Read Plausibility Page 8

  Her father had hired a Spanish teacher for her, but Aaranta was the one that really got through to her. She didn’t speak any English and Aquilla had to learn what she was saying in order to be able to play with her. She never wondered until she was a teen about the reasons why she didn’t speak the language that her father and brother had spoken fluently. Her father had told her that her mother was from America and she had only taught her the English language. She didn’t believe that once she was older either. It didn’t make any sense. Maybe being rushed on airplanes and boats in the middle of the night left her with a knowing. A knowing of what, she wasn’t quite sure.

  When she was ten, they moved once again. That was the worst place she had ever lived, or her least favorite anyway. She hated Venezuela. She hated the solitude and not having anyone there to play with. She was more out of place in that quaint little village than anywhere she had ever lived. Her white skin was like an eye sore. Julius had told her that she stuck out like a sore thumb. She never understood what that meant. What did a sore thumb have to do with the fact that her skin was lighter than the majority of the people around them? Thank God they only stayed there for maybe two months.

  Before they moved to Jamelia Lei, they were on Niihau Island. She loved it there too. That’s where she started learning to play the flute. She had wanted to do other things there; like go to school, be a cheerleader, sing in the Glee Club, and play soccer. Her father wouldn’t permit it.

  She didn’t think she would ever forgive her father for moving them again. She vowed that she would move back there when she turned 18. Now she didn’t want to leave Jamelia Lei. She loved the island. It was nothing like the normal mind could conceive. The water was crystal blue, the most magnificent site on earth. Now she was thinking of leaving there too.

  The only thing that she did hate, and would love to get away from, was being followed. She hated the fact that she wasn’t able to do anything with her friends without being followed by Valdez. Valdez was never far behind. The only good thing about it was Talin and Vennah were in the same boat. Their bodyguards tagged along behind them wherever they went also. She guessed that she shouldn’t complain.

  She never understood why she always had to have an escort, either. When she would ask her father or Julius why she couldn’t do things without Valdez following her with a gun, she always got the run around. Her father’s business left him with many enemies that could put her in harm’s way because of him. No one ever bothered her, no one ever seemed suspicious to her, and no one was ever caught following her around. She didn’t get it and she hated it. She wondered if she’d have to put up with that if she were to leave the island with Julius. Would her father move too? Would he be furious with them and throw them to the curb without any money?

  “Are you sleeping all day?” Julius asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  She smiled and rolled over. “I’m awake,” she said, holding the sheet over her breasts as she turned.

  He sat on the side of the bed and stared down at her. “You okay?” he asked.

  She knew he was asking about last night. “I’m confused and sore as hell,” she smiled.

  “I’m confused too. Do you want me to kiss it for you?”

  Aquilla laughed. “No, I’m good on that. What are you confused about?” she wanted to know.

  She let Julius slowly pull the sheet from her breasts He stared at her body with so much love and adoration, as he ran his fingers from her chest down her stomach. He looked up to her eyes and then back down.

  He wasn’t going to answer. He couldn’t answer. He was confused about a lot of things. How could he let this happen? Aquilla had slept nestled in his arms when she was a little girl. He used to bathe her for fuck’s sake. She kept her hands above her head as he soaked in her body with his hand. He had no intentions of coming in there to touch her. He was just planning on persuading her to eat something. His cock, on the other hand, had other plans in mind.

  She didn’t want to have sex. She didn’t like sex, but just like him, her pussy had a different perception of what should take place than her brain.

  “Spread your legs for me, Quill,” he whispered in a raspy tone.

  She obliged. It felt good when he moved the wetness up to her throbbing nub, but she felt the discomfort when he moved his finger inside of her. She squirmed a little, but loosened up when she realized that it didn’t hurt as much. It actually felt good.

