Read Pinehurst Page 30

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  I don’t think anything could have prepared me for what I was about to see: Roland tied to a spit, being turned gently over a flame. Okay, it was a really, really, really small flame. But still, who would call him a baby for screaming?

  “Demons . . . let me go!” He screeched louder than any girl I’d ever heard. Poor, Roland. He must be so scared.

  Havoc giggled.

  “That’s not funny,” I scolded.

  Antonio snorted, encouraging Havoc to laugh all the more.

  I gave him a pointed look.

  “Oh please. They aren’t really going to roast him. They’re just having a little fun. Besides, Mageian taste bad,” Havoc mock gagged.

  Like she should talk. I’ll bet she tastes like a chewy old shoe. I’ll bet—

  Evie! Antonio silently warned, all humor aside.

  I would have rolled my eyes mentally if I could have. Antonio could be such a killjoy at times. He’s lucky he’s so cute. I could forgive him the little annoyances.

  You’re so kind.

  Was it too much to ask for a little private time in my head? Quit listening to me! I stomped my foot.

  Very mature!

  I stuck my tongue out at him, further displaying my “maturity.”

  “I sure hope I don’t look that ridiculous when I stomp my foot,” Havoc remarked as if the very idea was unthinkable.

  I sighed. “Can we please stick to the task? Roland!”

  “Okay, here’s the plan.” Antonio pulled me behind the wall, and squatted down in front of me. He took a stick and drew a map in the dirt, and noting Roland’s location. “We're here,” he began. “Havoc! Will you stop that?” Antonio swiped a twig away from her. She’d drawn a roasting spit below Antonio’s drawing of Roland and was in the process of adding some squiggly lines that looked like flames.

  Havoc folded her arms in a pout. “I’m just trying to add realistic detail.”

  Detail my ass. She loved this.

  “I think our best bet is to charge in. They have no idea we're here. We’ll have the element of surprise,” Antonio said.

  “For about five seconds!” Havoc rolled her eyes at him. “Men are so cocky sometimes.”

  “You have a better idea? One that won’t put us on a spit beside Roland’s,” he growled.

  “I might; for a trade.” Havoc eyed the last bit of jewelry I had.

  “No way! It’s an exact copy of Princess Diana’s sapphire and diamond engagement ring! Just not as expensive, or as big.” There was no way, no way in Hell—no pun intended—that I was giving her this ring. Nope! I ain’t gonna do it. Noooo way. I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Well, I want it. Besides, it would look much better on me then it does you.”

  She really was an impossible little monster at times. “It won’t even fit you.” I had my hands on my hips now, giving her a haughty look.

  “I’ll wear it around my other wrist.” She smiled like it was a done deal.

  “Forget it Havoc, it ain’t happening.”

  “Do you want your boyfriend or not?” She’d folded her arms, mimicking me.

  Antonio motioned for me to give her the ring.

  “Oh, that’s easy for you. She’s not stripping you of every valuable you’ve got.”

  “Oh lighten up, Child of Light. You should thank me. It’s not like I’m asking for your pink underwear. If we were the same size—”

  “Alright!” Antonio jumped up, his cheeks flushed with rose. “Could we please focus on the problem at hand?” He sounded flustered–at the mention of pink underwear?


  “Fine! But you better have a good plan. And you don’t get it until we have Roland. And we’re safely away from your little . . . friends.” I motioned towards the direction of the Pixie’s cave.

  “Then it’s a trade?” Her beady little eyes fixed on my sapphire and diamond ring. I could feel her mentally ripping it off my finger. The little beast would probably nibble it off if she could.

  “It’s a trade,” I growled through gritted teeth.

  Havoc smiled satisfactorily. “It’s easy. Simply offer them something to trade.”

  Antonio and I looked at one another, and then to Havoc, and then at one another again.

  “That’s your plan?” There was no way she was getting my ring. “And just what are we supposed to trade with hundreds of pixies? I’m not the Queen of Sheba you know!” Visions of countless pixies raiding my jewelry box played disturbingly in my head.

  “Stupid, Child of Light. Do I have to spell out everything for you?” She tsked. “Trade them for the one thing that is most valuable to them.” She waited for my golden moment of realization. Unfortunately, she’d be waiting awhile. “Their life!” she blurted out.

  If I weren’t so confused, I’d yell at her for the “stupid” remark. As it was . . .

  “Interesting?” Antonio cupped his chin, deliberating.

  Interesting my ass, Havoc couldn’t come up with a good idea if it whacked her in the face. Now that was an interesting idea! Maybe I should—

  “Evie.” Antonio cut my musings short. “Can you not think of one way you might threaten the pixies . . . have them begging for their lives as a trade?”

