Read Piper LeVine, A Gypsy's Truth Page 5

  Chapter Four

  He knew everything that was eating me up inside, and he was using it against me. I dug through my closet hoping to find the perfect mix of conservative and appealing. I ended up with a bleached laced cami that was high enough to cover up my bruising from being kicked, and a just below the knee white and pink ruffled skirt.

  I dressed in the bathroom and was quickly applying mascara when a knock sounded on the other side of the door.

  I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror as I asked, “Uh… who is it?”


  “The wolf?” A heavy sigh was his answer.

  His name is Nicholas? I much preferred the name I had given him. Nicholas is the name of the lying, using, betrayer huh? What is the world coming to when you can’t even trust a dog?

  The light pink gloss would have to do. I opened the door. “What is it, Deception?” I had to take a step back. His human form filled the doorway. His hair was sticking up here and there. If I didn’t hate his guts, I’d have thought it was cute, but I did, so I didn’t.

  My hoodie still served as a loin cloth and once again, my cheeks burned thinking of him without it. His legs were thick corded muscle, and his stomach was hard and flat. The sixteen pack that was well defined in his abdomen was the first I had ever seen. He was tan everywhere.

  Nicholas said, “I’ll have to go with you.” Interrupting my thoughts.

  “No, you can’t come.” I opened the drawer on the right-hand side of the sink and picked out a perfume bottle.

  “You smell divine. You don’t need that.”

  Did he just compliment me? A warm shiver danced down my spine. What the heck was that about?

  “It is necessary that I come. You must be kept safe, and you are in danger without me at your side.”

  “If someone looked in the window right now they’d see your naked butt in my bedroom, and my reputation would be destroyed. I’ll keep myself safe, thank you very much. Go on, you’ve got your sanctuary.” I tried to close the door, but he blocked it.

  “The deal we made included my keeping you safe.” He kept his voice low. His brown and yellow eyes were on my shoulders, which had only spaghetti straps to cover them. My heart rate sped up a little, and I clenched my teeth. “You will be cold. Put on a coat.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do. You can’t come, and I’ll wear what I please.”

  He stepped inside my bathroom, his eyes locking with mine. “I will go with you or you won’t go at all.”

  “This is ridiculous.” He seemed so much bigger with the walls of my home as his backdrop. Even so, there was no way I was going to let him bully me. “You try to stop me, see how long your sanctuary lasts.”

  “Why is it so important to be alone with your scamp?”

  “Scamp? Are you talking about Rick? He’s not a scamp.” I ducked past him and headed toward my bed where I’d left my black purse. Nicholas was at least a year or two older than Rick. He looked it with all that solid muscle. I realized I didn’t know anything about him. I couldn’t just leave him with my grandma.

  “Well? Are you coming or not?” He changed into his wolf form, and I did not miss the prance in his step when he came to stand at my side. “You are only being allowed to come because I’m afraid you’ll have a psychotic episode and murder my grandma while I’m gone.” He made a sound that I could not interpret, but the prancing was missing from his gait when he followed me out of my bedroom and into the hallway.

  “You two be extra safe. After last night, you should really have a bodyguard with you.” My grandma was wringing her hands.

  “I’ll bring Deception.” I pointed to him and resisted the urge to shove him when he brushed up against my leg.


  “The dog.” Tony pointed at Nicholas.

  “You’re bringing the dog?” Rick looked at the dog and shook his head. “We’re going to a really nice place. I don’t think-”

  I turned toward him. “Please, Rick? He’s new and Sidney is letting me keep him.”

  Rick’s nose scrunched up. “He would have to stay in the truck. I know you wouldn’t want him to be stuck waiting for us in the-”

  “That’ll be fine.” I grabbed the doorknob and pulled. “Let’s get going.”

  “Have a good time,” Sidney said and closed the door behind us. Deception followed. I could still feel his eyes on my shoulders and back. He hopped into the bed of the truck without direction, and Rick laughed.

  “He’s a smart dog. You picked him from the sanctuary?”

  I glared at Deception. “He picked me.”