  Julius was fighting with the whole dominance thing again. He wanted to dictate her, it was something he struggled to keep contained. He hadn’t ever been so turned on by controlling a girl before in his life, and he had controlled many, like he was now. He didn’t want her to feel like a chattel though. Julius wanted her to feel how much he loved her, and how much she really meant to him.

  “You have to tell me what you don’t like,” he said, looking into her bright blue eyes. She didn’t respond to him.

  “Answer me, Quill.”

  “Yes, I will,” she replied.

  “Yes, what?” Goddamnit, he was doing it again.

  “Yes, Julius.”

  “Can I taste you?” he asked, moving one lip over with his thumb. He needed to taste her.

  “Yes, Julius,” she replied, obediently. His cock grew another inch hearing her obey his commands. He should be ashamed of himself, but he wasn’t. He was more turned on than he ever dreamed he would be.

  Julius moved between her legs and slowly slid his tongue all the way from the back of her to her clit. Fuck, she tasted just how he had imagined her to taste. He lapped at her over and over with his tongue from the back to the front. She writhed beneath his mouth. It felt amazing, but he wouldn’t give her clitoris the needed attention to bring her to her desired bliss. She wanted to cum, no, she needed to cum.

  “Right here, Julius,” she beckoned, rubbing her swollen nub.

  Fuck. Shit. Fuck. He loved it when she told him what she wanted. He obliged, flicking his tongue over her pink little bud. Her eyes closed, her back arched, and her hips swerved to the rhythm of his tongue. She grabbed ahold of the headboard and let go, calling out in agonizing pleasure.

  Julius moved to her mouth and kissed her, forcing her to taste herself in his mouth. She moaned again. She tasted how she remembered Seri tasting. He came to his feet on the floor and franticly removed his clothes. He moved to the side of her face, pumping his cock close to her mouth. She watched with wide eyes, as he squeezed the head of his cock, ejecting the dab of clear pre-cum.

  He wanted her to do it on her own accord, however, she didn’t. She just stared at his enormous cock, inches from her face.

  “Stick your tongue out, Quill,” he coaxed.

  She did. He hissed as he guided her tongue up his slit, tasting his juices. She didn’t take him in like he had hoped. He should ask her if this was okay, he couldn’t though. He wanted to be in her fucking mouth. He didn’t ask, he pushed his head between her lips. Aquilla was a little surprised, but she didn’t protest and opened up her mouth for him. She didn’t suck him off, and he had to move in and out of her. Julius didn’t mind, it was hot as hell. He made her take as much of him that would fit. When her gag reflexes would kick in, he would pull out and then dive right back to her throat.

  Aquilla enjoyed it too. Her pussy had revived from the last orgasm and was ready to do it again. She wasn’t really sure what she was supposed to do. He seemed to be doing all the work, and she let him. Her eyes remained open and watched him hold his tight balls at the base of his shaft as he moved his hips in and out of her mouth.

  Julius could have fucked her mouth for twenty minutes, wanting to shoot a load in her mouth, massage it into her lips, and have her swallow him. That would happen at some point, just not yet. He moved out of her mouth and turned her onto the bed. Then he lifted her hips to his cock, positioning himself to fuck her slippery, wet pussy.

  As she clinched the sheets tight in her fists, he sensed her fear, “It isn’t going to feel like that again, Quill,
” he promised.

  She smiled an unsure smile up at him. “I need you to be closer to me,” she requested. Aquilla didn’t want him standing. She needed to feel his warm body on hers.

  “Move up,” he said, nodding towards her pillow.

  She slid up on her elbows and he slid up to her. Even though she was still tender from the night before, he was right, it didn’t hurt near as bad as it did the first time. This experience may have been less painful and felt better than the last, but it still didn’t feel that good, there was no way she was going to cum this time either.

  Julius was once again fighting his demons. Continuing to keep a slow steady pace was a struggle, he desperately wanted to fuck the hell out of her, pounding the hell out of her ass with his balls. Everything was going okay until he looked down. Once he saw his dick slide in and out of her, he picked up his stride, just a little, and then a little more. He tried to make it pleasurable for her, despite his increased pace, he moved his thumb to her clit and circled it with more pressure than he probably needed to. After only a few moments, she moaned, and that did it.

