Read Piper LeVine, A Gypsy's Truth Page 10

  Chapter Nine

  “You want to go back home?” Grandma’s eyes were full of concern, and I hated her feeling upset for even a moment.

  “I have to go and work things out with my parents, so they’ll let me go to school here.” The worry faded. “I want you to come back with us.” She opened her mouth to protest so I hurried on. “Tony can take care of things here with the other boys. Trina wants time with you without the work, and you haven’t seen Dad since…?” I couldn’t even remember when to tell her.

  She sighed and looked down at her hands that she was wringing. “It’s been three years. He’s always too busy.” Trina came into the living room just then with a sour expression.

  “I don’t care what you threaten. I’m not working with those filthy beasts again.” Grandma laughed at her and Trina fought the smile that curved the corners of her mouth.

  “Looks like you won’t have to, dear.” Grandma looked at me, and though she wasn’t smiling her gray eyes were soft. “We’re all headed to the city.”

  “We’re going home?” Trina’s voice was a shriek before she ran into her room to pack up.

  “You’re going to miss that boy Nicholas.” She folded her arms.

  “We’ll be back.” I gave her a hug. “We’ll go back in the morning?” She nodded and then gave me a little push towards my room.

  “Go get ready for your date.”


  “Nicholas will be here soon.”

  I went to my room and changed into a clean pair of jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. If Grandma thought I was into Nicholas, then she would be upset for me when he left. I didn’t want that. I also didn’t want to like him. Anyway, if I did put on a skirt, we’d probably run into another scary guy, and I’d have to book it in heels.

  Despite everything we’d gone through, Nicholas did not forget about our date as I had. He wore black jeans and a gray polo. It was a very casual outfit, but on him it looked like he was going to a red carpet event. Grandma was not pleased with my choice of clothes and in fact, appeared embarrassed that I had selected such casual attire. I’m pretty sure she was about to make me go and change, but Nicholas took my hand. She forgot as she watched us that she hated my clothes.

  “I’ll have her back by ten?”

  “Oh,” Grandma Sidney flashed her beautiful smile, “make it eleven.” I looked at her in surprise, but she just laughed.

  “Behave,” Trina warned. “I’m supposed to be at your side at all times.” She was much more worried than Grandma. Tony and Johnny were there with Grandma to watch a Lord of the Rings marathon. I was glad that Adriel was there with her too, but it had taken Nicholas to kill the Black Sith.

  “Adriel will watch out for them,” Nicholas squeezed my hand once we were outside the house.

  “Grandma agreed to come with us.”

  “I’ll have it taken care of by the time you get back. This place will be safe again.” I nodded and slipped my hand from his to shove it into my pocket. “I wish I could come with you.”

  “Why?” I bent to tie my right sneaker. “You don’t want to meet my parents.”

  “No, but I’d like to do some snooping and see if I could find out more about your birthmother.”

  “Why do you care so much about her?”

  He helped me stand up, even though I didn’t need his assistance. Nicholas led me to Johnny’s truck and opened the door. “I just think you should find out more about her before you condemn her. She might be amazing. Like you.” I got into the truck. “I don’t want you feeling bad about yourself, and this birthmother of yours seems to be the source of your anger.”

  “I’ll figure it out myself, thanks.” He closed the door, and I put my seatbelt on. “Do you know how to drive?” I asked him when he climbed into the drivers’ seat.

  “Yes, I do.” He gave me a look that told me he believed me to be highly confused. “Do you think I’m uneducated too?”

  “Sorry.” I didn’t mention that I was surprised he knew how to read. He sure was defensive. How was I supposed to know about the education of werewolves? Technically, he was raised by wolves wasn’t he?

  Nicholas drove skillfully down the mountain and took a right once we reached the bottom. He didn’t say anything, so I assumed he must have a plan. I didn’t want him to get all bent if I asked him if he knew what we were going to do on the date. Everything about him was a surprise. I concentrated on him and pushed aside my dread of having to see my mom again.

