Read Piper LeVine, A Gypsy's Truth Page 33

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Everyone and everything inside the big house was in chaos. Seraph was flanked by four of the pack, including Toryn. As soon as he saw me he broke away from his position and rushed over to me.

  “I’m so sorry about what I said to Nicholas.”

  “You should be, Toryn. You think only of yourself and you’ve hurt me twice today. I don’t have room in my life for a jerk like you.” He flinched but didn’t move away from me.

  “I can’t blame you for feeling that way.” He glanced back at Seraph. “I told her what I did and I will make it up to you. I promise.” Once he’d said what he had to say he fell back in his position. I returned my attention to Seraph.

  She was dressed in clothing common to the Gaje, her hair in a simple ponytail. I knew that she was doing her best to blend. Seraph spoke to the clan members that were there and even the tone of her voice inspired bravery and loyalty. Before she left, she looked my way and our eyes connected. It was surprisingly hard to watch her leave through the front door.

  I barely knew her at all but somehow I still loved her.

  As I stood there looking at the closed door, I realized I wasn’t the only one watching it. Madric stood several feet to my right doing just as I was. He was in charge, but it wasn’t anxiety over his responsibility that creased his handsome face. No. That was love I saw in his eyes too.

  Isabeau came and stood next to me. She was wearing Gaje clothes as well. “Did Seraph give you the key?”

  “Yes, she did,” I answered, taking my musings with me as I turned to her. Isabeau was red in the face and her lips pressed so tightly together they were white. “What’s wrong?”

  “She’s picked you to succeed her? You?”

  “Uh… she said I was next in line.” Up until this point I’d never seen Isabeau look at anyone like she hated them.

  “Ridiculous. You don’t even honor gypsy tradition. You don’t know anything about us. How could you possibly lead us?”

  “I won’t be. Seraph will come back and I will return the key. Don’t get all snappy with me, Isabeau.”

  “You don’t even know that the key can’t be returned.”

  “Enough,” Brea said sharply and I jumped not knowing when she had arrived. “Go up to Seraph’s chamber, Piper. The pack will come and you must select your protectors.” Isabeau didn’t spare me a second glance so I went back up to the second floor. I didn’t know where her chamber was. I was lost in every single aspect of my life.

  The room with the long walkway and throne had doors behind the throne. They were locked, but the key that had Isabeau hating me opened them. I turned on the light and went inside. I let the door close behind me.

  Pictures lined the upper walls and one wall held a long scroll that was open and a family tree was written on it. When I took a closer look I saw Seraph’s name. A line connected her name to that of Morgan Castlerock and two lines sprung out from their names. One was mine and one was scribbled out. I tried to read through the scribble but couldn’t.

  My great, great grandfather, the one who I believed to be the one who accidentally killed the Baobhan because of the bold print of his name was Angus Gael. What had he done so long ago? How could he have not told his wife how or what he’d done?

  He must have told her.

  There were bookshelves on both sides of the giant scroll with names on each book binding in elaborate text. They had actual names and as I looked at them, I realized they were the names of the people on the scroll. The first one I pulled from the shelf was the journal of a woman named Helena. I replaced the book and then looked for the one that belonged to Angus’ wife, Sareae Gael. The binding was almost illegible it was so worn. Seraph hadn’t found answers in her journal, and I wasn’t going to presume I was smarter than Seraph.

  Instead, I took Angus’ journal and dropped it into my purse. There were boxes and big jewel encrusted chests that required the key to open them. I knew the pack was already awaiting me.

  Will Nicholas be among them? I doubt it.

  There was a soft knock at the door. “Kellan?” I didn’t recognize the voice but assumed it was one of the pack.

  “Just a moment, please?” I didn’t find the narrow hallway until I’d been looking for a mirror to clean up. It took me to a room that had a skylight that lit up the circular room. The walls were filled with pictures of me from when I was a baby up to the present. In many I recognized Tony and Johnny as being the photographers.