  With the next stroke he was thrashing the hell out of her. Fuck, she was so fucking tight. He moved his body away from hers and came to his knees. Julius had to, he couldn’t stand not watching his dick fill her pussy. She didn’t protest that time. He held her hips up and continued to violate her clitoris with his fingers while he continued to pump, forcefully in and out of her. Okay, maybe she would cum, after all.

  “Will you swallow me?” he asked. He’d never asked that before. He normally would just pull out and do it.

  “Yes, Julius.”

  “Fuck, Quill,” he whimpered. He went to town on her clitoris, needing her to cum so that he could. As soon as Aquilla called out, he pulled out and came to her mouth. He pumped himself quick and hard above her lips.

  “Open your mouth, baby,” he demanded. He could feel his shaft pulsate and the vein running along his length tighten. “Ah, fuck, baby,” he quietly said, looking down to his cum spewing around her mouth. She took his head in her mouth and sucked him dry. It didn’t taste bad at all; it was kind of sweet and salty, all in one.

  Aquilla and Julius both laughed when Hila slid a note under her door, reminding her of her art lesson. She knew Hila would never say anything, she was a servant, who was too afraid of losing her job.

  Aquilla could only imagine what she thought. Hila did walk in after a painful shrill, Julius’s hand over her mouth, and his body between her legs. She was sure to think the worst too.

  The art lesson that day went pretty well, much better than normal. Her instructor was even impressed. She still hated it, but at least her dramatic tree truly looked like a tree this time.


  Julius spent the night in her bed again that night. They made love and talked until the wee hours of the morning. He was spending more time than he should have been spending with her. His clients were scheduled to be there to pick up the three girls that evening, and he hadn’t spent the time with him that was expected.

  Aquilla was in bed early with a book that she had been neglecting, due to the attention Julius was demanding. It wasn’t like she minded the distraction, she loved it, and she loved him. Trying to read and remained focused was difficult, she kept thinking about her father arriving back home in less than three days. Aquilla missed him and couldn’t wait to see him, but she wasn’t happy about not being able to be with Julius. Sharing a bed together would still probably be fine, her father rarely came upstairs. His room was right below Hila’s on the first floor. However, on rare occasions he did come up in the mornings before she woke. If he was to find Julius naked in her bed, she was sure he would kill Julius.

  Aquilla got up and glanced at the clock on her smartphone, it was almost eleven. It was after ten, which meant she wasn’t allowed to wander downstairs again until morning. The girls usually entertained their new bosses by the pool their last night. She opened her door and walked down the steps to the glass doors, peeking through the side of the curtain.

  Julius looked bored. He was slouched down in his chair with one leg perched over the other. The girl that she had gotten acquainted with, Seri, sat on an older gentleman’s lap. Julius was studying the guy. He was a new client that his father had acquired, and Julius didn’t like it. He didn’t like it then, and he didn’t like it now. It was better if they stuck with what he knew or whom he knew. They didn’t know this guy. At this point, all he wanted from this guy was to take Seri and get the hell out of there.

  Seri didn’t look like she was having much fun either. Her arm was wrapped around the guy’s neck while she sat on his lap staring into space. Neither of them appeared to be watching the other two girls give their superiors blow jobs. Normally, Julius would have been sitting there with a hard on. This time he was limp, he just wanted to go wrap his arms around Aquilla.

  “You go upstairs,” Hila demanded in a loud whisper from behind her. Hila was fully aware of the rules that had been laid out for Aquilla, She knew that Aquilla wasn’t allowed downstairs after ten at night.

  With a deep sigh and an eye roll, Aquilla turned and walked in front of Hila like a five year old child, back to her room.