  “You’re not a natural blond, are you?”

  My hand shot up to my hair where I had the red stripe, and I glared at him. “Yes, I am.” He grinned and shook his head. I was checking my roots in the visor mirror when he stopped the truck. I pushed up the visor and considered pulling up my hood to the sweatshirt while he got out. Nicholas had parked in a mini mall “L” shaped strip.

  “Let’s go.”


  “Yes.” He lifted me out of the car. He probably wanted more pants. Why was I disappointed? It wasn’t like I had even dressed for the date. The man liked to shop more than Nina. I walked ahead of him and did my best to keep my annoyance out of my stride, though I’ve never been good at that.

  I didn’t get very far. Nicholas could easily match my pace. The shops were hole in the wall places, and I slowed trying to figure out which one he was aiming for. The one he picked said something about an incredible selection, but that didn’t tell me anything. He was looking really excited though. I walked through the door he held open for me.

  Wigs were all across the store in every color imaginable. Clothes with sequins were the majority, and I looked at Nicholas praying he wasn’t going to ask me to buy anything in there for him. “Come on the nights already ticking away.”

  “Come on and what?”

  “I already saw what a date with Piper LeVine, the Senator’s daughter, is like. Now I’d like to see what a night on the town with Piper LeVine free to be herself is like.” He picked up a wig that had long, curly red hair and put it on my head. “Know what I mean?” My body was literally vibrating with excited possibility.

  “Katrine says disguises never work. If I were to be photographed this way it would be an embarrassment.” He turned me toward a mirror on the wall, and I laughed. I didn’t look like myself at all. The huge, deep red curls made my skin appear pale, and with my green eyes I looked like an Irish fairy from one of those paintings in children’s stories. The hair didn’t look fake on me. It was soft, and felt so real.

  “Only one way to find out.” Nicholas fingered the hair on a dark-brown wig. “What color would you like, my Csardasfurstin?” I tried on a few other colors but in the end, I stuck with the red wig. It changed me the most. I bought a jean skirt with the fading in it. I was never allowed to wear anything that didn’t look brand new. I found black spiked heels and a strappy black top that was form-fitting and sexy.

  There was costume makeup, and I put on really dark eye makeup that looked pretty cool actually. Nicholas added a fake nose ring to my costume, and I looked like a completely different person.

  I don’t know where he got the money, but Nicholas bought everything and put my old stuff in a bag. We walked together out of the store, and I could not stop smiling. Just wearing the heels made me want to dance around the parking lot. Nicholas was smiling too, and it made him even more gorgeous which I wouldn’t have believed possible.

  “What have you always wanted to do but never dared to do?” My heart was pumping like crazy. I was so excited I couldn’t think. He was watching me. “Well?”

  “Anything.” I chewed my lower lip.

  He took my hand and led me toward the street. He flagged down a taxi, and we hopped in. “We’d like to go to Tara Square.” My eyes rounded. That was definitely a place I had been warned by my parents not to go. Grandma Sidney had said I could if I’d wanted to, but I had never dared.

  It was an entire block of entertainment that every kid in my school had
been to, at least during the day they had. This was early evening, and it was changing into a young adult scene. There were a couple of roller coasters at one end and a live band playing in the middle of the block. It was fast music, and I was already thrilled.

  “Have you been here before?” I asked, wondering what we would do first.

  “No. Johnny said it was a place you might want to go.” He paid the driver, and we got out. The music was even louder. I could feel the beat of the drums vibrating beneath my feet through my shoes. I grabbed his hand and went to the music.

  I had never seen a live band that wasn’t an orchestra. Some people just watched, but a lot of them were dancing. I could see why my mom had forbidden Trina and me to dance to fast music. Some of the girls were right up on top of their male dancing partner. But no one cared, and that was the cool part. Still, if people were dancing like this, why was my dancing with Rick a story at all?

