Read Plane and Plank; or, The Mishaps of a Mechanic Page 3



  Four miles was a short walk to me, and when we reached Leavenworth, Iwas as fresh as when we started. The town, then in the third year ofits existence, had a population of two thousand, and some substantialbuildings had already been erected.

  "Where is the landing-place?" I asked, as we entered the town.

  "It is not far from here," replied Mr. Lynchpinne. "But that boat won'tbe here for an hour or two yet."

  "But I would rather go there at once."

  "There is no hurry; but we will go down in a few minutes. I want toinquire at what time the prayer-meeting commences."

  "I will go directly to the landing, if you will tell me the way. Iwon't keep you waiting, and I will see you at the meeting."

  "Don't be in a hurry. It is only a little past six, and the boatwon't arrive for an hour, certainly. I will go down with you in fiveminutes," persisted my companion.

  "I would not have my friends wait for me a moment," I added.

  "We shall have to wait an hour for them. We will go up to the hotel,and engage a room, for we may not find one after the meeting."

  He conducted me through the principal street of the town, and I gazedwith interest at the shops, houses, and people.

  "How much farther have we to go?" I asked, when I judged that the fiveminutes had expired.

  "Only a short distance; but we are going towards the river all thetime."

  "We passed a hotel just now."

  "That is not the one I stop at when I am here. The prices are too highfor me. I have money enough, but you know a young man ought to beeconomical on principle."

  I thought this was very good logic, and I fully subscribed to it; for,though I had almost a hundred dollars in my pocket, I wished to saveas much as possible of it. Mr. Lynchpinne turned down a cross street,and presently stopped before a large two-story frame house, the lowerpart of which was a shop of some kind; but it was closed. On theoutside of the building there was a flight of stairs leading to thesecond story.

  "We will go up here and inquire about the prayer-meeting," said my newfriend. "It won't take but a moment."

  "Very well; but don't be long. I will wait here till you come down."

  "No; come up."

  "I had just as lief wait here."

  "But this is the place where we shall sleep. A friend of mine lets outsome rooms here to lodgers. We can sleep here for fifty cents each, andit would cost a dollar at the hotel."

  "All right; you engage a room for both of us."

  "But come up. If you should want to go to bed before I am ready to comein, you won't be able to find your room, if you don't go and look at itnow."

  I thought we were wasting more time in debating the matter than itwould take for me to look at the chamber, and I followed him up thestairs. We entered the building, which was of considerable dimensions.I groped my way, after my friend, through long entries, which were notlighted, until, after turning two corners, he halted and knocked.

  "Who's there?" called a voice from within.

  "Lynch," replied my guide. "Lynch is the short of Lynchpinne," he addedto me.

  "Come in!"

  I heard the springing of a bolt on the door before it was opened.

  "Go in, Phil," said my companion, placing himself behind me, and gentlyforcing me into the apartment.

  The room was not more than twelve feet square.

  The only furniture it contained was a chair and a small toilet-table.The former was placed in one corner, and the latter directly in frontof it.

  "Is there to be a prayer-meeting this evening?" asked Mr. Lynchpinne ofthe man who sat behind the table.

  "Of course."

  "At what time?"

  "Half past seven. What have you there?" continued the man behind thetable.

  "A dove who has the yellow."

  "Right; we will begin the meeting now then," added the man, producing alittle silver box, open on one side, so that I could see it contained apack of cards.

  This was the first intimation I had that anything was wrong. The sightof the cards roused my suspicions, as well they might. I had heard thesnap of the bolt as the man locked the door when we entered. I lookedabout me, and discovered that there were no windows in the room, thoughthere was another door besides that by which we had entered.

  "Put that up," said Mr. Lynchpinne. "You know that I never gamble."

  "I thought you wanted to open the meeting."

  "I don't know what you mean," added my companion, who certainly lookedvery innocent.

  "O, you don't!"

  "Of course I don't. My young friend and I must stay in town over night,and we want a room. Have you any left, Redwood?"

  "Not a room."

  "Can't you find one?" persisted my friend.

  "Everything on this floor is let by the week."

  "There's the corner room in the attic," said the man who had opened thedoor when we entered.

  "Show it to them, Glynn," added Redwood, who appeared to be theproprietor of the establishment.

  "I know where it is. Give me a light, and I won't trouble you," saidLynchpinne.

  Glynn opened a door which led to another room, and soon appeared with arusty iron candlestick, and the stump of a candle, which he lighted.

  "Come, Phil, we will see the room," said Lynchpinne, when we were inthe entry.

