Read Playing the Millionaire Page 12

  “Kate, are you in there?” Gabriel asked.

  I opened my eyes and sighed. What was he doing home already?


  I heard the turning of the knob and the door opened. Gabriel stood there in his dark gray Armani suit, looking sexy as fuck.

  “Do you mind?” I asked as I raised my brow.

  “I don’t.” He smirked.

  “Why are you home already? Shouldn’t you be stressing out over something at the office?”

  “I need to pack for Hawaii. I brought home dinner for us. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Depends on what you brought,” I spoke with a slight attitude.

  “Korean BBQ.”

  “I’ve never had it.”

  “There’s a first time for everything. How much longer are you going to be? I don’t want the food to get cold.”

  “I basically just got in before you knocked on the door.”

  “You can take one later. Get out and get dressed. Dinner is waiting,” he spoke as he turned and walked away.

  I took in a sharp breath to try and stop the vulgar words from escaping my lips. Who the hell does he think he is, telling me what to do? Unfortunately, instead of telling him to fuck off, I did as he asked. Not for him, but for me.

  I went downstairs and found Gabriel sitting at the island already eating. Walking over to the fridge, I opened it and grabbed a bottle of water. Looking at the white containers of food that sat on the counter, I was unsure, even though it did smell amazing.

  “So, what do we have here?” I asked.

  “This container is pork belly. This one is duck, and this one is spicy beef short ribs.”

  Grabbing a plate from the counter, I opted for the spicy beef short ribs. I wasn’t a fan of duck and there was no way I was eating pork belly. The thought nauseated me.

  “Taking the safe route, eh?” Gabriel smirked.

  “Of course I am.”

  He seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday, which was good. The tension didn’t seem as thick.

  “What did you do today?” he asked.

  Shit. Why did he have to ask?

  “Not much,” I lied. “Had a macchiato and a blueberry muffin with Edmond.”

  “You and he seem to be getting along.”

  “I think he likes me now.” I smiled.

  “What else did you do? Did you get any packing done?”

  “Not yet. I was going to start after my bath.”

  Damn. These spicy beef short ribs were amazing.

  “This is why I can’t trust you,” he blurted out.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You lie every chance you get,” he spoke in an irritated tone as he stuffed his face with pork belly.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You went to visit your father at Rikers Island today. Didn’t you?”

  Dead silence filled the air. I was going to kill Edmond.

  “Yes, I did.” I gulped.

  “Why didn’t you say so?”

  “How did you know? Did Edmond tell you? Because I specifically asked him not to.”

  He got up from his stool and took his plate over to the sink.

  “First of all, you are never to tell my employees to lie to me. EVER! Do you understand me? I have a tracker on the car. I monitor your activities all day long. I know exactly where you go.”

  I dropped my fork on my plate.

  “Wow. Stalker much?”

  “I wouldn’t have to do it if you just told the truth all the time. Why didn’t you want me to know you went to see him?”

  “I don’t know.” I lowered my head.

  “Damn it, Kate!” His fists slammed down on the counter. “Tell me why you wanted to hide it from me?”

  “Whoa,” Caleb spoke as he walked into the kitchen. “What’s going on here?”

  “Caleb, what are you doing here?” Gabriel asked in a calm tone.

  “I just came to see you before you left for Hawaii tomorrow and to tell you that Sony Records offered us a solid contract!” He spoke with excitement.

  “That’s great. Congratulations.” He smiled as he walked over and gave his brother a hug.


  “Congrats, Caleb. You guys deserve it.”

  He placed his hand on my shoulder. “Thanks, Kate. If this is a bad time—”

  “No. Are you hungry?” Gabriel asked him.

  “Nah. I just ate.”

  “Then come into the living room and we’ll have a celebratory drink. Kate, you may join us when you’re finished eating.”

  “I’m not very hungry. I think I’ll just go up to my room and start packing.” I got up from my stool and headed up the stairs without saying another word.



  “Mind telling me what all that was about?” Caleb spoke as we went into the living room.

  Stepping behind the bar, I grabbed two glasses and the bottle of bourbon.

  “She lied to me. She went to see her father today and tried to deny it.”


  “I don’t know,” I replied as I handed him his drink.

  “You normally aren’t like this, bro. What’s really going on?”

  “Nothing. I just want to know where she is and what she’s doing at all times when she leaves this house.”

  “I never figured you to have stalker tendencies.” He smirked.

  “Now you sound like her.” I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re in way too deep with her. Come on, Gabriel, this is me you’re talking to.”

  “She just makes me so angry. More so now than before. I don’t know.” I shook my head.

  “I’ll tell you why.” He took a sip of drink. “It’s because you’ve fallen for her and you want her to be flawless. But that’s not possible, bro. Everyone is flawed in one way or another. Yeah, she’s a con artist, but that’s a front, a façade. You need to look past that and deep into her heart and soul to truly find the person she’s hiding.”

  I sat across from him with a puzzled look on my face.