  “Would you like to dance?”

  “I don’t know how to dance like that.”

  “Me either, let’s make up our own dance.” He did not look at all like he was kidding.

  My face was already burning. “No way.”

  “Nobody knows us.” He took my hands, and I found out quickly that he had lied to make me feel better. He was excellent, so good that he was making me look good. As long as I held onto him, I seemed to be dancing, and it was exhilarating.

  More people joined in, and no one noticed us. I tried out a salsa hip movement I saw another girl doing, not at all sure if I was pulling it off. “You’re a little too good at that,” Nicholas said and my stomach did a somersault. Our eyes met as the third song ended, and we applauded the band.

  He was getting to me, and I couldn’t afford that. “What’s that place?” I pointed to the nearest building.

  Paint-Tastic was on the sign. There was a line though it wasn’t very long so we got in it not really knowing what we were in for. The trio of girls in front of us stopped talking when we got in line. They kept turning around to check out Nicholas.

  I did my best to act as though I didn’t notice. I’m not a very good actress, so I didn’t look at Nicholas because I was sure he would read into my annoyance for things that just weren’t there. Why should I care if women wanted to drool over Nicholas? We weren’t together, but they didn’t know that. They were freaking rude with their posing and eyelash batting.

  “I really like this skirt.” His fingers brushed up against my thigh as he fingered the hem.

  The air coming in and out of my lungs was making this catching noise I always made when I was nervous. I swatted his hand away, and he chuckled. “So, where did you learn to dance like that?” I asked, glaring at the brunette in the center of the trio.

  “My parents.”

  “Really?” I didn’t know anyone my age that would admit that, even if it were the truth. More than that I was surprised he answered a personal question. We moved forward in line. “What does that word you keep saying mean? Sardusfirsen?” I asked, trying out the word.

  “Csardasfurstin.” He didn’t look at anyone else, and his eyes were focused in on mine. Nicholas never looked away embarrassed, not even when he was naked. That thought had me blushing, and I averted my face, but he caught my chin, so that I couldn’t look away from him, and he watched as I chewed my lower lip. “I called you my Csardasfurstin, which means my Princess.”

  He’s playing you.

  I smiled at him in a way that I hoped communicated that I realized he was just fluffing up my ego. I guided his hand off my chin. He held onto my hand before I could pull it away.

  “I’ve got six brothers and four sisters. I prefer to be outdoors, and I think Rick is a loser.”

  “Six brothers?” I ignored the part about Rick. “Why are you suddenly so willing to share?” The line moved forward again.

  “I just thought it was time.” They let us into the building right then so I didn’t get to follow up with more questions. They suited everybody up in these white jumpsuits with elastic hoods, and they gave us these plastic pump guns that looked like major water guns.

  “Whoever comes out with the least paint wins,” the guy with the headset mic told us and a pair of double doors swung open. Everyone rushed into this big room with sections of strobe lights and others with just black lights.

  The brunette got me right away in the chest. I got her in the back when she turned to run. Nicholas got me while I was getting her. The guns didn’t hold much and Nicholas and I saw the bucket at the same time. I dove for it but ended up landing right on top of him. He rolled us and was on top smiling down at me with the bucket in his hand.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “Oh, I shouldn’t dare?”

  “Nicholas.” The mischief cleared from his face. His eyes were instantly hot and knee melting had I been standing. They lowered to my mouth.

  “You called me Nicholas.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Yes, you did.” His hand was framing my face. My lips were tingling just from him looking at them.

  I tried to scoot out but didn’t budge. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.” My fear and hesitation was clear, and he was smiling again. He got me with the bucket, and it was green but tasted like syrup, thank goodness. Of course, I had to get him back.

  I found another bucket, and this one had blue paint. People were running around like crazy, but Nicholas was tall, and so I didn’t follow any decoys. The trio actually found him for me because they were camped out watching him.