  By the time the three men had finally took their chattels and left, Aquilla was sound asleep. After taking a shower in his own room he went back to her room. The plan was to kiss her softly goodnight and sleep in his own bed, let her sleep without disturbing her. Once he was in her room the plan changed, he couldn’t do it. He crawled in to bed beside of her, and she incoherently rolled over and nestled into his chest. He welcomed her with a smile and a kiss to her forehead before drifting off to sleep.


  The next morning when she woke, Julius was already gone. He was in the office, another room she wasn’t allowed to go in. When he came to the table to meet her for breakfast she could tell something was amiss, by the worried look in his eyes.

  “Is there something going on, Julius?” she asked.

  “There is always something going on around here,” he smiled.

  “I’m being serious, you look worried.”

  “I’m not,” he assured her, wiping his mouth with the cloth napkin and getting up. “I have work to do. I will talk to you later,” he said, kissing her on the head. He didn’t want to spend the day worrying about his dad’s screw up. He had no chattels to train. What he wanted to do was spend his day with Aquilla. Instead he was trying to deflect a shipment that he had tried to tell his father was a bad idea in the first place. The barge was idle, not moving, waiting for instructions.

  Aquilla knew something was up when Valdez returned without her father. It didn’t matter, she would never know. They wouldn’t tell her anything that was going on. They never did. Was this one of those situations where they would pick up and move again in the middle of the night?

  Julius avoided her. He stayed stowed away in the office all day, he never came to her room that night, and he wasn’t at breakfast the next morning. Was he bored with her already? Did she not meet his standards the way the chattels did? She was sure she had done everything that he had asked. What was his problem?

  He knew she was probably feeling neglected, but going to her was not an option right now. There wasn’t any time for it right now, too much shit was happening that he had to take care of, like right fucking now. As much as he hated it, Aquilla would have to be postponed while he figured this shit out.

  Romano arrived home the following morning, or maybe even late in the night, Aquilla wasn’t sure. When he arrived, he locked himself in the office with Julius and Valdez. He didn’t even come to her room to check on her like he normally did after being on a trip.

  Not being with Julius was making her crazy and not being able to get out the stupid house was making it a hundred times worse. She couldn’t take it anymore. She needed something to do.

  After her family didn’t meet her for lunch, she went to the office and knocked against Hila’s wishes.

/>   Valdez opened the door. Julius was pointing to a map.

  “We’re not going through fucking Panama,” he yelled.

  “Julius!” his father scolded. Romano smiled at Aquilla. “Hi, princess,” he said, happy to see his daughter.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

  Romano hugged her, kissing the top of her head. “No, everything is fine,” he lied.

  “Can Valdez take me to Talin’s,” she asked.

  “No, sweetie, I want you inside for a couple of days.”

  “Why? I’m going crazy here, father. I need something to do,” she whined.

  “I’ll give you something to do,” Julius said with a smirk. She instantly shot him a dirty look. Fucking Idiot.

  “Bring me your laptop, and I’ll download you some new games,” her father offered.

  Yeah, because I am fucking three. “No, that’s okay, I’ll just go read by the pool or something.”

  “Please stay inside, Quill,” he begged.

  Why wouldn’t anyone tell her what the hell was going on? She took a deep breath and turned out of his arm. “Fine, I will just go read all alone in my room,” she pouted and left them.

  “Valdez, go tell the kitchen to make scallops with mango vinaigrette for supper, that should cheer her up,” Romano ordered. He hated the scallops with the too tart dressing, but Aquilla loved it.

  Aquilla spent the next four days alone. The one night that Julius did come to her late in the night, she pretended to be asleep. She was pissed that he had ignored her for five straight days. He could go beat off for all she cared. He had lightly closed the door and left her.

  Aquilla was surprised to see them both at the breakfast table, she wasn’t expecting to see her father there. Had she known he was going to be there she would have worn the appropriate attire. She came strolling in wearing a pale yellow sundress with a bright yellow sun placed between her breasts.