Read Piper LeVine, A Gypsy's Truth Page 23

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Duncan’s funeral began. Isabeau sat with his parents and they mourned undisturbed by the rest of the clan. The wolf pack honored him and the beautiful things that were said about him made us all cry. Candles were lit and placed all around him from each member of the clan. Seraph said it was to help light his way to the gates of heaven.

  I had not spoken a word to anybody since I knocked Brynn on her back and was not allowed to as was a part of my punishment for raising my hand against a member of the clan. Brynn and Nicholas were awaiting punishment because I was to have a say in what should be done as I was the party wronged, but I wasn’t allowed to talk.

  The three of us were not allowed around one another until I was excused from my punishment of silence. I couldn’t get close enough to thump Brynn’s bruised nose or kick Nicholas in his goods for caring about the she-devil who had tried to have me killed.

  Isabeau had locked herself up in her room and had only come out to attend Duncan’s funeral. I felt so guilty about her having to see what she did and having been hurt as she was. The gate that had pinned her to the ground had broken two of her ribs.

  Brea never left her side. She stayed with Isabeau and was shedding two tears for every one that fell from Isabeau’s eyes. Seraph watched me throughout the funeral, and I wondered what she was thinking. Did she wish that I had never returned? Did she hate me for not wanting to know who she was?

  I followed Brea and Toryn when they took Isabeau to her room, and I stood outside my bedroom door waiting for Toryn to leave her chamber. As soon as he saw me he grabbed me and hugged me. “Are you alright?” He asked. I nodded. “Can I get you anything?” I shook my head. “I’ve been so worried about you. I’m so sorry Brynn tricked you. I should have made sure you knew about the full moon.”

  Not being able to speak I just shrugged and shook my head. I pointed to Isabeau’s door. “She is heartbroken but that isn’t your fault. The black Siths were the ones that killed Duncan. They would have killed Nicholas and I too if you hadn’t freed the rest of the pack.” He smiled at me. “You saved my life, Piper.” He was descending toward me. His eyes were on my lips. Toryn stopped right before he reached them and drew back wearing a tight smile.

  “Sorry.” He shook his head as if clearing it. “Isabeau will pull through this. She’s always been strong. Give her time and you’ll see.” He looked toward her door and then back at me. “I’d better go. I don’t want to get you in anymore trouble.” He wrinkled his nose at me. “You still haven’t answered for disobeying the alpha and endangering a gypsy princess.”

  I wanted to ask him if my aunt Brea was upset with me, but I couldn’t. I watched him walk away, and I retreated into my room. Nicholas grabbed me the second I was inside.

  He shut my door by pushing me up against it as he kissed me.

  I wanted to hate him, but after seeing Isabeau cry for Duncan all I could think about when he was kissing me was how scared I had been that the dead werewolf had been him.

  I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “I thought you’d been killed. Don’t ever do that again,” he said before kissing me senseless again. He broke the kiss to say, “The one meeting was before I met you. I have no desire to be anywhere alone with her now. I hope you realize this.”

  I crossed my arms. “It would have been better to hear that when Brynn was announcing it to everyone.”

  “You aren’t supposed to be talking.” I raised my eyebrows at him. “She embarrassed her family with her actions, and when I speak against Brynn it affects her family as well.”

  “You’re breaking rules Mr. Alpha. You aren’t supposed to be anywhere near me.”

  He smiled through tired eyes. “I couldn’t stay away.”

  I went and sat on my bed crossing my ankles. “I didn’t know that when you were engaged to Brynn that you had chosen her. You must have really loved her.” I fingered the crease on the skirt of my dress waiting to hear his response.

  “I loved who she pretended to be.” He immediately started shaking his head. “That was when I thought I knew what love was. I didn’t.”

  I licked my lips and touched my heated face with my fingertips. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to start throwing the love word around. Didn’t you learn anything from your relationship with Brynn?”

  “You know in gypsy culture inviting your intended into your room and sitting on the bed is a very clear invitation.” Actually, that was probably a very clear invitation in every culture, but I didn’t tell him that.

  I tilted my head to the side. “But I didn’t invite you in here.”

  “And I just thought you should know that I can wait until you do.”

  “What makes you so sure I will?” A sturdy knock sounded on my door and Nicholas and I both jumped.

  “Kellan? It’s Seraph. I know you can’t answer me.”

  “Get under my bed.” I pointed to the floor.

  “I’m coming in okay?” Nicholas rolled under my bed just as she opened my door. I was standing on my knees in the center of the bed. “Did I surprise you?”

  I shrugged and lowered myself back to my original sitting position. “I wanted you to know that I can’t punish Brynn for tricking you into leaving the house.” I folded my arms. “There is no proof and I can’t show favoritism even if I do believe you.” Her green eyes were searching mine. “I do believe you, Kellan.” She moved closer to the bed. “May I?” She gestured at a spot on the bed. I nodded.

  “She will be punished for refusing to answer my questions.” I smiled and saw her fight to keep her face straight. “I suppose by now you know that you were once prearranged to Toryn?” I nodded. “It was decided that due to Toryn’s betrayal you should be given a faithful partner.” She smoothed her dress over her knees. “Nicholas was believed to have this quality of faithfulness and loyalty. Do you believe this to be true?”

  I nodded and saw her long, dark lashes flutter downward towards the floor. “Nicholas? Do you uphold these qualities?” I pressed my lips together and felt my eyes grow wide. “I asked you a question.”