  As quickly as I could I rounded the corner with the bucket, but he was ready for me. He grabbed onto me using my own momentum to swing me around and back me up to the wall. He kissed me before I had a chance to get scared. My head was spinning and my body melting against his. His mouth was hungry, as though he needed my kiss more than he needed air.

  I kissed him back loving the feeling of his arms around me, his mouth claiming mine. I loved the freedom and the feel of his muscular chest beneath my hands. When he kissed me, it was as if we were the only ones who existed, and with him I was safe.

  I wanted the kiss to last forever and that was dangerous, so I ended the kiss and Nicholas looked so pleased with himself. So I dumped the bucket of blue paint over his head. And then I ran.

  Scrambling, I was climbing a pyramid thing when the lights came on. A set of double doors opened up. We all exited into another room and shed the jumpsuits. Even though I got some paint in my wig, it was still so much fun.

  He wasn’t at all bitter about my getting him last. In fact, Nicholas couldn’t seem to stop smiling. I wondered why using his name meant so much to him, but wasn’t sure how to ask him that.

  We walked to the west end of the block and went on The Super Dive roller coaster. I wouldn’t have picked the front row, but he did. I couldn’t wuss out so I followed. The dive was beyond steep, and I shut my eyes and squeezed his hand.

  We were both laughing when we got off, and Nicholas helped me with the wig. I knew I looked crazy windblown, but I didn’t feel that way when he looked at me. His fingers grazed my skin as he smoothed down the fake hair, and I ignored the little warning bells going off in my head and enjoyed his touch.

  “You know what I need?” He said, smiling back at me with a mischievous look on his face.


  “Something sweet.” Nicholas led me over to the cotton candy stand and got us a pink and green candy cloud to share. We walked over to the Ferris wheel and climbed aboard. I started missing my sweatshirt when we neared the top. We were stopped because they were still loading people onto the ride, and the view was inspiring. Beautiful blinking lights of every color on the buildings, it was like visual candy. The cool, crisp wind gave me the feeling of being free.

  Nicholas re-situated himself in the seat and rocked our cart making my stomach flutter with that fun and scared mixture. “Are you cold?” He wrapped his arm around me, and it was a blanket of warmth. I threw caution to the wind and cu
ddled up close to him. That nagging voice in the back of my mind was trying to warn me, but I ignored it. For this one moment, I was going to enjoy myself and worry later.

  “I’m glad we did this,” I said honestly as the ride began again.

  His lips were resting on the top of my head. “Me too,” he said, rubbing a circle on my shoulder with his thumb. “You are a lot more fun when you’re not being bombarded by paparazzi. I’m glad I got this time with you, away from everything.”

  “It’s a lot more fun not having the paparazzi around,” I said purposefully excluding the compliment he was due. He was showing me a marvelous time, better than I’d ever had. “This was a great idea.”

  The wind kicked up, and the cart rocked again as we made a second lap. I held on to him tighter not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. His arm tightened pulling me closer, and I wished that he would always hold me that way. I looked up at him, and he down at me. Time seemed to stand still.

  There was so much there in his eyes. I wished I knew more about him, especially then as my heart skipped several beats. He was dangerous, there was wildness in his eyes, and at the same time he was safety wrapped around me. I’d never wanted someone so much and been so afraid of them all at once.

  Just as he began to descend toward me the ride stopped. Nicholas helped me from the cart, and I followed him, lost in the dream of that almost kiss.

  When I did pull myself back into reality, it was to fall all the way back down. He was leading us toward the street to catch a taxi back. Nicholas got one for us right away.

  “You’re a lot of fun as a redhead.” Nicholas winked at me. “Looks like you got away with it.” He held open the taxi door.

  I sighed with a smile still on my face. “Looks like it.” Once we were in the taxi, he helped me unpin the wig and used tissues to take off the dark eyeshadow. Nicholas had given me a night I would never forget. I did not want it to end. “Thank you for tonight. I really had fun.”

