Read Pinehurst Page 26

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  We kissed awhile longer; taking advantage of the time we supposedly had left.

  We kissed. What else could we do fifty feet up in the air, straddling a tree limb? Well, maybe we could . . .? Oh, whom was I kidding? Even if we weren’t fifty feet up in the air straddling a tree limb, we wouldn’t be doing anything more than kissing. I was too shy. I’d proven that to myself earlier. I couldn’t even change in front of him without blushing. I wasn’t ready for more, and Antonio: well, Antonio had a very definite opinion on what was acceptable behavior for a girl my age; acceptable behavior for me that is. His hands were extremely well behaved.

  As they should be,” he grinned once again addressing my inner thoughts.

  I frowned. How was he ever going to take me seriously if he continued to view me as a little girl? “You know, I’m seventeen in a few days.”

  “And you will be just as sweet as you are now.” He kissed my forehead softly. For some reason, sweet didn’t sound so fun. It was time to change the subject.

  “So, what are Borgons anyway?” I asked casually after what was the best make-out session of my life. Okay, it was the only make out session of my life, but there would never be another that would top it!

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.” I could hear Antonio smiling. He cradled me on his lap, holding me close.

  “Borgons?” I reminded him sleepily, my eyes falling shut.

  “They’re a hideous three foot long rat that eats the flesh off living creatures,” he answered.

  My eyes popped open.

  “Sweet dreams!” Havoc called out.

  Sweet dreams? Was she kidding? I spent most of the night jumping at every noise I heard. My heart raced with anticipation, and it wasn’t because I was snuggled up to the hottest guy on the planet.

  “Go to sleep.” Antonio sighed for the hundredth time.

  “I can’t.”


  “Where do I start? I’m stuck up a tree. Giant rodents are waiting to eat my flesh off. And my butt will have a permanent indentation from this branch in the morning.”

  Antonio’s body shook with laughter.

  “You really suck, you know that?”

  “I’m sorry.” He rubbed his hands up and down my arms like he’d done all night, trying to warm me. “I’m just trying to picture that.”

  “Would you like a visual?” I snapped, as I moved to get up.

  “No!” Antonio wrapped his arms around my body, holding it to his. “It could be worse you know, we could be down there,” he motioned with a quick jerk of the head.

  Damn! Why did he have to say that? And why did I look down? Borgons had been gnawing at the base of our tree for hours now. Attempting too saw it down with their razor-sharp teeth. I only hoped daylight would come before they made any real damage to the trunk.

  “I bet you two wish you could crawl into this hole with me?” Havoc’s voice broke through the night. She hadn’t spoke in hours. I’d almost forgotten about her—almost.

  “You okay over there?” Part of me felt bad that she was alone in that tree, until a twig bounced off my forehead.

  “What the—”

  I’m fine,” Havoc giggled. “Just a little bored.”

  That little brat was going to pay for that. “That could have hit me in the eye you know!”

  “So, Antonio,” Havoc began, not paying me any attention. “Tell me, when was the last time you’ve been to Hell?” I could hear the malice in her voice. What was she up to now?

  Antonio cleared his throat. “It’s been almost three years,” he admitted reluctantly.

  “Hmm. I wonder if the big guy will remember you?” she half-laughed.

  “What does she mean by that?” I asked looking behind me at Antonio. I could just make out his features in the moonlight. They looked troubled.

  “Havoc’s just trying to make a situation,” Antonio said, brushing her off.

  “Well, we’re not going there for a trip down memory lane,” I snapped in her direction. “We’re going there to rescue my father. Speaking of which, Havoc? How do you know my father’s in Hell again?” Yes, I knew it was a little late to be asking her this question.

  Antonio stiffened. “Please tell me you’re joking?”

  I glanced behind me, cringing slightly. “She mentioned something in class and I just took her word for it. Then Miles told me my dad was missing . . . You even said he was here. By the way, how did you know he’d been taken?”

  “I cannot explain it. I simply knew.”