  “Who can blame him?” Rick closed my door and then circled around the truck. The engine roared to life with the turn of the key, and Rick put his open hand out on the seat between us.

  I squeezed his hand and sighed. He was not angered by my strange behavior, and I really appreciated his patience. I also wanted to show him what was in my purse to help him understand, but I was seeing all the effort he had gone to in order to make this date special. I decided to wait. He stroked my hand and began to maneuver down the mountain.

  “What were you and my grandma talking about when I got home? You both looked stressed, as if it was a serious topic. Was it?”

  “I was just telling her how crazy I am about you.”

  The laugh that came out of my mouth sounded crazy, but I was so relieved. I had been afraid Grandma Sidney had found out I was not Katrine’s daughter. “Why were you telling her that?” I managed when I remembered he had been so sweet.

  “You look really beautiful tonight. It’s a special night.”

  I looked at him. “What are we celebrating?” He kissed the top of my hand. “Tell me.”

  “We’re celebrating lots of things.” He pulled the truck off of the private drive and onto the main road. “I’m waiting until we get to the restaurant so stop asking me.” He laughed, and I relaxed against the seat at last.

  Rick was by far the best boyfriend I had ever had, and I was going to miss him when he went away to college. Tonight I could enjoy being his girlfriend. It was going to take time to get over Rick Butler, or as Nina called him, Rhett Butler.

  “Hey, what are you thinking about? You look sad.”

  “Oh, nothing.” I smiled at him. “Which restaurant did you pick?” Rick moved into the right lane with his blinker on. There were only two restaurants to the right, one that was reasonably priced and one that was outrageous. Rick steered toward the expensive one. “No way.”


  I nodded. “Yes, I’m surprised, but Rick I don’t need to go here.”

  “Well, I do.” He pulled the parking brake. He hopped out and when he did not come to open my door, I got out and found him trying to tie Deception to the bed of the truck. “He won’t hold still.”

  “Deception, stay,” I told him. “Or else you know what will happen.” Nicholas sat down, and Rick looked between the two of us with a raised brow. He tied him with a thick yellow rope, and I did not mention that if Nicholas wanted to get out, he could. Rick made a makeshift bowl for him and poured a bottle of water into it.

  “I think that should hold him for an hour.” He looked in his truck and came back smiling. “Look what I found.” His mom’s poodle Betty must have been taken for a haircut because one of her pink dog treats was in Rick’s hand. He put it next to the bowl and looked a little disappointed when Deception did not gobble up the tiny bone-shaped dog food.

  “That was so sweet of you, Rick.” I smirked at Deception and tucked my hand into the crook of Rick’s elbow. “Let’s go.” Rick was wearing slacks and a blue button up that really showed off his tan.

  We were seated immediately and there were three servers at our disposal. Rick encouraged me to order whatever I wanted. The menus were fancy and there were many exotic choices, but in the end, we both ordered a big thick steak. There was dancing, and I was being twirled around the dance floor when I spotted hi
m. Nicholas was in the restaurant.

  “What’s wrong?” Rick followed my gaze.

  “Nothing.” He was wearing a server’s uniform and was helping pass out plates of food to a large party that had come in before us. There was food on his face, and one of the other servers pointed this out to him, but he was busy looking at me with a smirk of his own. I hugged Rick closer and mouthed to Nicholas to go to the truck. He did not obey.

  “You are so beautiful, Piper.” His lips grazed my neck, and I quickly put space between us.

  “Are you going to tell me what we’re celebrating? I’m dying to know.” My voice was high pitched, but Rick pretended not to notice.

  “I got a full ride to Santa Barbara University.”

  My footing faltered. “Rick? You can’t go to that school. You got a full ride to-”

  “I can see you every day if that’s what we want.” I tried to take another step back. “It’s a great school, Piper. I thought you wanted me to be closer.” The other couples on the dance floor were close. His hand at my waist was growing tighter.

  “That would be wonderful, but I don’t want you to miss such a big chance because of me. You worked so hard, and it paid off. You will regret it if you pass up NYU.”