  “She’s still playing all her roles; every person she ever invented. I believe she’s scared shitless to show her true self.”

  “Why would she be afraid?” I asked.

  “Stop and think about it for a minute. From the time she was a little girl, no one ever knew her by her real name. At least that’s what I’m assuming if her father was out conning people. When she met others, she had to become someone else, not Kate Harper. She never had the chance to be herself, bro, and I’m not sure she knows how. Or if she does, she’s so afraid she won’t be accepted.”

  I sighed as I brought my ankle to my knee and took a sip of my drink.

  “Maybe you’re right. I don’t know.”

  “There was something about her that captivated you when you first saw her. And even though she was disguised as someone else that night of the gala, you knew it was her. And why?” he asked.

  “Her smile.”

  “Exactly, bro. That smile belongs to Kate Harper and always has, no matter how many different people she became. You already saw a real piece of her and that’s what drew you to her in the first place. Give her a break and let the rest of the real Kate Harper emerge. She will, trust me.” He grinned.

  “Are you sure your passion is with music?” I cocked my head.

  “Yeah. I’m sure.” He smirked. “You know I’ve always had this little gift of seeing through people. Anyway, thanks for the drink. I better get going. Me and the band are heading to L.A. in a few days to record. I’m so stoked.”

  We both stood up and I gave my brother a tight hug.

  “I’m really happy for you, Caleb. Just don’t forget about me when you’re this huge off-the-charts rock star.”

  “Nah, bro. You’re my fam and the most important person in my life. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Now get out of here.” I patted his back.

  Chapter Twenty


  As I was packing, there was a light knock on my door.

  “Come in,” I softly spoke.

  “I see you’re packing,” Gabriel said as he walked into the room.


  I turned to the closet and grabbed a couple of sundresses I purchased for the trip.

  “By the way, how long are we going to be in Hawaii?” I asked.

  “A few days. Why?”

  “Just wondering how much I should pack.”

  “Listen, Kate. I want to apologize for earlier.”

  “Apology accepted,” I spoke as I neatly folded the sundresses and put them in my suitcase. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to finish packing before I come down to your room.”

  “About that. I think it would be best to take tonight off. I’ve had a long day and so have you and we both need our rest before our four a.m. flight.”

  “Four a.m.?” I cocked my head. “What time are we leaving the house?”

  “Carl will be waiting outside for us at three.”

  “That doesn’t give us enough time to get to the airport, check our bags, and go through security,” I spoke.

  “We aren’t flying commercial. I’ve rented a private jet. Once we arrive in Hawaii around three o’clock, we have a couple of hours until we need to be down at the restaurant for a special grand opening dinner, so pack something formal.”

  “Why are you just telling me this now?” I glared at him. “I don’t have anything formal here. All my dresses are back at my apartment.”

  He sighed. “I’ll make a few calls and have some dresses waiting in the hotel suite when we arrive. What size are you?”


  “And shoe size?”


  He got up from the bed.

  “Get some rest and I’ll see you in a few hours,” he spoke as he walked out the door, pulling it shut behind him.

  My alarm woke me from a sound sleep at two thirty a.m. This was not normal, getting up this early for a flight. I dragged my tired body out of bed, threw my hair up in a messy bun, pulled on a pair of black leggings, a white cami, and a long black cardigan. After slipping my feet into my black flats, I grabbed my suitcase and took it to the elevator. When I reached the foyer, Gabriel was already there, waiting.

  “Good morning,” he spoke.

  “It’s the middle of the night and there’s nothing good about waking up at this time,” I snarled.

  “You’ll be fine.” He handed me a silver travel mug. “I made you some coffee.”


  The door opened and both Carl and Edmond stepped inside.

  “Edmond? You’re going with us?”

  “Yes.” He smiled.

  I glanced over at Gabriel.

  “Did you really think I would let you on your own in Hawaii?” he asked with a raised brow. “I can’t be with you at all times.”

  “That’s fine.” I walked over to Edmond and hooked my arm in his. “I like his company better anyway. Carl, grab my suitcase, please.”

  We climbed into the limo and Gabriel sat across from me with an irritated look on his face. I didn’t care. Even though I told him I accepted his apology, I didn’t. I was done trying to make him trust me. It wasn’t worth it anymore. If he wanted to have an attitude with me, yell, and be mean, fine. I prayed to God to give me the strength to get through these next weeks and keep what little bit of sanity I had left.



  She sat in the window seat, staring out into the clouds. Her eyes looked tired and she still wouldn’t say a word to me. I closed my laptop, got up from the couch, and took the seat next to her. With a slight turn of her head, she glared at me.

  “Can I help you?” she asked with a cocky but tired attitude.

  “I thought maybe we could talk.”

  “I’m too tired to carry on a conversation.” She laid her head against the window.

  I held out my hand to her.

  “Come with me.”


  “There’s a bedroom on this plane with a comfortable bed for you to sleep in.”

  “Where?” She sat up and looked around.

  “In the back. Come on.”

