Read Planned Chance Page 9

  Chapter 9

  They tiny boat didn’t come ashore at the place he expected;  he had expected to return to her home to get some of her belongings that she may need before the two of them made their escape. He could see that they had landed on a small island with lush vegetation and steep hills. The island had a resemblance of a forgotten island, one that if someone were to become shipwrecked on, they would never be found.

  He stepped onto the sandy shore, never letting go of her hand as she led him up a trail that led to the top of a steep cliff overlooking the ocean. As they walked, she began telling him that fewer than three dozen people, who enjoyed their anonymity, and had little to do with the outside world, inhabited the island. The true “island time,” he thought.

  “This was my father’s secret retreat where he often brought me when things in his life were getting hectic. Before he died, he said that if I ever needed a place to hide out from the world, I should make my way here.” She said brushing a strand of her silky hair that had blown in her face. “He had become like family to these people, and in turn, I have too.”

  The path divided into three trails at the top of the steep hill, and without thinking, she continued on the straight path, she had obviously walked this path many times before. The path, which had been covered by a canopy of trees and vegetation, gave way to a clearing which gave him the ability to see a quaint little wooden house that was on stilts about three feet off the thick green grass covered earth, completely enveloped by lush green forest.

  It was well maintained as evidenced by the manicured lawn and freshly trimmed bushes that adorned the property. More importantly to him, however, was the fact that the house was well hidden making it only visible from the air, and then only barely. Still spooked from the latest attempt on their lives, they did not immediately approach the house, but instead, walked the perimeter of the property, looking into the home through the windows to provide assurance that they were alone.

  After a few minutes, the two became satisfied that the house still held its secret hiding place from the rest of the world, and she led him up the wooden steps of the home that connected to a wraparound porch. It was a yesteryear type feeling that came over him when he saw two, somewhat weathered, rocking chairs standing guard from their elevated position on the deck. Not stopping, she opened the front door, which was not locked, and walked into the living room of the house. Once inside he observed a tidy and sparsely filled home full of vibrant colors. There were not any ostentatious items within the home, and there were not any signs of the new technologies that had overcome most of the world, just a basic little home.

  Alyse, as if on a mission, opened the door to a closet as she walked down the hallway located just off the living room. Turning, she handed him the fluffy white towel that she had retrieved from the top shelf of the tiny storage space, while grabbing a towel for herself. She pulled him by the hand towards another location in the house; he following her like a puppy as he was led into the Spanish style bathroom.

  “Lets get a bath, we need to get our body temperatures warm again,” she said after she turned the silver knobs of the shower. She placed her hand under the running water flowing from the nozzle until she selected the temperature that satisfied her.

  She did not say a word as she seductively undressed and stood posed in front of him, revealing her beauty once again. He started fumbling with the suddenly small buttons of his collared shirt, and could not help being embarrassed at his nervousness around a naked woman at this stage in his life.

  “Let me help you,” she said unbuttoning his shirt slowly, purposely gliding her hands over his bare chest. Alyse, after completely disrobing him, pulled him into the shower and for the first time since he was a child, someone other than himself bathed him, an act that he felt pleasing. He followed her lead, taking the coral looking sponge that she had used on him, and slowly washed her from the tips of subtle breasts to her innermost folds that were hidden away from the rest of the world.

  “Enough foreplay,” she said, as she turned and gave herself to him. The steam from the hot running water filled the air as they both climaxed in unison. Tom whispering, “I love you,” in her ear, as their bodies convulsed in ecstasy.

  Later that night they sat on the porch of the house, listening to the vibrant sounds of the nightlife scurrying around in the surrounding forest. Neither said a word as they held hands, slowly rocking and hypnotically staring off into the woods, almost as if looking for something.

  “They will eventually come for us Tom,” she said squeezing his hand tightly.

  He nodded in agreement.

  Yes, they would come; of that, he was sure.

  What will the future hold for Tom and Alyse?

  Look for Part Two of Planned Chance. Coming Soon.

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