Read Piper LeVine, A Gypsy's Truth Page 17

  Chapter Sixteen

  I had promised to be loyal to the gypsy queen and clan. Brea provided me with a towel and told me to come out of the changing room wearing nothing else.

  Blessedly there weren’t as many people still at the huge house. But I’d never been seen by so many in a towel alone. If I dropped it I would be seen by whichever woman still present was my birth mother, the entire wolf pack, the gypsy queen and bandolier. I gripped the towel hard.

  Nicholas brought me a glass of water. “You can do this.” I wanted to ask him what exactly, but if I knew I’d probably back out of it. I sipped the water. “Drink it all.” I finished the glass and handed it back. I was remembering how comfortable Nicholas had been naked and was starting to think someone was going to take my towel.

  “You are going to sweat out much of the impurities.”

  A sauna? I can do that.

  “It’s going to be hot. Don’t wimp out,” Brea said and opened up the closest door in the long hallway of doors. “Try to relax if you can.” I went inside, and the door closed and locked. I was not crazy about it being locked but took Brea’s advice and tried to relax.

  Maybe five minutes later I was wondering if they were trying to boil my blood. I was completely soaked in sweat and trying to convince myself that the volcanic steam had oxygen in it.

  Ten minutes later the towel was on the floor lying next to me as I kept repeating the words of my junior high science teacher, “Heat rises, heat rises, heat rises.” I was in an oven and absolutely sure that the gypsies were cannibals, and I was going to be the main course.

  Brea came in and covered me with the towel. “You did it, Kellan. Now you’ll have to get up.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. My skin was red and tender to the touch. I don’t know why I thought that was it, because it wasn’t. I was given a bikini that must have belonged to one of the children no longer present. I’m not one for showing a lot of skin so I wrapped the towel around myself in the tiny suit and left the sauna.

  Next I was led to a pool of water that I was instructed under no circumstances to drink. My mouth was still in an ash dry state of being, and I was denied water to drink.

  Stupid gypsies.

  The “special” water that at first was a relief from the heat became a drain on my body and soul. I began to worry that I was bleeding because the water drained me so much. I wasn’t allowed to just float because my body had to be under the water as much as possible.

  I had to be fished out when I had no energy to swim anymore. The water had turned a dark murky grey, and Seraph said it was the gaje impurities that dirtied the water. I was thinking it was probably my current feelings toward the gypsies that turned the water dark because there was no way I was that dirty.

  My skin was still very tender. I was pretty sure that soon I would have to be covered in that fire snot Nicholas had forced on me for my bruises. Torture seemed to be the theme.

  “You’re doing just fine,” Nicholas said as Brea offered me her hand to help me stand up. I didn’t want to stand up. I was pure enough, there was nothing left inside my body except the things needed in order to live. “Think of Sidney.” I took Brea’s hand and pushed up to a standing position. “One more.” He slipped a red silk robe over my bikini and fastened it at the neck, waist and thigh.

  “What is it?” I asked no one in particular.

  “This one is a test of loyalty, obedience and strength.” Brea and Nicholas were the closest to me, but I could feel everyone in the group was on edge more so than before. Toryn was following along too, and gave me a nod when I looked at him that I think was supposed to make me believe that I could do whatever was next. I didn’t think I could though.

  I’m not loyal to Seraph. I don’t even like her.

  I was led back into the ballroom where Seraph was awaiting me on her throne. A stone slab was placed on the floor in front of her chair. “I don’t like the looks of this.” I gave Brea a hard stare, and she smiled apologetically at me.

  “It is necessary. Prove those who say you don’t belong here wrong, Kellan.” I know she was trying to motivate me, and it was sweet of her but I was not about to argue with those who didn’t think I belonged there. I agreed with them. “You will kneel down on the stone before the queen and swear your loyalty.”

  “I’ve already told her I’ll be loyal.”

  “Yes, but right now you are a gaje, and a gaje’s word is no good. You must show her you will endure the final test.”

  “Okay, but I’m Christian. I won’t worship her.”

  “You are telling her you will follow her leadership as the gaje do the laws of the government.” She and Nicholas were practically carrying me at this point.

  I knelt down on the stone and repeated the words of loyalty the bandolier gave me to repeat. I was instructed to hold a silver platter in each hand like a waiter does with their circular trays. They were heavy, and I wanted to give up but the look in Seraph’s eyes kept me from giving up.

  Everyone was watching me.

  My muscles were past burning when additional platters were added on top of the ones I was already holding up. “These are the burdens of the clan you are showing you will carry with us.” I almost told Madric to let them carry their own, but I was too tired to try to argue. Another set of heavy silver platters were added to the top. “These are the dangers you will protect your new family from, even at the cost of your own life.”

  They all watched me as sweat I was surprised to still have dripped down my face, neck, and back. The palms of my hands were slippery, and my arms were beginning to shake. Tears stung my eyes, and I had my teeth clenched together. I wouldn’t last much longer. I closed my eyes and saw Sidney’s trusting face and knew I couldn’t fail her.

  “You will be loyal to me?” Seraph asked me directly.


  “You will obey my commands as they are for your own good?”

  “Yes,” I screamed knowing any second I would falter.

  “Then stand up.”


  I closed my eyes knowing the stacks were going to fall all over the place. “I said stand.” The snap in her tone got my eyes open again. I held onto the anger and locked eyes with her.

  “You can do this, Piper,” I heard Toryn yell. The crowd erupted in cheering, but I concentrated on Seraph. The platters leaned when I pulled one foot out and planted it in front of me. She nodded, and her encouragement surprised me. My hands were so wet I could no longer grip the bottom rim of the platter. I stood up, and Nicholas and Brea took the platters from my hands.

  Seraph took my face in her hands when I would have collapsed onto the ground. “You did it.” She took a highly polished, golden goblet, encrusted with diamonds, emeralds and sapphires and put it to my lips. “Drink this, Kellan.” I took a huge swallow before my knees gave out from under me.

  I felt Nicholas catch me, but I didn’t see him. The last thing I saw was Seraph smiling at me. Darkness around the edge of my vision closed me completely into unconsciousness.