day . . . seven days a week? If only Antonio wasn’t such a stick-in-the-mud. I mean, I acted much older than I was. Roland certainly thought so.

  “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” Damn! He’d been listening again.

  Antonio just shook his head, trying hard to suppress a laugh. I hated it when he eavesdropped. If only there was some way for me to block him . . .?

  “Come on. You have laps to run.” He jerked his head to the side, motioning to the double doors that led to the track field.

  I huffed loudly, storming past him. “Men! They can’t even let you savor a victory!”

  “Hey Evie!” Roland raced up behind me, taking me up in his arms, and swinging me around. “Damn girl, you were hot, kicking Chad’s pride to the floor.”

  I blushed. No one had ever said I was “hot” . . . I kinda liked it. The large smile that hung on my face was not leaving anytime soon. Funny, why did Antonio look so pissed? Roland was just being sweet. I liked sweet. Besides, Antonio sure wasn’t campaigning for the boyfriend job!

  “So, do you have an escort for the announcement dinner?” Roland glanced to Antonio, as if sizing him up, before looking back to me.

  “Escort? No, do I need one?” Iris never said we had to have an escort for the award ceremony.

  “Hell yeah! Unless you want every guy here knocking on your door,” Roland nudged me playfully with his elbow.

  I looked around the room. Chad and Thompson were sparring. Well, Chad was.

  Thompson was doing his best not to get his butt kicked. Victor had Wyatt in a headlock, giving him a world-class noogie—dorks. And John was picking his nose—eww!

  No way. I did not want them knocking on my door. Hell no!

  “I just thought since you agreed to go to the dance with me,” Roland began, “that you might—”

  “I’ll take you.”

  Roland and I looked at Antonio simultaneously.

  “What?” My voice cracked. Did Antonio just say he wanted to take me?

  “I’ll take you.” His tone was firm. Authoritative. Man he made my heart flutter.

  “We’ll just be finishing up practice. I’ll walk you over after,” he shrugged, indifferent to the whole thing.

  “Well, I don’t want you to put yourself out,” I grumped. Jeez. Don’t do me any favors. Don’t act like you really want to take me, or anything.

  “I’m not.” Antonio said, answering my spoken and mental thoughts. “I’ll be heading that way myself. It’s no big deal. I’ll take you. Now come on. You still have laps to run and you have practice.” He gave Roland a long look that screamed, get lost!

  Roland’s brave façade faltered. “I’ll catch you later, Evie,” he said, giving me a quick wink before he retreated.

  I turned back to Antonio. He’d already gone out onto the track field.

  “Hey!” I had to run hard to catch up with him. “What was that about?”

  “What was what about?”

  Who was he kidding, playing innocent? “Roland. You practically back-handed him for asking me out!”

  “You’re imagining things.” He continued on, not breaking his stride.

  “Well if that’s the case, I’ll just run back in there
and let Roland know I’m available after all.” Who knows, I might get kissed again.

  Antonio skidded to a halt, grabbing my arm as I threatened to pass.

  “You’re not having dinner with him. Or doing anything else he has planned in that hormonal mind of his.”

  “How do you know what he has planned? You read his mind too?” I scoffed. I knew Antonio could read my thoughts but . . . Wait! “What does he have planned?” What had Antonio’s panties in a wad?

  “They are not in a wad! And I do not wear panties!” He spat each word with disgust.

  Interesting . . . I wonder if he wears . . .

  “Stop that! You shouldn’t be curious about such things. You’re too young!”

  “Too young?” I was not too young. I was practically seventeen—almost a grown-up. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment that he’d once again heard my wondering thoughts.

  “Until you are, grown-up that is,” he held back a snicker. “We’ll keep our conversations G-rated.”

  My mouth dropped open. I gave him my best haughty look, complete with hands on the hips. “I’ll have you know that in some cultures women my age are married; even having children!” Not that I wanted any of that, but hell, I was grown-up; even though I wasn’t experienced in such matters.

  I stomped my foot for effect. I’d seen my mother do that with my father when she wanted to get her point across, so I knew this was a very grown-up thing to do. Right? Besides, a child wouldn’t have kissed Roland the way I had. And he obviously didn’t consider me a child.

  “Like I said, you won’t be attending the Awards with Roland; or doing anything else with him for that matter.”

  I scoffed. “You can’t tell me who to date!”

  “Actually, I can.” He said this with unmistakable authority.

  Oh no. He did not just tell me he’s the boss of me. I’d punched guys for less. The thought of damaging Antonio’s gorgeous face didn’t sit well, but it was for the greater good. No guy was going to tell me what to do. Ever!

  “I’d re-think this if I were you,” he warned, not taking me seriously as a threat.

  “Bring it.” I started circling him like a lioness about to pounce on its prey. He smiled, and joined in the dance.

  “Evie, I’m just looking out for you,” he began. “You don’t know boys like I do. Roland isn’t as nice as you think. He won't be satisfied with just kissing.”

  “Quit trying to distract me. You don’t even know him.” I started narrowing my circle.

  “I know that your father wouldn’t like this either.”

  “What do you know about what my father would or wouldn’t like?” I growled, before I sucker kicked him in the gut.

  Antonio sucked in a breath of air and released it slowly. Otherwise, he was completely unaffected. I should have known. The guy was rock hard. If I were going to take him down, I’d have to be creative.

  “So it’s going to be like that is it?” He recovered and used an oldie but goodie. A blunt kick to the thigh, sending me sailing several yards back.

  I really hated grass stains. My eyes narrowed as he approached.

  Antonio extended his hand to me. “I’m sorry Evie, but you had it coming. I didn’t want to hurt you but—oof!”

  Right in the sweet spot, baby! Ten points for Evie! I leaned back on my elbows waiting for Antonio to stop rolling around on the ground beside me. Boys were such babies. Honestly, a kick to the nads shouldn’t be this dramatic.

  “That. Was. Uncalled for,” he breathed, still sucking air.

  “That was for being bossy! Besides, in battle, everything is fair game.”

  “Ahahh!” Antonio had me pinned. He’d flipped me over, and had my arms behind my back, face-planting me into the grass.

  “What are you doing?” I squirmed under his weight.

  “Stopping you from inflicting any more harm,” he growled. “Or doing anything stupid. You’re going to listen to meeeee—” His voice trailed off as he flew backward in the air.

  I turned over, spitting grass from my lips. Antonio lay on his back a good thirty feet away. I hadn't even needed eye contact that time. “I’d listen but I can’t hear you way over there,” I shouted as I rose to my feet. “Maybe you shouldn’t have taught me how to throw all those bags around.” I turned on my heel and strode off toward the gym. I had a date to make.