  “Good, I’m glad.” We’d gone a couple of blocks, and he’d already shifted gears. “You’ll have to be careful when you go home.” I knew he was talking about my parent’s house instead of my actual home.

  “How will I know when it’s safe to come back?” Nicholas glanced at the driver.

  “I’ll call you.” I tried to think of what he could say that would make me feel safe again. There was nothing anyone could do or say to guarantee my safety.

  The truck was just where we left it. I climbed in and so did Nicholas. We were going home, and I remembered the many questions I had. I remembered the deal that I made with Nicholas to keep my secrets safe. He was quiet and thoughtful too, so we drove home in silence.

  Nicholas parked the truck in Johnny’s spot and checked the clock. “You’ve got two minutes until your curfew.” He opened his door, but I grabbed his arm.

  “Why were you here when that scout or hunter or whatever you call him was at my window?” I don’t know if it was the surroundings that had him all closed up again, but he didn’t answer. His body was stiff and his shoulders tight. “You were the stray Tony had reported seeing. Why were you hanging around here?”

  “I can’t tell you that right now.” I stuffed the wig back into the bag and wondered why I was such a freakin’ idiot. This whole night was pretend.

  Everything we had done had been to secure his hiding place. He was playing on my emotions, and I was falling for it like the airhead the press always claimed I was. I grabbed the door handle. “You need to change your clothes.” His voice was gentle, and it infuriated me that I’d been falling for him all evening.

  “With those creatures crawling around the sanctuary, I have no choice but to let you stay here. Your hiding place is secure so stop playing games with me.” His mouth was a straight thin line when he slid out of the truck and slammed the door. I had to hunch down low to change my clothes back to the original frump outfit I’d picked.

  I wanted to slam the door to the truck too, but did not want to let him know just how deeply he’d gotten to me. Nicholas met me on my side of the truck, and I walked around him toward the house. “They’re watching,” he said and I caught the blinds moving. He took my hand and walked me to the door. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” I opened the door and went inside so that he wouldn’t be able to kiss me. I closed it soundly and just as fast.

  “Did you have fun? Didn’t you like him? There was no goodnight kiss?” Trina reached for my bag, and I hugged it.

  “She’s a lady. She doesn’t kiss on the first date. Good girl, Piper.” Grandma Sidney’s eyes sparkled at me. “He got you home on time. I like that.”

  “Did you kiss him at all?” Trina threw her hands up.

  “We went to Tara square. It was fun. We danced and went to this paint fight room. It was really fun.” I swung the bag behind my back while I had their attention on my date. “Then we went on the Ferris wheel and got a bite to eat.”

  “Well, isn’t that a nice date?” Grandma beamed.

  “I’m going to go get dressed for bed.” I went to my room and stuffed the bag under my bed. Adriel had followed me, and so I had to go into the bathroom again to change into my matching pink tank and pajama shorts. I put on my robe too and when I came out it was Nicholas in my room sitting on my bed in a pair of camouflage cargo pants.

  “I don’t think you have to be in here.” I tightened the belt on my robe. He stood up and came toward me. It occurred to me that he could literally do whatever he wanted. He had super-human strength, and I was in comparison, helpless. I raised my chin at him anyway.

  “You want to know why I was here?” His eyes were intense, and he stood close.

  “Yes, I do.”

  He laughed, and it was dark and foreboding. Maybe I didn’t want to know. “You’re not going to understand, and I won’t be able to explain.”

  “Tell me anyway.”

  “I wanted to see you.”

  That could not have been the reason. I was gone for at least a week before Tony started seeing the stray. Nicholas was trying to play on my emotions again. He watched me waiting to see how his game was playing out. “You could not have known I was even here to be waiting to see me. You’re full of it, Nicholas.”

  “Maybe the things that you are so sure of are false, and you should stop assuming you know everything when you are very much in the dark.”