  My throat ached and my eyes spilled over with tears. No matter the reason for her giving me away she loved me. I couldn’t doubt that. I found a washroom and cleaned up. Looking at myself in the mirror, I wished I’d said more to Seraph.

  I hid the key in my bra and then as I walked back toward the throne room I sighed, knowing I was leaving valuable information behind. There wasn’t time to dig through it all. I entered the throne room. Nicholas wasn’t among them. Did he know Seraph had forbidden me from selecting him? Was he terribly wounded from the fight with Toryn? “Where is Nicholas?”

  No one spoke up. They all just looked uncomfortably from one to the other. Nicholas had probably told them not to tell me. They had to obey their alpha, and I wasn’t going to convince any of them to do otherwise.

  “Which of you want to take me into hiding?” They all took a step forward and I got choked up seeing so many willing to fight for me. How was I supposed to choose? Whomever I picked would most likely be killed by the Baobhans when they came for me. I didn’t want to choose.

  “Nicholas pre-selected who would guard you,” Adriel said and my eyes immediately filled with tears.

  “He chose the best of you?” I noticed that his brothers were standing closer to the front. Nicholas had selected his brothers to protect me? “He presumes too much.” I pointed randomly to one that I didn’t know. “You and the three to your right will come with me.”

  “But, Piper, it is unwise to go against the alpha’s wishes. Nicholas wants you protected.”

  “I don’t care what he wants.”

  “I will not disobey my alpha’s orders,” Adriel told me. “I will go with you.”

  The double doors blew open and Barthow came stomping in. “Damn right Adriel’s coming with us,” Barthow barked out. He was red faced looking furious. “We have no time for further arguments. Let’s go.” Five werewolves followed us from the throne room. I was surrounded by my protectors, but I could have sworn I saw Donnell being restrained from coming toward me. I was herded right out a side door before I could do anything to respond to Donnell.

  Dozens of big cars like the one they’d loaded me into left at the same time ours did, and I had no doubt it was meant to help conceal which getaway car I was in. Barthow was holding my hand and I knew I’d let my guard down too much when he suddenly started hyperventilating.

  “Don’t panic.” I slapped his back like he was choking. “Let’s keep this between us, Barthow, okay?” Everyone with us tensed up hearing me say that. I didn’t know the werewolf that was driving us, but he was fearless. I was the only one at the moment recognizing the breakneck speed we were going.

  Barthow was staring dejectedly up at the ceiling of the car. His entire body had grown limp and each breath he took came out in a sigh. Seraph was right to keep the secret of not knowing how to kill the Baobhans. If this was how Blackbeard was taking it, there was no telling what the other members of the clan might do.

  I pulled the journal of my great, great grandfather from my purse and opened it up.

  “What are you doing with that?”

  I looked pointedly at him finding a grumpy expression on his face. “I’ve decided not to give up. If you feel differently about it you should let us drop you back at the community.” I turned back to the journal and felt him getting all puffed up at my side.

  “You’ve no idea what you’re dealing with. You think you can smile at them and bat those lashes at them and they’ll roll over for you?”

  “Of co
urse not, you old fool. Besides, I know what Seraph told me and what I’ve researched on my own.” I elbowed him hard hoping he wouldn’t slip up again in hinting that I didn’t have a clue as to how to fight the Baobhans. “And it appears I’ve got the backbone you clearly lack,” I added. His eyes widened in his still pale face.

  “I’ve plenty of backbone,” he said loud, but but to me he added, “and I don’t fancy letting the Baobhans chew on it.”

  I had to concentrate to keep my thoughts angled just at him in this small space with werewolf ears all around us. “I know you’re scared, but I need your help. Will you help me or not?” I prayed he wouldn’t desert me.

  I knew that he was very knowledgeable. I didn’t get a choice in facing the Baobhans. They were coming for me. I had to face them and despite the strong front I was trying to give everyone I was terrified. Even with them all around me, I felt alone without Nicholas.

  How can he abandon me when I need him the most?