  His jaw tightened. “I’ll regret losing you, Piper.” He pulled me close and found my lips with his. It was a frantic kiss, and he left no oxygen between our bodies. The flash of a camera was so bright I saw it even with my eyes closed. Rick let go of me to go after the photographer.

  “Rick, wait.” I started after him hearing my name being murmured all around me. The photographer took pictures of Rick swiping at him. When I was finally able to get my hand on Rick’s arm, I pulled him back towards the tables. “Stop, you’re just giving him more to write about.”

  He gaped at me. “I should just let him invade?”

  “Look they are making him leave.” I hoped he did not notice the pictures people were taking with their cell phones. “I had no idea you would want to continue to date me when you’re going off to college.” We’d been childhood friends, but we’d only been on a handful of dates. His face was still red, and his body was stiff.

  “You were the one to say we weren’t going to use the ‘L’ word because you thought I was leaving and going across the country. I’m not now.” He looked around, and his face became a deeper shade of red. He discovered the amateur photographers. “Let’s go to our table where we can talk.”

  “That’s a good idea.” This evening was not going the way he wanted and that was obvious. There was not much I could do about it and there was no way to assure him that this would not happen again. We sat down at the table both unhappy and quiet.

  The half-eaten steak that was set down before me was delivered by Nicholas, who was smiling happily when I glared at him and his steak sauce mustache.

  “What is that?” Rick pointed at my plate.

  I sputtered out, “It’s probably the female portion size.” I looked back up to Nicholas. “You can go.”

  “This is crazy. I’m not paying for that. There’s a bite mark right there.” Rick stood up, and several waiters came over and looked to Nicholas with appalled expressions. He was fired on the spot and did not look the least bit upset about it. “Are you laughing?” Rick asked me, and I nodded, unable to stop.

  “I’m ready to go. Are you?”

  “Yes.” He took my hand, and I was relieved to see him smiling again. “We won’t be coming back here.” We were still laughing when we got out of the restaurant.

  “Look at this.” Rick held up a pair of black pants and a light yellow vest he snatched up off the pavement. “That waiter is out here naked somewhere.” His expression was incredulous, and I shrugged, not knowing what to say. Deception was sitting in the bed of the truck without the rope tied around his neck, and Rick noticed right away. “He didn’t even run away.” Rick’s thumb pointed to Deception. “Good dog.”

  I waited until I was inside the truck to talk to Rick. “I’m sorry about that photographer.”

  “I don’t know how you can stand them taking pictures of your private life like that.”

  A heavy sigh pushed through my closed lips. “I don’t have a choice.” I watched him start the car. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

  “I’ll take us somewhere else.” He reversed out of the parking spot and merged back into traffic. “It’s a little out of the way place. No one will know you there.”

  I tried to smile but could not quite pull it off. “Sounds like my kind of place.”

  “We’re still going to have a magical night.” He reached out and began caressing the back of my neck. There was no way around it. I needed to show him what was in my purse. “We’re almost there.”

  I began to unzip my purse as the truck slowed noisily to a stop. This was going to be hard to make him fully understand. I was not sure I completely understood it all myself. He hopped out and had my door open. He helped me and shut the door. “Let’s go.”

  I smiled at him and let him take the lead. I heard Deception growling and stopped. The sign caught my eye, The Silver Night Sleeps Motel. Camera flashes were going off like crazy before I could even make a sound. I jumped back in the truck and buried my face in my hands. Rick’s door slammed shut, and the truck roared with his foot on the gas pedal.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know they followed us.”

  “They were waiting for us,” I snapped sitting up. “You stupid idiot. What made you think I’d sleep with you? I haven’t even told you I love you and you thought I’d be with you like that in some sleazy motel?” I punched him in the shoulder and regretted it when the truck swerved.

  “Piper, I’m going away to college. I thought you wanted me to know you’d wait for me. Be faithful to me and… prove it.”

  Men are self-serving vile pigs.

  “Take me home.” There was so much going on in my head and a lot of raw emotion clogging up my throat that I didn’t say anything on the freeways. It wasn’t until Rick started up the winding mountain that I found my voice again.

  “Just stop.” I’d had enough. I threw open the door and started walking. His door slammed behind me, but I kept walking. “Don’t follow me, Rick. I mean it.” The clouds decided to open up right then and rain came pelting down in ice cold drops.