  “Exactly,” Havoc exclaimed, her eyes still admiring my ring.

  I thought about that. “I suppose I could threaten to turn them to stone like I did the Ragno’s?”

  “No! You’re not turning my friends to stone. You said you wouldn’t kill them.” She had me on a technicality.

  “How about the Imobla charm?” Antonio suggested.

  “No. There are too many of them to hold. Besides, as soon as it wears off, they’ll be after us. She’s right. We need to make a trade that is binding; something that will last.” But what could we do to threaten their lives without actually hurting them, or killing them?

  Roland screamed out again.

  “How do I look?” I turned to Antonio.

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re worried about your appearance?”

  Honestly, did he really think I was that shallow? “My eyes,” I clarified. “Are my eyes still red? I don’t want to scare Roland. He might think I’m a demon or something and freak out.”

  “They’re fine. They’re blue again.” Antonio's anger seemed to melt away the longer he looked at me; I felt myself blushing under the intensity of his stare.

  “Ahem! The task,” Havoc prompted.

  Roland had begun a fresh new chorus of screams. I peeked around the rock to see what had provoked him. “Ahahh! Get off me!” A little pixie had me by the nose and was attempting to rip it off my face.

  Antonio rushed to my aid. He had just yanked the little varmint from me when a horde of pixies began climbing our legs and covering us in a matter of seconds.

  Hundreds? No, there were thousands of them! A little bit of need-to-know information Havoc withheld. They were yanking at our hair and clothing, laughing and jeering wildly at their assumed victory.

  For every one I plucked off of me and threw, it was replaced by two more. They came at us from the ground and air, like little insects.

  Havoc stayed true to her promise. With all the pulls and little fists of fury beating down on us, I was still able to feel the occasional kick at the ankle. I stomped my feet, secretly hoping I’d step on her little black stilettos.

  “Roast them!” A voice shouted over the crowd.

  “Yes! Roast them! Roast them!” They began to chant loudly. I could feel my body being pulled and shoved.

  Hell no! I was not about to be pixie dinner.

  Small rocks began exploding around us. I ducked. Tiny pebbles blasted through the air, pelting the pixies—and me. Antonio! He was slowly blowing up one bolder at a time, creating a diversion for us—a painful diversion. How was he doing that?

  “You got a better idea?” He yelled over the explosions.

  I wish. If I could just blow these little pests off us, we could get to Roland . .

  “That’s it!” I held my hands up toward the ceiling. “Anemos!” And just like that, a strong wind ripped around us. I’d created a mini tornado, moving it through the cavern, across Roland’s fire, distinguishing it. It whipped around and around, knocking the little beasts through the air like dust particles; forcing them to take shelter in small holes and cracks in the walls.

  Antonio grabbed my waist and pulled me through the windstorm. We made our way slowly over to Roland, and untied him. He fell to the ground with a thud.

  “Roland! Are . . . you . . . okay?” I shouted over the wind. I couldn’t release the charm. I didn’t want to take a chance of being overrun by pixie’s again.

  Roland stood on shaky legs. His arms wound around me, seeking support.

  “Evie? How did you find me?” His baby blues sparkled like wet diamonds. I’d guessed he’d been crying not long ago.

  Antonio rolled his eyes at him.

  I was about to answer Roland when his lips took mine. He’d found his strength somehow, holding me to him, and passionately thanking me for saving his life.

  Somewhere between shock and passing out, I managed to pull back, gasping for air. “You're welcome,” I breathed. Then blushed.

  “We’d better go,” Antonio pointed out harshly.

  Antonio! I’d forgotten about Antonio. Oh God. He’d witnessed that assault on my lips. His eyes were not that pool of chocolate I’d dreamt of drinking. They were darker, blacker. His fury was unmistakable.

  But, he couldn’t be mad at me? I didn’t kiss Roland he’d kissed me! True, I didn’t jerk away from him, or slap his face for being so bold. He’d surprised me. And I was still trying to control a mini tornado for crap sake! And there was that little bit of confusion as to whether or not Roland thought he was still my sort-of-boyfriend. Technically that had never been agreed upon. But by the kiss Roland just planted on me . . . I'd say he thought so.

  Without a backward glance, Antonio stormed off toward an opening, away from the pixie’s den. I watched him go for a moment before I pulled Roland along. He’d laced his fingers with mine ages ago, a sight Antonio had not failed to notice. Damn if this didn't complicate things. At least he wasn’t a gargoyle anymore!

  Antonio cut me a sharp look.

  I looked away, pretending not to see.