  Would the abundance of unanswered questions never end? He simply knew? Did he think I was going to accept that?

  “Oh he’s in Hell alright,” Havoc assured. “Chaos told me.”

  “Who is Chaos?” Antonio asked. Apparently he hadn’t been listening when Havoc was tormenting me with the details of her love life.

  “He’s my boyfriend; although he doesn’t really know it yet. But he is definitely my boyfriend—or will be! As soon as he sees how amazingly hot I look in this outfit,” she sighed contentedly, “he won’t stand to be away from me!”

  I wanted to strangle her. “Havoc! Can you focus here?”

  “Quiet. I’m having a moment.”

  “So help me Havoc, if you don’t—”

  “Fine! Do you have anything to trade?”

  “She’s dead!” I jumped up, preparing to run the length of my branch and leap into her tree, when the base of our tree shook.

  “Ahahh!” I fell, grabbing hold of the limb as I went. I landed hard on my ribs, the wind knocked out of me. Antonio had me by the arm and pulled my dangling lower half up.

  The Borgons were hard at work, screeching and gnawing at the wood below.

  “I might have let you sit in my tree, if you hadn’t been so nasty just now. You two can just squirm over there.”

  “I’m going to kill her,” I choked.

  “Havoc, I believe Evie asked you a question.” Antonio was trying a more direct approach. “You will receive payment as soon as we are able to reach you.”

  I’ll reach her. I’ll reach my hands around her little neck and—


  I huffed: Fine, try it your way.

  “I think I’d like something sparkly. You know; something to go with my many outfits. Chaos isn’t going to be able to keep his eyes off me,” she boasted.

  “Perhaps if you’d wash your hair,” I growled.

  “Eeek! Don’t say that.” She sounded aghast.

  “Am I missing something?” I asked, to no one in particular.

  The tree shook again. At this rate, we’d be catapulting into Havoc’s tree within the hour.

  “Pixie’s do not wash their hair,” she explained. “Yuck!”

  Okay . . . she was totally disgusted with the idea of clean hair. I recalled the first time I’d seen her. She was nasty looking. Her hair was as dirty and gross as it is now. Her clothing was ragged. Hell, they were rags. They were torn and filthy, covered in soot and ash. Now she sported a tight pink mini skirt, and a white cashmere top of all things—courtesy of Iris’ Barbie doll. Not to mention the crystal barrette she conned out of me.

  “Wait! Are you saying my hair is gross?” I asked in disbelief.

  “No. I’m sure it’s nice for you.” She cleared her throat. “All clean and smelly.”

  “Smelly!” I hadn’t realized until now that I was shouting. The noise from below was getting louder and louder. They must be getting closer than I thought.

  Antonio gripped my arm, pulling me back down onto his lap. The tree was sturdy and I was glad for it. Antonio's lap was even sturdier. I leaned into him, gathering strength to not kill Havoc.

  “Pixies never wash their hair,” he explained quietly. “It wouldn’t be practical. They live deep down in the depths of Hell. The dirtier one is, the more likely they can blend in. Drawing attention to one self is not a good thing.”

  I thought about that. Havoc’s racy outfit would certainly draw attention
to her. Maybe I should toss her in the mud a few times. You know, just to grunge her up a little. A grin replaced the scowl on my face. Maybe if I stepped on her while she was in the mud—

  Do not forget the wrath of a pixie! Antonio warned.

  I shrugged, remembering Christina’s pixie attacking her in class. Still, it might be worth it.

  “I said, I think I’d like something shiny!” Havoc shouted from her hole.

  I rolled my eyes at miss one-track-mind. “Fine. ‘Something shiny!’”

  “And you have to smile when you give it to me. I don’t want to trade with someone who pouts.”

  I’m going to kill her . . . slowly. No! I’m going to wash her hair. Twice! With conditioner!

  Antonio laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Havoc called out suspiciously.

  “Nothing!” I took a granola bar out of my bag and took a bite.