  Rick got in front of me and stopped so we were face to face. “You’re overreacting.” He grabbed my shoulders, and I flinched when he squeezed my already bruised flesh. “We belong together, Piper.” I opened my purse.

  “What are you doing?” The picture Katrine threw at me when I’d gotten grounded the other day was crumpled even though I had tried to smooth it out. I handed it to him. “The kiss on the discovery park bridge, so?”

  “So it looks like your hands are all over me. Turn the picture over.” His eyes squinted at the small writing.

  “Ten thousand?”

  “Dollars. That’s how much my family had to come up with to keep that picture out of the press. My parents think I’m some kind of cheap hooker because of that picture. What do you think they’ll think when they see me in front of that cut rate motel?” I was crying, and I hated myself for it.

  Rick reached for me, but I shoved his hand away. “You don’t think of anyone but yourself. You wanted proof? Well, I’m the one that got it. You just proved to me that you’re a selfish pig.” I snatched the picture away and shoved it back into my purse.

  “So I make a mistake, and that’s it?”

  “I don’t care where you go to college, or even if you do. Just stay away from me. Understand?” I moved around him and started up the hill again. The dirt road was quickly turning into mud and I almost fell, but Deception was there to steady me. I looked down at him in surprise.

  Great, now you have even more to blackmail me with.

  “You’re a tease, Piper. And you’re not worth the effort,” Rick said before he got back into his truck and shifted into reverse. Hot tears mixed with the cold rai
n, and my body trembled with pain and rage. The road curved only once more, and I would be within sight of the house. Deception gave me a push with his head.

  “Leave me alone.” My voice cracked when I yelled. He darted into the forestry and underbrush so quickly it was as if he had disappeared. I took the last turn as slowly as possible not wanting to see the disappointment in Grandma Sidney’s eyes. The mud suctioned off one of my heels and this was the closest I’ve been to throwing a tantrum since I was six. I pulled it off and slipped the other one off too.

  My hair was plastered to my head like my clothes were to my body, and my legs were well coated with mud. After all that had happened, I couldn’t think of anything worse.

  “Hey, sweet thing. What are you doing out here in the rain?” I jumped at the sound of Ivan’s voice. I did not see him standing there in the dark. “Are you going to go home in that see-through dress? Sidney will have a heart attack. You should come with me and dry off.” He was looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

  I folded my arms across my chest and continued toward the house, but he put himself in my path and I almost slipped trying to stop myself before running into him. “Move.” My voice sounded scared. He took a step toward me with a leering smile on his face.

  “Don’t you want to know what it feels like to be with a real man?” My heart was going to explode inside my chest.

  “Is that what you’re supposed to be? Get away from me.” He laughed and moved closer. I raised my chin and met his gaze. My stomach felt completely sick. “Back up or you’ll be missing the main ingredient to your manliness. I guarantee it.”

  “Don’t be like that.” He was leaning toward me, and I got ready to knee him. A deep rumbling startled Ivan back a step and when he saw Deception he took several more steps back. “Nice dog, Piper.”

  Thank you, Nicholas.

  I did not turn to see him. Instead, I headed for the front door and when I turned around to shut it, Ivan’s eyes found mine. They were still hungry and dangerous too. Deception pushed the door shut.

  “See there she is,” I heard Tony say when the front door closed. “Everything will be just fine.” They were in the living room. I took my one shot at getting to my room. I heard my grandma say, “Thank you, Tony,” right before I got my bedroom door shut.

  When she opened my door, I was in a white terrycloth robe, and my wet hair was pulled up into a bun. Sidney took another deep breath before she spoke. “You went to a motel this evening?”

  “Only to the parking lot, I didn’t know where we were until we were having our picture taken.”

  “Your father has called several times for you.”

  “Nothing happened.” My vision blurred and I silently cursed Rick again. “We broke up.” Sidney did not show any emotion besides frustration. I had no way of knowing whether she believed me or not. I wouldn’t believe me if I were her.