  “Yes, my queen.” He crawled out and hung his head, not looking at either of us.

  “I believe you were told to stay away from Kellan for now.”

  His face was red. “Yes, my queen.”

  “Leave us.” He obeyed, and I readied myself for her reproach. “I am very pleased with you, Kellan. You have saved the pack from destruction by coming to the aid of Nicholas the alpha. Your courage will be celebrated.” She was smiling so brightly at me and I could feel my soul delight in her attention and show of love.

  “Isabeau helped too.”

  “Yes, I know.” She raised her pointer finger to her mouth. “You too have disobeyed your queen. You’ve been speaking with Nicholas.” I didn’t say anything, I just looked at her not sure if the truth would be the best in this moment. She didn’t ask me though so I just stayed still waiting. “Silence is a gift you should give yourself. I will speak to you tomorrow eve and we will discuss the punishment of Brynn and Nicholas.” She stood and started toward my bedroom door. I tried to groan and no sound came out. Seraph turned back toward me her eyes were wet. “I could not be more grateful that you live still, Kellan.”

  Instead of considering what I felt after Seraph, my mother, had expressed her concern for me I texted Sidney since I couldn’t call her.

  Miss u n luv u Grandma. How r u? How is Deception? R u safe?

  A reply message came about fifteen minutes later, and I wondered if she was disappointed that I had not troubled myself to call her.

  I miss you more. We are both good and safe. Love you always. Be good. Your Grandma Sidney.

  Grandma Sidney was always so formal in her texts. I smiled to myself missing her even more. Love me always she had.

  I put the cell phone on the nightstand next to my bed and froze when I heard footsteps outside my bedroom door. I hurried over and pulled it open and found
Brea standing there with red swollen eyes and a tight expression on her face. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was and ask her if I could go and see Isabeau, but I couldn’t speak.

  Tears ran down my face as we stared at each other. She wiped a tear from my face and then continued down the hallway. I watched her until she took a turn toward the stairs and out of my sight.

  I closed my door still standing in the hallway and listened. I could hear nothing so I went into the vacant room between Isabeau’s room and mine. I could hear her crying.

  It was getting louder and then there was crashing, and I went into the hallway and tried her door handle. It was locked. I knocked, but she didn’t open the door. She was yelling and more things were crashing. I heard glass shatter and hated how useless I felt.

  Going back into the vacant room and opened up the window. There was a small ledge there, much too small to stand on and the balcony in Isabeau’s room was too far to jump to.

  “Take me too. I want to die.” I heard her scream and more glass shattered. I went back out into the hallway and pounded on the door. The room fell silent, and I panicked.

  What if she did something stupid?

  I pounded on the door again but there was no response. It was too quiet.

  There was no one in the hallway and no one in sight or within hearing distance. I couldn’t just stand here and wait and see. I ran back through the vacant room and climbed out on the tiny ledge.

  This is insane.

  I would never make the jump. My heart pounded, and my hands were instantly soaking as I looked down from the three story ledge. I don’t know if I could actually hear her whispering on the wind or if I was so terrified that I imagined her voice whispering, “I’m coming Duncan, wait for me.”

  Please make it.

  I jumped, launching myself from a surface that in that moment felt much bigger. I didn’t land on her balcony, and my silent scream tore at my throat as I caught myself with my left hand on a bar of the balustrade. I was dangling and slipping.

  My right hand found a grip and I tried again to scream for help but the blessing of silence was still upon me. I didn’t have the strength to lift myself up onto the balcony with my arms. I tried to swing my foot up so I could use my legs, but I couldn’t get a foot hold.

  Help me!

  I almost let go when I heard my own voice on the wind.

  I’m going to fall!

  “Piper!” Nicholas was sticking his head out of my bedroom window. He dropped out and my palms slipped away from the bar. My fingertips were all that was holding me and when the glass doors to the balcony opened my fingertips slipped, and I was falling.

  Isabeau was screaming.

  Strong arms encircled me. Catching me and propelling me back up toward Isabeau and onto her balcony. I was alive and so was Isabeau.

  She hugged me, and we both cried while Nicholas demanded to know why I had tried to kill myself. I couldn’t answer him, and even if I could I didn’t want to out Isabeau, who had whispered to me twice that she was so sorry.

  When Seraph and Brea were let into Isabeau’s room, I was taken to my room. Seraph was furious wanting to know how I could have been so stupid. She cried the entire time she yelled at me, and I just listened. Not that I could talk if I wanted to. Isabeau would have to out herself.

  Anytime now, Isabeau.

  Brea and Nicholas came in a few minutes later and Brea hugged me crying while Nicholas whispered to Seraph. I hugged Brea back knowing that although I already loved Isabeau like a sister, Brea loved her as a real mother should. She thanked me and was crying so hard it took both Seraph and Nicholas to help her from my room.

  Isabeau was sitting at her dresser looking into a shattered mirror when I entered her room. “Duncan is probably never going to forgive me for almost doing something so stupid.” She looked at me and stood up. “I can’t believe you tried to jump onto my balcony.” Her brown eyes filled with tears again. “I can’t believe I was being such a selfish idiot.”

  I hugged her wishing that Grandma Sidney was there with the perfect thing to say. We sat together for a while, and Isabeau told me funny stories about Duncan. She said she was glad we had been there to save the others, and I was so grateful for the relief of guilt Isabeau granted me.