Read Planet Secrets Page 14

  Chapter 14

  The Planet of Riches Within by Misty Fields, chapter one:

  (Misty Fields is a world renowned spiritual healer, who has a collection of spiritual books. Her latest, Searching for Riches, is a bestseller on fifteen planets. When not writing or meeting with her celebrity clients, Ms. Fields enjoys spending time with her husband, Moonbeam Forest, and her children, Stardust, River, and Henri.)

  “What most people don’t realize is that the Planet of Riches is not a place, it is a concept.

  “The Ancients were a highly analytical people to be sure, but they were also very spiritual. If you don’t believe me, look at the thousands of gods and goddesses they believed in and worshiped. We’ve seen other groups, such as the Anarchists, who worshiped nobody but their own kings and their repository of myths and legends are very slim to nonexistent. Indeed, if the Anarchists didn’t have the myth of Belli and the legend of Osk, the brilliant and fierce warrior queen, they would have had no myths and legends to speak of.

  “But the Ancients were not like their enemies. They believed in gods and goddess and repeated their legends and myths as if they were actual people and events. The detail in their oral histories is so amazing that it would be impossible to believe they weren’t incredibly spiritual.

  “With this fact firmly in place, I relooked at all the known authentic documents from the Ancients, discounting the Hoftmeyer discovery for none of those documents have been authenticated. (I believe any researcher who uses the Hoftmeyer documents and believes they are actual Ancient documents needs to have their credentials reexamined. Anyone looking at the scrolls in question could tell the writer was looking back at the Ancients, not one of them.)

  “Through my studies, I found there was theme of talking about the inner being as a physical place. For example, Otium for centuries was believed to be an actual place of peace and tranquility where the Ancients would rejuvenate. Now, after the transformative work of Monique Bosetti, we know Otium was a state of mind, not a place found on Earth or any other planet.

  “It is my firm belief that the Planet of Riches is also a state of mind. The person who finds the real Planet of Riches is the one who has achieved a perfect work-life balance, is content in what they have, and has no needs left unattended.

  “In our busy lives, finding such a balance is very difficult, but not impossible. It does take time, dedication, and a firm belief that when we reach the Planet of Riches within ourselves, we shall be richer than any amount of money or material wealth.

  “In the rest of this book, I will be helping you achieve the inner peace and prosperity needed to reach the Planet of Riches within yourself.”