  "What sort of a place is this?" I demanded. "I don't like the looks ofit."

  "Nor I," he replied. "I should judge by the looks that Redwood gambles."

  "I think I won't stay here. I don't want to be in a gambling-house."

  "Humph! It will be just the same if you go to the hotel. Let us look atthe room, at any rate."

  "You have seen it before."

  "But I wish you to see it; then, if you don't like to stay here, wewill go to the hotel."

  I followed him up the narrow flight of stairs, and at the end of anentry, which extended the whole length of the building, we entered achamber. It contained a rude bed, a chair, and a wash-stand.

  "Not very elegant accommodations," said Lynchpinne, as we surveyed theroom; "but when I can save half a dollar without any real sacrifice ofcomfort, I do so."

  "I had as lief sleep here as anywhere," I replied. "Wouldn't it havebeen more economical to stay on board the steamer?"

  "Doubtless it would; but I wanted to come, and so did you. We will doit as cheap as we can--that's all."

  "I'm satisfied."

  "Then I will put this candle on the chair, with a couple of matches bythe side of it, so that we can come in without any assistance."

  "Let us be in a hurry, for I am afraid that boat will get to thelanding before we do," I added, impatiently.

  "You need not concern yourself about her. We shall have to wait half anhour when we get to the river. But I am all ready."

  "So am I."

  "I hope you haven't much money about you, Phil," said my companion, ashe placed the candle on the chair.

  "I have a little. But why do you say that?"

  "Because there are a great many bad men about these new towns; and someof them would not scruple to rap you over the head for your money.Besides, there will be a crowd on the steamboat levee, and we may haveour pockets picked. I think I shall hide my money in the bed."

  Suiting the action to the word, he took his wallet from his pocket, andthrust his arm into the bed up to the shoulder.

  "No one will think of looking there for it," he added, as if thoroughlysatisfied with what he had done. "I advise you to do the same."

  "I don't mean to leave my money here," I replied. "I don't like thelooks of the people in this house."

  "Nor I: but they will not think of such a thing as looking into the bedfor money. Take my advice, Phil."

  "No; I think I can take care of what money I have," I answered.

  "You haven't been about this region so much as I have, or you wouldn'trun any risks," he continued; and I thought
he was very persistentabout the care of my funds.

  "That may be, though I think my money will be safer in my pocket thanin that bed. But come, Mr. Lynchpinne. We are wasting our time, and wehad better hurry down to the river."

  "How much money have you, Phil?" asked my companion.

  "I have enough to pay my way for a few days longer," I replied, movingtowards the door.

  "I hate to see a fellow come into a place like this and lose all hismoney."

  "You needn't trouble yourself at all about it. If I lose it, I won'tblame you, for you have certainly given me abundant warning."

  "At least put your money in a safe place on your person before we goout."

  "It's all right," I answered, placing my hand upon my pocket, where theshot-bag which held my funds was deposited. "But hurry up, and let usgo to the landing."

  "Is that where you keep your money?" he added. "You are certain to loseit all if you carry it in that pocket. Put it inside your vest, andthen button your coat."

  "There is no pocket inside of my vest."

  "No matter for that. Tie it up in your handkerchief, and fasten it toyour suspender. Do anything with it, except to leave it in that pocket."

  I rather liked his suggestion, though I was not quite satisfied withthe degree of interest he manifested in the safety of my money. I tookout the shot-bag, and wrapped it in the handkerchief, and was about todeposit it in the place he had indicated, when, with a sudden spring,he snatched the bag from me, kicked over the chair on which the candlehad been placed, and fled from the room. I was in total darkness; but Ileaped forward to grapple with the assailant, for I was determined notto lose my money without a struggle to recover it.

  I was taken wholly by surprise, for I had not suspected that a youngman who was in the habit of attending prayer-meetings would be capableof any dishonest act. As I leaped forward to the door, it was closedbefore me. The villain had made his calculations beforehand, and movedwith greater facility than I could. I heard him lock the door upon me,and I immediately realized that I was a prisoner in the strange house.Then I understood the nature of my kind friend's solicitude about myfunds. He had been laboring all this time to induce me to produce myshot-bag, so that he could snatch it from me.

  I heard his footsteps in the long entry, as he retreated from the sceneof his crime. I took hold of the door, and tried to pull it open;but though it was a sham affair, I did not succeed. If I shouted, Ishould doubtless call up Redwood, or his assistant; and I came to theconclusion that the house was a den of robbers and gamblers. I decidedto exercise my skill still further upon the door.