  “You haven’t had an easy couple of days.” She took me into her arms. “I was afraid for you. I’m glad you’re home safe.” I hugged her back fiercely. “Do I need to kill Rick?”

  I laughed through my silent tears. “No, he’s history.”

  “Well, good. That boy was in too much of a hurry.” She leaned back to see my face. “Did he tell you he wanted to marry you? You’re only seventeen.”

  He wanted to marry me?

  “Why don’t you go ahead and try to get some sleep. We’ll have a lot to talk about tomorrow. For now, it’s enough that you’re home safe.” Her gray eyes sank to my calves. “Why are you all muddy?”

  “It’s raining.” She looked at me like she expected me to continue, but sighed instead. I hugged her again, so glad she still wanted to hug me after I’d embarrassed the family.

  “I’m going to go wash this mud off.”

  “If you need me, just call.” I nodded and went to my bathroom once she left.

  I don’t know how long I sat in shock on the floor, but when I became aware of my surroundings again Nicholas was holding me, and my breath was coming out in short gasps. “Are you going into hypothermia?” He yanked my robe off of one shoulder, and I pulled it back up as his eyes rounded. “What the hell? Did Rick do that?” His voice was scary as it had an underlying growl to it.

  My chest looked terrible from being kicked by that horse. If he had seen that much I would have to scratch his eyes out. My teeth were chattering. He hugged me again. “Let go of me, you jerk.” He was warm, and I hated that it was helping.

  “Be quiet.” He held me tighter. “For someone who needs all the help she can get, you’re a mean little viper.” He was solid muscle and I have never felt so secure, but I did not want to soften toward him. He was a liar and would drop me as soon as he was done using me.

  “I don’t need your help.” I was finally returning to my normal state.

  “We need to do something about those bruises.”

  My teeth finally stopped chattering. “I would think with your dog like hearing I would not have to repeat myself. I don’t need your help.”

  “Wolf, not dog. I don’t have the ability to be a dog.” He removed his arms from around me, and the warmth was immediately gone. “Take a hot shower, it will help.” My reflection looked nothing like me. I don’t think many people actually ever look like they have just been run over by a truck, well I did. My complexion was ghostly and my eyes bloodshot. The bruises were terrible.

  Had they been this noticeable before I’d left?

  A hot shower was exactly what I needed, and I stayed under the steady stream until it began to turn cool. I dried off and wrapped a towel around myself before beginning to blow-dry my hair. It was still damp when Nicholas tapped on the door and proceeded to open it. He was wearing black slacks that were a touch too short. His chest looked as though it were stolen from a statue of Hercules.

  “Where did you get those pants?”

  “Borrowed them.” He set a bowl on the sink. Its contents looked like yellow snot. “Rub that on your bruises, they will heal much faster.” It smelled like the floor cleaner used at school.

  “Uh, no.” I went to turn the blow dryer back on, but he unplugged it. “Hey!”

  He didn’t appear apologetic. “You put it on or I’ll happily remove your towel and do it myself.” He looked too happy about the prospect for me to get mad. “Why didn’t you tell Sidney about Ivan?”

  “Because I just humiliated my family, she has enough to deal with.” I picked up the bowl. “I’ll tell her after the media thing blows over.”

  He dipped his finger into the junk in the bowl and began rubbing it into my exposed shoulders. It got very hot really quickly. He was working fast so he must have known it would be burning like fire. “You know what? Thank you for your burning snot but I think I’m finished.” I went to put the bowl down, but he caught it and held it up to me again.

  “You still need to put this where the horse kicked you.”

  “Fine.” I dipped my hand into it turned around and wiped it on the towel. “Thanks, for your lava slime, now get out.”

  “I will follow through with taking the towel from you.”

  “Or I could rub this hot crap all over you, how about that?” The look in his eyes had my heart pumping again, but this time it was in excitement and somehow that scared me more. I grabbed the bowl and turned around again and quickly smeared it over the black and blue skin on my chest.

  His brown eyes with yellow flecks were still on me when I turned around, and they held the heat and desire I had seen before. “You’re too beautiful for your own good.” Nicholas backed up and closed the bathroom door between us.