  Her beautiful blue eyes stared into mine before she accepted my extended hand. I led her to the small but luxurious bedroom. She immediately kicked off her shoes and climbed on top of the bed, laying her head down on the pillow.

  “This is nice.” She smiled as she closed her eyes.

  I stretched out on the bed next to her and rested my back against the headboard, placing my hands behind my head.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with one eye open.

  “This is quite comfortable. I think I’ll rest my eyes for a bit. Is that a problem?”

  “Do you snore?” she asked.

  “No. Do you?”


  “Good. Go to sleep.” My lips gave way to a small smile.

  I kept my eyes closed for a few moments and then opened them as I stared at her beautiful slightly parted lips and the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. Maybe Caleb was right. She was hiding herself, not only from the world, but from me.

  I was jolted out of a sound sleep. My eyes flew open to find Kate lying on her side, facing me and pinching my nose.

  “What the hell, Kate?”

  “You were snoring. You told me you didn’t snore.” She smirked.

  “I don’t,” I spoke as I sat up.

  “You do.” The smirk never left her face.

  I sighed as I rested my head back on the headboard.

  “How long have we been asleep?” I asked.

  “A couple of hours.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. How about I order us some lunch?”

  I picked up the phone on the small round table next to the bed and told Darcy, the flight attendant, to bring in lunch.

  “Also bring in a bottle of wine and two glasses,” I spoke.

  “Coming right up, Mr. Quinn.”

  “We’re eating in here?” she asked as she arched her brow.

  “Yes. It’s comfy. Plus, it’s more private, so we can talk.”

  “Talk about what?” She sat up and crossed her legs.

  “I know you didn’t accept my apology last night. You’re still mad.”

  “You’re right.” She looked down as she played with her hands. “Why is it so important to you to know about my visit to my father?”

  “Maybe because I’m just trying to get to know you better. All I want is to know you, Kate. The real you. Not Hannah who stole my watch, and not all the other people you were with other men.”

  Our moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Come in.” I sighed.

  “Your lunch, sir,” Darcy spoke as she wheeled in a silver cart with two plates, a bottle of wine, and two glasses.

  “Thank you.”

  After pouring the wine, I handed Kate her glass along with her plate. The two of us stretched out on the bed with our backs against the headboard and I continued our conversation.

  “I just want to know you.”

  A whisper of a laugh escaped her. “I’ve lived a lie my entire life, and once we moved to Chicago, I thought the lie had ended and I could be Kate Harper for the first time. Then, my father went to prison and the vicious cycle started all over again. I had the opportunity once to tell someone my real name. Carla was our neighbor next door to the house we rented. She was a sweet old woman in her eighties. You’d never know she was that old. She had the spunk of a girl in her twenties. When she introduced herself, my name was on the tip of my tongue. I was going to tell her and then I’d be set free. Free from the pretending that I had done for so long, and that someone in this big world would finally know who I was. But, there was this little voice inside my head that told me not to do it because anything could have and probably would have happened. I didn’t completel
y trust myself or my situation to tell her at that moment that my name was Kate Harper. So, I introduced myself as Katerina Voight. Katie for short. It was close enough to my first name so it didn’t feel so bad.”

  “I’m sorry you had to live like that, Kate.”

  She reached over to the table that sat on her side and picked up her wine glass.

  “It wasn’t all bad.”

  “Why did you finally decide to tell me?” I asked.

  “Because it felt right and I want to gain your trust. Plus, you had kidnapped me and already knew all my aliases, so what was the point of not telling you?”

  I let out a long sigh. “I didn’t kidnap you. How many times do I have to tell you that? You voluntarily came home with me.”

  A small smile crossed her lips.

  “Then you locked me in a bedroom and secured the house so I couldn’t leave. I would classify that as kidnapping. Not to mention the fact that you handcuffed me when we left the house and you gave me a cell phone where your number was the only one I could dial.”

  “Okay.” I held up my hand. When you say it like that—”

  “I’m glad you finally realize what you’ve done.” She smirked.

  “It hasn’t been that bad, has it?” I asked.

  “Not so much. To be honest, it’s the most normal I’ve felt in my entire life.”

  “Really?” I cocked my head and our eyes met. “Why?”

  “Because I no longer had to pretend to be someone I wasn’t.” She looked down at her plate.

  I reached over and softly stroked her cheek with the back of my hand.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I opened my soul to him at that very moment and he didn’t judge me. For the first time in my life, I felt normal. I brought my hand up to my cheek and placed it on his as I closed my eyes. The warmth of his touch radiated throughout my body and made me tremble. He took our plates and set them back on the cart. Turning to me, he cupped my chin in his hand and softly brushed his lips against mine. Our kiss soon turned passionate as I lay down and he hovered over me. We made love; slow, sensual, and in various positions before he exploded inside me. The gentle touch of his hands on my body sent chills down my spine. His touch felt possessive and made me feel safe and secure. A feeling I wanted to feel for the rest of my life.